Hello I love your texture packs I am currently playing Minecraft 1.10.2 and I have optfine. I noticed if I use this pack and optfine you can not see out of normal glass block or normal glass pane. Is there a fix for this some where?
Hello I love your texture packs I am currently playing Minecraft 1.10.2 and I have optfine. I noticed if I use this pack and optfine you can not see out of normal glass block or normal glass pane. Is there a fix for this some where?
There's a readme in the zipped texture pack that explains how to fix this.
Updated to 1.10
Updated to 1.11
Hello I love your texture packs I am currently playing Minecraft 1.10.2 and I have optfine. I noticed if I use this pack and optfine you can not see out of normal glass block or normal glass pane. Is there a fix for this some where?
There's a readme in the zipped texture pack that explains how to fix this.
thank you
Updated to 1.12.
Updated the GUI.
I've updated this pack to be compatible with 1.13 using default Wolfhound textures. I'll update it further when I get back from vacation.
Unique textures done! Last pack. Now to prep for the next version of Minecraft...
what about seasons
Oh yeah. Seasons.
I should at least do the trapdoors for them... thanks for the reminder.
Updated with unique textures for 1.14.
I hope you all like fiery hellscapes as much as I do!
Updated for 1.16
Bein' normal for suckers.
Updated to the latest version.
Updated to 1.19! I refuse to apologize for the warden.
Updated blocks to 1.20 and filled in the rest of the textures with default Wolfhound. The rest are coming, I just wanted to get this playable again.
Updating the rest of the textures, including trim.