Hello everyone, welcome to the thread for the Eldpack Continued project! Chances are if you're here, you already knew about the Eldpack back when it was maintained by its original creator, Eld, and you know that he has since moved on to bigger and better things! As such, this is where the community has settled down and worked to keep his texture pack alive. For many people, myself included, the Eldpack was our go to pack to use when playing Minecraft, and so we decided to keep working on it and follow in Eld's style and themes for the pack. Sadly, even the original forum post has since been removed, so the chances of an official Eld revival seem extremely slim, which just makes what we do here all the more important!
This is a 100% community driven project, we have tons of extremely talented regulars who help contribute to the pack in various ways, whether it be directly making textures, making other art assets for this post, or giving management advice to yours truly. I may have made this thread, but this pack would have gone nowhere without all the support from Eld's very dedicated fans, and to that I can't thank you all enough. I know I left this thread for a long time, and I do apologize deeply for that, but I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon!
If you want a more direct, convenient way to discuss the pack, I highly encourage you to check out my Discord, where I've made a channel specifically for discussing the Eldpack! There is currently a Github link there if you want to help contribute, as well as an updated todo list for textures. Plus it's a good place to bounce ideas off of people and get quick feedback! The link is here: https://discord.gg/rnMsn5W
Before closing, I'd now like to introduce to you: the Wall of Contributors!! This is way WAY long overdue, but I'd like to finally give proper credit to all the people that have made and continue to make this pack possible! Without you all, this pack would have truthfully faded away years ago, so I'd like to give the credit where it's deserved
eldrone - the man himself, of course without him this pack would LITERALLY not exist
Top Contributors
freem - Github maintainer and current top texture artist, heart of the modern operation
Altswang - laid the groundwork for the future of the pack, and helped maintain it in my absence
SdSquid - crucial early member in providing many, MANY needed textures through many versions
Buster - responsible for a staggering amount of textures in a very short time; destroyer of TODO lists
_BIG_G_ - main (only) Bedrock tester, keeps all new textures named properly & found many oversights Jared (pigpig278/lulls) - made the original thread assets, as well as the current ones still in use
chawu - translated this thread and all assets to Chinese and spread the pack to Mainland China users
Original Thread Contributors
Alp Kufell Nybb1es
Note: This section is FAR from incomplete, the original thread was deleted and many contributors were lost
If you have any info or way to get more from this era, please let me know! Wayback Machine only has the first few and last pages of the thread, so I have no way of knowing who else helped during this time...
Thank you again everyone for helping me keep things going here, you all are amazing and I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the pack!! Let me know if you or anyone you know who contributed was missed in this list, and I'll be sure to correct it as soon as I can! Also, here are some Eldpack banners for if you want to share your love with the pack! Hope you all enjoy, and continue looking forward to future updates!! <3
It is not official. Eld said there would be no official continuation because he might update himself one day, and to just post updates on the thread.
I mean, I guess technically it isn't completely official, but this is pretty much the only one, and when Eld finally does get around to updating, things will change then. Again, still waiting on the reply from Eld as to his permission to have this thread, but I figured I would get a head start and if he says no, take it down.
I actually had noticed that, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out where the textures for the fireworks are. I'll take a look again, should have an updated link sometime a bit later. Thanks for mentioning it again, I completely forgot about it!
EDIT: Found them, they were in the particles.png. Not sure why I didn't look there sooner......but anywho, I updated the download link, so all is well.
Some potential alternatives to the current firework icon.
Very nice, while I like the current firework texture, it just...doesn't really look like a firework, in my opinion
Added the middle one as the default firework, and put it, as well as the old one, in the alts file. Interested to see more textures from you, if you're up to it. Perhaps making a list of textures that still need to be done, or done differently, and putting it in the OP might not be a bad idea...I think I'll do that actually!
EDIT: There we are, updated the OP with what I believe to be the entire list. Of course, people can texture and re-texture any blocks they want, those are just some of the most important ones that need to be done
Do you actually have permission from Eld to do this?
I know you said in the OP that Eld apparently said it's okay to post something like this, but a quote from him would be far better than indirectly referencing something I don't think he'd said
Everyone is allowed to do their updates to eldpack, It's a bit hard appointing anyone as being the official one as I might one day update it and suddenly make official ones unofficial, but I encourage people to release updates to it here
My position at mojang doesn't in any way hinder this texturepack, if anything doing creative stuff outside of work is encouraged, I'm just busy with life-stuff as I was before, so it's still on a long break.
