The first one of these may have been kind of amusing, for people who enjoyed watching a guy spout off curse words pointlessly like a mad man, but we have seen dozens upon dozens of "budder" packs and "squid" packs from people who don't search first to see how many there have been. People here are fed up with seeing new versions of these packs, and the fact that it relates to some Youtuber doesn't take away from the fact that these use only default textures and introduce no new aspects in regards to the textures themselves.
The first one of these may have been kind of amusing, for people who enjoyed watching a guy spout off curse words pointlessly like a mad man, but we have seen dozens upon dozens of "budder" packs and "squid" packs from people who don't search first to see how many there have been. People here are fed up with seeing new versions of these packs, and the fact that it relates to some Youtuber doesn't take away from the fact that these use only default textures and introduce no new aspects in regards to the textures themselves.
Thank you for saying that, I couldn't even open the spoiler. Golden squids?...
It's not! It's budder (A.K.A Drug) But yeah this SkyDoesMinecraft stuff is really annoying.
It just for the for fun dang you guys got no humor
see this person gets it it only for the lolz
The first one of these may have been kind of amusing, for people who enjoyed watching a guy spout off curse words pointlessly like a mad man, but we have seen dozens upon dozens of "budder" packs and "squid" packs from people who don't search first to see how many there have been. People here are fed up with seeing new versions of these packs, and the fact that it relates to some Youtuber doesn't take away from the fact that these use only default textures and introduce no new aspects in regards to the textures themselves.
"And with that, POW! I'm gone." ---Lord Crump
No, really. This will annoy the heck out of SkyDoesMinecraft fans! Serves them right.