1) Open C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks 2) Place the downloaded file in the folder 3) Get WinRAR if you don't have it alreadyhttp://www.rarlab.com/ 4) Right-click the file 5) Choose 'Extract Here' 6)You can now remove the .zip file (optional) 7) Play the game
http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkDemonWolf76?feature=mhee if you like Let's Plays of random things Right now I have Pokemon Ruby and Hamtaro Ham ham hearbreak as my main Plays which are updated every day but wends which is updated with wario world (cause it's a short game its only updated once a week) all so on wends and sunday is a co/op I got going with another LPer~ with my brand new computer Marley I can start posting regularly for real now so feel free to subscribe and help me out by shearing videos with your friends and stuff <3
You stole, and decrappified dead_serious texturepack: Terrariacraft...
It's the other way, this was made before the TerrariaCraft. And also I never found out about TerrariaCraft until my video had about 20,000 views...
Haters gonna hate
Terraria resource pack for Minecraft (Terraria, within Minecraft!)
I made this texture pack!
Latest version:
Terraria 1.2 for Minecraft 1.7.4
The 1.7.4 version does not have custom sounds...yet. They take so long to make I'm releasing the pack without the custom sounds first. Coming soon!
Halloween edition (Minecraft 1.4): http://www.minecraft..._1#entry9773030
Playlist of all the update videos:
New biomes:
Original launch video:
Download links:
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.0.0: http://adf.ly/4AQhv
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.1: http://adf.ly/4iSXz
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.2.5: http://adf.ly/6Xjgm
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2: http://adf.ly/C0bux
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.4.5: http://adf.ly/Eb73K
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.5.2: http://adf.ly/KxbzU
Terraria 1.1 for Minecraft 1.6.4: http://adf.ly/RevPh
Terraria 1.2 for Minecraft 1.7.4: http://adf.ly/cM7oy
How to install (Windows):
1) Open C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks
2) Place the downloaded file in the folder
3) Get WinRAR if you don't have it already http://www.rarlab.com/
4) Right-click the file
5) Choose 'Extract Here'
6) You can now remove the .zip file (optional)
7) Play the game
Was thinking someone should do one. :3
I have now changed the look of the stone brick to gray brick wall, I hope you like it better :smile.gif:
Yep :biggrin.gif:
sure man
i dont see youre texture pack
Please tell your friends too :smile.gif:
It's the other way, this was made before the TerrariaCraft. And also I never found out about TerrariaCraft until my video had about 20,000 views...
Haters gonna hate
I'm glad you like it! :laugh.gif: