See, one think I like about 1.13 is that the nautilus shell and Hear of the Sea and stuff gives resource pack makers a lot of creative room.
The new stuff in this is absolutely amazing! lol
I know I say this every time, but I really mean it. X3
Oh, two things though.
1: The slime ball seems to be missing its texture.
2: I dunno if this is possible, but if you made one of the many tropical fish textures a skeleton then sometimes we'd get skeleton fish!
If it doesn't work due to the different sizes maybe it'd work on cod or salmon?
I dunno, if you don't like the idea then don't do it, but I might do it if I ever made a pack. lol
[EDIT]: Just read TheAuthor's post and can confirm what he says is true, somehow I missed it though. lol
I've updated the stuff I missed, thanks for telling me about it. I do a look-over in my texture test world but I guess I just missed all of those. This has been a really frustrating update due to all the renaming.
What dead coral are you referring to, though? I checked and only saw the fan and the blocks, which I've got textures for.
I think he's meaning the dead coral bushes/shrubs/whatever.
Here's a picture.
They're in the snapshots for 1.13.1, which just released the 1.13.1pre-1 where you can test it in an actually stable environment. lol
(Also, you can place corals on top-half slabs that are water logged and they'll never die! :3)
See, one think I like about 1.13 is that the nautilus shell and Hear of the Sea and stuff gives resource pack makers a lot of creative room.
The new stuff in this is absolutely amazing! lol
I know I say this every time, but I really mean it. X3
Oh, two things though.
1: The slime ball seems to be missing its texture. 2: I dunno if this is possible, but if you made one of the many tropical fish textures a skeleton then sometimes we'd get skeleton fish! If it doesn't work due to the different sizes maybe it'd work on cod or salmon?
I dunno, if you don't like the idea then don't do it, but I might do it if I ever made a pack. lol
[EDIT]: Just read TheAuthor's post and can confirm what he says is true, somehow I missed it though. lol
I'm working on new textures for all my packs (stuff that doesn't have unique textures from default Wolfhound yet) and I gotta say, the new dungeon enderchest is pretty excited to meet all of you! I'll announce when it's uploaded.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Brazil, land of Zuera
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Loved the new shroomlight.
Chiseled Nether Bricks and Blackstone look cool aswell; detailed blocks are the pack's forte as usual.
I usually hate the ugly cyan Warped Wood; but the black, sinister version is actually really great; goes well with the eye shroomlight too.
I like how soul torches and lanters are actually different than normal, aside from just different color. Red Fire looks great too.
Only issue I see is cobblestone and Mosstone walls are the magenta black block; all other walls are working fine tho so i'm not sure what's the problem.
Great job overall, Specially the warped wood stuff.
You've probably heard about this one before but the download link in curse forge for wolfhound dungeon for the cobblestone walls are showing up as missing textures. Um also for some reason the red stone block animation for 1.16.4 would start off normal but as soon as I get too close to it it turns into a missing texture instead of playing the animation it had in earlier versions. I've used wolfhound dungeon for years and it's one of my top favorites to use especially for survival. I know you're busy fixing a lot of content with your packs likely as it is and I'd really love to see the 1.16.4 version of this texture updated if possible but if you decide not to it's fine. I figured to mentioned the glitch with the redstone ore block in case no one else has brought it up yet. Absolutely love the rest of it though
See, one think I like about 1.13 is that the nautilus shell and Hear of the Sea and stuff gives resource pack makers a lot of creative room.
The new stuff in this is absolutely amazing! lol
I know I say this every time, but I really mean it. X3
Oh, two things though.
1: The slime ball seems to be missing its texture.
2: I dunno if this is possible, but if you made one of the many tropical fish textures a skeleton then sometimes we'd get skeleton fish!
If it doesn't work due to the different sizes maybe it'd work on cod or salmon?
I dunno, if you don't like the idea then don't do it, but I might do it if I ever made a pack. lol
[EDIT]: Just read TheAuthor's post and can confirm what he says is true, somehow I missed it though. lol
I've updated the stuff I missed, thanks for telling me about it. I do a look-over in my texture test world but I guess I just missed all of those. This has been a really frustrating update due to all the renaming.
What dead coral are you referring to, though? I checked and only saw the fan and the blocks, which I've got textures for.
I think he's meaning the dead coral bushes/shrubs/whatever.
Here's a picture.
They're in the snapshots for 1.13.1, which just released the 1.13.1pre-1 where you can test it in an actually stable environment. lol
(Also, you can place corals on top-half slabs that are water logged and they'll never die! :3)
I was thinking about half skeleton piranha
mooshroom stem is 16x
Did you mean the netherwart? The mushroom stem looks fine to me, but the netherwart was wrong. Either way, I've fixed it and uploaded the fix.
I'm working on new textures for all my packs (stuff that doesn't have unique textures from default Wolfhound yet) and I gotta say, the new dungeon enderchest is pretty excited to meet all of you! I'll announce when it's uploaded.
Updated for 1.14. As always, let me know if I missed something. Lots of changes.
Finally updated for the nether update!
Loved the new shroomlight.
Chiseled Nether Bricks and Blackstone look cool aswell; detailed blocks are the pack's forte as usual.
I usually hate the ugly cyan Warped Wood; but the black, sinister version is actually really great; goes well with the eye shroomlight too.
I like how soul torches and lanters are actually different than normal, aside from just different color. Red Fire looks great too.
Only issue I see is cobblestone and Mosstone walls are the magenta black block; all other walls are working fine tho so i'm not sure what's the problem.
Great job overall, Specially the warped wood stuff.
Bein' normal for suckers.
Bein' normal for suckers.
You've probably heard about this one before but the download link in curse forge for wolfhound dungeon for the cobblestone walls are showing up as missing textures. Um also for some reason the red stone block animation for 1.16.4 would start off normal but as soon as I get too close to it it turns into a missing texture instead of playing the animation it had in earlier versions. I've used wolfhound dungeon for years and it's one of my top favorites to use especially for survival. I know you're busy fixing a lot of content with your packs likely as it is and I'd really love to see the 1.16.4 version of this texture updated if possible but if you decide not to it's fine. I figured to mentioned the glitch with the redstone ore block in case no one else has brought it up yet. Absolutely love the rest of it though
Updated to 1.17
Updated to 1.19
Something seems to be glitching the top texture of iron blocks, might check that out
(Also the vex texture changed so it'll be glitched in all packs in the next version)
Thankyou for still updating
Bein' normal for suckers.
Please Microsoft, stop changing things.
Updated to 1.20. Includes the GUI updates, because Microsoft changed everything.