I can't say that I won't update it in the future though, it's still something I want to do! In the meantime I fully support people posting links to their personal updates here for people to enjoy.
Everyone is allowed to do their updates to eldpack, It's a bit hard appointing anyone as being the official one as I might one day update it and suddenly make official ones unofficial, but I encourage people to release updates to it here
I can't say that I won't update it in the future though, it's still something I want to do! In the meantime I fully support people posting links to their personal updates here for people to enjoy.
Basically it says on Eld's thread, nothing about a SEPARATE thread. Just a technicality, but I think it would be best for the OP to PM Eld about it to make sure ESPECIALLY if they wanted it to ever be moved to the texture packs section.
EDIT: Derp, used my magical powers to add this info to the OP, and I saw that they already said they did exactly what I told them to do. :/
EDIT 2: ....and the quote was in the OP before, but not as a quote.... well, Mini did bring it up, so now the trustworthiness can't be questioned, and it can be easily spotted.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
Thank you, all of you, for your concern. As I've stated, I forsaw having some issues with this, considering the subject matter, and I appreciate the support and kindness, as this is basically the first thread I've ever even made. Also, thank you lemon for putting what he said into an actual quote, I hadn't even thought to do that when initially putting the quote in the OP. Indeed, he doesn't specifically say, and I have sent him a message, although he has been known to be hard to contact at times, but I will inform you as to what he says, when he responds.
Now then, onto a completely unrelated note just for a moment. You probably don't remember me, minihilly, but I was actually one of the fans of your original 16x RPG texture pack you were working on a long time ago! I even still have the 0.3 alpha version of it in my texture packs folder, and it's very interesting to run into you again...and I checked out your current pack, and I just want to say that it's looking very nice so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing more work from you! Nice running into you again, good sir :3
It's my first post, just to thank you (and the other contributors) for updating the Eld texture pack !
Good work
My pleasure really, I'm just glad to be a part of it. Most of, if not all of, the credit really should go to the people who have the real texturing skills here :3
On another note, I've gotten the texture pack updated to the latest snapshot, although most of the textures are fairly mediocre. They should at least suffice until someone with more skill than me has the time to do them properly!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Ok, so I downloaded this...because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the eldpack...and was sad to see he stopped development, as it's hard to come by good 16x texture packs these days. Anyways, so far I really like what has been done to it, nothing looks out of place, it all still feels "Eldpack". I'm hoping to see this project come through...keep up the good work.
I hope I don't sound like a jerk when I say this...but if you end up letting people help out, keep a small team, but so far you seem to know what you're doing for the most part.
Looks like all that is really lacking is the enderchest, mobs, and a few touch ups here and there. Good luck to you, I look forward to it.
Edit: Also I would like to add that I think the Firework rocket's icon should be changed, not to be rude...but it looks very suggestive, lol. The color and shape just isn't mixing well.
I think I recognised, but it just didn't 'click'
Nice to see you again, especially since you've instigated a much-needed continuation here ;D
more on-topic:
I might help on this, it depends if I think I can emulate eld's style, or at least do it to an extend that it may match other elements of the continuation (if you get me...).
Just a quick question: You don't happen to have/know what palette (if any) Eld bases his textures on?
It'd be a little easier if we could structure out a palette IMO, I seem to work better using one, and may help the textures to match the pack overall...
Perhaps if I get the time, and re-download Eld's latest copy, I'll have a go at structuring out a palette myself; even if Eld doesn't normally use one, I'd still prefer to use one myself. I'm weird like that.
As I'm sure you can tell by my work thus far, I'm still an amateur texture artist, at best, so I'm honestly not even 100% sure what you mean by pallet...I mean, I can certainly see that most textures he did only used a select few colors, but I don't know if that's what you mean...
On another note, I have to say that I would truly be honored to have you as a member of our team, and it could even help us to get more popularity and spread the word more...maybe you could even help me with the OP itself, as I have to say, it's rather boring...again, I'm new to the whole thread making thing :3
Ok, so I downloaded this...because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the eldpack...and was sad to see he stopped development, as it's hard to come by good 16x texture packs these days. Anyways, so far I really like what has been done to it, nothing looks out of place, it all still feels "Eldpack". I'm hoping to see this project come through...keep up the good work.
I hope I don't sound like a jerk when I say this...but if you end up letting people help out, keep a small team, but so far you seem to know what you're doing for the most part.
