Hi everyone! I'm ikezou.Thanks for accessing this page.
"Halcyon Days" is my original resource pack and none of them are recast or diverts of existing texture.
However, Johnsmith texture, which I truly admire, has influenced me a lot in my designs.
This textures can be applied to various MODs, including Connected Textures MOD (CTM), Custom Colors, Custom Animations and Better Skies! ( *Please use the latest version MCPatcher HD Fix or Optifine. )
* The screenshot above is my world but as some of them are still underwork,
I am not distributing them yet.
If you'd like to re-use my texture in your original package,
please confirm and abide by the licence regulations.
As I'm not so fluent in English, I might be very slow / sometimes have difficulty in
responding to your comments - my sincere apologies in advance.
If any of you could me so kind enough to support my work,
please donate from here. ↓
Thank you so much and I truly hope you enjoy my texture design!
Additional note (Aug 13, 2013):
Many thanks to those of you who have been applying my textures.
I am honored to receive so many feedback and responses and it is
my pleasure if you enjoyed it in some ways.My sincere apologies for
those who gave me comments but not have heard back from me.
In fact, I read and fully understand English, but as I have difficulty structuring the sentence,
it takes awful long time for me to reply even if I look up my dictionary.
(My friend is writing this whole paragraph for me on behalf of myself)
So please forgive me if you don't hear back from me.
I am attentively reading ALL of your comments and hearing your voices to reflect in my future works.
If you can write Japanese by any chance, please post your questions to the Japanese forum and I promise I will respond to you.
For this reason, and as I'm afraid I have not got enough time,
I have to decline private texture production requests some of you have been sending to me.
※As long as you specify my credits, please feel free to share my textures as
At first, I was not planning to create MOB or item textures, but thanks to many of your
feedback and support, I have decided to work on them in my spare time.
I am going to work on it at an easy pace, so please stay tuned.
This is very surprising to see from a newly spawned. This pack might just become a hot topic within a week. I love the amazing clouds in the distance with Better Skies. I'm thinking of using it to create a mountain range instead of clouds, and I'll look how you made it for aid.
Good job!
The overall feel is brilliant and most of the textures are very well done.
Personally, I think the the dirt is a little too light and low contrast and the wood is a bit too smooth adn could use some extra shading.
The processed stone textures all look extremely good, as well as the sandstone.
Exited to see what you do with the rest of the pack
This is a great pack! I really like the look of it and with the better skies mod and such it is just plain beautiful. Is it OK of I use it for an adventure map and just link back anyone crazy enough to play my map to download it here? If not that's cool Keep up the good work!
This is a great pack! I really like the look of it and with the better skies mod and such it is just plain beautiful. Is it OK of I use it for an adventure map and just link back anyone crazy enough to play my map to download it here? If not that's cool Keep up the good work!
Of course! I would be happy if you could introduce this topics URL at other pages thanks.
Are you planning on doing mobs? Love this texture pack but I don't really like vanilla mobs. I am mediocre at making them in 16x so if you are not I will implement my own. Also can I use this for my server? It isn't running yet but when I finish, this will be perfect.
EDIT: Is this still a work in progress? I noticed that no entities have been edited, and no Items either. If it isn't would you mind if I merge this with Doku? They should blend together nicely and add an incredible Medieval look to my server. If not can you please add item, mob and armour textures.
My favorite pack so far but something is wrong with it.
I downloaded it, started a new world with your pack activated. I noticed that my fps was around 25 all the time. I had to turn down the Render Distance down to Normal from Far+64 (Optifine) to get 60 fps (limited at 60). I continued to play and later I switched to Dokucraft to see how my house looks in Dokucraft (also 32x), set the Render Distance back to Far+64 to see the area around my house and I got my 60 fps back. Then I switched to Flows HD (128x) and still got 60 fps. Then back to Halycon Days and again ~25 fps.
I am once again surprised with the sheer lack of comments on texture packs of this caliber on these forums; though I am glad to see that you have gathered a substantial amount of views on Planet Minecraft.
For someone with a mere 3 posts here, this is an awesome texture pack. So awesome. The best part is that from the screenshots, it looks to be more than a 32x. I thought it was a 128x at first, to be honest. Great job!
Just found your pack the other day and really like it so far, can't wait to see the future textures. Once this one is done do you think you will make a higher res version?
Hi, I really like this pack, and Ive been using it alot lately, but I have one small problem that I wonder if you can help me fix. Since the target reticule is so small, I sometimes have a hard time with being able to tell exactly what my target is on, and I wanted to edit the pack and change it to something that was easier to see, but I cant seem to find it. Could you please tell me what folder it is in and what its called? Id really appreciate it! Thanks
[32x32] Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.6 / 1.7
Hi everyone! I'm ikezou.Thanks for accessing this page.
"Halcyon Days" is my original resource pack and none of them are recast or diverts of existing texture.
However, Johnsmith texture, which I truly admire, has influenced me a lot in my designs.
This textures can be applied to various MODs, including Connected Textures MOD (CTM), Custom Colors, Custom Animations and Better Skies!
( *Please use the latest version MCPatcher HD Fix or Optifine. )
* The screenshot above is my world but as some of them are still underwork,
I am not distributing them yet.
2/23/13 v1.2 Update!
