Download and installation: 1. Download the pack from the Google Drive link
2. Simply put the .zip into the Minecraft resource pack folder.
UPDATE: New better tall grass and shrub colors (by ElementalChaos)
UPDATE: Updated for 1.7 Choose if you want pre-1.7 cobble or not.
UPDATE: Made bricks/furnace have old texture, also made the title screen logo like the old one. You can now choose if you want invisible tallgrass/shrubs (will make harvesting seeds a bit akward)
UPDATE: Made a version with the old gold/iron/diamond block side texture, but the side texture is on top and bottom too.
UPDATE: Made a version that uses textures from waay back (classic 0.0.14a for example)
UPDATE: Made a version from late 2010
UPDATE: Now compatible with beta 1.8
UPDATE: Main version compatible with 1.9 prerelease 2
UPDATE: Vines now match the normal leaf in the main version
UPDATE: Main version and Classic version updated to 1.9 prerelease 3
UPDATE: Made a painting like the old one, and changed flint in the classic version
UPDATE: Main version and Classic version updated to 1.9 prerelease 4, They now have SQUARE moon/sun
UPDATE: Invis. tall grass and late 2010 version updated for 1.9 pre4
UPDATE: Updated all 1.9 versions to include the old explosion and old-style chests
UPDATE: Finally got the old spider in the classic version, thanks Thoth_djehuty100!
UPDATE: Changed wild grass color a bit, and updated all the packs to 1.9 pre 5
UPDATE: Updated the pack to 1.0.0 and made some changes in the item.png's
UPDATE: Improved the leaf & gravel textures in Classic version
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made the torches look like those from indev, and made pigs look like they did in 0.24
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made slimes look like they did in Alpha 1.0.11
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made cows have the old texture.
15dec11: (Classic version)Made creepers dark like in survival_test, added two packs
12jan12: Updated all versions to 1.1
16feb12: Put original white End Stone texture (For end portal frame too) in Classic pack
26feb12: Updated the normal version to snapshot 12w08a
01mar12: Updated all packs to 1.2
23mar12: Updated all packs to 1.2.4
17may12: Updated all packs to 12w19a, and included fix for chicken, pigman and creeper texture
28jul12: Updated all packs to 1.3, Classic WIP version now has more accurate spider texture
11aug12: Added Infdev item sprite for doors to Classic pack
16aug12: Classic pack: brewing stand now looks like the old one, and emerald is ruby
23oct12: Updated all packs to 1.4.1, discontinued the "tallgrass-less" packs.
26oct12: Old item frame/carrot textures in the Classic WIP pack.
13jan13: Updated all packs to 1.4.7 and 1.4.6.
25jan13: Updated main pack to 1.5
05apr13: Updated Main, Midbeta and Classic to 1.5.1 (late 2010 version discontinued)
05apr13: Added old-style trapped chest to all packs
28apr13: Added old diamond armor to main and midbeta packs
23may13: Old water/lava for all packs, a few edits to Classic pack
26may13: Fixed zombie/pigzombie textures in Classic pack
04jun13: Added old redstone lamp texture to classic pack
28jun13: Updated all packs to 1.6, added old sounds
01jul13: Normal and Classic pack got old chest sound (door)
17jul13: Old level up sound added to all packs
03sep13: Oldest cow sounds + a few old textures added to the classic pack
25oct13: Updated packs to 1.7
03nov13: Renamed sound folder to sounds, added "has" to player left/join messages in classic pack
03feb15: Updated to 1.8: Discontinued Classic pack.
Main/Midbeta renamed to Alpha and Beta versions.
Added old mineral blocks (gold/iron/diamond).
Fixed furnace/dispenser/dropper top texture.
Minecarts are now silent.
03feb15: fixed leather armor item sprites
04feb15: older versions now listed in this post
23jul15: added old sponge texture
05jan16: fixed lit furnace not having stone top
11mar16: updated packs to 1.9 (fixed the huge blocks), changed host to google drive (less ads and more features)
15mar16: made old door sounds work again, they are now used for chests too
03apr16: fence gates also use old door sounds now, chests use the chest sound from pre-1.9
09apr16: added old rain sounds to both packs
29nov16: updated packs to 1.11 format and added chest models by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
06dec16: updated link to MCPE Alpha pack
12dec16: alpha/beta: monochrome lightmap, old skeleton & bow model, alpha: tintless leaves for trees other than oak (thanks a lot to SOM3GUY)
11jun17: updated links for MCPE versions
Current version:
December 12 2016
(1.11) Alpha version download This pack brings back the 2010 Alpha (pre-Halloween update!) feel, complete with sounds and textures!
