Oh man, these are amazing!
Already did, lol.
Nice! Once you fix the snout, I'll get it uploaded
Thank you very much! Uploaded.
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
wow, really good pig!tnx for texture
and i made little blinking animation for ur pig
name it pig.png
place it in /anim folder and add properties file
That's just for the armor/enchant effects. Lightning itself is all hard coded - not an image.
Also, I slowly have some of the buffs/debuffs updated. I'll post them when I get home tonight.
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
and properties file
and for our wolf
- for wolf and wolf_tame
- for wolf_angry
properties files
Ah.... I can test it out on my server and provide a screenie
Can someone fix the the stone on the emerald ore? If you put it in the middle of stone, you'll notice the graphic error all around it. I tried contacting fpk35, but no response =/
-Part-time Maintainer of Ovo's Rustic Pack: Redemption
-Owner and Founder of ChiRho Entertainment-
I made a quick fix for the snout and removed the fingers from the feets back, and sharpened the tail and added a little more shadows to the ears.
It was rotated 90° left
Edit: RossM236's fix should be fine too
Edit2: Mh wait, my version had the central piece reduced by someone. I'll un-rotate and fix the background with the base orientation and we should keep this last version.
To fix the over saturated blue color of the drops I've made use of the Custom Colors feature of MCPatcher and Optifine. All of this will be in my zip.
Yeah, I'm really burned out right now. What is in my zip that the customizer can't do is the custom colors (and the random mobs, but I think I don't have any for now). So just open it up, pick the color.properties file and the watercolorX.png in the environment folder.
Bah, there isn't really more than what's been posted here. It's up on planetminecraft.
and i want to say that is so nice to work in such community
i put work, it gets appreciated, and, if it has some bugs, it gets fixed, awesome!
Ovo, do I need to make armor? Because we already have great ones from you:]
btw, i taking requests
As for that slightly different cobblestone on the screenshot, I don't have it anymore sorry.
These were really quickly done temporary icons. If you want to try to do them, go for it. But yeah, the mobs are the highest priority now.
Pythros had already done this, but now that I've uploaded a new version, it's outdated.
Here's the direct link to v2.1.1
I hope it was the last thing missing, I'm off to bed!
This is to you Ovo as well as who was asking... I likely have it. I saved all the old versions back when I still could, so I have a bit of a collection!
I have: v0.1 - v0.4, v0.7, v0.8 & 0.8 alt, and v092, then a big skip, and 1.7. Ovo, if you want me to send you the old zips, drop me a note with your email address or whatever. I'll be glad to pass them back your way. Otherwise I can pull out any textures from these versions and post them here for you guys. :3
Updated: Aug. 24 2023 See thread for details
Could you make a zip file for version 0.1?
Uhoh... I have a version prior to that, and the current one, but that version must have been between 0.92 and 1.7.
I'd have the rest of the packs, but I was unable to play for months and sadly didn't think to check for pack updates. So sorry.
Here are the ones from version 0.7 if that helps? They look totally different though but would be great if someone wants a more gritty feel.
Updated: Aug. 24 2023 See thread for details
I actually just wanted to see what was done in that version. Nothing really more than that, but I guess I could've just asked.