The customizer is coming back? Awesome. I have been having to go in and edit the pack i use myself since you stopped updating it. Hope your vacation goes well and I will keep watch for when it updates.
Yep! I've learned a lot since the first iteration and the new one is way better. Much easier to maintain. I just need to fix a bug and update the textures to 1.13 and it'll be operational again.
I'm refreshing this every day in anticipation. Wolfhound Fantasy is the greatest texture pack I've used in my last 7 years of playing minecraft. I can't wait to make my unique version! Keep up the good work
Any idea when the customiser will be available to use?
I got good news and bad news. Good news: I had reason to fix the bug that was keeping it from working. It's working again! Bad news: it's still on 1.12.
I'll update it to 1.13 when I get all the unique textures I want for 1.13 done. It's quite a bit of work to get the textures setup for the customizer and since they renamed so many textures I kind of have to start from scratch and I only want to do this once.
The customizer is updated to 1.13. It doesn't have all the unique textures yet because I still have some more work to do, but I was bored and wanted to update it.
You've put in so much effort for this pack. I really like it. How on earth do you have enough time to make so many variants?!
I'm consistent. I have a goal of sitting down and making one texture a day on most days of the week. It doesn't take much time to do one texture and if you do that consistently, it adds up. I also don't have any idle recreation. I don't watch TV, I rarely watch movies... if I've got free time, I'm spending it doing something. Playing video games is about the only "wasteful" time I have.
I've added custom categories to the customizer so that I can subdivide things down a bit more. Group all the doors together, for example. Take a look and let me know if it's easier to use that way. I'd like to get a bit of feedback on that before I go nuts and categorize everything.
It seems the customizer is down right now, so maybe you're working on it? But, from what I had seen before it was down, I liked it. My only complaint about it is that there's not too much difference between the categories and the sub-categories. When I first clicked Blocks, I didn't realize it had opened up until I clicked it again and saw stuff go away. So, maybe have the sub-categories' header / bar be indented from the categories' header / bar a bit, or some font size or other color difference; if possible, maybe have the header bar of an open category / sub-category be darker than a closed one?
It seems the customizer is down right now, so maybe you're working on it? But, from what I had seen before it was down, I liked it. My only complaint about it is that there's not too much difference between the categories and the sub-categories. When I first clicked Blocks, I didn't realize it had opened up until I clicked it again and saw stuff go away. So, maybe have the sub-categories' header / bar be indented from the categories' header / bar a bit, or some font size or other color difference; if possible, maybe have the header bar of an open category / sub-category be darker than a closed one?
42 hours ago, someone used the customizer save function in way I did not anticipate, and brought the entire app down. I am impressed and deeply curious as to what they did. Fortunately, I've got the output from the moment it crashed, so hopefully I can figure out what went wrong... and maybe just implement some better error handling instead of letting the entire app self-immolate if something unexpected happens.
It's back up now.
Anyway, that is good feedback, thank you! I've added some visual differences: indented the sub-headers and made their color a bit darker. That'll go live along with the fix for whatever brought the entire thing down, once I figure that out.
Didn't 1.13 just come out...?
We're already on 1.14 snapshots!
So, I'm sure you've seen, but we've got a lot of new blocks, thankfully most are slab, stairs and wall variants so that's less texturing needed to be done!
However I put together of the new blocks/items that need textures so far, more are probably coming though.
3 new flowers, a blue one, a yellow one and a black one.
You usually like to do your own thing with flower colors though so just have fun with them I suppose. lol
However the black flower withers you went you touch it, so it's dangerous, let your imagination wonder there. lol
4 new dye colors being white, black, brown and blue.
Lapis, Ink sacks, bone meal and cocoa no longer dye but can be crafted into dye simply.
Seeing as your existing textures make those all look like dye then I assume you'll be texturing the lapis/ink sacks and stuff instead of the "New dyes". lol
Pillagers, a new Illager like mob.
Illager beast, a huge bull like thing with a villager nose.
Bamboo, it has 3( think) different textures.
As a shoot, as a stem and the little leafy step up top.
7 more textures for cats.
A "Suspicious stew" which isn't in the creative inventory for some odd reason.
But can be crafted/found in chests/given via commands ect.