+Polished Granite
+Polished Diorite
+Polished Andesite
+Slime Block
+spruce leaves
+double tallgrass
+Cobblestone Wall metadata block (139:2-4)
+Stone Brick metadata block (98:13-15)
+fixed sunset color
+fixed Double Wooden Slab (oak,birch)
Update 1.1
+New Beacon
+Fixed Double Brick Slab CTM
+Fixed Double Stone Brick Slab CTM
+add Trapdoor CTM
+add Cobblestone Wall metadata block (139:5)
+add Cobweb metadata block (30:1-5)
Update 1.0.9
+New Wood log (top)
+New Glowstone
+New Cauldron
+New Double Wooden slub (jungle)
+New Wooden pressure plate
+New Iron block
+New Carpet (Brown,Magenta)
+New Bookshelf (top)
+New Cobblestone (top)
+add item textures (Gold tools, book~)
+add Cobblestone wall CTM
+add Cobblestone wall Metadata CTM(Block ID 139:6~15)
and more...
Update 1.0.8
+Acacia Wood
+Dark Oak Wood
+Blue Orchid
+Azure Bluet
+Oxeye Daisy
+New Birch planks
+New Redstone block
+New Emerald block
+New Fern
+New Colormap
and more...
Update 1.0.7
+ Gravel
+ Clay
+ Cake
+ Podzol
+ Packed Ice
+ red sand
+ dirt(metadata 1)
+ sunflower
+ rosebush
+ tallgrass
+ colored glass
+ stone (fixed)(1.6.x)
_Add item texture
wood tools
stone tools
brewing stand
door(wood & iron)(fixed)
Update 1.0.6
-New Better Skies Texture!
-New Dirt CTM
-New Grass (side) CTM
-New log(spruce) CTM
-Fixed color.properties
-Add item texture
Update 1.0.5
-Fixed lightmap
-Fixed colors
-Fixed Textures(Irondoor, woodplanks, fire, torch, and more...)
-Add Carpet CTM (red,blue,purple,green)
-New Stone Texture & CTM
-New Ore Texture & CTM
-New Wool Texture & CTM
-Add item texture
Diamond tools
v 1.0.4
-Fixed lightmap
-Fixed colors
-Add Glass CTM
-Add Iron Fence CTM
-New Quartz (lines) CTM
-New Quartz (Chiseled) CTM
-New HardenedClay White/Light Gray CTM (For 1.7 Disco Mountains Update)
-Add item texture
Iron Tools
Music Disk
_Fixed colors
_New Brick & CTM
_Add Double Brick Slab CTM
_Add Double Stone Brick Slab CTM
_Add item texture
_Fixed colors(dirt,sandstone,etc...)
_New Wooden Planks & CTM (Oak,Birch,Spruce,Jungle)
_New Oak log
_New Nether Brick & CTM
_New Wooden slab CTM
_Fixed reticule
Downloads: *Please do not hot link.
Halcyon Days v1.2 (1.6.x & 1.7.x)
old version:
Halcyon Days v1.1 (1.6.x & 1.7.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.9 (1.6.x & 1.7.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.8 (1.6.x & 1.7.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.7 (1.6.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.7 (1.5.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.6 (1.6.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.6 (1.5.x)
Halcyon Days v1.0.5 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.5 (1.5.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.4 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.4 (1.5.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.3 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.3 (1.5.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.2 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.2 (1.5.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.1 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0.1 (1.5.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0 (1.6.2)
Halcyon Days v1.0 (1.5.2)
please confirm and abide by the licence regulations.
As I'm not so fluent in English, I might be very slow / sometimes have difficulty in
responding to your comments - my sincere apologies in advance.
If any of you could me so kind enough to support my work,
please donate from here. ↓
Thank you so much and I truly hope you enjoy my texture design!
Additional note (Aug 13, 2013):
Many thanks to those of you who have been applying my textures.
I am honored to receive so many feedback and responses and it is
my pleasure if you enjoyed it in some ways.My sincere apologies for
those who gave me comments but not have heard back from me.
In fact, I read and fully understand English, but as I have difficulty structuring the sentence,
it takes awful long time for me to reply even if I look up my dictionary.
(My friend is writing this whole paragraph for me on behalf of myself)
So please forgive me if you don't hear back from me.
I am attentively reading ALL of your comments and hearing your voices to reflect in my future works.
If you can write Japanese by any chance, please post your questions to the
Japanese forum and I promise I will respond to you.
For this reason, and as I'm afraid I have not got enough time,
I have to decline private texture production requests some of you have been sending to me.
※As long as you specify my credits, please feel free to share my textures as
At first, I was not planning to create MOB or item textures, but thanks to many of your
feedback and support, I have decided to work on them in my spare time.
I am going to work on it at an easy pace, so please stay tuned.
Servers Rules|Support Forum Rules|Show Your Creation Rules|Off Topic Rules
The overall feel is brilliant and most of the textures are very well done.
Personally, I think the the dirt is a little too light and low contrast and the wood is a bit too smooth adn could use some extra shading.
The processed stone textures all look extremely good, as well as the sandstone.
Exited to see what you do with the rest of the pack
Im a Chilean Minecrafter (YEAH!)
A server experience like no other, head to http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1654423-soulscraft©-prepare-to-die-adventure-mode-mmo-never-before-done/page__st__20 to check it out!
Of course! I would be happy if you could introduce this topics URL at other pages thanks.
Yes, I recommended to use MCPatcher and/or Optifine.
EDIT: Is this still a work in progress? I noticed that no entities have been edited, and no Items either. If it isn't would you mind if I merge this with Doku? They should blend together nicely and add an incredible Medieval look to my server. If not can you please add item, mob and armour textures.
The only problem I have is that CTM breaks many of the blocks' flow...
Like on mossy stone brick... The color on the top doesn't match the moss on the side, though if it did, it would be fantastic!
Maybe just work on a few things like that.
This is your computer, not the pack.
Good work!
For someone with a mere 3 posts here, this is an awesome texture pack. So awesome. The best part is that from the screenshots, it looks to be more than a 32x. I thought it was a 128x at first, to be honest. Great job!