Hello!, My name is Kimberly, and this is Faerielight a very high def., realistic texture pack. It has 256x256 and 128x128 versions.
I've redone everything, from mobs, to textures, items, weather, gui elements, etc. I do have a license for Filter Forge and that is where a significant amount of my textures were created, other than that they are free-use, have gotten permission, or I created them myself. A Credit.txt is located within each zip.
Contact Information
If for whatever reason you need to contact me, either PM me here or :
Steam - Develsaa
Email - [email protected]
I usuaully have steam up. I usually answer emails within a 24 hour period. Thanks!!
You will need to use either Optifine OR Mcpatcher to use my texture pack. You need to use either or, but not both, unless you know how to work it with both. Ideally my pack works best in MCPatcher only because of the Random Mob features. But you again can use either.
I would like to give a big Thank you to Steelfeathers and Maligree for the Test Track 1 and Test Track 2 that I used to take some of these screenshots to showcase my texture pack.
So without further ado, let me show you some screenshots (Sorry, they may be big) :
I have a gallery of screenshots using my texture pack located at Imgur - There are currently 27 images in there, if you have any screenshots you'd like to share that'd be awesome!
I also have a gallery of screenshots using the mods I am using, Biomes O'Plenty and Sonic Ether's Shaders located here - Imgur I constantly add to this so enjoy!
Biomes O Plenty + Sonic Ether :
There are a slew (like 50+) more located here Imgur .
Mobs you may run into :
And if you have MCPatcher Random Mobs :
Downloads - Most Current Version for 1.7.9 :
Last Updated : July 25th, 2014.
The most current version of Faerielight is:
Faerielight(your resolution)v179v1.zip
Currently, you can use this texture pack for up to 1.7.9.
To install - Place the zip file into your "Resource Pack" folder.
Donations :
It was suggested to me to add this. If you wish to donate to me that'd be amazing, but it's not required, I'll continue to work on the pack because I enjoy it, but I am so glad to see other people do too.
Older Texture Pack Files -
These are no longer being worked on.
These will only work for versions 1.6 and lower!!
Pre 1.7 - These will only work for Minecraft 1.6.x
256x256 Click me!
Biomes O'Plenty
Version : BiomesOPlenty-1.7.2-
I am supporting this mod! It's a great mod, you should use it - I love it.
Here is the mod - Click me!
Here is the download link for my textures for it - Download Me
To Install :
Unzip this rar to a folder on your computer. Then download the Universal .jar for the Biomes O Plenty Mod.
Follow all instructions to install that mod. Then go to your mods folder. Open the Biomes O Plenty .jar file using a zip program, 7zip is free and works just fine.
You should see a bunch of folders and .info, .mcmeta, and .properties files
from there, drag the folder with my textures to the .jar
Replace, Yes to all, if your zip program requires it.
Changelog for Biomes O'Plenty
June 24th, 2014
- Updated to newest recommended version.
- Added a plethora of new blocks.
- Redid a few leaf blocks.
- Redid Burning Blossoms, Bromeliad, Cosmos, Lavender, Bluebells flowers.
- Added Christmas Lights.
- Redid Quicksand.
- Redid Icy Iris.
- Redid Moss.
- Redid Hard Ice.
- Redid Glow Shroom.
- Redid Big Flower blocks.
- Redid Clover and Cloverpatches.
- Redid some coral.
- Redid Koru.
- Redid Cherry tree leaves.
- Redid Lotus.
- Redid Magic Planks.
- Minor recolor of Cragrock.
- Customized Pixies.
- Updated a bunch of old blocks to be more visually exciting!
- I still need to do some minor things, some icons, and items but for the most part everything is done.. Yay!
February 2nd, 2014
- Updated a plethora of textures for it.
- Updated it for the newest version : BiomesOPlenty-1.7.2-
- Fixed McPatchers Random Mob functionality for various mobs.
- Still need to do some more but it's visually acceptable!
July 28th, 2013
- Updated for Version 0.5.6
- Added a slew of new items.
- Will still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and various other Amethyst items. Almost everything is done however. I apologize for the delay!
June 5th, 2013
- Updated for version 0.5.5
- Added 5 new ores, gems, and blocks.
- Still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and Mudball.
Download Count - 78 - Thank you!! June 2nd, 2013
- Updated for version 0.5.4-R3
- Added Kelp, Ivy, Bone, Hell Bark, Pine, Jacaranda Tree, Spring Water, Liquid Poison, various other updates.
- Edited Quicksand to be a little bit more noticeable. I realise it doesn't match up on all four sides, but it's quicksand so it's not supposed too!.
- Still need to finish Armors, Floral Headbands, and MudBall.
Download Count - 54 - Thank you!!
May 29th, 2013
- Uploaded and released the support.
- Still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and Mudball.