- pre-halloween update(2010) grass/leaf
- old gravel texture
- old brick/furnace textures
- old porkchop
- old painting
- old mojang logo & old-ish title screen background
- old title screen Minecraft title
- old explosion graphics
- old chests by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
- old skeleton model and bow view/thirdperson model by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
- monochromatic lightmap by SOM3GUY (requires MCPatcher or OptiFine)
- ghast fireballs/fire charge is flaming snowballs
- old fishing rod animation
- old dispenser - old diamond armor
- old cocoabean
- fixed chicken and creeper feet
- fixed zombie pigman skin
- old leather armor
- old styled foodstuffs
- phaseless moon
- snoutless pigs! - Old water & lava! - Old reeds - Old rose - Old log top textures - Many of the old sounds: - block step sounds - bow sounds - mob sounds (including the old creeper sounds) - player damage sounds - fall damage sounds - door sounds - old sponge texture - old level-up sound - silent minecarts! - other misc. sounds like flint & steel
(1.11) Beta version download
This pack makes Minecraft feel like it did in the beta versions of early/mid 2011.
- Grass, stone, cobblestone, plank, gravel etc. textures from the beta versions
- Old sounds!
- a lot of stuff that I've forgotten and can't list, but it's there!
(MCPE 1.1) Minecraft PE versions (ported by MasterLazorX):
- pre-halloween update(2010) grass
- Classic 0.0.14a leaf
- glass texture from when glass was first implemented
- classic brick textures
- armor from SURVIVAL_TEST
- early plank texture
- early gold block texture
- early plank colored boat & sign
- first cobble texture
- first sapling texture
- Infdev door item sprite
- old gold ore texture
- old double axes
- first piston textures
- first end stone textures
- old gravel textures
- classic wool color scheme (brown wool is purplish wool)
- old flint & steel
- old coal
- first pig texture
- indev torches
- old feather
- old slime
- old cow - old redstone lamp
- emerald is ruby
- old brewing stand
- old bloody pigman skin
- old carrot textures
- old item frame - old Enchantment table
- old spider Thanks to - compatible with
- the rest is identical to the main version
EVEN older versions (as far back as some of the originals!)
(Minecraft 1.6) Normal version (july 2013)
(Minecraft 1.6) Midbeta version (july 2013)
(Minecraft 1.6) Classic version (september 2013)
I'm working on the exact same concept! DAMN YOU! I just added in the pistons! ARGH, it was like thirty minutes ago! So close!
Also that was the exact name I was gonna give mine! AAAARRRRGGGHHH, well played... Just by a few minutes and you would of been the one who copied me... *shifty eyes* haha
I'm working on the exact same concept! DAMN YOU! I just added in the pistons! ARGH, it was like thirty minutes ago! So close!
Also that was the exact name I was gonna give mine! AAAARRRRGGGHHH, well played... Just by a few minutes and you would of been the one who copied me... *shifty eyes* haha
I once decided to make a texture pack featuring the old textures from before the Halloween update in 2010, and Nostalgia-Craft is the result!

There's two versions of the pack, an Alpha and a Beta version, both aim to capture some of the feel from Minecraft Alpha and Beta.
More screenshots
A mountainous region
The good old cobblestone texture
Reunite with your favorite flower species
Yes, they're also in the Beta pack, same with the deliciously colorful dyed wool spectrum
Various old-styled blocks (the chest is a proper block in the current version)
Signs of civilization
Just watch this splendid review by GameChap!
More video reviews!
A german review by DarkJinoug:
Download and installation:

1. Download the pack from the Google Drive link
2. Simply put the .zip into the Minecraft resource pack folder.
UPDATE: Updated for 1.7 Choose if you want pre-1.7 cobble or not.
UPDATE: Made bricks/furnace have old texture, also made the title screen logo like the old one. You can now choose if you want invisible tallgrass/shrubs (will make harvesting seeds a bit akward)
UPDATE: Made a version with the old gold/iron/diamond block side texture, but the side texture is on top and bottom too.
