Edit : Crap, I need to add transparency :s
Ahh sorry didn't know you made those. The bottom row middle 2 on the moon phases have some white pixels showing on the left side of each. Other than that sun just seems a bit grainy to me. I like your GUI though.
I also wanted to see if I could spark some interest in creating a new texture for netherrack. I am by no means an artist, just wanted to see if someone would be interested
The current texture looks weird to me, too pink and resembles a pile of.....hmm...intestines? sorry to be gross. i think all the other nether textures are swell, the netherrack just doesnt fit in with them, Needs to be darker, more like burning rock, i suppose lol.
thanks all! Keep up the great work!
Haha, what I meant is I can't do any art work, no talent whatsoever, just wanted to share my thoughts on that texture and see if anyone would be upto taking a stab at creating a new one.
Long story short through testing I learned you can fill the whole image with 15% opacity white which effectively makes it think everything is one cloud. Surprisingly works quite well, although as expected it makes the sky a fraction of an amount lighter, and at render distance it is slightly noticeable but render distance already cuts off clouds as is.so I don't find that nearly as bad as nice painted clouds with sudden much more solid blocky sides showing.
So I guess I'll give that a shot now and see how things look when I start painting tomorrow night XD It's 5:30am and I've got work. (no sleep is the best)
We really need some new custom things except textures.
Would be great if we could make script for weather-tethered textures. And i don't mean only skybox that slowly changes into gray, cloudy sky, but, maybe wet sand, haha, it sounds maybe sick :]
About reality: CrazyIvan1745, skybox must be just realistic blue, and white sunny clouds on horizon. Feel free about script, i would like to see it spinning, so clouds slowly rotating around world. Good idea about 2D clouds.
Karimiri_1, wow, maybe you finish bump map terrain file? That looks awesome.
For those who are looking for an updated version of this pack, I'm linking a few pictures of my own private version which I've kept mostly up to date with the new textures posted here up until the time of this post. Apart from having most textures updated, my version also features some custom textures I've made myself or changed from the originals, as well as a few placeholders from other texture packs to cover for the missing textures.
Below are some highlights from this pack, though I suggest you try the pack in-game, as it looks far better than simply looking at the tiles:
Updated terrain.png with a few extra alt. textures
Updated icons.png with very few missing textures and chain mail placeholder
Updated particles.png with villager interaction icons
Custom kz.png with minecraft images from the web
Custom Mojang intro screen
Modified high-quality Minecraft Logo
Custom sun texture
Updated moon phases texture
Modified silverfish texture
Alternate colored bat and cows
Modified beacon and ender chest textures
Custom watch dial texture
Album link with all images: http://imgur.com/a/0GY9Y
If there's enough interest, I can put up a download link, if that's fine with the creators of the pack, as I'm not sure what the policies are for sharing modified versions. My pack is nearly twice of the size of the original too with tons of animations and all mob textures.
there is many good artists... Your 'updated' version is TOO abstract from original, it's too far from original style.
You all guys need to wait for update. Patience is everything.
If you wanna really in-one-ORR-style quality textures, you've got to wait.
If you say so. Doesn't particularly strike me as altogether abstract or out of style. Just thought I'd share anyway.
so this it anim for original diamond,gold and iron swords!
also i done original redstone with dust, and glowstone dust