Mod Support for 1.6.x -
These textures are by Sikki - Thank you so much for doing them.
If you have any questions or comments, please either respond here or email me at [email protected]
Questions Answered
- As mentioned yes I do use Filter Forge.
- Sometimes, you'll find a file named foldername.pspbrwse - That is for the graphics program that I use, it creates thumbnails. There are far too many folders for me to go through and delete them everytime I realise a pack. I am sorry if it annoys you, call me lazy!
Things that I have not yet skinned :
Nothing, Holy heck, I'm finally finished! (Until they add more that is :D)
Changelog :
June 25th, 2014
- Major Update.
- Updated through till 1.7.9
- Redid a lot of things.
- Added CTM for glass panes and glass blocks.
- Randomized CTM for Bookcases.
- Animated and redid Crafting Tables.
- Animated Redstone Repeater.
- Redid Birch Leaves.
- Added and changed Foliage Maps/Color Maps.
- Added roughly 40 new flowers to Dandelion.
- Added a Birch randomization CTM.
- Updated Glass Panes, Iron Bars.
- Fixed Hopper error.
- Changed Tulips to fit more with the pack.
- Changed some other flowers to more represent what they are supposed to be.
- Updated Particles, including enchanting runes.
- Changed Chiselled Stone Bricks to look more like Stone Bricks.
- Changed roses to Poppies.
Download Count - 315,951 - Thank you all so much!!
February 2nd 2014
- Updated Netherrack
- Updated Quartz Ore
- Redid Blue Orchid flowers
- Did some minor cosmetic changes.
- Edited various properties files to be compatible with Biomes O' Plenty
Download Count - 250,042 - Thank you all so much!
First Update of 2014 January 16th
- Updated Minecarts.
- Updated Enchantment Table Graphics.
- Added a custom pumpkin blur.
- Removed already carved pumpkin faces.
- Fixed some minor graphic issues with the 128x128 Fire.
- Fixed a pixel issue with the clock.
- Added custom horse lead and knot.
- Added a few more custom mobs.
- Added nameplates to the various GUI's.
- Redid the armor. Leather, Chain-mail and, Diamond. Iron and Gold left alone, but lowered the eye sockets.
- Redid Flowing Lava.
- Changed Iron back to the old iron block texture.
- Customized Beacon Beam.
- Customized the Beacon GUI.
- Customized Ender Beam.
- Skinned Wither.
- Skinned Wither Skeleton.
- Skinned Ender Dragon.
- Skinned Iron Golem.
- Fixed the reed colors.
- Fixed issues with log ends.
- Edited the various hardened clay textures to be more realistic in the biome. The old textures are there if you want to use them, just remove the 1 in the name.
- Added Diorite, Andesite, and Granite textures.
- Added Slime block textures.
- Redid Red Sand to be more biome compliant.
- Skinned (haha) Zombie and Skeleton Horse.
- Remapped Horses and added Horse Saddles.
- Remapped GUI elements with Villagers and Enchanting.
- Skinned Diamond, Iron, and Gold Horse Armor.
- Fixed some font issues.
- And a lot of other little things that I am forgetting right now!
Download Count - 243,249 - Holy Cow! Thank you all so much for your patience and support!
Updated October 29t, 2013
- Whoops, fixed a packing error. If you were the 40 people who downloaded before this, my apologies, please unzip the pack in your resources folder.
Updated October 29th, 2013
- Updated for 1.7.2
- Added a significant amount of new blocks.
- Remapped the Fonts.
- Animated the Compass
- Fixed some minor errors.
- Added some missing GUI elements.
Download Count - 140,524 (OH MY GOD REALLY?! Wow)
Thank you all so much!!
Updated July 12th, 2013
- I packed the previous version incorrectly. Fixed the error!
Updated July 11th, 2013
- Updated to be 1.6 compliant
- Updated a plethora of GUI elements
- Updated to add Horses (Still need to do the Zombie and Skeleton Horse)
- Updated to add new blocks and textures
- Updated to work with new MCPatcher.
- Tweaked a few graphical errors
- Will need to finish some mobs, compass, and the horses armor/saddles
Download Count - 70,851
Thank you all so much!!
Updated 6-4-13
- Fixed Potatoes
- Fixed Redstone Powder
- Fixed the color of Gunpowder
- Fixed some of the Dyes
- Fixed the Iron Sword so it's pointing the proper way
- Tweaked some various other textures, Rails, Gemstones, Axes
- Animated the Clock
- Rehauled Water and Flowing Water
- Rehauled the 128 x 128 pack for more detail
- Rehauled and Added Notches for the Restone Repeater, Notches added to tell what setting it's at
- Rehauled all text files
Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and for your support over the last 10 months!
Download Count - 60,128 Updated 4-2-13
- Updated for 1.5
- Cleaned up some textures.
- Added all of the new textures for 1.5.
