I'm sad to announce that I will be retiring as a Minecraft texture pack maker (for now) and will not be producing anymore updates for Isabella.
I owe a huge dept of gratitude to everyone who downloaded my pack, especially those who took the time get in touch with me via this post or PM. Isabella has been my most successful creative endeavor, and even though I never made a dime doing it, the hours spent were well worth it.
I'm leaving Isabella in the hands of the community. I'd love to see someone (or some people) take her to 1.6 and beyond. Anyone wishing to continue my work has my permission to do so.
Treat her well.
Isabella II is a reworked version of Isabella (now called Isabella Classic.) It offers the same melancholic feel but with brighter visuals, improving the experience on a wider range of monitors.
Isabella was designed to make use of custom animated water and lava, Connected Texture Mod (CTM), RandoMob, and Custom Colors. I also recommend enabling Better Grass and playing with a view distance of Normal or lower. To get these features, you must install:
Textures by Bonemouse
Main Menu Background by frejid
Some textures are based off the work of Mojang
Note: Some textures from Quandary and Coterie Craft appear in Isabella. These textures were originally created by Bonemouse for those packs.
Font used in this post is Pea Robyn from Fonts for Pea
Some screenshots were taken on a private server that wishes to remain nameless. Thanks!
The following served as inspiration for various elements of this pack.
Converting Isabella Classic to Isabella II AND Isabella II to Isabella Classic Download Photoshop PSD File (Isabella Classic to Isabella II) Download Photoshop PSD File (Isabella II to Isabella Classic)
Isabella Classic to Isabella II
If you are interested in converting old Isabella Classic textures to the new Isabella II style, here's is my general method in Photoshop.
To brighten the textures I used a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer:
Brightness: +25
Contrast: -15
I did not apply this to the snow and ice textures since it just washed them out completely. They are left as-is.
No changes were made to the "breaking animation" either.
I also changed the stone, cobblestone, stone bricks, and other stone blocks by applying a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
Layer fill set to 7%
Colorize: Yes
Hue: 65
Saturation: 50
Lightness: 0
No colour changes were made to anything but the terrain tiles. So items and entities remain the same and backwards compatible.
Isabella II to Isabella Classic
To darken I used a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer:
Brightness: +25
Contrast: -15
Do not apply this to snow, ice, and "breaking animation."
To remove the tint from the stone I used a Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustment layer:
You MUST include the About Isabella.txt file with your work. You may not edit this file. This file can be found within the texture pack's .zip file.
This license does not cover Isabella Classic. Please refer to that license.
You really don't need to ask my permission first. Just follow the instructions. And I also like to encourage people to post their work in this thread when it is ready to be shown.
This amazing video of Isabella Classic was created by LoooksMinecraft
Click for more Isabella Classic.
I've kept the following post for archival purposes. Further development of Isabella Classic has been discontinued.
- Anniversary Facts -
Total Downloads: Just over 195,000
Most Downloaded Individual Texture on the Customizer:
Most Favourited Individual Texture on the Customizer:
-DOWNLOAD- Download Isabella 1.2v3, for 1.2.4 (mirrored at Planet Minecraft - Isabella [Official]) Customize the Isabella's Look! (1.2 compatible.)
NOTE: As of Isabella 1.0v2, the patcher is required. It will function without it but it won't look right.
Get the latest patcher HERE to enable custom water/lava, Randomobs, improved swamp and other colours (including sky, fog and underwater colours.)
Wow, this is awesome! EditCraft is the only texture pack I've been able to stand so far (default with glass/cobble/etc. fixes) but your pack is something I can actually see myself using. Thanks for this!
Wow, this is awesome! EditCraft is the only texture pack I've been able to stand so far (default with glass/cobble/etc. fixes) but your pack is something I can actually see myself using. Thanks for this!
Thanks, I appreciate that!
Quote from jdwarfer »
Hmmm I was curious because of the name...
This pack looks very good so far, keep working on it ! :smile.gif:
I've just tested it. I think it's a little too dark, otherwise it's really nice.
The darkness is a tricky issue and something I'm sure I'll be tweaking for a long time. It's meant to be dark but it shouldn't be unplayably dark. And it's definitely not a pack people should use in their YouTube Let's Plays.
This texture pack makes me think of soft, sad piano music and overall sadness.
It's amazing.
This was exactly the feeling I was going for. Totally made my day.
Well, I can certainly say you've achieved the effect you were going for. Also, I sincerely disagree with the "too dark for let's play videos" thing. I've got a test video rendering right now, which I'll post here once it's done.
