You like the original look of Minecraft, yet you wish the game would have a more modern look? You're video card is craving for more challenge but you don't like the look of other's 256x texture pack? (no offense intended, lots of beautiful pack have been done!)
Then this texture pack is for you! Trough a clever mix of scaling, filters and shading, I turned every pixel of the original texture into its own 16x16 3D cube!
.. ..
.. ..
By popular demand, the classic texture preview map screenshot. However you'll have to squint real hard to distinguish anything special at this distance. Eh, you asked for it, so don't complain!
Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2 and its new resource pack format!
Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2 and its new texture format
Updated with Minecraft 1.4.6 pre-release textures
All new mobs included!
Villager and Enderdragon!
64x64 version!
New entirely automated rendering process for faster update in the future!
Updated with Minecraft 1.3.2 release textures
Arrow, xp orbs, enderchest!
Removed custom health and armor bar
Added kz.png (paintings)
The following files were updated with Minecraft 1.2 release textures:
Added boat, enchanting table floating book, cart, chests and sign
"Big pixel" Life bar and armor bar
Added items
Added custom water flowing animation
Changed effect on breaking animation pixel so that it look sunken
Preemptive Q&A
Q: Pfft, its just photoshop filter, I could do that myself!
A: Yes, yes it is. But you didn't do it and I wanted it, so I did it. And I'm sharing it freely, so don't complain.
More hypothetical Q&A
Q: Really? what is that filter you used?
A: Its actually a bit more work than just a filter but there some people that is better not to argue with I started by zooming to original texture pixel level, which is 16x16 once at 256x resolution. I added black and white line on layer to give the "3D" effect and I used "soft light" layer effect so that the effect blend well with all the colors. Finally,a subtle gradient enhance the effect. Then I copy pasted it 16777216 times to cover all the "pixel" Then by 2.0 I got tired of all this manual work and I made a C# app to process the image.
Q: I thing that X block would look better if some part were not hyper-3D-pixelified.
A: since I am using default texture, it quite easy to edit. Just take original file, scale it to 4096x4096, take the part you want and paste it over mine. And since MC1.5.2 its even more easy, just yank out the file from the pack.
FAQ (those are real)
Q: Can you add X or Y?
A: Make the request in this forum, I'll likely do it.
Q: How come things look weird in the distance with your texture?
A: This is due to how 3d distort the grid like appearance on the texture. Chances are if you can run 256x texture, your video card can also apply Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing. I strongly recommend both to fully enjoy this texture.
But wait, there is MORE!
As of version 2.0, I am no longer manually editing the texture in Photoshop but instead I use a custom tool I created to automaticly scale default texture and apply the 3D effect.
Thats right, you can now update your favorite 16x texture pack with this 3d pixel effect!!
Use BreakAnim alternate softlight png on "destroy_x.png" files (1.5.x texture format support)
Added a /fast command line option that disable progress popup window rendering
Fixed file lock issue reported by n30phyte
Tool Version History
Fixed a couple of crash when image is not loaded
Added command line to make 128 and 64 at the same time
How to use the tool:
Click Load to open a 16x texture png file
Click Scale to zoom it to 256x size
Click HYPER PIXEL to apply effect
Click Save to save the result (can be same file that you open)
Usage Tip:
You can modify the effect png with your favorite editor to get all kind of cool effect, it is not restricted to the 3d pixel effect! For example giving a yellow-brownish tint to the effect png could give an old photo sepia look to your tile. Or changing the shape of the outline and gradient to a pyramid could give a spiky look to your block
Command line and batch process:
I'll be completely honest, I don't update a texture pack image by image clicking those buttons: I use a batchfile! And since 1.5.x it would be even more tedious to do that by one by one! Command line parameter: Hirez3dPixelator <input texture file> <output 256x texture file> /copy128 <output 128x texture file> /copy64 <output 64x texture file>
Other option available:
/noscale Same as not doing the scale button in the UI, only useful when using texture similar to R3D.CRAFT
/lava Force effect on lava tile, same as checking the box in the UI, only useful for terrain.png (pre 1.5.x)
/water Force effect on water tile, same as checking the box in the UI, only useful for terrain.png (pre 1.5.x)
/fast Speed up batch process by disabling progress popup window rendering
Batch process: Step 1:
Copy the following in a simple text editor like notepad, update file and folder location to reflect your installation and save as process.bat
@echo off
SET PIXELATOR=C:\Games\Minecraft\Tools\Hirez3dPixelator\Hirez3dPixelator.exe
SET SOURCE=C:\temp\source\ SET DEST256=C:\temp\dest256\
SET DEST128=C:\temp\dest128\
SET DEST64=C:\temp\dest64\
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%n in (1 1 500) do if "!__cd__:~%%n,1!" neq "" set /a "len=%%n+1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /R %%I in (*.png) do (
echo %%I
set "absPath=%%I"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "rel256=%DEST256%!absPath:~%len%!"