Please note I am aware that 1.5 did some changes to how the game reads the clock - Am working on an update. Additionally the game keeps crashing when I try to text my 256x256 version if you crash my sincere apologies, I will be getting it working shortly. Thank you!
Thank you all so much for your continued support!
Download Count - 53,768
Updated 12-26-12
- Updated for 1.4.6
- Added Fireworks Rocket, Fireworks Star, Particles.
- Added Skis
- Added Large Christmas Chest, and Small Christmas Chest
- Added Enchanted Books
Download Count - 46,353 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 11-27-12
- Smoothed some things out in the lower resolutions.
- Updated some minor things, probably won't be noticable to anyone else but me =)
Download Count - 38320 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 10-29-12
- Fixed Zombies - WHOOPS!
Download Count - 33131 - Thank you!!
Updated 10-26-12
- Added Anvil
- Did some cleanup on Items.png
- Added everything to be up to date with 1.4.2
- Download count is at - 31294 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 10-9-2012
- Updated Witch
- Fixed some things to be compliant with 12w40a
- Fixed Beacon/Beam
Download Count - 29407 - Thank you all so very much!!
Updated 9-23-2012
- Updated for the newest snapshot 12w38b
- Added Witch
- Added 4 colors of Bats
- Fixed a couple minor errors
- Fixed the Butcher's Face
Download Count - 27000 - Thank you all so very much!!
Updated 9-18-2012
- Updated for the newest snapshot 12w37a.
- Tweaked some mobs.
- Added snapshot things, like Pumpkin Pie, and Carrot on a Stick
- Customized the heads.
- Fixed the new beacon.
Download Count - 25417 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 9-9-2012
- Fixed Pumpkins.
- Added Jack-O-Lantern and RedStone Lamp animations.
- Added a plethora of new mobs, including biome specific mobs.
- Desert Zombies.
- Jungle Boars
- Jungle Parrots
- New Cows
- New Ozelots
- New Spiders
- Snow Yeti Zombies
- Snow Penguins
- Swamp Flamingos
- A slew of other things to explore!
- Added Blaze Mob.
- Fixed Tiling Error with Emerald Blocks.
- Added Night Skies, and Day time cloud Skies.
Download Count - 23600 - Thank you all so much!!!
Updated 9-3-2012
- Fixed Potato and Carrot plants to be more realistic and different from one another.
- Updated Pumpkins to have larger faces.
- Updated Pumpkin and Melon Stems to be more realistic.
- Rehauled the font.
- Fixed tiling errors with stone using CTM.
- Fixed Command Box.
- Retooled errors with the 32x32 resolution pack.
- Fixed Zombies to work with the latest Snapshot (let's hope they work for regular, too, if not you will have some freaky looking zombies!)
To Do:
- Fix Beacon interface in the GUI.
- Finish Bump Mapping.
- Skin Dragon, Enter Dragon, Fire, Gollum, and Wither.
Download Count - 21610 - Thank you so so much!!
Updated 8-27-2012:
- Fixed Obsidian to tile seamlessly.
- Updated for the newest Snapshot 12w34b.
- Added Flower Pot, Item Frame, Command Block, Carrot's, Potato's, Cobblestone Wall, Empty Map, Beacon Block.
- Updated Creepers.
- Added more CTM support.
- Added More Mobs, Zombies, and Cats specifically.
- Added Saddles.
- Added Stem on Watermelons.
- Fixed Stem from Cooca Beans.
To Do :
- Fix Beacon interface in the GUI.
- Finish Bump Mapping.
- Skin Dragon, Enter Dragon, Fire, Gollum, and Wither.
Download Count : 19012 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 8-21-12:
- Fixed Stone Brick.
- Fixed Iron Pickaxe/Hoe to be less similar to stone tools.
- Toyed with some more CTM terrain and fixed to be more similar.
- Fixed CTM issues with Jungle Log
- Updated Artwork
Download Count : 16307 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 8-19-12:
- Fixed the Log Tops to be more Minecraftish.
- Added CTM Support for a plethora of things, Ores, Mushrooms, Flowers, Grasses, Oak, and Birch
- Fixed Birch to be more realistic
- Minor tweaks here and there for font, GUI, terrain.png
Download Count : 14275
Updated 8-10-12 :
- Fixed Tunnel.png.
- Removed Pspbrowse taking up space.
- Fixed Cracked/Mossy Stone Brick.
- Fixed the Rain to be less apparent.
- Flipped Iron Sword.
- Fixed minor errors with the lower resolution texture packs.
Download Count : 7703 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 8-7-12 :
- Windows have been modified.
- Gravel has been redone to match stone a bit more, and be more seamless.
- Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Mossy Stone Brick has been overhauled and redone.
- Chests have been darkened to look better, And clipping has been solved.
- Font has been beveled and cleaned up a bit.