I may be wrong about the outcome, but either way, this is easily my favourite pack at the moment.
Edit: Video up! Consider it a bit of a demo of this pack too, actually.
So, a new version is up. The most important change is I've added a moon and sun texture. These are slightly, slightly bigger then the default textures to give them a little bit of oomph. They are also still square.
Also refined the sheep and squid textures. I'm planning on supporting the Randomob mod and the last thing I wanted to do was make a ton of variations based on textures I wasn't satisfied with.
And finally, I did lighten some textures a little. People who found this pack to be too dark will, I'm afraid, find it too dark still. This is mostly to help differentiate block types in the inventory screen and on the action bar. It also makes underground a little less oppressively dark. Just a little.
Quote from FLuke01 »
Seems much to dark for me, Sorry :/
No need to apologize. Not everyone is going to like it. :smile.gif:
I really like the textures. Pumpkin is great, furnace, quite everything. It's just too dark to play with that pack a long time.
But I can just lighten it up a little to match my taste, if you don't mind :smile.gif:
Anyway it's a very good pack IMO.
I was sad to realize that I would no longer be able to use the Quandary texture pack, and has therefor been rolling around with the standard texture pack (though with Wild Grass and BetterER Grass, to make it a bit more interesting). This, really made my day.
I would love to see both custom water and lava/magma, as well as a custom break animation. The 'old' one simply doesn't suit the beauty of this pack.
Sadly, I won't be installing this, since it seems to be lacking Wild Grass support - which is a huge lack for me, since I've really become almost dependent on Wild Grass. As soon as that minor problem has been fixed, I will start rollin' with this park.
Oh, and I think it'd be awesome to see some custom art (if it's not already in the pack) - the bottle, and your avatar, seems amazing, and if you made that, it'd be awesome to see it in the pack.
If you already made custom art, what'a'bout some screens of it?
Again, amazing job. (I will probably continue to post more and more things about this, since it's absolutely amazing..).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
But I can just lighten it up a little to match my taste, if you don't mind :smile.gif:
Anyway it's a very good pack IMO.
Thanks. And I don't mind at all. In fact, I'd like suggest that you post your results if you do it. I think, others might find it useful. And at the very least, I'd be interested in seeing the changes.
Quote from SevV »
THAT PUMPKIN!! :biggrin.gif:!
its Amazing!
Quote from mrisump »
First of all, thank you kindly!
I did do a custom break animation, actually. I didn't stray far from the original, though, and it could probably do with an overhaul. I'm not too sure when I will get around to it.
Currently, on my high priority list is to do the pine sapling, birch sapling, rain and snow for 1.5 next week. And I'm really, really hoping to have custom water before then.
WildGrass is also on my todo list. I really like what he's been doing lately with the new flowers and vines and such.
Nope, no custom art yet. You've got me thinking though. My avatar the default character skin for this pack. And the bottle is the pack's icon which also hints at the overarching narrative I came up for this pack. The art would be a really fun way to explore this more.
You've finally made a texturepack, Bone. :biggrin.gif:
Anyways, I like this texture pack a lot, so I decided to make a backstory for it.
"Oh Isabella, my dearest Isabella..."
Those words, those sweet sweet words, you'll cherish them forever in your heart...
You where a sailor riding in the "S.S. Leopard", and your wife, Isabella, was back home. Her touch, so gentle, it is the only thing you have left when you started the voyage. However, even good things come to an end. You were called to go sail on the 'S.S. Leopard" and of course, you had to go on it. Isabella's words, "Oh please, come back safely!" were sewn into your mind when you went aboard the ship, but even Isabella's words might not ensure safe travel. It was a fine evening, but gloomy and muddy clouds began settling in. Then, it started. Lightning hit the ship exactly at it's mast, and it caught fire. Strangely, everyone but you died. The last thing you remember was being swept by winds into the murky waters, but you landed in a strange land, unknown to you and all of the world. All you see was debris and blood. Blood and bodies, oh the horrid bodies... You collected a bottle and a piece of parchment, and you found a pen. You began to write a note.
Also, can you change the clay? It's practically impossible to find it since it's so similar to sand.
"Oh my dearest Isabella, I have grave news... My ship, the S.S. Leopard, has sunk, and I am now in a foreign land. I long for you, and I hope I may return soon. If you find this, remember that I will always love you.
You placed the note in a bottle, and with that, you placed it in the sands. You eventually saw it getting swept by the tides, and you saw it merrily float away. With that, you were alone, left to fend for yourself.
