Hi, blaze = fire.png
and this is bat. First appearence in snapsho 12w38a
glad to see this great work with mobs and guis
and this is animation for liquid in bottles and brewing stand
I know you guys work really hard, thank you
i coulkdent quite figure out how to do this one in transparent style, maybe ill just get rid of the tab background and leave the gold outline
Edit: Put this in the GUI folder in the texture pack, and tell me what you think
Ok I think I have a good balance for the white may actually run what I did to fix it for some of the lighter colors because I'm starting to like the rougher look. Plus pink looks more pink.
and some in-game screenshots
That's why i don't like this UI so much, with the tabs it doesn't really match, and without the items are hard to see. I cant seem to find a good balance between the two...
I kind of agree. I like the gold but it really just doesn't seem to fit in. I kind of had an idea last night for a UI but I need to look at what all images it uses. I've built UIs for game mods in the past but I had more freedom as far as being able to code it as well. I'll sketch up a concept and piddle with it over the next few days.
Only thing I can think of is put the floating gray boxes around the items, but don't resize or connect them- maybe resize the gold outline so it fits neatly around the edge of the gray box? I'm not sure if you would need to.
See the "Survival Inventory" icon in my beautifully done photoshop below:
Ill do that then upload it to see what the people have to say!
Edit: Hows this look in-game for ya?
I think its a bit better, but it still bothers me that its hard to see the icons when they aren't selected. My only other idea would be to give all the icons a floating gray box background, and use a larger gold outline for selection.
How 'Bout now?
In game:
This should go in the customizer so there's a complete set of no background guis.
Pink: Objects that move or may not appear
Blue: Boundary lines (boxed areas go up to ontop of the line but not past it)
Light Green: Fonts (upper one always seems to say "Crafting" and size is based on the current font that this texture pack uses.
Dark Green: Font Shadows (I believe they are hardcoded) I marked these because they will cover up whatever is drawn and that could cause a problem depending on design.
Please note that I removed the rectangle between the main inventory screen section and status effects. This appeared to be the background for when you hover your moue over an item and it displayed its name. However, I found that it was not actually using that texture, but sticks to the default instead. Also the current UI doesn't go down far enough and one pixel of that rectangle bleeds into the inventory screen at the bottom. Template boundary line for this is corrected as long as you never go past the outter blue line it won't bleed. Item Grids are based on a 72x72 size as well as most other shapes being based on a multiple of 72.
I'll probably do more of these templates if they are wanted, or as I try my own attempt at making a UI.
THat may be because isn his items.png the images are not centerd properly, they seem fine on my game but i will check again.
I don't know it's hard to tell with the compression quality loss, but yours still looks off just by looking at that screenshot (At lease for the items grid. The far right column you can see there is 1 to 2 pixels less space on the right side of the item compared to the far left column. The tabs seems alright though. I could be wrong though. It may just be how the grid is actually made that is making it seem off to me. It appears like it cuts off sharply on the left and right sides. of each square *shrug*.
Heres the survival_in fixed without the armor icons. There's no crafting grid because that's being removed for 1.4