A crossbow!
Has it's regular state texture, 3 stages of being pulled back, and loaded with an arrow or a firework, so textures in all I think.
And now for the new blocks... there's a lot.
Loom, has 4 textures, top, front, sides and bottom.
Lectern, it's a 3D model so dunno how to find out how many textures it has.
Barrel, 3 textures, Sides, top and bottom.
Smoker, kinda like a furnace, has a front texture(Unlit) sides, top and bottom and a front texture(lit) that's animated.
Blast furnace has pretty much the same amount of textures as the smoker. If you ever go into creative mode to test blocks like these make sure to use /give @p debug stick so you can see the different block states, because as of now they don't function.
A bell, it's not lick a church bell though, I'm kinda disappointed. lol Like the lectern it uses a custom model.
A stone cutter, I think it too is a custom model, it's like a giant buzzsaw so it'll be amazing for lumber mills as decoration too.
Fletching table, has two side textures, top texture and a bottom texture.
Cartography table, same as Fletching table.
Smithing table, again, same deal with top and bottom texture with two side textures.
And lastly a grind stone!
It's a 3D model as well.
Now we know berry bushes are coming, so that means berries and bushes, they said fruit trees as well so dunno how that'll work, we know foxes are coming as well as camp fires.
Those aren't here yet, but I hope they will be soon, I want to play with foxes.
As usual, no obligation to do all this! But just wanted to keep you updated on what textures are out there now and stuff.
We love your work. :3 <3
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Brazil, land of Zuera
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Just a heads up, most new block textures are merery decoration at this point, So ya should wait untill they actually get a function before thinking of texture,
I hate custom models. Just putting it out there. They're a pain to work with and they're usually restrictive in what I can do. Oh well. I might just create one and then tweak the colors or add some minor decoration for the variants. I'll have to check out exactly what they are in-game here this week. Right now I want to finish up unique enderchests for all the packs. I'm tired of only asian, fairy, and fantasy having their own chest.
I was about to suggest making one kinda like Chester from Don't starve but then I saw your Dungeon ender chest. lol
The creativity in these packs is one of the things I love about them.
Yep! I've learned a lot since the first iteration and the new one is way better. Much easier to maintain. I just need to fix a bug and update the textures to 1.13 and it'll be operational again.
Thanks for letting me know! Vacation was nice. I needed one very badly.
I'm refreshing this every day in anticipation. Wolfhound Fantasy is the greatest texture pack I've used in my last 7 years of playing minecraft. I can't wait to make my unique version! Keep up the good work
light gray shulker box is deafult
I checked and it looks fine to me. You are referring to default Wolfhound, correct?
Yes. I downloaded it again and Its fixed. Weird:mellow:
I got good news and bad news. Good news: I had reason to fix the bug that was keeping it from working. It's working again! Bad news: it's still on 1.12.
I'll update it to 1.13 when I get all the unique textures I want for 1.13 done. It's quite a bit of work to get the textures setup for the customizer and since they renamed so many textures I kind of have to start from scratch and I only want to do this once.
The customizer is updated to 1.13. It doesn't have all the unique textures yet because I still have some more work to do, but I was bored and wanted to update it.
Yay! I still need to dive into the blockstate format, but most of WH Modded is close to being ready. Just need to steal the new textures.
I lost my mind today and decided to make a "save" feature for the customizer.
If you've ever wondered what textures I like, use the keyword "thistle" to load my selections.
You've put in so much effort for this pack. I really like it. How on earth do you have enough time to make so many variants?!
I'm consistent. I have a goal of sitting down and making one texture a day on most days of the week. It doesn't take much time to do one texture and if you do that consistently, it adds up. I also don't have any idle recreation. I don't watch TV, I rarely watch movies... if I've got free time, I'm spending it doing something. Playing video games is about the only "wasteful" time I have.
I've added custom categories to the customizer so that I can subdivide things down a bit more. Group all the doors together, for example. Take a look and let me know if it's easier to use that way. I'd like to get a bit of feedback on that before I go nuts and categorize everything.