Looks like all that is really lacking is the enderchest, mobs, and a few touch ups here and there. Good luck to you, I look forward to it.
Edit: Also I would like to add that I think the Firework rocket's icon should be changed, not to be rude...but it looks very suggestive, lol. The color and shape just isn't mixing well.
I was thinking of trying to make a team of sorts, but then I feel as though it would discourage outside sources, so I'm not entirely sure...although, I would certainly let minihilly join, I think everyone else can just be free to post textures as they feel like it, and not worried about specifically feeling like they have to. I feel as though that should just be for me...and maybe mini......I mean, talking to mini again for a moment, I don't mean to just throw that on ya, but I mean, you're a professional, so I have more faith in you. And still, it is your choice whether or not you want to contribute, no obligations if you're too busy working on your actual texture pack.
...sorry, I got sidetracked, that happens a lot to me...back to what you were saying, angrytotem. You saying that it still feels like the Eldpack is basically the very best compliment you could possible give to us working on it, so thank you very much for that! And yeah, I was thinking about trying the ender chest, but it reeeeally seems like something I would mess up, so I'll stick to the easier textures. Same thing with the mobs, really, I just can't do stuff like that with my current level of experience. Oh, and lastly, I went ahead and desaturated the rocket color, cause I kinda see what you meant...it isn't up right now, but it will be after there are a few other things to update. I don't like putting up a new link constantly, so I like putting up bigger, more spaced out updates c:
As I'm sure you can tell by my work thus far, I'm still an amateur texture artist, at best, so I'm honestly not even 100% sure what you mean by pallet...I mean, I can certainly see that most textures he did only used a select few colors, but I don't know if that's what you mean...
On another note, I have to say that I would truly be honored to have you as a member of our team, and it could even help us to get more popularity and spread the word more...maybe you could even help me with the OP itself, as I have to say, it's rather boring...again, I'm new to the whole thread making thing :3
I was thinking of trying to make a team of sorts, but then I feel as though it would discourage outside sources, so I'm not entirely sure...although, I would certainly let minihilly join, I think everyone else can just be free to post textures as they feel like it, and not worried about specifically feeling like they have to. I feel as though that should just be for me...and maybe mini......I mean, talking to mini again for a moment, I don't mean to just throw that on ya, but I mean, you're a professional, so I have more faith in you. And still, it is your choice whether or not you want to contribute, no obligations if you're too busy working on your actual texture pack.
...sorry, I got sidetracked, that happens a lot to me...back to what you were saying, angrytotem. You saying that it still feels like the Eldpack is basically the very best compliment you could possible give to us working on it, so thank you very much for that! And yeah, I was thinking about trying the ender chest, but it reeeeally seems like something I would mess up, so I'll stick to the easier textures. Same thing with the mobs, really, I just can't do stuff like that with my current level of experience. Oh, and lastly, I went ahead and desaturated the rocket color, cause I kinda see what you meant...it isn't up right now, but it will be after there are a few other things to update. I don't like putting up a new link constantly, so I like putting up bigger, more spaced out updates c:
Glad to hear a response. Sounds like a good idea with the team thing. You're very welcome, when I loaded it up and looked at EVERY block I was like "Hmmm, nothing seems out of place here". Though my ONLY complaint is the emerald block and ore...I like the way they look but the green...especially the Emerald block seems a little TO bright and seem a little more neon green than emerald green. But other than that minor thing...VERY good work so far. Well, I'll be watching this topic, again, good luck to everyone.
Glad to hear a response. Sounds like a good idea with the team thing. You're very welcome, when I loaded it up and looked at EVERY block I was like "Hmmm, nothing seems out of place here". Though my ONLY complaint is the emerald block and ore...I like the way they look but the green...especially the Emerald block seems a little TO bright and seem a little more neon green than emerald green. But other than that minor thing...VERY good work so far. Well, I'll be watching this topic, again, good luck to everyone.
Yeah, I know what you mean with the Emerald block. I tried my best to make one, which is based off of one of the textures for a mod, but it just didn't come out right...and, to be honest, just in my personal opinion, I actually like the more yellow-green that the guy who made the ore and gem colors used. Seeing as though Eld typically does deviate a bit in color compared to the original textures, I don't think it's too out of place, but I might make some small modifications to them, if you want :3
Yeah, I know what you mean with the Emerald block. I tried my best to make one, which is based off of one of the textures for a mod, but it just didn't come out right...and, to be honest, just in my personal opinion, I actually like the more yellow-green that the guy who made the ore and gem colors used. Seeing as though Eld typically does deviate a bit in color compared to the original textures, I don't think it's too out of place, but I might make some small modifications to them, if you want :3
I think it will be fine the way it as, as Eld kinda made his diamonds an emerald green color anyways.
