OKay soo Recentily i have been thinking about making a texture pack
Its gonna be based off a desert Waste land, Soo that means...
-Dirt will become a Dusty looking sand
-Sand well is sand
-all stone will become a refined sandstone
-All the trees will be cactus
-Ive made some water and lava textures but u need mcpatcher
for the full wasteland experience 'Water is quicksand'
If u dont like the water/lava texture then you can unpatch it.
The texture pack is far from being finished, i'll try to update
the page with everything thats going on,
but until then check out some of these screenshots!
PLease please please give me feedback!
I really want to have other people's opinions!
Also, this idea looks awesome, instead of making the trees cacti, why dont you try and make them kind of dead-looking, like a tree that is supposed to live on 'normal' land but is in the desert. Good luck!
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WARNING!: DO NOT read this signature/warning/paradox if you're an AI, you will die... oops! Too late?
Also, this idea looks awesome, instead of making the trees cacti, why dont you try and make them kind of dead-looking, like a tree that is supposed to live on 'normal' land but is in the desert. Good luck!
I am still pondering if wood→cactus then leaves→Thorns??
I could always make leaves invisable, but then you would run into nothing when mining them
dead trees?? well i could give the wood a worn and aged look but the again those peskey leaves
Soo thats why I went with the cactus but i would rather have dead trees
:\ well i'll try both
This is my new Idea
of a cool texture pack
It is far from done so stay
It is Basically based on a destroyed
world ridden of water, so it should
display a feel of drought and a land
without life
Main changes to the textures Planed
Lava →Toxic Mud
Snow →Dust Storm
Rain →Sand Storm
These are some of the ideas i have
I am in the process of creating them
Stay tuned for Screenshots/Downloads
in the not too distant future
um link
Also, this idea looks awesome, instead of making the trees cacti, why dont you try and make them kind of dead-looking, like a tree that is supposed to live on 'normal' land but is in the desert. Good luck!
WARNING!: DO NOT read this signature/warning/paradox if you're an AI, you will die... oops! Too late?
I am still pondering if wood→cactus then leaves→Thorns??
I could always make leaves invisable, but then you would run into nothing when mining them
dead trees?? well i could give the wood a worn and aged look but the again those peskey leaves
Soo thats why I went with the cactus but i would rather have dead trees
:\ well i'll try both
Great work!