This surprised me because it's actually quite nice!
I wasn't really expecting much when I saw 'faithful' but I'm glad I clicked on the link anyway, it's still a unique pack with its own style. Great work! Looking forward to seeing some more CTM when you make it!
This surprised me because it's actually quite nice!
I wasn't really expecting much when I saw 'faithful' but I'm glad I clicked on the link anyway, it's still a unique pack with its own style. Great work! Looking forward to seeing some more CTM when you make it!
Thanks! I may change my sig, so people realize it's faithful, but not quite in the sense people would expect.
It's giving you a totally new texture pack, but still staying true to default's shape/color so anything you build in either default's or my pack will look good both ways.
I just posted the pack on curse today, I've been using Direct Download off my web server since, thought I'd give curse a fair chance. I guess they have some wacky way of handling stats.
Been a lurker on this forum, signed up to say I love this texture pack. Can't wait to see it finished!
I definitely appreciate you registering just to comment, thanks!
I'm hoping to have all the blocks done somewhat soon, then my focus is to move onto sprites (Flowers, vines, ladders, etc). From there, items and GUI.. The mobs will probably be last, since I want to focus on build-related things.
Awesome! Downloading right now... I wonder if the animals change too... Anyway, the blocks are totally great, thanks for the awesome work!
EDIT: Sorry just read the whole post. Really this is probably the best texture I've seen. Keep the good work
Edit again: This only works with Mcpatcher, right? I tried to load it with Optifine and it didn't work, so I downloaded Mcpatcher but now my game doesn't work at all, a black screen appears. I'm using Magic launcher. I'll try to fix it
EDIT: Well I fixed it but for now I can't use the pack. I will try to search for a way to use it.
Awesome! Downloading right now... I wonder if the animals change too... Anyway, the blocks are totally great, thanks for the awesome work!
EDIT: Sorry just read the whole post. Really this is probably the best texture I've seen. Keep the good work
Edit again: This only works with Mcpatcher, right? I tried to load it with Optifine and it didn't work, so I downloaded Mcpatcher but now my game doesn't work at all, a black screen appears. I'm using Magic launcher. I'll try to fix it
EDIT: Well I fixed it but for now I can't use the pack. I will try to search for a way to use it.
You may have to to a force update, then install MCPatcher.
There are ways to get optifine installed alongside MCPatcher, but I'm unsure of the details.
I'm interested in making a Texture Pack Review for this Texturepack, If I did could you put it on the front post/ Any reason I should wait like upcoming textures to be added?
Please respond soon.
It's the Connected Textures Mod, something that comes loaded with MCPatcher, it basically merges block borders together.
Here's a stock picture of it in Vanilla MC:
I wasn't really expecting much when I saw 'faithful' but I'm glad I clicked on the link anyway, it's still a unique pack with its own style. Great work! Looking forward to seeing some more CTM when you make it!
Thanks! I may change my sig, so people realize it's faithful, but not quite in the sense people would expect.
It's giving you a totally new texture pack, but still staying true to default's shape/color so anything you build in either default's or my pack will look good both ways.
i no rite?
I just posted the pack on curse today, I've been using Direct Download off my web server since, thought I'd give curse a fair chance. I guess they have some wacky way of handling stats.
I definitely appreciate you registering just to comment, thanks!
I'm hoping to have all the blocks done somewhat soon, then my focus is to move onto sprites (Flowers, vines, ladders, etc). From there, items and GUI.. The mobs will probably be last, since I want to focus on build-related things.
EDIT: Sorry just read the whole post. Really this is probably the best texture I've seen. Keep the good work
Edit again: This only works with Mcpatcher, right? I tried to load it with Optifine and it didn't work, so I downloaded Mcpatcher but now my game doesn't work at all, a black screen appears. I'm using Magic launcher. I'll try to fix it
EDIT: Well I fixed it but for now I can't use the pack. I will try to search for a way to use it.
You may have to to a force update, then install MCPatcher.
There are ways to get optifine installed alongside MCPatcher, but I'm unsure of the details.
Please respond soon.