Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to post, just bear in mind there's a 2-3 year gap between some of the textures, so expect an overhaul of the older textures should this gain any popularity.
Seeing how my pet project is done now, I don't have anything to tinker with in the background - As such, I'm open to mod support suggestions. Back in the day it had partial Tekkit support, but that's loooong outdated now.
1.0 - Vanilla
1.1 - Added mod support for EE3 and Thermal Foundation
1.2 - Added support for Twilight Forest, fixed/changed some textures.
About 80% through Twilight Forest. Working on mobs right now - I'm not a big fan of texturing those complex, multi-part mobs because my theme was based around blocky vanilla mobs... But it's coming around rather well. I can already see that the Hydra will take a lot of time to finish because of how ridiculously large the texture sheet is, so I might release an earlier version with most things finished and then add the Hydra once I'm done.
As usual, C&C and suggestions for what else to do are welcome.
This pack started as a challenge posted some 3 years ago, but I found it so much fun that I continued to work on it.
Problem is, because of the... unusual resolution, it refused to work properly without technical difficulties.
Now, with the new format, it works properly, which encouraged me to finish it up and release it!
I can't imagine it becoming very popular, but I want to release it out into the world.
The pack features:
Credits to Misa for the Colormaps.
Thanks to Alvoria for making this happen again.
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Thoughts? Comments? Feel free to post, just bear in mind there's a 2-3 year gap between some of the textures, so expect an overhaul of the older textures should this gain any popularity.
Seeing how my pet project is done now, I don't have anything to tinker with in the background - As such, I'm open to mod support suggestions. Back in the day it had partial Tekkit support, but that's loooong outdated now.
1.0 - Vanilla
1.1 - Added mod support for EE3 and Thermal Foundation
1.2 - Added support for Twilight Forest, fixed/changed some textures.
1.3 - Proper Portal texture, fixed Aurora blocks, Mystcraft support, Agricraft support, Thermal Expansion support
1.4 - Upcoming
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Added support for:
-Equivalent Exchange 3
-Thermal Foundation
Currently working on:
-Twilight Forest
-Thermal Expansion
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Preview of Twilight Forest.
Unfortunately, progress will be slower than I'd like because of commissions and the game constantly running out of memory.
I literally cannot even load the world anymore.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Dude this looks very cool keep working on it
Very cool !
About 80% through Twilight Forest. Working on mobs right now - I'm not a big fan of texturing those complex, multi-part mobs because my theme was based around blocky vanilla mobs... But it's coming around rather well. I can already see that the Hydra will take a lot of time to finish because of how ridiculously large the texture sheet is, so I might release an earlier version with most things finished and then add the Hydra once I'm done.
As usual, C&C and suggestions for what else to do are welcome.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Dude, texture pack awesomeness! Continue with this, i support!
Version 1.2 is now out! Added full support for Twilight Forest, now onto Thermal Expansion and Agricraft. CurseForge file may take a moment to update.
Later down the line:
Note - I will not be adding support for GregTech.
Btw, I would really appreciate some scenic screenshots, especially of Twilight Forest.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Why? What`s worng with gregtech? I mean i never played it but... Why not?
Gregtech has alot of items and block is why he's not going to texture it.
Oh, i didn`t know. I just looked it up now.
Wrong on both accounts - I don't want to support that mod in any shape or capacity.
And I'm not a 'he'.
In other news... Finished Mystcraft support, moving on to Agricraft.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Update done!
-Proper Portal texture
-Fixed Aurora blocks and some other things
-Added Mystcraft support.
-Added Agricraft support
-Added Thermal Expansion support
-Added NEI textures
What should I work on next?
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Yay! Updates! I love updates! Time to test it out!
Added some screenshots to the main post. I'm on bit of a hiatus right now until I can figure out what other mods to do.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.