Before the Update we were at : 4281 Downloads, Thank you so much!!
Legal - Terms of Use -
This texture pack, Faerielight, has been created by me, Kimberly Thompson, and it is my intellectual property, with the exceptions in the credits.txt included within every zip. To use this pack in any form, you must get written permission from me. Absolutely no exceptions to this, Thank you!
Bugs 1.7.2 -
None that I am aware of other than I've not textured a few textures, like the Beacon GUI, Some random mobs, and Horse armor (sorry, trying to wrap my head around it!).
- - Compass Error - Not animated - Working on it. - Fixed
- There may be a possible bug with Zombies if you are not using the latest snapshot. - Fixed
- 1.5 - There is an issue with the clock. - Fixed
- 256x256 - There is an issue with crashing. - Fixed
Tunnel Particle Effect on End Portals -
If you want to take away the tunnel particle effect (End Portals), I did not realise what tunnel.png did when I created it, and forgot to remove it. So go into misc>tunnel.png and delete it, or just wait until I update again. - Fixed 8/10/11
If you choose to use my texture pack, thank you so much! I am so honored to share with you all, it's been a long time in the making.
CTM - Support / Optional
My pack now supports CTM if you do not like it, please delete the CTM folder from the zip - Thank you!
I fixed the cactus, will update next month (Unfortunately I live in an area where ATT is my only provider and there is a cap on how much you can upload/download per month). But here is a screenshot, thank you again for the feedback!
Additionally I went through and cleaned up the 32x32 a bit, again it's very 'degraded' but it still is within the theme of the larger ones. Feel free to give me feedback if you're using that one, too!
Well, this texture pack certainly is realistic, sometimes even creepily so (the skeleton to be specific) but I will tell you one thing, it definatly kicks the crap out of LB photo Realism.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please make sure to quote my post so that I know you repliedto me!
Well, this texture pack certainly is realistic, sometimes even creepily so (the skeleton to be specific) but I will tell you one thing, it definatly kicks the crap out of LB photo Realism.
Oh wow! That's quite a compliment, Thank you so much! As I said I worked for about a year on this (Totally insane, right?), but really because of LB PhotoRealism is why I attempted to make my own.
Great texture pack. I've been using this all day and I love the feel of it. One small complaint though is the size and angle of the shovel. It (to me) looks like a javelin or something as the spade is not as big as any of the other tools. Other than that, amazing work.
excellent job! I was going to say some of the textures look too familiar at first, and then I noticed you use FF. It has a very noticeable feel to it's textures though.
I think you did a great job with most all of it. I love the ores, it almost looks like you used the same method I do for some of mine! hehe
The nether bricks have got to be the best I have seen.. fantastic job there.
The only real complaints on my part are minor.. the font could use a bit of work.. it doesn't quite feel right... maybe clean it up a bit and add a slight bevel to it, softening it up a tad?
Tiling... or more so quilting.. the gravel is the worst culprit. try to make it not have so obvious a pattern to it... it overwhelms the texture.
and the side grass dirt doesn't match the dirt texture on..uhh.. what was it.. the mushroom biome grass.
other than that... I really like it... it reminds me of the Psience Pack... dunno if you remember that one..lol
edit: and thank you for not doing another cookie cutter photo realism pack!!!
Horpyna - Thank you so much! I am working on the mob textures, and am almost done - Those just are the last of the default ones, and yes I am already working on 1.3 =)
Jake - I can see that, Thank you very much! I am not sure if I will change the shovels or not, but I appreciate your comment!
Grugsy - Thank you! About the gravel, I totally agree, and am not fond of it myself, since I am working on updating for 1.3 I'll go ahead and fix it =) I'll think about the font, I am not fond of beveled fonts, but I'll tinker with it and maybe soften it up a bit, I used it without anti-aliasing, and I think that may have been a mistake, and thank you about the Mushroom Biome Grass, you know I noticed that a few months ago, but it totally slipped my mind! I'll get on fixing it.
Actually, Yes, but they are not really ready yet. I have textures created for Red Power, and Industrial Craft. Once I get the texture pack ready for 1.3 I'll start to release those. Do you have any other mods you'd like to see skinned?
Lovely textures! Realistic texture packs are distressingly common, though. What makes yours different from LB, Misa's, and all the others?
What makes anything different from another? I am not really sure how to answer that, my texture pack is filled with things that I enjoy that are vastly different than LB, Misa.. however it is a 'realistic' texture pack, and there are only so many ways someone can say do .. birch, or sand, before they all start to mesh together. I made mine because I felt I could flavor the game towards something I enjoyed seeing. At first it started with redoing just a few textures, and then ultimately it turned into doing them all. I could say that I worked incredibly hard on mine, tweaking, hours on one texture, but, I am sure they did, too. So it really boils down to what you enjoy seeing. A lot of the popular and well used texture packs around are amazing and you can see the incredible work that people put into them. I put incredible work into this with a decade of graphic work behind me, hopefully I've done the other texture makers justice.
