I'll put my CTM folder up for download sometime next week. I just want to make sure it has everything in there that I want, as well as making sure everything looks nice and flush with the texture pack.
So I took the cactus and tweaked the bottom of it a bit so it would match the other textures' sand color. I also added a little touch of sandy dirty to show it "sprouting" out of the ground a bit more.
of course
i already post it, ot was my first post on mcforum =)
and i use custom colors mod for potions
add it in ur colors.properties file in main directory of tp
or u can change color on whatever u want
I know this isn't the place or thread area to be looking for a server, but since I hang out with you guys in the thread, I figured I could hang out with you all on a server, lol.
Ohh thank you very much!
You need to >not< download the customizer one (not updated yet) and download the 1.3.1 release on the OP. The block only occurs because the terrain.png has a place holder texture (wood) instead of the emerald texture which isn't there in older packs. Newest release has the emerald textures you want.
*music starts*
We have a leather shirt, could someone make the hat, pants, and boots?
Much better than my attempt that I never posted.
Brilliant! I demand more! Lmao.
ok, i'll soon make other three armors, because today i was busy a bit
love the thing that my work is appreciated!
not sure if not everyone see my work
or i'm attention *****... :DD
PS: Now that I'm thinking of it, I should have made this jewel shape more flat (the central square bigger), it would have fit better with the other blocks. Oh well...
There is already a good enough emerald ore block for my tastes but I'll make the item soon.
oh, yes, i mean other 4:]
Absolute amazing, Ovo. Top notch work my friend!
Would love to see the gold and iron block get the same treatment, lol.
Yes, it's great! I'm looking forward to the other ones.