Omg, this pack looks like pure awesomeness (Idk if that's a real word, but this pack just created it.) It is EXACTLY what i have been looking for. I've been searching for about a month now for a pack I really like, as i have been getting tired of Misa's pack lately, and this is it. It has all the features I have been looking for, and then some. Incredible work! I tend to decide i don't like packs too quickly, so i will force myself to use this one until I am used to it, and love it even more. :biggrin.gif:
Edit: Just tried it ingame, 90 fps. This pack is even more amazing than i thought lmao. The only thing that bugs me is the side of the clouds, but that's not a problem for me.
Omg, this pack looks like pure awesomeness (Idk if that's a real word, but this pack just created it.) It is EXACTLY what i have been looking for. I've been searching for about a month now for a pack I really like, as i have been getting tired of Misa's pack lately, and this is it. It has all the features I have been looking for, and then some. Incredible work! I tend to decide i don't like packs too quickly, so i will force myself to use this one until I am used to it, and love it even more. :biggrin.gif:
Edit: Just tried it ingame, 90 fps. This pack is even more amazing than i thought lmao. The only thing that bugs me is the side of the clouds, but that's not a problem for me.
Thanks, I really appreciate your post. Posts like that really make me keep going... :-)
It's possible, but to me, it looks more like it was inspired by some pictures the author found. An example is the coal, that looks like a picture from a real coal deposit, but adjusted to appear embedded in stone. I still love it though lol.
It's possible, but to me, it looks more like it was inspired by some pictures the author found. An example is the coal, that looks like a picture from a real coal deposit, but adjusted to appear embedded in stone. I still love it though lol.
I'm having some trouble with the pack lately
i've downloaded the 64x64 version and my computer runs that version perfectly, exept for water, lava and fire, that appears to be invisible
Can anybody who reads german tell me what the difference between the "Vanilla" and regular versions are? I see a few light differences in a few of the blocks, but is that all there is?
Can anybody who reads german tell me what the difference between the "Vanilla" and regular versions are? I see a few light differences in a few of the blocks, but is that all there is?
only 4 blocks changed:
sandstone, cobblestone and the 3 stonebricks
it looks different
Hey hammer TP!=) Nur ich habe ein problem:o, bei dem 128x bekomme ich stänidg abstürtze, keine ahnung warum normalerweise klappen die 128x versionen immer bei mir . Entweder das leigt eingfach daran dass sogar 128x diese TP zu gut sind für mein pc, oder es liegt an MineCraft. Vllt kannst du ja noch ein TP mit 64x machen? :smile.gif:
was für ein fehler bekommst du wenn es abstürtzt?
ist java aktuell?
Also wenn das Mojang zeichen kommt. Egal bei welchen 128x TP stürtzt Minecraft sofort ab. Und das seit dem letzten Update;) Ich bekomme dann immer so eine Datei aufen Desktop namens: hs_err_pid6436 , die zahlen ändern sich aber immer wieder :wink.gif: Ist schon komisch dass keine 128x TP´s gehen , weil die vorher auch immer funktionierten :ohmy.gif:
Bei Java müsste ich mal gucken ob dies Aktuell is. alle anderen 16x, 32x und 64x TP´ gehen aber;) will aber deins in 128x ^^
Jap java ist aktuell :wink.gif:
installiere nochmal neu, und dann den neusten mc patcher drüber bügeln
I am having the same crash issue as well. I tried both the 128 and 256 versions with the same result. I made sure that Java was up to date and re-downloaded MC Patcher just in case it was bad. I even cleared out my .minecraft folder and started with a whole new .jar then it worked BEFORE I patched but of course I get corrupted textures, after using the latest MC Patcher HD Patch it crashes Minecraft... any help?
KDS Photo Realism 128 and other HD packs work fine... I like your textures way better though :sad.gif:
Edit: Just tried it ingame, 90 fps. This pack is even more amazing than i thought lmao. The only thing that bugs me is the side of the clouds, but that's not a problem for me.
Thanks, I really appreciate your post. Posts like that really make me keep going... :-)
You would really be good on my comp pack!
lacking only the health bar,
update on the weekend
It's possible, but to me, it looks more like it was inspired by some pictures the author found. An example is the coal, that looks like a picture from a real coal deposit, but adjusted to appear embedded in stone. I still love it though lol.
oder kann ich danke sagen?
Thanks Zkyo
I'm afraid my English is a bit rusty.
Load latest mc patcher again
KoP 1.0 V1 alle 5 Versionen
+neue fonts (einfache schrift)
+neue holztüre
+dieluters drachen
+neuer sandstein für die vanilla vers. (test)
+einige fehler behoben
Can anybody who reads german tell me what the difference between the "Vanilla" and regular versions are? I see a few light differences in a few of the blocks, but is that all there is?
only 4 blocks changed:
sandstone, cobblestone and the 3 stonebricks
it looks different
danke, und schön das sich auch mal wieder ein deutscher hierher verirrt.
sorry aber Aether sagt mir garnichts?
was für ein fehler bekommst du wenn es abstürtzt?
ist java aktuell?
installiere nochmal neu, und dann den neusten mc patcher drüber bügeln
This HD texture pack requires the HD texture pack fix before you can use it.
and the latest java
KDS Photo Realism 128 and other HD packs work fine... I like your textures way better though :sad.gif:
Gaming, history, science and technology enthusiast. Don't mind my cynicism.
Help please and btw i'm using MC 1.0.0
kann es sein das du win7 64bit und java 32bit hast?
wenn ja, java auf 64bit updaten (neu installieren)
java 64bit
minecraft need more ram