The page for the 16x16 doesn't exist. I keep getting a 404 error page saying it doesn't exist. :sad.gif: Please fix it. My computer may not be able to handle anything higher. Though I will try any others I can get to work for now. Thanks.
You sir have done the impossible (at least from what I knew) you have included the 3D module for the bow so it looks much better in your hands (and the skeletons)maybe this is just a minecraft update or something. But other then that this texture pack is amazing and just well done from the variants of Mob skins to just the cartoon like look to it it is just great to put it short. p.s. have you done texture packs befor this one? ~Stadic777
All downloads work.
I've tried several times... If one of the two host is down try the other and if both are done, retry later. :wink.gif:
I'm currently searching for a "pro" host for al of you guys, please be patient. :smile.gif:
Yeah, it's working now. Both links, at least for me, are REALLY slow though. Which is weird, because I'm on a pretty fast network and usually never have issues. Maybe both sites are just slammed today?
Decided to bump my post since no one would answer.
I was just about to make a post about this, same issue for me also.
All downloads work.
I've tried several times... If one of the two host is down try the other and if both are done, retry later. :wink.gif:
I'm currently searching for a "pro" host for al of you guys, please be patient. :smile.gif:
Creator of PureBDcraft and other things... / @Sphax84 / @Cubik_Studio
Yeah, it's working now. Both links, at least for me, are REALLY slow though. Which is weird, because I'm on a pretty fast network and usually never have issues. Maybe both sites are just slammed today?
Please put that wall of text in a "spoiler" box, you've taken up a HUGE amount of space on a page. That is why no one has helped you ;D
Delete 512 from your TP folder and try a more sensible resolution.
Allocate extra memory?
Lol, I deleted it, but It was just to see if minecraft could handle it.
I did lol, still didn't work. I allocated 2 GB extra.
this is for ya
Also, Subscibe to my Youtube channel: ChileanCrafter