I haven't created a PMC thread for Redemption. The one you are referring too is Ovo's.
I finally have time to go through the textures to get them updated. Everything now is downloaded to the vault in the "to be categorized and adjusted" folder for now as of August 30th.
I'll will continue to work on updating the Customizer today to get it ready for 1.4 (October 24). I also will have the texture pack updated with the new textures you all have done and provide a "default" pack of just vanilla based items, meaning no mod support other than Random Mobs and no custom items. I do hope to get these all ready to have a few version releases of just Vanilla and mod support packs.
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
There isn't anything new in 1.3.2 that isn't in 1.3.1.
Things should be based off the default texture IMO and then provide something for the alts as Minecraft Customizer does not support bump-mapping
Because they are based off of John Smith's lava and Ovo himself stated this and needs to be changed.
Uploaded to the Vault.
Still working on updating the Customizer and default zip.
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
This is not a final version too much about it that I don't like yet and some edges are not fully tile supported yet.
Oh and Karimiri Honestly I don't think that light blue is all that bad, still I used my little trick to fix my pink wool on it and got it a tad lighter if you prefer it that way.
He even uses the same 'permission' (which Ovo said was faked) screenshot.
You've got to be kidding me... Reported.
oh, i understand, anyway very good work on dyes! I couldn't make any better, they're really good!
Seems to be good, can you make skybox? I think we need something really realistic apart that it is not realistic TP, it's just my opinion, and how you can make ovo's sky...? A little bit curly clouds like in serious cartoons, and a bit different colors? I don't think this is so important:)
I can post\send some attempts of edited sky\skybox.
omg... Reported... Poor fool... "It's not copy, im just working on it" haha
Any not retarded TP maker knows that if you don't finished your TP, you don't have to post other texture pack as placeholder... ._.
These look great. However, I don't think they follow the flow of this pack well. They seem a bit 3D realistic. They remind me of this good clay texture pack someone made and abandoned =/
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
really. They a lil bit like 3D rendered... You should remove some shadows\lights, add some noise, i think
It was to my understanding that changing skybox was code only. Maybe I'm just not entirely understanding what you want done with skybox, but to code it it would take a considerable amount of time (I'm a C# C++ programmer and while that is similar to Java it will still take a bit of time to find out what is going on. Either that or I could ask a friend that builds Minecraft Mods.) I guess it all depends on what you mean by editing the skybox. Go ahead and post or send me some edited skybox examples, but as far as the actualy skybox object it does not use textures (stars for examples are cuboids set at x distance from the player and use a formula to give them spacing.
As for clouds I've been having issues with color. I know you can change cloud color but it seems to greyscale everything I do. I had a really nice light but heavily saturated blue mixed in with those clouds to give them a bit of depth and they came out greyish. It's almost like it only reads it as greyscale for opaque areas. I'll have to experiment with a few things including the type of clouds you mentioned. Havn't tried anything like that but it sounds like a fun challenge.
This ok?
Edit and gah I suppose i'll help report that Ghost guy again, but I imagine you guys pull more weight.
looking a little weird but anyway - WOW
guys, how i can download picture from image vault in png format?
when i try to save pic i always get jpeg or png with very bad quality
Here's Ovo's pack style in his words:
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
Oh, no, i mean new feature in MCPatcher, it allows to edit skybox texture.
it is incredibly awesome!
i love it love it love it!
so bad that my old computer maybe can't hold so much awesomness:[
Ahh and Pythros thanks for that quote. I kind of assumed the inspired by nature (mainly when I was looking up Rustic stuff for inspiration) That theme is exactly what I think I like in an MC texture pack. Since realism just doesn't fit minecraft's atmosphere and too much detail leads to texture "swimming" although sadly the cobble texture majorly has that issue as much as I love the texture
Clouds I plan to try something a bit more solid to try to fit that theme description, still working on concepts for that.
Look what I got
in progress
and properties files
Thanks Karimiri!
and again you misunderstood me
exactly "MCPatcher"
i would suggest that it is wet because of rain, but as far as i know minecraft is not on CryEngine 3 and there is no script for ground soaked by rain...(lol)
But imagine, snow would melt or just mix with water, sand become darker, tall grass grew on flat grass, water level would rise (when it's heavy rain) puddle appears on surface (just like 1x1 water hole but 1/8 high, dissapear after long time under sun, acts only as esthetic object).