The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Any chance you can make the font easier to read? Also is it possible to make your inventory screens easier to see? String gets lost on the chests or inventory screens.
Also the Enchanting Table is the Old Design and doesn't have 2 spots 1 for the Item and 1 for the Lapis Luzuli!
Any chance you can make the font easier to read? Also is it possible to make your inventory screens easier to see? String gets lost on the chests or inventory screens.
Also the Enchanting Table is the Old Design and doesn't have 2 spots 1 for the Item and 1 for the Lapis Luzuli!
Awesome pack though nonetheless!
The font is a medieval script, so it's not going to be easy to read. However, you can grab the font file from my other packs and replace this one with it, as the other packs use a modern hand instead of the uncial one this pack uses.
I hope to be updating this pack soon with new items. The paintings will be mostly done as well, I still need a handful more but it's going to take a while, as I'm again using my own watercolor paintings for this.
Still need an Enderman for this pack?
I found something...
The Fetch
In English folklore of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, an evil demon who roamed about by day and night. Only evil during darkness, anyone who saw it by night was certain to die. Later, in the eighteenth century, the word came to an apparition of a living creature.
So, if you see die...maybe becauseit attacks those who look at it?
It'd be a fun take for Endermen maybe...but it's description is very vague.
Those are lovely screenshots. I'm jealous of your building skills, but I'm jealous of most people...
Anyway. Items are updated! Woohoo!
Heh, don't be too jealous now ^^ The first seven were my builds, the village produced by hand as well as the 'lighthouse' structure, but from then onwards was taken from inside two different dungeons spawned from the Rougelike Dungeons pack - and I have to say your resource pack made them both absolutely beautiful. The Mage's Tower one was especially gorgeous inside - the stained clay floors and the stained glass in the halls? Just gorgeous.
I'm definitely not a great builder, still learning but everything I make is still so simple looking - especially if I'm in a rush and I usually am
Still need an Enderman for this pack?
I found something...
The Fetch
In English folklore of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, an evil demon who roamed about by day and night. Only evil during darkness, anyone who saw it by night was certain to die. Later, in the eighteenth century, the word came to an apparition of a living creature.
So, if you see die...maybe becauseit attacks those who look at it?
It'd be a fun take for Endermen maybe...but it's description is very vague.
NEAT. I may have to use the fetch somewhere. For armor, I'm planning on doing the leather as an English longbowman from the battle of Agincourt and the iron will be a French noble from the same battle because hilarity. Gold will be something royal and diamond will likely be royal dress armor because it is incredibly fancy.
Heh, don't be too jealous now ^^ The first seven were my builds, the village produced by hand as well as the 'lighthouse' structure, but from then onwards was taken from inside two different dungeons spawned from the Rougelike Dungeons pack - and I have to say your resource pack made them both absolutely beautiful. The Mage's Tower one was especially gorgeous inside - the stained clay floors and the stained glass in the halls? Just gorgeous.
I'm definitely not a great builder, still learning but everything I make is still so simple looking - especially if I'm in a rush and I usually am
I have my brother do the fine decorating. He's much better at that than me, though I like to think I'm better at overall architecture.
Btw thistle, bit of a small question, but think you could make a new customizer for the 1.6 version of the pack? cos the link it used to be at (, if I remember right) ended up begin changed to some bluehost thing... I miss the ability to chop and change the textures of the various variants to create a unique look to my own copy of the pack; a bit of asian, a little fantasy, a pinch of medieval, etc Most resource packs don't even have a customizer so you have to download every single one of the variants to build your own :/ But if the customizer is made again, then all the people who used to enjoy the minutes, or sometimes hours, poring over the textures and picking the right ones (like I did) will once again be able to make their own take on your INCREDIBLE pack again <3
Btw thistle, bit of a small question, but think you could make a new customizer for the 1.6 version of the pack? cos the link it used to be at (, if I remember right) ended up begin changed to some bluehost thing... I miss the ability to chop and change the textures of the various variants to create a unique look to my own copy of the pack; a bit of asian, a little fantasy, a pinch of medieval, etc Most resource packs don't even have a customizer so you have to download every single one of the variants to build your own :/ But if the customizer is made again, then all the people who used to enjoy the minutes, or sometimes hours, poring over the textures and picking the right ones (like I did) will once again be able to make their own take on your INCREDIBLE pack again <3
So first off, a couple reasons why I took the customizer down in the first place. It was difficult to maintain, as my code wasn't the greatest, as it was my first attempt at using those tools. Secondly, I've had that host for a LONG time and it just wasn't worth the money I was paying for it anymore, so I let my subscription expire.
The good news is I've recently started a new job. The new job is INCREDIBLY HARD, but the upshot of me losing sleep over being so stressed and freaked out at the learning curve is that in the past couple months I've learned more about all things http than I've ever learned in my entire life. At this point, I think I could turn out a better customizer. May not be the best customizer, but it'd be a lot easier to maintain than the last one and I could refactor it from there. That will take time though, as my super insane job that I actually do love is murdering my free time, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm pretty sure the light isn't actually an incoming train. I'll also need to find a new server host and it's got to be one that can support Ruby straight out of the box, because I refuse to go to any other language because I love Ruby. And that's what I'm working on at my job.
tl;dr: I want to build everyone a better customizer, but it's going to take some time.
So, I didn't know this pack or your Asian one update... until now... 'Cause I'm stoopid. :v
So...I'm freaking out about the armor, your new armor here is amazing!!!
The paintings I hadn't seen until now. Those really have a lot of quality to them!
