From the work I've been doing in the snapshot, it seems the crystal in the middle originates from the nether, so a gold block might not be the best representation of the texture. A four sided diamond shape might prove more attractive, but for now I'll toss this out to the team and see what anyone else can come up with.
If you wanna throw some screenshots of the beacon on here, J_, that would be great. All in all, I think both of the designs could work.
Just a sample of a few items.
Tell me what you think.
Just a thought. I know there are some redpower textures on here.
In case you all were wondering about the situation.
He still has the adfly links up, he's just moved them to his dropbox site. Like I wouldn't notice.
Five months is more than enough time to replace Ovo's, and our textures, with his own.
"I understand that Ghost regularly checks this thread. This message is for you. I asked you politely to take the adfly links down. You complied. Then, come to find out, you simply moved them to your drop box site. Regardless of that, you still didn't listen to me. Not only is this a matter for the group, but it also concerns the other texture packs you borrowed textures from, including Misa's. Tell me, how would Misa feel if she found out you were making money off her creative work? Procrastination will only take you so far. Time to remove the pack, or otherwise increase the pace at which you release your textures. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you sit behind those adfly links and just rack up money while we do all the work."
He's had over 40k downloads the last time I checked.
If I ever do manage to resurrect my old HD from the dead and dig up my RP textures, they'll definitely be limited to Ovo's only.
Alright folks, how do you guys feel if I add a more official "All Rights Reserved" type 'license' in addition to "Even though Ovocean basically gave permission for people to use his textures for people to use to continue on their own flavor, it cannot be said the same for those who have contributed to Redemption. You MUST ask permission from those individual artists and credit them in your texture packs!" to the OP?
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
Once I get those questions answered this problem will be dealt with.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found the topic he made five months ago on PMC. But I still can't find the adf.ly links.
I think the issue is that 95% or more of the pack is either Ovo's original or Rustic Redemption stuff. Which would be okay if this pack had been abandoned but it hasn't been - even Ovo himself is back and contributing. The blurb even says that it hasn't been copied, when most of it is a direct copy.
Anyways, I'll remove Ghost's thread.
EDIT: Done.
Wow, thank you sir.
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
I'm glad that the issue has been taken care of. Thank you.
Mutton and calimari too, I think?
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-