set "rel128=%DEST128%!absPath:~%len%!"
set "rel64=%DEST64%!absPath:~%len%!"
%PIXELATOR% %%I !rel256! /copy128 !rel128! /copy64 !rel64! /fast
Step 2:
Unzip the texture pack you want to modify in the source folder
Step 3:
Remove file from source that should not be converted, such as achievement, font, gui ect... You can opt to do it after step 4 instead, but the tool will likely complain on some files.
Step 4:
Double click the process.bat file to convert all the png in the source folder.
Step 5:
Animated texture like water, lava, portal and fire will require their .mcmeta file to work: copy them from the source folder.
Go wild! And post a screenshot of your favorite one on this thread!
However! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT share the modified pack without getting prior approbation from the original texture pack author. I created this tool to help foster diversity and empower user to modify texture for their personal use, and not to promote texture ripping. Authors put a lot of work in their texture (MUCH more than I did in mine) and they deserve to keep all the benefits that goes with it (popularity, adfly, ect...)
If I get complains from texture author I will discontinue the tool and remove the download link; consider yourself warned!
I'll give it a download and give feedback in a bit. :smile.gif: You might wanna consider posting more pictures though.
Well, its default texture with "HiRez per pixel 3D effect" :tongue.gif: Not sure why it would need more screenshot but sure, I'll add more. What do you suggest I should picture?
First impression when I entered a new world with this pack: Whoa... So many pixels... @.@
I take back putting more pictures, since I see the reason behind not putting too many. I quite like this pack actually. However, I do get a little dizzy from staring at things in minecraft from a distance, but that is just me. :smile.gif: One thing you might want to look at is the flowing water animation. Its animation "moves" as fast as lava. Also, are you planning on texturing the mobs and items?
That's all my input for now. Keep up the good work!
First impression when I entered a new world with this pack: Whoa... So many pixels... @.@
I take back putting more pictures, since I see the reason behind not putting too many. I quite like this pack actually. However, I do get a little dizzy from staring at things in minecraft from a distance, but that is just me. :smile.gif: One thing you might want to look at is the flowing water animation. Its animation "moves" as fast as lava. Also, are you planning on texturing the mobs and items?
That's all my input for now. Keep up the good work!
I'll add a flat texture close up comparison anyway to help understand.
If you know how to tweak you videocard settings, force AA and Anisotropic Filtering, it should reduce the dizziness
I actually didn't even touch the water texture, so I don't know what is wrong with that. I'll have to look into it. If you have info on how to fix water animation on 256x texture it would be appreciated.
I'll do mobs and items if I have request for it. Is that something that you are interested in? I felt that mobs would look weird, but eh, I'll do it if you want it :smile.gif: Worst I'll do 2 version if I feel its too weird.
I like the unique look, but do you think you could post some more screenshots, preferably ones that aren't focused on a few close-up blocks?
Screenshot have to be close, or you won't see the subtil 3dfied pixel that give it its charm. Its the default texture underneath. I'm not sure what you expect to see in screenshots?