I hope you like it! :biggrin.gif:
I very much love the gloomy, dark feel this texturepack has. The Nether seems to be a dull, hopeless place. Full of danger, yet no excitement.
I find this Texture Pack ing amaaazzzzzziiiiiinnnnngggg!! :biggrin.gif:
There is room for a little improvement (sorry to repeat this) like lighting it up a bit.
The furnace, the pumpkins, the Wolfs! All amazing! In fact practically everything is.
Loved the story! And pretty darn close to what I had in my head.
As for the clay, I'll take that into consideration. I wanted the clay to blend in a little better then Quandary but I may have gone too far.
Thanks. I actually had retextured the MineGunner mod to fit with Quandary and since I'm using Quandary items (for now) it would have fit perfectly into this texture pack. Unfortunately my computer decided to die on me last week and these were one of the many textures I lost in the process.
Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out how to approach the darkness issue. I'm going to up the saturation a little across the board and also lighten the leaf and grass textures and see how that looks. If there are any particular textures people feel are too dark, it would be helpful for me to know.
Things I have been working on recently:
I'm redoing the clouds. I had considered taking them out completely because of the new weather system. But I personally rely on the clouds to find north*. Plus the lightning effect looks terribly cool when there are clouds. So they are in, but with a lot less coverage.
Custom water animation is hard and I haven't made much progress. I opted to rework the water from Coterie Craft (which itself is reworked from Painterly) to get the colours right. I may release this for the time being if I can't get my own working before 1.5.
Also, new rain, snow, birch and pine saplings (mentioned before) as well as booster tracks.
*If you place redstone on the ground (to make a '+' pattern) you may notice that each branch has two gaps in them except for one. This odd one out always points north.
All this talk about you 'making it lighter' has got me all worried, so I made another post.
I would really be disappointed, if you removed the gloomyness of this pack. The gloomyness is perfect in this pack, and you shouldn't even try to change it - without allowing us to download the "Gloomy" and the "Less Gloomy" pack.
Also, like the Painterly's did, having a few different options would be nice, since I personally don't "dig" the round furnace. It'd be nice to have a more square-ish furnace.
.. Oh, and I'm gonna download this pack soon, just to see what it'll look like with WildGrass (and possibly edit a bit in the WildGrass files, since I'm getting too excited about this pack); and so that I can give you a few screens of mods, mobs, items etc.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm sad to announce that I will be retiring as a Minecraft texture pack maker (for now) and will not be producing anymore updates for Isabella.
I owe a huge dept of gratitude to everyone who downloaded my pack, especially those who took the time get in touch with me via this post or PM. Isabella has been my most successful creative endeavor, and even though I never made a dime doing it, the hours spent were well worth it.
I'm leaving Isabella in the hands of the community. I'd love to see someone (or some people) take her to 1.6 and beyond. Anyone wishing to continue my work has my permission to do so.
Treat her well.
Isabella II is a reworked version of Isabella (now called Isabella Classic.) It offers the same melancholic feel but with brighter visuals, improving the experience on a wider range of monitors.
Latest Download: 1.5v2 - March 14, 2013
Planet Minecraft Mirror
Isabella was designed to make use of custom animated water and lava, Connected Texture Mod (CTM), RandoMob, and Custom Colors. I also recommend enabling Better Grass and playing with a view distance of Normal or lower. To get these features, you must install:
Playing FTB? You might want to check out Isabella II: FTB Edition
Isabella II Betas for 1.2.5 and/or 1.3
Beta 1
Beta 2
Beta 3
Beta 4
Beta 5
Beta 6
Textures by Bonemouse
Main Menu Background by frejid
Some textures are based off the work of Mojang
Note: Some textures from Quandary and Coterie Craft appear in Isabella. These textures were originally created by Bonemouse for those packs.
Font used in this post is Pea Robyn from Fonts for Pea
Some screenshots were taken on a private server that wishes to remain nameless. Thanks!
The following served as inspiration for various elements of this pack.
Converting Isabella Classic to Isabella II AND Isabella II to Isabella Classic
Download Photoshop PSD File (Isabella Classic to Isabella II)
Download Photoshop PSD File (Isabella II to Isabella Classic)
Isabella Classic to Isabella II
If you are interested in converting old Isabella Classic textures to the new Isabella II style, here's is my general method in Photoshop.
To brighten the textures I used a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer:
Brightness: +25
Contrast: -15
I did not apply this to the snow and ice textures since it just washed them out completely. They are left as-is.
No changes were made to the "breaking animation" either.