Contact Information
If for whatever reason you need to contact me, either PM me here or :
Steam - Develsaa
Email - [email protected]
I usuaully have steam up. I usually answer emails within a 24 hour period. Thanks!!
I have a gallery of screenshots using my texture pack located at Imgur - There are currently 27 images in there, if you have any screenshots you'd like to share that'd be awesome!
I also have a gallery of screenshots using the mods I am using, Biomes O'Plenty and Sonic Ether's Shaders located here - Imgur I constantly add to this so enjoy!
Biomes O Plenty + Sonic Ether :
There are a slew (like 50+) more located here Imgur .
Mobs you may run into :
And if you have MCPatcher Random Mobs :
Downloads - Most Current Version for 1.7.9 :
Last Updated : July 25th, 2014.
The most current version of Faerielight is:
Faerielight(your resolution)v179v1.zip
Currently, you can use this texture pack for up to 1.7.9.
To install - Place the zip file into your "Resource Pack" folder.
Adfly Links if you wish to support my work :
256x256 - The biggest and the Best.
128x128 - The second to biggest, and very good.
Mediafire Links :
Click me!
Click me!
Donations :
It was suggested to me to add this. If you wish to donate to me that'd be amazing, but it's not required, I'll continue to work on the pack because I enjoy it, but I am so glad to see other people do too.
Older Texture Pack Files -
These are no longer being worked on.
These will only work for versions 1.6 and lower!!
Click me!
Click me!
Pre 1.6 - These will only work for Minecraft 1.5x
Click me!
Click me!
Pre 1.5 - These will only work for Minecraft 1.4x
These are no longer being worked on.
Click me!
Click me!
Click me!
Click me!
Older Texture Pack Files -
Pre 1.4 - These will only work for Minecraft 1.3x
These are no longer being worked on.
256x256 : Click me
128x128 Click me
64x64 Click me
32x32 Click me
Pre 1.3 - These will work only for Minecraft 1.2.5 and lower.
These are no longer being worked on.
256x256 : Click me
128x128 Click me
64x64 Click me
32x32 Click me
Mod Support for 1.7.2
Biomes O'Plenty
Version : BiomesOPlenty-1.7.2-
I am supporting this mod! It's a great mod, you should use it - I love it.
Here is the mod -
Click me!
Here is the download link for my textures for it -
Download Me
To Install :
Unzip this rar to a folder on your computer. Then download the Universal .jar for the Biomes O Plenty Mod.
Follow all instructions to install that mod. Then go to your mods folder. Open the Biomes O Plenty .jar file using a zip program, 7zip is free and works just fine.
You should see a bunch of folders and .info, .mcmeta, and .properties files
from there, drag the folder with my textures to the .jar
Replace, Yes to all, if your zip program requires it.
Changelog for Biomes O'Plenty
- Updated to newest recommended version.
- Added a plethora of new blocks.
- Redid a few leaf blocks.
- Redid Burning Blossoms, Bromeliad, Cosmos, Lavender, Bluebells flowers.
- Added Christmas Lights.
- Redid Quicksand.
- Redid Icy Iris.
- Redid Moss.
- Redid Hard Ice.
- Redid Glow Shroom.
- Redid Big Flower blocks.
- Redid Clover and Cloverpatches.
- Redid some coral.
- Redid Koru.
- Redid Cherry tree leaves.
- Redid Lotus.
- Redid Magic Planks.
- Minor recolor of Cragrock.
- Customized Pixies.
- Updated a bunch of old blocks to be more visually exciting!
- I still need to do some minor things, some icons, and items but for the most part everything is done.. Yay!
February 2nd, 2014
- Updated a plethora of textures for it.
- Updated it for the newest version : BiomesOPlenty-1.7.2-
- Fixed McPatchers Random Mob functionality for various mobs.
- Still need to do some more but it's visually acceptable!
July 28th, 2013
- Updated for Version 0.5.6
- Added a slew of new items.
- Will still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and various other Amethyst items. Almost everything is done however. I apologize for the delay!
June 5th, 2013
- Updated for version 0.5.5
- Added 5 new ores, gems, and blocks.
- Still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and Mudball.
Download Count - 78 - Thank you!!
June 2nd, 2013
- Updated for version 0.5.4-R3
- Added Kelp, Ivy, Bone, Hell Bark, Pine, Jacaranda Tree, Spring Water, Liquid Poison, various other updates.
- Edited Quicksand to be a little bit more noticeable. I realise it doesn't match up on all four sides, but it's quicksand so it's not supposed too!.
- Still need to finish Armors, Floral Headbands, and MudBall.
Download Count - 54 - Thank you!!
