As for the hair... yea. My in-game avatar is like a really awesome version of myself. My hairline has an odd shape on the top, being full on the sides and top of my head, but receding slightly on the angles.
Speaking of appearances (see how I tied that in), here's some people who dress in black:
The swamplands are home to those who were exiled from their villages: the poor and impoverished with nothing of value to trade, and those with a zeal for emeralds beyond imagination. These exiles eek out a living in the wetlands where others of their kind dare not settle. Only practitioners of dark magic come to these places of their own accord, and most end up becoming witches as their master of the alchemical arts grows in power.
Also, feedback on the issues I mentioned in my last post is still greatly appreciated!
also does that beach villager have a Hawaiian shirt?
it would appear the shop hasn't gone out of business... yet
Why yes, yes he is!
I hope you get your avatar before it does!
and for the villagers I meant more as in clothing, then as in body, I don't know maybe I just want one to be wearing a trench coat
Actually, because I was sick of looking at them, I actually made the unused green villager skin for the swamp with a near-copy of the witch's clothing. Laziness paid off!
BTW, spelunking seemed a bit different today. Not sure why. I can't quite put my finger on it...
I could really use some feedback. Seriously, it's just Miopic and I in this thread now. No offense Miopic, but I'd like feedback from more than one person.
I like the new redstone, but I have a bone to pick with the Coal, I think the coal in it looks to much like the charcoal and to little like the normal coal.
Also the gold, It isn't bad... but It isn't particularly good either I think it needs to be less patterned and shinier
Upon loading into my world, I investigated my house and everything surrounding it. I have to say that I think the pack, as a whole, is pixelated and busy and I'm not a huge fan of it, but sometimes I do get in the mood for it and this pack could definitely satisfy that.
However, my main issue is just that-- it really is too busy and pixelated.
I'm incredibly satisfied with the overall feel of it. You kept it consistent and nothing feels out of place. Vanilla-styled textures from modpacks and such, even, seem to fit in just fine with this pack. It's almost got a painterly feel and the lush feeling is very pleasing to my eye.
However, I have to say that, while the rest of the pack fits together, the tree trunks are just... I don't even... How do I say this and say what I mean, and not make it sound worse than what I'm trying to say..?
They lack depth? Yeah. They lack a lot of depth and are just messy, in general. I happened to start near a snow biome, so I have a lot of spruce trees near my house, meaning I used spruce wood and logs as part of my initial build. I can't even bring myself to look at it, now. I feel like it could do with a lot of darkening up and a bit more depth. They all, in general, just feel like bits of paper stuck together with hard edges everywhere.
I do have to say, though, I love the item bar (not a fan of the health/hunger/armor/whatever icons, but that's easy to replace with something I do like), the iron armor's chest piece (I have no idea why I love the missing shoulders so much), and the nether portal is frickin' amazing (I seriously stared at it for a little while when I ran over to check out what it looked like).
Also, props for making the bow animation look decent. That's one of my biggest pet peeves. I particularly hate when the ENTIRE BOW falls back one pixel for the third part of the animation. You kept the look consistent and made the animation smooth.
In short, not the pack for me, but I also wouldn't immediately replace it if I were on a friend's PC and this was his/her pack of choice. If you were to fix up the tree trunks I would probably end up keeping this in my texture pack folder, alongside all of my other favorites that I switch to every so often.
I'm not changing the pattern, but I did make it a bit shinier despite the fact that this also makes it less realistic. Gold in the ground is very dull.
I appreciate it.
Unfortunately that's a side-effect of trying to cram a lot of detail into a very low-resolution format. If I try to make it less so, it often ends up seeming flat. Case in point...
They're crap. My oak and spruce wood textures are crap. I know. It's alright. You can say it.
I've been trying to make better versions since... well... since I made the ones I'm currently using actually. Tree bark and leaves are a big problem for me. I'm surprised nobody has called me out on how terrible the leaves look yet.
I tried again to fix it, and this is how the oak bark came out:
I'm not sure whether it's better, or just more patterned and busy.
Thank you! This is what I've been striving for. I'm happy to know you feel I've (mostly) succeeded.
All things I'm really proud of.
It took me forever. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I'm glad you enjoy it. Yea, I hate when animations do crappy things like have the entire bow move. It's like some animators have never seen someone use a bow before.
I'll continue to try to improve on the wood textures. Please give me feedback on the screenshot above so I know if I'm on the right track. As I said, it's a big weak point for me. Please be patient with me on this one.
I was trying to make it look like veins. It's basically the same texture I had before with a few touch-ups based on some feedback I got in a review. The coal has been replaced. Please give some feedback on it when the new version is released. I'm going to put it up on Thursday regardless of whether or not there's a new snapshot.
It is really smooth, and my favorite is the blue nether brick and ghasts!
New Features in this version include:
As always, feedback is Greatly Appreciated!
Thank you! I'm so glad you like it!
Now I just have to get working on some more textures of my own...
I still don't think they're exactly the way I want them... but I'm willing to let them be for the time being.
* Alvoria puts on suspenders and grabs a huge coffee mug *
Yea, I'm going to have to ask you to... not check this thread anymore. If you could do that, that would be great. Oh kay? Thanks.
Again, that's the goal. I'm doing this so that I'll hate the villagers less. It's working. Slowly... but it's working.
Of course the darn sounds they gave them took any respectability my pack had earned them away...
I'm seriously considering packaging sounds in the 1.6 version of the pack to make them sound less
retardedchallenged.Which also makes them just as hard to get looking good in Minecraft. Unless you resort to CTM, an uneven texture tends to tile obnoxiously.
Better not be.
Anyone have any requests for 1.6? As soon as the devs iron some of the bugs in the new format I'll start working on updated stuff. Everything that's already available will be included (mod textures may skip a version or two due to update time), so don't worry about that. Check the To Do list in the OP for what I've already got planned for future versions!
Basically, Texture Packs will cease to exist. Instead, we'll have Resource Packs which can change textures, sounds, languages, and a few other things. To facilitate this, the latest snapshot has a HUGE rewrite of how Minecraft handles resources.
This includes a change in the technical formatting of things. Anything with an animation has to have an accompanying .mcmeta file, which uses its own markup different from what we've seen so far. This also means that even if I updated, I couldn't upload it to Curse yet because that's not an allowed file type.
All of this is also subject to change, and is presently buggy as all get out. There's a lot that isn't working, and I'm not going to go through the trouble of updating everything only to have it all change again before release. There are a few things I'm hoping that they'll revise pre-launch, so I'm going to hold out.
New Features in this version include:
As always, feedback is Greatly Appreciated!
I don't see it.
It's an Angus.
There's a new version in the latest version of "Sanity". Check it out!
Hmmm... I'll have to look into that later.
Thank you for the Feedback!
are you going to keep it the same, create your own songs, or copy other music.
I'd also like a better bow-launching-arrow sound... but I have no idea how I'd do the foley for that with the stuff I have around my place so that might have to wait.
As for music... I'm not a musician. Even if I were, there isn't a good way to rename all of the records in-game without bloating the pack with a ton of language packs changed just for a few lines. I'd rather not do that if I have the choice.
Ultimately it's kinda going to be up to Curse whether or not I bother with any of this at all. If they support Resource packs in their fullest then I'll go forward with it. Right now they aren't even compatible with 1.6 at all. Hopefully they'll update because I don't want to drop them as a host. They've been very good so far, and I'd like to keep using them.
All that aside... I kinda want Sanity to just be a Texture Pack. I don't want it to include a load of crazy stuff just because I can. This is my Sanity. I do what I want with it.
Does that long-winded explanation answer your question?