UPDATE: Made a version that uses textures from waay back (classic 0.0.14a for example)
UPDATE: Made a version from late 2010
UPDATE: Now compatible with beta 1.8
UPDATE: Main version compatible with 1.9 prerelease 2
UPDATE: Vines now match the normal leaf in the main version
UPDATE: Main version and Classic version updated to 1.9 prerelease 3
UPDATE: Made a painting like the old one, and changed flint in the classic version
UPDATE: Main version and Classic version updated to 1.9 prerelease 4, They now have SQUARE moon/sun
UPDATE: Invis. tall grass and late 2010 version updated for 1.9 pre4
UPDATE: Updated all 1.9 versions to include the old explosion and old-style chests
UPDATE: Finally got the old spider in the classic version, thanks Thoth_djehuty100!
UPDATE: Changed wild grass color a bit, and updated all the packs to 1.9 pre 5
UPDATE: Updated the pack to 1.0.0 and made some changes in the item.png's
UPDATE: Improved the leaf & gravel textures in Classic version
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made the torches look like those from indev, and made pigs look like they did in 0.24
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made slimes look like they did in Alpha 1.0.11
UPDATE: (Classic version)Made cows have the old texture.
15dec11: (Classic version)Made creepers dark like in survival_test, added two packs
12jan12: Updated all versions to 1.1
16feb12: Put original white End Stone texture (For end portal frame too) in Classic pack
26feb12: Updated the normal version to snapshot 12w08a
01mar12: Updated all packs to 1.2
23mar12: Updated all packs to 1.2.4
17may12: Updated all packs to 12w19a, and included fix for chicken, pigman and creeper texture
28jul12: Updated all packs to 1.3, Classic WIP version now has more accurate spider texture
11aug12: Added Infdev item sprite for doors to Classic pack
16aug12: Classic pack: brewing stand now looks like the old one, and emerald is ruby
23oct12: Updated all packs to 1.4.1, discontinued the "tallgrass-less" packs.
26oct12: Old item frame/carrot textures in the Classic WIP pack.
13jan13: Updated all packs to 1.4.7 and 1.4.6.
25jan13: Updated main pack to 1.5
05apr13: Updated Main, Midbeta and Classic to 1.5.1 (late 2010 version discontinued)
05apr13: Added old-style trapped chest to all packs
28apr13: Added old diamond armor to main and midbeta packs
23may13: Old water/lava for all packs, a few edits to Classic pack
26may13: Fixed zombie/pigzombie textures in Classic pack
04jun13: Added old redstone lamp texture to classic pack
28jun13: Updated all packs to 1.6, added old sounds
01jul13: Normal and Classic pack got old chest sound (door)
17jul13: Old level up sound added to all packs
03sep13: Oldest cow sounds + a few old textures added to the classic pack
25oct13: Updated packs to 1.7
03nov13: Renamed sound folder to sounds, added "has" to player left/join messages in classic pack
03feb15: Updated to 1.8: Discontinued Classic pack.
Main/Midbeta renamed to Alpha and Beta versions.
Added old mineral blocks (gold/iron/diamond).
Fixed furnace/dispenser/dropper top texture.
Minecarts are now silent.
03feb15: fixed leather armor item sprites
04feb15: older versions now listed in this post
23jul15: added old sponge texture
05jan16: fixed lit furnace not having stone top
11mar16: updated packs to 1.9 (fixed the huge blocks), changed host to google drive (less ads and more features)
15mar16: made old door sounds work again, they are now used for chests too
03apr16: fence gates also use old door sounds now, chests use the chest sound from pre-1.9
09apr16: added old rain sounds to both packs
29nov16: updated packs to 1.11 format and added chest models by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
06dec16: updated link to MCPE Alpha pack
12dec16: alpha/beta: monochrome lightmap, old skeleton & bow model, alpha: tintless leaves for trees other than oak (thanks a lot to SOM3GUY)
11jun17: updated links for MCPE versions
(1.11) Alpha version download
This pack brings back the 2010 Alpha (pre-Halloween update!) feel, complete with sounds and textures!