You like the original look of Minecraft, yet you wish the game would have a more modern look? You're video card is craving for more challenge but you don't like the look of other's 256x texture pack? (no offense intended, lots of beautiful pack have been done!)
Then this texture pack is for you! Trough a clever mix of scaling, filters and shading, I turned every pixel of the original texture into its own 16x16 3D cube!
Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2 and its new resource pack format!
Download: 256x Version --- 128x Version --- 64x Version
Version History
Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2 and its new texture format
Updated with Minecraft 1.4.6 pre-release textures
All new mobs included!
Villager and Enderdragon!
64x64 version!
New entirely automated rendering process for faster update in the future!
Updated with Minecraft 1.3.2 release textures
Arrow, xp orbs, enderchest!
Removed custom health and armor bar
Added kz.png (paintings)
The following files were updated with Minecraft 1.2 release textures:
Added boat, enchanting table floating book, cart, chests and sign
"Big pixel" Life bar and armor bar
Added items
Added custom water flowing animation
Changed effect on breaking animation pixel so that it look sunken
Preemptive Q&A
Q: Pfft, its just photoshop filter, I could do that myself!
A: Yes, yes it is. But you didn't do it and I wanted it, so I did it. And I'm sharing it freely, so don't complain.
More hypothetical Q&A
Q: Really? what is that filter you used?
A: Its actually a bit more work than just a filter but there some people that is better not to argue with
Q: I thing that X block would look better if some part were not hyper-3D-pixelified.
A: since I am using default texture, it quite easy to edit.
Just take original file, scale it to 4096x4096, take the part you want and paste it over mine. And since MC1.5.2 its even more easy, just yank out the file from the pack.FAQ (those are real)
Q: Can you add X or Y?
A: Make the request in this forum, I'll likely do it.
Q: How come things look weird in the distance with your texture?
A: This is due to how 3d distort the grid like appearance on the texture. Chances are if you can run 256x texture, your video card can also apply Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing. I strongly recommend both to fully enjoy this texture.
But wait, there is MORE!
As of version 2.0, I am no longer manually editing the texture in Photoshop but instead I use a custom tool I created to automaticly scale default texture and apply the 3D effect.
And this tool, ladies and gentlemen, is available right here!
Thats right, you can now update your favorite 16x texture pack with this 3d pixel effect!!
Use BreakAnim alternate softlight png on "destroy_x.png" files (1.5.x texture format support)
Added a /fast command line option that disable progress popup window rendering
Fixed file lock issue reported by n30phyte
Tool Version History
Fixed a couple of crash when image is not loaded
Added command line to make 128 and 64 at the same time
How to use the tool:
Click Load to open a 16x texture png file
Click Scale to zoom it to 256x size
Click HYPER PIXEL to apply effect
Click Save to save the result (can be same file that you open)
Usage Tip:
You can modify the effect png with your favorite editor to get all kind of cool effect, it is not restricted to the 3d pixel effect! For example giving a yellow-brownish tint to the effect png could give an old photo sepia look to your tile. Or changing the shape of the outline and gradient to a pyramid could give a spiky look to your block
Command line and batch process:
I'll be completely honest, I don't update a texture pack image by image clicking those buttons: I use a batchfile! And since 1.5.x it would be even more tedious to do that by one by one!
Command line parameter:
Hirez3dPixelator <input texture file> <output 256x texture file> /copy128 <output 128x texture file> /copy64 <output 64x texture file>
Other option available:
Step 1:
Copy the following in a simple text editor like notepad, update file and folder location to reflect your installation and save as process.bat
@echo off
SET PIXELATOR=C:\Games\Minecraft\Tools\Hirez3dPixelator\Hirez3dPixelator.exe
SET SOURCE=C:\temp\source\
SET DEST256=C:\temp\dest256\
SET DEST128=C:\temp\dest128\
SET DEST64=C:\temp\dest64\
::Copy directory structure
xcopy %SOURCE%*.* %DEST256% /T /E
xcopy %SOURCE%*.* %DEST128% /T /E
xcopy %SOURCE%*.* %DEST64% /T /E
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%n in (1 1 500) do if "!__cd__:~%%n,1!" neq "" set /a "len=%%n+1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /R %%I in (*.png) do (
echo %%I
set "absPath=%%I"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "rel256=%DEST256%!absPath:~%len%!"
set "rel128=%DEST128%!absPath:~%len%!"
set "rel64=%DEST64%!absPath:~%len%!"
