I love the feeling it gives off when playing Minecraft!
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Favorite quotes : "I Don't Always Derp But When I do, I Herp a Derp." ,"The poet got it wrong. The world won't end with a bang or a whimper. It'll end with the death screams of a thousands demons and a defiant, carefree, savage, wolfen howl." ,&"It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Gray? I don't know what to do with gray." Favorite texturepacks : Misa's Realistic Texture-Pack, Faithful 32 Pack, Derivation, SMP's Revival, SummerFields, Flow's HD Texture pack, 42'S REMNANT, Affinites Faithful
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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@bradley: Sure, I don't see why not.
@dereksmith: Right here: http://minecraftcustomizer.net/start
Click on, 'Creating a Customizer' and it should tell you everything you need to know.
Right now, I'm working on a leather armor to replace the current, at least in my game. It's turning out ok, but once more, I'll post screens and sech if anyone's interested.
Lastly, does anyone know a non-mod intensive way to use an HD skin inside of a texture pack in MineCraft? The skin in Last Days works fine, but only when I'm offline. Whenever I'm connected to the net, the mincraft.net skin always overrides it, and I don't know how to switch it off without modding the game and using an outside resource page.
EDIT: @bradley:
The files are gold_white and gold_white_legs, to keep them separate from your default/Last Days textures. Just in case you need the details, they need to be renamed gold_1.png and gold_2.png, respectively, and placed in the 'armor' folder of the LD texture pack.
I lightened them, and made them white, but tried to keep them dirty and faded. If you want them lightened more, or whatever, just let me know, no problem.
Okay guys, today I have been putting off working on the pack, but I have been video editing for a few friends of mine on my youtube channel linked in my sig. I'm kinda juggling a bunch of projects right now, but I'll make a customizer page as soon as I can, probly around Tuesday.
no offense but in my opinion the iron golems looks terrible.It kinda looks like my brother(he is 8) drawing of frankenstein...maybe you should avoid random splashes of color and stick to broken.You are not very good at making some look radiated or whatever you call those random colors.Before anybody hates me im only disliking the golem.Everything else is fineish.Oh and there is no experience potion texture.However that does not effect me because i rarely use it anyway
no offense but in my opinion the iron golems looks terrible.It kinda looks like my brother(he is 8) drawing of frankenstein...maybe you should avoid random splashes of color and stick to broken.You are not very good at making some look radiated or whatever you call those random colors.Before anybody hates me im only disliking the golem.Everything else is fineish.Oh and there is no experience potion texture.However that does not effect me because i rarely use it anyway
I see you've got a customizer page up now - much appreciated. Would it be too much trouble to add all of the customization options from the other Last Days customizer page? My main reason for sticking with 1.1 right now instead of using this pack is that I've changed quite a few textures to something different than normal. It sounds trivial, but I've built my maps around these variant textures, and they look very strange otherwise.
Thanks again for continuing work on this, Derek.
1, I agree in some ways, we shouldn't change existing textures and instead create alternatives. Once we start changing the default pack it wont be the pack we liked in the first place.
2, Although I agree that there should be more creatures, Iron golems need to be robots, after all they are made of iron. Again having an alternative could solve both of those.
3, I like the pills.
4, This is the one I agree with you the most on. NO MORE SNOWMEN IN MY WASTELAND.
5, I like that texture, it could be useful for creative building. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, have it as an alternate.
6, It doesn't really bother me, but I suppose it should be worn down.
7, I never thought of that, a mutated jungle sounds really cool. I may try to make something like this.
8, Amazing. Instead of fighting a dragon, you are fighting with your own subconscious. An epic battle of the mind. I think you can change the final text in the texture pack too. Not to sure though. I just tried it, you can edit it in the texture file but the .jar file overrides the texture pack.
That's some amazing suggestions and your English was perfect. People like you are the reason I love the minecraft community.
Ack, so much work I'll try to add as much as possible without ruining the unique feel of the pack. That's what the customizer is for. Also, school is destroying my thinking capacity to dangerously low levels for level thinking and working, I'll upload what I can to the customizer, when I can. I'll try to work out that mass of suggestions, but don't expect all to be done.