May 29th, 2013
- Uploaded and released the support.
- Still need to do Armors, Floral Headbands, and Mudball.
Mod Support for 1.6.x -
These textures are by Sikki - Thank you so much for doing them.
Here is the mod -
Click Me!
Here is the Download -
Click Me!
Underground Biomes
Again, these textures were done by Sikki. Thank you!! I also hear he's adding some more mod support.
Here is the Mod -
Click Me!
Here is the Download -
Click Me!
Mod Support Pre 1.5
Currently I am supporting these mods -
Sonic Ether Unbelievable Shaders -
Thanks to Aywyn who spent the time to create these for my map -
And he also created a wonderful video for it :
Download those here -
Click Me!
And specific versions -
x32: Click Me!
x64: Click Me!
x128: Click Me!
x256: Click Me!
- Sometimes, you'll find a file named foldername.pspbrwse - That is for the graphics program that I use, it creates thumbnails. There are far too many folders for me to go through and delete them everytime I realise a pack. I am sorry if it annoys you, call me lazy!
- Major Update.
- Updated through till 1.7.9
- Redid a lot of things.
- Added CTM for glass panes and glass blocks.
- Randomized CTM for Bookcases.
- Animated and redid Crafting Tables.
- Animated Redstone Repeater.
- Redid Birch Leaves.
- Added and changed Foliage Maps/Color Maps.
- Added roughly 40 new flowers to Dandelion.
- Added a Birch randomization CTM.
- Updated Glass Panes, Iron Bars.
- Fixed Hopper error.
- Changed Tulips to fit more with the pack.
- Changed some other flowers to more represent what they are supposed to be.
- Updated Particles, including enchanting runes.
- Changed Chiselled Stone Bricks to look more like Stone Bricks.
- Changed roses to Poppies.
Download Count - 315,951 - Thank you all so much!!
February 2nd 2014
- Updated Netherrack
- Updated Quartz Ore
- Redid Blue Orchid flowers
- Did some minor cosmetic changes.
- Edited various properties files to be compatible with Biomes O' Plenty
Download Count - 250,042 - Thank you all so much!
First Update of 2014 January 16th
- Updated Minecarts.
- Updated Enchantment Table Graphics.
- Added a custom pumpkin blur.
- Removed already carved pumpkin faces.
- Fixed some minor graphic issues with the 128x128 Fire.
- Fixed a pixel issue with the clock.
- Added custom horse lead and knot.
- Added a few more custom mobs.
- Added nameplates to the various GUI's.
- Redid the armor. Leather, Chain-mail and, Diamond. Iron and Gold left alone, but lowered the eye sockets.
- Redid Flowing Lava.
- Changed Iron back to the old iron block texture.
- Customized Beacon Beam.
- Customized the Beacon GUI.
- Customized Ender Beam.
- Skinned Wither.
- Skinned Wither Skeleton.
- Skinned Ender Dragon.
- Skinned Iron Golem.
- Fixed the reed colors.
- Fixed issues with log ends.
- Edited the various hardened clay textures to be more realistic in the biome. The old textures are there if you want to use them, just remove the 1 in the name.
- Added Diorite, Andesite, and Granite textures.
- Added Slime block textures.
- Redid Red Sand to be more biome compliant.
- Skinned (haha) Zombie and Skeleton Horse.
- Remapped Horses and added Horse Saddles.
- Remapped GUI elements with Villagers and Enchanting.
- Skinned Diamond, Iron, and Gold Horse Armor.
- Fixed some font issues.
- And a lot of other little things that I am forgetting right now!
Download Count - 243,249 - Holy Cow! Thank you all so much for your patience and support!
Updated October 29t, 2013
- Whoops, fixed a packing error. If you were the 40 people who downloaded before this, my apologies, please unzip the pack in your resources folder.
Updated October 29th, 2013
- Updated for 1.7.2
- Added a significant amount of new blocks.
- Remapped the Fonts.
- Animated the Compass
- Fixed some minor errors.
- Added some missing GUI elements.
Download Count - 140,524 (OH MY GOD REALLY?! Wow)
Thank you all so much!!
Updated July 12th, 2013
- I packed the previous version incorrectly. Fixed the error!
Updated July 11th, 2013
- Updated to be 1.6 compliant
- Updated a plethora of GUI elements
- Updated to add Horses (Still need to do the Zombie and Skeleton Horse)
- Updated to add new blocks and textures
- Updated to work with new MCPatcher.
- Tweaked a few graphical errors
- Will need to finish some mobs, compass, and the horses armor/saddles
Download Count - 70,851
Thank you all so much!!