%PIXELATOR% %%I !rel256! /copy128 !rel128! /copy64 !rel64! /fast
Step 2:
Unzip the texture pack you want to modify in the source folder
Step 3:
Remove file from source that should not be converted, such as achievement, font, gui ect... You can opt to do it after step 4 instead, but the tool will likely complain on some files.
Step 4:
Double click the process.bat file to convert all the png in the source folder.
Step 5:
Animated texture like water, lava, portal and fire will require their .mcmeta file to work: copy them from the source folder.
3D Pixel look good on...
Green's Cromecraft
And even R3D.CRAFT (256x version)
Go wild! And post a screenshot of your favorite one on this thread!
However! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT share the modified pack without getting prior approbation from the original texture pack author. I created this tool to help foster diversity and empower user to modify texture for their personal use, and not to promote texture ripping. Authors put a lot of work in their texture (MUCH more than I did in mine) and they deserve to keep all the benefits that goes with it (popularity, adfly, ect...)
If I get complains from texture author I will discontinue the tool and remove the download link; consider yourself warned!
Well, its default texture with "HiRez per pixel 3D effect" :tongue.gif: Not sure why it would need more screenshot but sure, I'll add more. What do you suggest I should picture?
I take back putting more pictures, since I see the reason behind not putting too many. I quite like this pack actually. However, I do get a little dizzy from staring at things in minecraft from a distance, but that is just me. :smile.gif: One thing you might want to look at is the flowing water animation. Its animation "moves" as fast as lava. Also, are you planning on texturing the mobs and items?
That's all my input for now. Keep up the good work!
I'll add a flat texture close up comparison anyway to help understand.
If you know how to tweak you videocard settings, force AA and Anisotropic Filtering, it should reduce the dizziness
I actually didn't even touch the water texture, so I don't know what is wrong with that. I'll have to look into it. If you have info on how to fix water animation on 256x texture it would be appreciated.
I'll do mobs and items if I have request for it. Is that something that you are interested in? I felt that mobs would look weird, but eh, I'll do it if you want it :smile.gif: Worst I'll do 2 version if I feel its too weird.
Sure. I'll try to make it work, but as you mentioned, chances are it won't look as good.
good job on making it tho!
and i dont think my pc can handle 256 packs lol
The 3d pixel effect can easily be applied on any 16x texture. I'd gladly convert your favorite one if you want.
EDIT : I might ask you to do this once my 16x16 texture pack when it is done, is your up for it?
See reply above your post :tongue.gif: Yeah, no problem, it will be a pleasure.
128x would be lovely, too. My computer acts a little squirrely when I go above 128x :sad.gif:
Screenshot have to be close, or you won't see the subtil 3dfied pixel that give it its charm. Its the default texture underneath. I'm not sure what you expect to see in screenshots?
:ohmy.gif: totally right. It's my very first texture work, so I'm kinda learning along the way :smile.gif:
The lava and Gui too would also be awesome. I got this on watch so take the time you need.
Lava too? hmmm, I left the water and lava out on purpose, but since you requested it I'll try it and see how it look.
Yeah, it would look cool. Or at least make your own custom lava and water. It would make your texture pack more "yours"
Added items
Added custom water flowing animation
Changed effect on breaking animation pixel so that it look sunken
SWEET. This texture pack shouldn't be this dead.
Added boat, enchanting table floating book, cart, chests and sign
"Big pixel" Life bar and armor bar
Update OP with new screenshots for new item and updated test map