Also, it seems nobody is getting the right iron golems, so I will re upload the pack soon.
I discovered this texture pack only two weeks ago, started a new map and thus far love it. I read the two previous threads and I'm glad that people continue to update Doku's/History's awesome work; so THANK YOU. I'd like to help but I'm not good with computers (and the English language too) so I'll just write down my thoughts and suggestions (Danger: Wall of text incoming):
1. Please don't change the already existing textures (too much, more on that later in 5.)
While the idea of trees being shacks is somewhat ludicrous it fits really well with the background story and explains why trunks and planks look like corrugated iron sheets. Of course their texture could be changed too but that would take a lot of cool building materials from the pack. If you want to have trees just search for a snowy biome and get some pines. If you don't like how they look shear of the leaves and build trees from scratch. The green color of the birch trees “leaves” also makes a great material for building military camouflage and tents and enables you to actually build something colorful in the dull brown post-apocalypse.
Also I'm not fond of the blinking battery symbol on coal. While it makes it easier for newcomers to identify it, it takes away the personal freedom to use it as “Do-not-cross”-indication on floors or similar things.
2. No more robots
Pretty self-explanatory. There already is an awful lot of robots in this pack so I disagree with the current mindset of technifying everything. Depending on what the villagers will look like, Iron golems for example could be tame “supermutants” or a frankenstein with cyborg implants to keep him calm.
3. Wheat and bread
The original idea was for “seeds” to purify water that could be drunk. But now the harvested wheat looks like an orange powder and bread like Rad-X from Fallout. So my suggestion would be for the gray fill-level-indicator on the sides of the “crops” (not the green dots) to be tinted orange. An explanation would be that the device extracts nutrients out of the water.
4. Snow golems look like [beep]
Seriously, a snowman with a Tv head that launches balls of ash? There was a cool robot skin somewhere in History's thread. I'll post a link later, right now I'm too tired to reread those 120 pages.
Edit 3:
taken from: http://www.minecraft...s/page__st__320 page 108. It's HalphPrice's design.
5. Turn gravel to trash
Not that it would take much work with gravel being mostly useless anyway . As in 4. there was a texture in History's thread that made gravel look like discarded black stuff (I think it was even done by History himself). Dumps of trash everywhere from the ocean floor to caves and the moon make sense lore-wise. Also the current gravel looks a lot like clay when under water.
Edit 3:
Taken from: http://www.minecraft...s/page__st__320 page 18
6. Paintings
The Hugatron add is neither dirty nor torn. Give me a scissor and the old/new gravel-trash-texture and I'll take care of it
7. Let the jungle live
I'd prefer if the jungle was actually a dangerous mutated forest instead of the barbwire towers. Barbwire on giant columns doesn't make much sense and probably looks rather odd with the regular trees around it. My suggestion would be to give the trees a living texture (more happiness for the treehugging “No to shacks!”-sayers) and turn the ocelots into a matching beast (like the Nightstalkers from New Vegas http://www.falloutwi...om/Nightstalker / I know it's not Fallout, it's just an example)
The barbwire texture could be used instead of cobwebs as it was already suggested in History's thread. That would even add a slowdown effect to the cool looking defense! The fact that cobwebs can't be obtained regularly can be compensated with third party programs (that even I managed to install). Also mineshafts would look quite cool this way.
8. The end of it
I saw an enderman yesterday for the first time since I installed the pack. I assume they are meant to be mutants(?) with mind-control devices attached to their heads. This gave me an idea. The strongholds already look like insane asylums/ giant bathrooms with the white stone brick texture. Why not turn the end portal into a brain-altering machine-thingy a crazy scientist came up with and the end into a dream/nightmare/psychedelic trip (Also a theme some post-nuclear works deal with). The enderdragon would be the giant brain of said scientist with mechanic additions and tentacles who draws on the power of other jarred brains (Ender Crystals). The incoherent rant after the fight would also go along with this
That's it. I would love to see all this come true but I'm not so egocentric to blame you if it doesn't. Once again THANK YOU for keeping the pack alive, rock on.