It seems the customizer is down right now, so maybe you're working on it? But, from what I had seen before it was down, I liked it. My only complaint about it is that there's not too much difference between the categories and the sub-categories. When I first clicked Blocks, I didn't realize it had opened up until I clicked it again and saw stuff go away. So, maybe have the sub-categories' header / bar be indented from the categories' header / bar a bit, or some font size or other color difference; if possible, maybe have the header bar of an open category / sub-category be darker than a closed one?
42 hours ago, someone used the customizer save function in way I did not anticipate, and brought the entire app down. I am impressed and deeply curious as to what they did. Fortunately, I've got the output from the moment it crashed, so hopefully I can figure out what went wrong... and maybe just implement some better error handling instead of letting the entire app self-immolate if something unexpected happens.
It's back up now.
Anyway, that is good feedback, thank you! I've added some visual differences: indented the sub-headers and made their color a bit darker. That'll go live along with the fix for whatever brought the entire thing down, once I figure that out.
Didn't 1.13 just come out...?
We're already on 1.14 snapshots!
So, I'm sure you've seen, but we've got a lot of new blocks, thankfully most are slab, stairs and wall variants so that's less texturing needed to be done!
However I put together of the new blocks/items that need textures so far, more are probably coming though.
3 new flowers, a blue one, a yellow one and a black one.
You usually like to do your own thing with flower colors though so just have fun with them I suppose. lol
However the black flower withers you went you touch it, so it's dangerous, let your imagination wonder there. lol
4 new dye colors being white, black, brown and blue.
Lapis, Ink sacks, bone meal and cocoa no longer dye but can be crafted into dye simply.
Seeing as your existing textures make those all look like dye then I assume you'll be texturing the lapis/ink sacks and stuff instead of the "New dyes". lol
Pillagers, a new Illager like mob.
Illager beast, a huge bull like thing with a villager nose.
Bamboo, it has 3( think) different textures.
As a shoot, as a stem and the little leafy step up top.
7 more textures for cats.
A "Suspicious stew" which isn't in the creative inventory for some odd reason.
But can be crafted/found in chests/given via commands ect.
A crossbow!
Has it's regular state texture, 3 stages of being pulled back, and loaded with an arrow or a firework, so textures in all I think.
And now for the new blocks... there's a lot.
Loom, has 4 textures, top, front, sides and bottom.
Lectern, it's a 3D model so dunno how to find out how many textures it has.
Barrel, 3 textures, Sides, top and bottom.
Smoker, kinda like a furnace, has a front texture(Unlit) sides, top and bottom and a front texture(lit) that's animated.
Blast furnace has pretty much the same amount of textures as the smoker. If you ever go into creative mode to test blocks like these make sure to use /give @p debug stick so you can see the different block states, because as of now they don't function.
A bell, it's not lick a church bell though, I'm kinda disappointed. lol Like the lectern it uses a custom model.
A stone cutter, I think it too is a custom model, it's like a giant buzzsaw so it'll be amazing for lumber mills as decoration too.
Fletching table, has two side textures, top texture and a bottom texture.
Cartography table, same as Fletching table.
Smithing table, again, same deal with top and bottom texture with two side textures.
And lastly a grind stone!
It's a 3D model as well.
Now we know berry bushes are coming, so that means berries and bushes, they said fruit trees as well so dunno how that'll work, we know foxes are coming as well as camp fires.
Those aren't here yet, but I hope they will be soon, I want to play with foxes.
As usual, no obligation to do all this! But just wanted to keep you updated on what textures are out there now and stuff.
We love your work. :3 <3
Just a heads up, most new block textures are merery decoration at this point, So ya should wait untill they actually get a function before thinking of texture,
Bein' normal for suckers.
I hate custom models. Just putting it out there. They're a pain to work with and they're usually restrictive in what I can do. Oh well. I might just create one and then tweak the colors or add some minor decoration for the variants. I'll have to check out exactly what they are in-game here this week. Right now I want to finish up unique enderchests for all the packs. I'm tired of only asian, fairy, and fantasy having their own chest.
I was about to suggest making one kinda like Chester from Don't starve but then I saw your Dungeon ender chest. lol
The creativity in these packs is one of the things I love about them.
Don't worry, that's what other people are for, to make those custom models.
Mind you, the JSON code still needs fixing somehow, I've been busy on other things to keep myself from going crazy over it.