One suggestion, could you made a version number for the download link on the first post ?
It could be easyer to see if something have changed since last download
One suggestion, could you made a version number for the download link on the first post ?
It could be easyer to see if something have changed since last download
Yeah, I was considering that, but I dunno, I make a lot of small changes, and I don't know how I would number it. I'm also rather lazy :3
If you want to see if there have been any updates, I would just check the comments, I always post one when the link has been updated
That was another thing I was considering, and if I can remember, I might actually do that. If anyone can take really good screenshots that show off the pack very well, feel free to do so, and post them here
This is a 100% community driven project, we have tons of extremely talented regulars who help contribute to the pack in various ways, whether it be directly making textures, making other art assets for this post, or giving management advice to yours truly. I may have made this thread, but this pack would have gone nowhere without all the support from Eld's very dedicated fans, and to that I can't thank you all enough. I know I left this thread for a long time, and I do apologize deeply for that, but I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon!
If you want a more direct, convenient way to discuss the pack, I highly encourage you to check out my Discord, where I've made a channel specifically for discussing the Eldpack! There is currently a Github link there if you want to help contribute, as well as an updated todo list for textures. Plus it's a good place to bounce ideas off of people and get quick feedback! The link is here: https://discord.gg/rnMsn5W
Before closing, I'd now like to introduce to you: the Wall of Contributors!! This is way WAY long overdue, but I'd like to finally give proper credit to all the people that have made and continue to make this pack possible! Without you all, this pack would have truthfully faded away years ago, so I'd like to give the credit where it's deserved
eldrone - the man himself, of course without him this pack would LITERALLY not exist
Top Contributors
freem - Github maintainer and current top texture artist, heart of the modern operation
Altswang - laid the groundwork for the future of the pack, and helped maintain it in my absence
SdSquid - crucial early member in providing many, MANY needed textures through many versions
Buster - responsible for a staggering amount of textures in a very short time; destroyer of TODO lists
_BIG_G_ - main (only) Bedrock tester, keeps all new textures named properly & found many oversights
Jared (pigpig278/lulls) - made the original thread assets, as well as the current ones still in use
chawu - translated this thread and all assets to Chinese and spread the pack to Mainland China users
Original Thread Contributors
Note: This section is FAR from incomplete, the original thread was deleted and many contributors were lost
If you have any info or way to get more from this era, please let me know! Wayback Machine only has the first few and last pages of the thread, so I have no way of knowing who else helped during this time...
Current Thread Contributors
mgblue90 (TwoDerps)
Discord Contributors
Willy (LOOPS and ROBOTS)
Thank you again everyone for helping me keep things going here, you all are amazing and I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the pack!! Let me know if you or anyone you know who contributed was missed in this list, and I'll be sure to correct it as soon as I can! Also, here are some Eldpack banners for if you want to share your love with the pack! Hope you all enjoy, and continue looking forward to future updates!! <3
Added a quote that he said on the original thread.
I mean, I guess technically it isn't completely official, but this is pretty much the only one, and when Eld finally does get around to updating, things will change then. Again, still waiting on the reply from Eld as to his permission to have this thread, but I figured I would get a head start and if he says no, take it down.
I actually had noticed that, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out where the textures for the fireworks are. I'll take a look again, should have an updated link sometime a bit later. Thanks for mentioning it again, I completely forgot about it!
EDIT: Found them, they were in the particles.png. Not sure why I didn't look there sooner......but anywho, I updated the download link, so all is well.
Very nice, while I like the current firework texture, it just...doesn't really look like a firework, in my opinion
Added the middle one as the default firework, and put it, as well as the old one, in the alts file. Interested to see more textures from you, if you're up to it. Perhaps making a list of textures that still need to be done, or done differently, and putting it in the OP might not be a bad idea...I think I'll do that actually!