PS: Created an account just to comment on this thread, it's just so awesome.
PPS: Can anyone give a technological impaired duck a step-by-step explanation on the installation of the sound pack. There are tons of different instructions on the web which I tried and ended up temporary with no sounds at all and permanently broken noteblock sounds
Edith says: dereksmith the text under the third banner in the misc section lacks an url = before the http. Also banner 2 and 3 gave me an error because of their size being to big for the forum and the links redirect to crocos closed, outdated thread.
Edit 2:
9. I'm blind
There is no texture for the "Select language" button. Foreign speakers have to click around wildly if they don't remember it's exact location. I suggest a globe with small flags sticking out of it, a radio, or a tactical map with red arrows and linesdrawn on it.
Okay. I understand where you are coming from. That is why we have a customizer.
Garbage for gravel is in the customizer.
On your night stalker request I will have to decline that, Last Days needs to stay away from Fallout. If you are looking for a more Fallout style Halph Price has made his own Fallout Texture pack and I am sure he would love to do it. It is called Minecraft: Apocalyptic Adventure: Fallout Wasteland. It's pretty good.
About the jungle trees. Talk to Derrick about that, I like the way my metal towers are going.
About the robots. In the lore, A Mr. History was a robot inventist and made Orbital Industries, they mass produced all types of Robots. So I think that it would better fit the lore to have more types of Robots (I prefer a robot uprising over mutant uprising).
That is all i can think of today. Might Edit later.
I'm pretty sure the new release has a better golem.
Also, we have new skeletons, zombies, cave spiders, and two alt golems.
villager_golem2.png (your wonderful work of art) is the only one showing up.
That's.... Odd.
What files actually change it? I am trying to texture it myself but every time I save and update the png's there is no change.
I really like that. It will be really good for creative builds too. I could have a proper security wall.
Did you put the pngs back into the zip?
Thank you very much.
@dereksmith: Right here: http://minecraftcustomizer.net/start
Click on, 'Creating a Customizer' and it should tell you everything you need to know.
Right now, I'm working on a leather armor to replace the current, at least in my game. It's turning out ok, but once more, I'll post screens and sech if anyone's interested.
Lastly, does anyone know a non-mod intensive way to use an HD skin inside of a texture pack in MineCraft? The skin in Last Days works fine, but only when I'm offline. Whenever I'm connected to the net, the mincraft.net skin always overrides it, and I don't know how to switch it off without modding the game and using an outside resource page.
EDIT: @bradley:
The files are gold_white and gold_white_legs, to keep them separate from your default/Last Days textures. Just in case you need the details, they need to be renamed gold_1.png and gold_2.png, respectively, and placed in the 'armor' folder of the LD texture pack.
I lightened them, and made them white, but tried to keep them dirty and faded. If you want them lightened more, or whatever, just let me know, no problem.
It's a placeholder.
Starting to wonder if people are evening reading the past posts.
Thanks again for continuing work on this, Derek.
I think you can change the final text in the texture pack too. Not to sure though.I just tried it, you can edit it in the texture file but the .jar file overrides the texture pack.Also, it seems nobody is getting the right iron golems, so I will re upload the pack soon.
Okay. I understand where you are coming from. That is why we have a customizer.
Garbage for gravel is in the customizer.
On your night stalker request I will have to decline that, Last Days needs to stay away from Fallout. If you are looking for a more Fallout style Halph Price has made his own Fallout Texture pack and I am sure he would love to do it. It is called Minecraft: Apocalyptic Adventure: Fallout Wasteland. It's pretty good.
About the jungle trees. Talk to Derrick about that, I like the way my metal towers are going.
About the robots. In the lore, A Mr. History was a robot inventist and made Orbital Industries, they mass produced all types of Robots. So I think that it would better fit the lore to have more types of Robots (I prefer a robot uprising over mutant uprising).
That is all i can think of today. Might Edit later.
Also, what is the filename for the select language button?