I was doing my usual texture updating- using Photoshop to edit terrain.png and adding mobs, then I started up Minecraft and got this:
I've never seen this before, anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?
thanks! I forgot to add them
Watchout we have a badass here
can u make some alt variants for randommobs?
for example add dirt on pig, change colors and spots on cow...
big thanks, im trying to finish that pack with you guys, because it's perfect pack!
yeah, while i have complete template make alternatives isn't hard, but, maybe later:]
Where's the terrain.properties files? Also, I have a texture pack I want to make random textures for. How do I do that? I can't find this anywhere else in the internet.
How about you post up your terrain.png and let us see what happened to it? Can't really tell you what's wrong if we can't see that, there might be something bugged.
Updated: Aug. 24 2023 See thread for details
ok, wolves will be done:)
big thanks, Sidarak!
also to all guys that making blinking animation, you make good job too!
Also I fixed my problem- I don't know for sure what was wrong, but I found and replaced some corrupted files and had to re-download mcpatcher. It looks great now. Thanks for replies
I would love to see a giant metal and wood, fire spitting ghast
yeah, you speaking too soon, pink pigzombie isn't that scary, and yellow looks aggressive, i'm ain't gonna change texture of pigzombie, and i'm not gonna be the slave of everybody by listening whim of everybody. I'm listening to things that really matters, and i understand it.
okay, my ghast is bad and im should feel bad, yeah?
i don't think that nether have to be steampunk, or we have to change textures too? Decide.
There are plenty that more than appreciate your hard work on the mobs. I feel if people don't like certain mobs you have designed or that others have designed they should just not use them. I personally don't think the ghasts are the right fit for this pack as seeing them in game, But man would they look great in it's own pack. You do really have some talent in your designs and deserve to have that acknowledged. I am more than thankful for your contributions as of late as the mobs were one of the things that needed to be implemented.
I also don't really care for the blaze ("steampunk version") as it is now. Though a great design, It doesn't really tie in well with the landscape of the Nether As you previously stated. I would love to see one of your renditions of the blaze. Keep up the great work.
Thanks, also wise words.
I'll go redo that mobs...