I also changed the stone, cobblestone, stone bricks, and other stone blocks by applying a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
Layer fill set to 7%
Colorize: Yes
Hue: 65
Saturation: 50
Lightness: 0
No colour changes were made to anything but the terrain tiles. So items and entities remain the same and backwards compatible.
Isabella II to Isabella Classic
To darken I used a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer:
Brightness: +25
Contrast: -15
Do not apply this to snow, ice, and "breaking animation."
To remove the tint from the stone I used a Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustment layer:
Hue: 0
Saturation: -100
Lightness: 0
Isabella Texture Pack by Bonemouse is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Click for more Isabella Classic.
I've kept the following post for archival purposes. Further development of Isabella Classic has been discontinued.
- Anniversary Facts -
Total Downloads: Just over 195,000
Most Downloaded Individual Texture on the Customizer:
Most Favourited Individual Texture on the Customizer:
Download Isabella 1.2v3, for 1.2.4 (mirrored at Planet Minecraft - Isabella [Official])
Customize the Isabella's Look! (1.2 compatible.)
NOTE: As of Isabella 1.0v2, the patcher is required. It will function without it but it won't look right.
Get the latest patcher HERE to enable custom water/lava, Randomobs, improved swamp and other colours (including sky, fog and underwater colours.)
Older Versions
1.2v1 (for MC version 1.2.3 and below)
b1.5 Package
b1.4 Package
Video by MinecraftDone (Thanks!)
Video by iTzz Chicken (Thanks!)
Screenshots courtesy of LordGideon
Some customizer options provided by mrisump and Solidfire.
Main Menu Panoramic Background by MrMom
The following served as inspiration for various elements of this pack.
All mod textures are provided as is and are not guaranteed to to be up to date.
Official Mod Support
- Using my Textures -
Do you have permission to use some of my textures in your own pack? Yes!
As a courtesy, please consider doing the following:
More Pictures
Videos and Screenshots
Click for more!
Jerry by HeRorikGaming (Warning: Mildly disturbing. -Bone)
Take It, Take It, Take It! by HeRorikGaming
This pack looks very good so far, keep working on it ! :smile.gif:
I've just tested it. I think it's a little too dark, otherwise it's really nice.
Thanks, I appreciate that!
The darkness is a tricky issue and something I'm sure I'll be tweaking for a long time. It's meant to be dark but it shouldn't be unplayably dark. And it's definitely not a pack people should use in their YouTube Let's Plays.
I could have sworn it was a higher resolution!
You really managed to put a lot of detail into this pack!
It's amazing.
This was exactly the feeling I was going for. Totally made my day.
Well, I can certainly say you've achieved the effect you were going for. Also, I sincerely disagree with the "too dark for let's play videos" thing. I've got a test video rendering right now, which I'll post here once it's done.
I may be wrong about the outcome, but either way, this is easily my favourite pack at the moment.
Edit: Video up! Consider it a bit of a demo of this pack too, actually.
PS: Don't forget HD.
I'm glad you managed to catch the wolves on camera. They always elude me.
Team fortress 2: I make noobs my bitches.
Also refined the sheep and squid textures. I'm planning on supporting the Randomob mod and the last thing I wanted to do was make a ton of variations based on textures I wasn't satisfied with.
And finally, I did lighten some textures a little. People who found this pack to be too dark will, I'm afraid, find it too dark still. This is mostly to help differentiate block types in the inventory screen and on the action bar. It also makes underground a little less oppressively dark. Just a little.
No need to apologize. Not everyone is going to like it. :smile.gif:
But I can just lighten it up a little to match my taste, if you don't mind :smile.gif:
Anyway it's a very good pack IMO.
I was sad to realize that I would no longer be able to use the Quandary texture pack, and has therefor been rolling around with the standard texture pack (though with Wild Grass and BetterER Grass, to make it a bit more interesting). This, really made my day.
I would love to see both custom water and lava/magma, as well as a custom break animation. The 'old' one simply doesn't suit the beauty of this pack.
Sadly, I won't be installing this, since it seems to be lacking Wild Grass support - which is a huge lack for me, since I've really become almost dependent on Wild Grass. As soon as that minor problem has been fixed, I will start rollin' with this park.
Oh, and I think it'd be awesome to see some custom art (if it's not already in the pack) - the bottle, and your avatar, seems amazing, and if you made that, it'd be awesome to see it in the pack.
If you already made custom art, what'a'bout some screens of it?
Again, amazing job. (I will probably continue to post more and more things about this, since it's absolutely amazing..).