Updated 6-4-13
- Fixed Potatoes
- Fixed Redstone Powder
- Fixed the color of Gunpowder
- Fixed some of the Dyes
- Fixed the Iron Sword so it's pointing the proper way
- Tweaked some various other textures, Rails, Gemstones, Axes
- Animated the Clock
- Rehauled Water and Flowing Water
- Rehauled the 128 x 128 pack for more detail
- Rehauled and Added Notches for the Restone Repeater, Notches added to tell what setting it's at
- Rehauled all text files
Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and for your support over the last 10 months!
Download Count - 60,128
Updated 4-2-13
- Updated for 1.5
- Cleaned up some textures.
- Added all of the new textures for 1.5.
Please note I am aware that 1.5 did some changes to how the game reads the clock - Am working on an update. Additionally the game keeps crashing when I try to text my 256x256 version if you crash my sincere apologies, I will be getting it working shortly. Thank you!
Thank you all so much for your continued support!
Download Count - 53,768
Updated 12-26-12
- Updated for 1.4.6
- Added Fireworks Rocket, Fireworks Star, Particles.
- Added Skis
- Added Large Christmas Chest, and Small Christmas Chest
- Added Enchanted Books
Download Count - 46,353 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 11-27-12
- Smoothed some things out in the lower resolutions.
- Updated some minor things, probably won't be noticable to anyone else but me =)
Download Count - 38320 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 10-29-12
- Fixed Zombies - WHOOPS!
Download Count - 33131 - Thank you!!
Updated 10-26-12
- Added Anvil
- Did some cleanup on Items.png
- Added everything to be up to date with 1.4.2
- Download count is at - 31294 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 10-9-2012
- Updated Witch
- Fixed some things to be compliant with 12w40a
- Fixed Beacon/Beam
Download Count - 29407 - Thank you all so very much!!
Updated 9-23-2012
- Updated for the newest snapshot 12w38b
- Added Witch
- Added 4 colors of Bats
- Fixed a couple minor errors
- Fixed the Butcher's Face
Download Count - 27000 - Thank you all so very much!!
Updated 9-18-2012
- Updated for the newest snapshot 12w37a.
- Tweaked some mobs.
- Added snapshot things, like Pumpkin Pie, and Carrot on a Stick
- Customized the heads.
- Fixed the new beacon.
Download Count - 25417 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 9-9-2012
- Fixed Pumpkins.
- Added Jack-O-Lantern and RedStone Lamp animations.
- Added a plethora of new mobs, including biome specific mobs.
- Desert Zombies.
- Jungle Boars
- Jungle Parrots
- New Cows
- New Ozelots
- New Spiders
- Snow Yeti Zombies
- Snow Penguins
- Swamp Flamingos
- A slew of other things to explore!
- Added Blaze Mob.
- Fixed Tiling Error with Emerald Blocks.
- Added Night Skies, and Day time cloud Skies.
Download Count - 23600 - Thank you all so much!!!
Updated 9-3-2012
- Fixed Potato and Carrot plants to be more realistic and different from one another.
- Updated Pumpkins to have larger faces.
- Updated Pumpkin and Melon Stems to be more realistic.
- Rehauled the font.
- Fixed tiling errors with stone using CTM.
- Fixed Command Box.
- Retooled errors with the 32x32 resolution pack.
- Fixed Zombies to work with the latest Snapshot (let's hope they work for regular, too, if not you will have some freaky looking zombies!)
To Do:
- Fix Beacon interface in the GUI.
- Finish Bump Mapping.
- Skin Dragon, Enter Dragon, Fire, Gollum, and Wither.
Download Count - 21610 - Thank you so so much!!
Updated 8-27-2012:
- Fixed Obsidian to tile seamlessly.
- Updated for the newest Snapshot 12w34b.
- Added Flower Pot, Item Frame, Command Block, Carrot's, Potato's, Cobblestone Wall, Empty Map, Beacon Block.
- Updated Creepers.
- Added more CTM support.
- Added More Mobs, Zombies, and Cats specifically.
- Added Saddles.
- Added Stem on Watermelons.
- Fixed Stem from Cooca Beans.
To Do :
- Fix Beacon interface in the GUI.
- Finish Bump Mapping.
- Skin Dragon, Enter Dragon, Fire, Gollum, and Wither.
Download Count : 19012 - Thank you all so much!!
Updated 8-21-12:
- Fixed Stone Brick.
- Fixed Iron Pickaxe/Hoe to be less similar to stone tools.
- Toyed with some more CTM terrain and fixed to be more similar.
- Fixed CTM issues with Jungle Log
- Updated Artwork
Download Count : 16307 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 8-19-12:
- Fixed the Log Tops to be more Minecraftish.
- Added CTM Support for a plethora of things, Ores, Mushrooms, Flowers, Grasses, Oak, and Birch
- Fixed Birch to be more realistic
- Minor tweaks here and there for font, GUI, terrain.png
Download Count : 14275
Updated 8-10-12 :
- Fixed Tunnel.png.
- Removed Pspbrowse taking up space.