EDIT: There we are, updated the OP with what I believe to be the entire list. Of course, people can texture and re-texture any blocks they want, those are just some of the most important ones that need to be done
Here is what he said on the matter:
The only thing I have doubts about is this:
Basically it says on Eld's thread, nothing about a SEPARATE thread. Just a technicality, but I think it would be best for the OP to PM Eld about it to make sure ESPECIALLY if they wanted it to ever be moved to the texture packs section.EDIT: Derp, used my magical powers to add this info to the OP, and I saw that they already said they did exactly what I told them to do. :/
EDIT 2: ....and the quote was in the OP before, but not as a quote.... well, Mini did bring it up, so now the trustworthiness can't be questioned, and it can be easily spotted.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
Now then, onto a completely unrelated note just for a moment. You probably don't remember me, minihilly, but I was actually one of the fans of your original 16x RPG texture pack you were working on a long time ago! I even still have the 0.3 alpha version of it in my texture packs folder, and it's very interesting to run into you again...and I checked out your current pack, and I just want to say that it's looking very nice so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing more work from you! Nice running into you again, good sir :3
My pleasure really, I'm just glad to be a part of it. Most of, if not all of, the credit really should go to the people who have the real texturing skills here :3
On another note, I've gotten the texture pack updated to the latest snapshot, although most of the textures are fairly mediocre. They should at least suffice until someone with more skill than me has the time to do them properly!
I hope I don't sound like a jerk when I say this...but if you end up letting people help out, keep a small team, but so far you seem to know what you're doing for the most part.
Looks like all that is really lacking is the enderchest, mobs, and a few touch ups here and there. Good luck to you, I look forward to it.
Edit: Also I would like to add that I think the Firework rocket's icon should be changed, not to be rude...but it looks very suggestive, lol. The color and shape just isn't mixing well.
As I'm sure you can tell by my work thus far, I'm still an amateur texture artist, at best, so I'm honestly not even 100% sure what you mean by pallet...I mean, I can certainly see that most textures he did only used a select few colors, but I don't know if that's what you mean...
On another note, I have to say that I would truly be honored to have you as a member of our team, and it could even help us to get more popularity and spread the word more...maybe you could even help me with the OP itself, as I have to say, it's rather boring...again, I'm new to the whole thread making thing :3
I was thinking of trying to make a team of sorts, but then I feel as though it would discourage outside sources, so I'm not entirely sure...although, I would certainly let minihilly join, I think everyone else can just be free to post textures as they feel like it, and not worried about specifically feeling like they have to. I feel as though that should just be for me...and maybe mini......I mean, talking to mini again for a moment, I don't mean to just throw that on ya, but I mean, you're a professional, so I have more faith in you. And still, it is your choice whether or not you want to contribute, no obligations if you're too busy working on your actual texture pack.
...sorry, I got sidetracked, that happens a lot to me...back to what you were saying, angrytotem. You saying that it still feels like the Eldpack is basically the very best compliment you could possible give to us working on it, so thank you very much for that! And yeah, I was thinking about trying the ender chest, but it reeeeally seems like something I would mess up, so I'll stick to the easier textures. Same thing with the mobs, really, I just can't do stuff like that with my current level of experience. Oh, and lastly, I went ahead and desaturated the rocket color, cause I kinda see what you meant...it isn't up right now, but it will be after there are a few other things to update. I don't like putting up a new link constantly, so I like putting up bigger, more spaced out updates c:
Glad to hear a response. Sounds like a good idea with the team thing. You're very welcome, when I loaded it up and looked at EVERY block I was like "Hmmm, nothing seems out of place here". Though my ONLY complaint is the emerald block and ore...I like the way they look but the green...especially the Emerald block seems a little TO bright and seem a little more neon green than emerald green. But other than that minor thing...VERY good work so far. Well, I'll be watching this topic, again, good luck to everyone.
Yeah, I know what you mean with the Emerald block. I tried my best to make one, which is based off of one of the textures for a mod, but it just didn't come out right...and, to be honest, just in my personal opinion, I actually like the more yellow-green that the guy who made the ore and gem colors used. Seeing as though Eld typically does deviate a bit in color compared to the original textures, I don't think it's too out of place, but I might make some small modifications to them, if you want :3
I think it will be fine the way it as, as Eld kinda made his diamonds an emerald green color anyways.
My thoughts exactly, good sir :3
And I changed the emerald block again slightly. I'm still not really happy with it, but hopefully someone will eventually make a new one.
And maybe some screenshots!
Yeah, I was considering that, but I dunno, I make a lot of small changes, and I don't know how I would number it. I'm also rather lazy :3
If you want to see if there have been any updates, I would just check the comments, I always post one when the link has been updated
That was another thing I was considering, and if I can remember, I might actually do that. If anyone can take really good screenshots that show off the pack very well, feel free to do so, and post them here