All the end related blocks textures I actually really like!
It kinda reminds me of castle oblivion now...if you know what that is.
As for the whole "Texture revamping" thing.
All the textures seem fine, I actually really like them, but the ores textures are really similar in shape, maybe having a few spiffy things could be cool?
Also, the lingering potions have no color. :c
All in all, I love all the new textures!
Awesome update!
Also the Enchanting Table is the Old Design and doesn't have 2 spots 1 for the Item and 1 for the Lapis Luzuli!
Awesome pack though nonetheless!
The font is a medieval script, so it's not going to be easy to read. However, you can grab the font file from my other packs and replace this one with it, as the other packs use a modern hand instead of the uncial one this pack uses.
I hope to be updating this pack soon with new items. The paintings will be mostly done as well, I still need a handful more but it's going to take a while, as I'm again using my own watercolor paintings for this.
Downloaded -
will give it a try later <3Took it for a run in my fairly normal'ish world, the details are pretty nice - especially on decorative blocks, wood, and stone
Those are lovely screenshots. I'm jealous of your building skills, but I'm jealous of most people...
Anyway. Items are updated! Woohoo!
Still need an Enderman for this pack?
I found something...
The Fetch
In English folklore of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, an evil demon who roamed about by day and night. Only evil during darkness, anyone who saw it by night was certain to die. Later, in the eighteenth century, the word came to an apparition of a living creature.
So, if you see die...maybe becauseit attacks those who look at it?
It'd be a fun take for Endermen maybe...but it's description is very vague.
Oh, also for armor and stuff, you could go with Crusader armor like this.
Friendship is magic!
Heh, don't be too jealous now ^^ The first seven were my builds, the village produced by hand as well as the 'lighthouse' structure, but from then onwards was taken from inside two different dungeons spawned from the Rougelike Dungeons pack - and I have to say your resource pack made them both absolutely beautiful. The Mage's Tower one was especially gorgeous inside - the stained clay floors and the stained glass in the halls? Just gorgeous.
I'm definitely not a great builder, still learning but everything I make is still so simple looking - especially if I'm in a rush and I usually am
NEAT. I may have to use the fetch somewhere. For armor, I'm planning on doing the leather as an English longbowman from the battle of Agincourt and the iron will be a French noble from the same battle because hilarity. Gold will be something royal and diamond will likely be royal dress armor because it is incredibly fancy.
I have my brother do the fine decorating. He's much better at that than me, though I like to think I'm better at overall architecture.
Paintings are all done. For now. I'll probably swap a few out once I get better scans and get done with the current scroll I'm working on.
Working on armor tonight.'re gonna like it. Trust me. I've recently been looking through ceremonial armor.
I absolutely love all the thought that went into this!! All the little details just make it that much more awesome.
Btw thistle, bit of a small question, but think you could make a new customizer for the 1.6 version of the pack? cos the link it used to be at (, if I remember right) ended up begin changed to some bluehost thing... I miss the ability to chop and change the textures of the various variants to create a unique look to my own copy of the pack; a bit of asian, a little fantasy, a pinch of medieval, etc
Most resource packs don't even have a customizer so you have to download every single one of the variants to build your own :/ But if the customizer is made again, then all the people who used to enjoy the minutes, or sometimes hours, poring over the textures and picking the right ones (like I did) will once again be able to make their own take on your INCREDIBLE pack again <3
Twylite Fang
So first off, a couple reasons why I took the customizer down in the first place. It was difficult to maintain, as my code wasn't the greatest, as it was my first attempt at using those tools. Secondly, I've had that host for a LONG time and it just wasn't worth the money I was paying for it anymore, so I let my subscription expire.
The good news is I've recently started a new job. The new job is INCREDIBLY HARD, but the upshot of me losing sleep over being so stressed and freaked out at the learning curve is that in the past couple months I've learned more about all things http than I've ever learned in my entire life. At this point, I think I could turn out a better customizer. May not be the best customizer, but it'd be a lot easier to maintain than the last one and I could refactor it from there. That will take time though, as my super insane job that I actually do love is murdering my free time, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm pretty sure the light isn't actually an incoming train. I'll also need to find a new server host and it's got to be one that can support Ruby straight out of the box, because I refuse to go to any other language because I love Ruby. And that's what I'm working on at my job.
tl;dr: I want to build everyone a better customizer, but it's going to take some time.
Armor updated! It's pretty neato, I think.
It does't seem any different for me...
Just the classic Wolfhound armor.
Did you upload the wrong file? Or did I derp?
Friendship is magic!
What's a hellmouth?
Check it out.
This one is pretty cool too.
This one has the pale rider coming out of the hellmouth.
The demons in this one are crazy.
Soooooooooooooo the shulker is officially a hellmouth now and this might be the most disturbing texture I've ever made.
So, I didn't know this pack or your Asian one update... until now... 'Cause I'm stoopid. :v
So...I'm freaking out about the armor, your new armor here is amazing!!!
The paintings I hadn't seen until now. Those really have a lot of quality to them!
All the end related blocks textures I actually really like!
It kinda reminds me of castle oblivion now...if you know what that is.
As for the whole "Texture revamping" thing.
All the textures seem fine, I actually really like them, but the ores textures are really similar in shape, maybe having a few spiffy things could be cool?
Also, the lingering potions have no color. :c
All in all, I love all the new textures!
Awesome update!
Friendship is magic!
Hi! This says 1.9 but I don't see a 1.9 download. Am I doing something wrong?