Thanks. And I don't mind at all. In fact, I'd like suggest that you post your results if you do it. I think, others might find it useful. And at the very least, I'd be interested in seeing the changes.
First of all, thank you kindly!
I did do a custom break animation, actually. I didn't stray far from the original, though, and it could probably do with an overhaul. I'm not too sure when I will get around to it.
Currently, on my high priority list is to do the pine sapling, birch sapling, rain and snow for 1.5 next week. And I'm really, really hoping to have custom water before then.
WildGrass is also on my todo list. I really like what he's been doing lately with the new flowers and vines and such.
Nope, no custom art yet. You've got me thinking though. My avatar the default character skin for this pack. And the bottle is the pack's icon which also hints at the overarching narrative I came up for this pack. The art would be a really fun way to explore this more.
Anyways, I like this texture pack a lot, so I decided to make a backstory for it.
"Oh Isabella, my dearest Isabella..."
Those words, those sweet sweet words, you'll cherish them forever in your heart...
You where a sailor riding in the "S.S. Leopard", and your wife, Isabella, was back home. Her touch, so gentle, it is the only thing you have left when you started the voyage. However, even good things come to an end. You were called to go sail on the 'S.S. Leopard" and of course, you had to go on it. Isabella's words, "Oh please, come back safely!" were sewn into your mind when you went aboard the ship, but even Isabella's words might not ensure safe travel. It was a fine evening, but gloomy and muddy clouds began settling in. Then, it started. Lightning hit the ship exactly at it's mast, and it caught fire. Strangely, everyone but you died. The last thing you remember was being swept by winds into the murky waters, but you landed in a strange land, unknown to you and all of the world. All you see was debris and blood. Blood and bodies, oh the horrid bodies... You collected a bottle and a piece of parchment, and you found a pen. You began to write a note.
Also, can you change the clay? It's practically impossible to find it since it's so similar to sand.
"Oh my dearest Isabella, I have grave news... My ship, the S.S. Leopard, has sunk, and I am now in a foreign land. I long for you, and I hope I may return soon. If you find this, remember that I will always love you.
You placed the note in a bottle, and with that, you placed it in the sands. You eventually saw it getting swept by the tides, and you saw it merrily float away. With that, you were alone, left to fend for yourself.
I hope you like it! :biggrin.gif:
I very much love the gloomy, dark feel this texturepack has. The Nether seems to be a dull, hopeless place. Full of danger, yet no excitement.
Now I just need the gun mod for when night descends and the insanity grips me!!
There is room for a little improvement (sorry to repeat this) like lighting it up a bit.
The furnace, the pumpkins, the Wolfs! All amazing! In fact practically everything is.
Keep it up!
Butterstone :smile.gif:
P.S. take these
Loved the story! And pretty darn close to what I had in my head.
As for the clay, I'll take that into consideration. I wanted the clay to blend in a little better then Quandary but I may have gone too far.
Thanks. I actually had retextured the MineGunner mod to fit with Quandary and since I'm using Quandary items (for now) it would have fit perfectly into this texture pack. Unfortunately my computer decided to die on me last week and these were one of the many textures I lost in the process.
Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out how to approach the darkness issue. I'm going to up the saturation a little across the board and also lighten the leaf and grass textures and see how that looks. If there are any particular textures people feel are too dark, it would be helpful for me to know.
Things I have been working on recently:
I'm redoing the clouds. I had considered taking them out completely because of the new weather system. But I personally rely on the clouds to find north*. Plus the lightning effect looks terribly cool when there are clouds. So they are in, but with a lot less coverage.
Custom water animation is hard and I haven't made much progress. I opted to rework the water from Coterie Craft (which itself is reworked from Painterly) to get the colours right. I may release this for the time being if I can't get my own working before 1.5.
Also, new rain, snow, birch and pine saplings (mentioned before) as well as booster tracks.
*If you place redstone on the ground (to make a '+' pattern) you may notice that each branch has two gaps in them except for one. This odd one out always points north.
I would really be disappointed, if you removed the gloomyness of this pack. The gloomyness is perfect in this pack, and you shouldn't even try to change it - without allowing us to download the "Gloomy" and the "Less Gloomy" pack.
Also, like the Painterly's did, having a few different options would be nice, since I personally don't "dig" the round furnace. It'd be nice to have a more square-ish furnace.
.. Oh, and I'm gonna download this pack soon, just to see what it'll look like with WildGrass (and possibly edit a bit in the WildGrass files, since I'm getting too excited about this pack); and so that I can give you a few screens of mods, mobs, items etc.
This is the change to the lightness. Still in testing. Nothing is set in stone.