- old gravel texture
- old brick/furnace textures
- old porkchop
- old painting
- old mojang logo & old-ish title screen background
- old title screen Minecraft title
- old explosion graphics
- old chests by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
- old skeleton model and bow view/thirdperson model by SOM3GUY (requires OptiFine)
- monochromatic lightmap by SOM3GUY (requires MCPatcher or OptiFine)
- ghast fireballs/fire charge is flaming snowballs
- old fishing rod animation
- old dispenser
- old diamond armor
- old cocoabean
- fixed chicken and creeper feet
- fixed zombie pigman skin
- old leather armor
- old styled foodstuffs
- phaseless moon
- snoutless pigs!
- Old water & lava!
- Old reeds
- Old rose
- Old log top textures
- Many of the old sounds:
- block step sounds
- bow sounds
- mob sounds (including the old creeper sounds)
- player damage sounds
- fall damage sounds
- door sounds
- old sponge texture
- old level-up sound
- silent minecarts!
- other misc. sounds like flint & steel
(1.11) Beta version download
This pack makes Minecraft feel like it did in the beta versions of early/mid 2011.
- Old sounds!
- a lot of stuff that I've forgotten and can't list, but it's there!
(MCPE 1.1) Minecraft PE versions (ported by MasterLazorX):
Alpha version
Beta version
For older versions of the pack, you can check out
The Nostalgia-Craft archive on Google Drive
(1.7.10) Main version download (november 2013)
(1.7.10) Mid-Beta version (november 2013)
(1.7.10) Classic version (november 2013)
- Classic 0.0.14a leaf
- glass texture from when glass was first implemented
- classic brick textures
- armor from SURVIVAL_TEST
- early plank texture
- early gold block texture
- early plank colored boat & sign
- first cobble texture
- first sapling texture
- Infdev door item sprite
- old gold ore texture
- old double axes
- first piston textures
- first end stone textures
- old gravel textures
- classic wool color scheme (brown wool is purplish wool)
- old flint & steel
- old coal
- first pig texture
- indev torches
- old feather
- old slime
- old cow
- old redstone lamp
- emerald is ruby
- old brewing stand
- old bloody pigman skin
- old carrot textures
- old item frame
- old Enchantment table
- old spider Thanks to
- compatible with- the rest is identical to the main version
(Minecraft 1.6) Normal version (july 2013)
(Minecraft 1.6) Midbeta version (july 2013)
(Minecraft 1.6) Classic version (september 2013)
(Minecraft 1.5.1) Normal version (may 2013)
(Minecraft 1.5.1) Midbeta version (may 2013)
(Minecraft 1.5.1) Classic version (june 2013)
(loss of archive during 2012)
(Minecraft Beta 1.7.3) Normal version (july 2011)
(Minecraft Beta 1.7.3) Late 2010 version (post-halloween update) (september 2011)
(Minecraft Beta 1.7.3) Classic version (august 2011)
(Minecraft Beta 1.6.6) Main (and only) version (june 2011)
You can use this Nostalgia-Craft banner in your signature if you want:
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
Downloading, time to nostalgia :biggrin.gif:
should change the wild grass color as it looks a bit awkward :tongue.gif:
Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of Knowledge to man. He was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds. - Portal 2
Fun times.
I'm just showing how they look when the pack is enabled. :tongue.gif:
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
What? You mean i should change other textures like they were before? Like the smoothstone top of a furnace/dispenser?
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
Great, i updated the pack with your textures. I just changed the contrast a little bit
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
Did it now, you could select the old cobble version if you'd like the old cobblestone texture.
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
I'm working on the exact same concept! DAMN YOU! I just added in the pistons! ARGH, it was like thirty minutes ago! So close!
Also that was the exact name I was gonna give mine! AAAARRRRGGGHHH, well played... Just by a few minutes and you would of been the one who copied me... *shifty eyes* haha
I am sorry for being super protective i am downloading this on my moms good laptop.
In Soviet Russia, pig ride YOU.
Wait, what :blink.gif: ? I'm not giving anyone a virus
(the grass was greener in Alpha)
I played classic for 3 years I know the old minecraft
I've been looking for a long time for this and it works with 1.7.2
And by a few minutes you mean a month.
Even though Minecraft has only existed for 2? :tongue.gif:
What's bad/broken about it?
Aha, are you using some sort of texture patcher?
(the grass was greener in Alpha)