- Fixed Cracked/Mossy Stone Brick.
- Fixed the Rain to be less apparent.
- Flipped Iron Sword.
- Fixed minor errors with the lower resolution texture packs.
Download Count : 7703 - Thank you so much!!
Updated 8-7-12 :
- Windows have been modified.
- Gravel has been redone to match stone a bit more, and be more seamless.
- Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Mossy Stone Brick has been overhauled and redone.
- Chests have been darkened to look better, And clipping has been solved.
- Font has been beveled and cleaned up a bit.
Before the Update we were at : 4281 Downloads, Thank you so much!!
Member of -
Awards -
Winner of TPC's Texture pack of the week. For 8/21
Legal -
Terms of Use -
This texture pack, Faerielight, has been created by me, Kimberly Thompson, and it is my intellectual property, with the exceptions in the credits.txt included within every zip. To use this pack in any form, you must get written permission from me. Absolutely no exceptions to this, Thank you!
Bugs 1.7.2 -
None that I am aware of other than I've not textured a few textures, like the Beacon GUI, Some random mobs, and Horse armor (sorry, trying to wrap my head around it!).
- Compass Error - Not animated - Working on it.- Fixed-
There may be a possible bug with Zombies if you are not using the latest snapshot.- Fixed-
1.5 - There is an issue with the clock.- Fixed-
256x256 - There is an issue with crashing.- FixedTunnel Particle Effect on End Portals -- Fixed 8/10/11If you want to take away the tunnel particle effect (End Portals), I did not realise what tunnel.png did when I created it, and forgot to remove it. So go into misc>tunnel.png and delete it, or just wait until I update again.
If you choose to use my texture pack, thank you so much! I am so honored to share with you all, it's been a long time in the making.
CTM - Support / Optional
My pack now supports CTM if you do not like it, please delete the CTM folder from the zip - Thank you!
No stolen textures. Like I said, this has been roughly a year in the making =) Thank you however!
Agreed, Thank you! - I'll get to work on it, it's been a while since I worked on them, nevertheless it was one of the first things I did heh.
Additionally I went through and cleaned up the 32x32 a bit, again it's very 'degraded' but it still is within the theme of the larger ones. Feel free to give me feedback if you're using that one, too!
Thank you so much!!
Yay thank you again for the feedback! Thankfully the first is tomorrow =)
Please make sure to quote my post so that I know you replied to me!
Oh wow! That's quite a compliment, Thank you so much! As I said I worked for about a year on this (Totally insane, right?), but really because of LB PhotoRealism is why I attempted to make my own.
Thank you so much!
I think you did a great job with most all of it. I love the ores, it almost looks like you used the same method I do for some of mine! hehe
The nether bricks have got to be the best I have seen.. fantastic job there.
The only real complaints on my part are minor.. the font could use a bit of work.. it doesn't quite feel right... maybe clean it up a bit and add a slight bevel to it, softening it up a tad?
Tiling... or more so quilting.. the gravel is the worst culprit. try to make it not have so obvious a pattern to it... it overwhelms the texture.
and the side grass dirt doesn't match the dirt texture on..uhh.. what was it.. the mushroom biome grass.
other than that... I really like it... it reminds me of the Psience Pack... dunno if you remember that one..lol
edit: and thank you for not doing another cookie cutter photo realism pack!!!
Jake - I can see that, Thank you very much! I am not sure if I will change the shovels or not, but I appreciate your comment!
Grugsy - Thank you! About the gravel, I totally agree, and am not fond of it myself, since I am working on updating for 1.3 I'll go ahead and fix it =) I'll think about the font, I am not fond of beveled fonts, but I'll tinker with it and maybe soften it up a bit, I used it without anti-aliasing, and I think that may have been a mistake, and thank you about the Mushroom Biome Grass, you know I noticed that a few months ago, but it totally slipped my mind! I'll get on fixing it.
And, you're welcome!
Actually, Yes, but they are not really ready yet. I have textures created for Red Power, and Industrial Craft. Once I get the texture pack ready for 1.3 I'll start to release those. Do you have any other mods you'd like to see skinned?
What makes anything different from another? I am not really sure how to answer that, my texture pack is filled with things that I enjoy that are vastly different than LB, Misa.. however it is a 'realistic' texture pack, and there are only so many ways someone can say do .. birch, or sand, before they all start to mesh together. I made mine because I felt I could flavor the game towards something I enjoyed seeing. At first it started with redoing just a few textures, and then ultimately it turned into doing them all. I could say that I worked incredibly hard on mine, tweaking, hours on one texture, but, I am sure they did, too. So it really boils down to what you enjoy seeing. A lot of the popular and well used texture packs around are amazing and you can see the incredible work that people put into them. I put incredible work into this with a decade of graphic work behind me, hopefully I've done the other texture makers justice.