Pixel Art
What is the purpose of these?
one of the zips is for adventure maps where signs and maps are blank for images or text purposes basic has less mcpathcer features and animations to give it more of a feel like the GBC game and the other one is the full everything pack.
i hope that clears it up. alternate textures are for people who do not like some of the textures that are built into the pack.
hope that clears it up for you.
1.7.2 preview
i am currently working on the CTM stained glass and i hope to have it out relatively soon but i make no promises. enjoy
yes but they do not seem to be working the same as they did in 1.6 you should see them there they look real good.
CTM for stained glass. you would be surprised how long of a process this was. but there are 16 colours of glass at 48 textures a piece. well it took time.
changed the colourization of dyes to better reflect the glass, wool, clay they affect.
the adventure mod pack is now just the alternate map and sign and has to be applied on top of the main pack under resource packs, the basic pack is still its own completely separate pack which has less animations and CTM features to make it more true to the game instead of my own vision.
And probably some minor tweaks here are there.
i grew up playing links awakening more than anything else. so im glad to hear you like it.
they were ripped and slightly recoloured
earlier versions were just straight up ripped from the emulator and the colours were unbearable.
thank you for the feed back.
i have no idea what is wrong with the plants i mean i see them so i will test my download on a friends computer later.
the axe is actually the axe Gannon stage of the shadow boss fight uses. and i know its odd that only it has a tilted texture. but it was the only tool with a in game texture on a angle. personally it's my favorite using a giant battle axe to calm chop wood.
and i had been considering changing the smiles for a while to give them the elongated eyes but the transparency is a rare thing in minecraft that makes them kinda unique.
and on the topic of sky boxes i had been considering doing this for a while and have some textures lined up to be used. but they are not the mountain texture since the idea of having a landmark always in the distance that you cna never actually get to would bug the ever loving out of me personally but when i get around to i will experiment. current idea is to use the sky box from the opening of the oracle games since well its the same engine and art style.
again thank you for the feed back i will be attempting to address the grass bug tonight.
EDIT* why did no one tell me about the grass sooner.
For the OP:
For signatures:
looks pretty good and i like it but i like pixel art more I'm planning on making a signature for when I make a update that I'm working on.
here have a few previews in appreciation
new carved stone brick and quartz textures, chiseled unchanged just there for completeness
New 3d models I'm working on. they will be there own resource pack as the they may be more performance heavy and mess with the base textures for mapping purposes
new paintings im working on some are still VERY WIP with colouration change to come to most.
lolcats are still funny
Link's Awakening DX 1.8.1 V1
1.8.1: ALLLLLLLLLLL the tweaks and 1.8 content
A few new packs will be in the zip to be extracted and used in conjunction with the default pack.
NEW PACK: Links Awakening DX - Music. All environmental music is done records are not. Expect an update to it, at some point maybe.
NEW PACK: Links Awakening DX - 1.7 Redstone animation. Includes animations for all Redstone related block in a 1.7 friendly format to be applied over the main pack if still using 1.7
NEW PACK: Links Awakening DX - 3D. Includes custom 3d block models and textures to be used in 1.8 and applied over top of the default texture.
PACK REMOVED: Links Awakening Adventure. Pack removed for redundancy since sign and map from pack has been merged into default with slight modifications.
Prismarine blocks have been added. All containing a slight "shimmer" effect as well as colour changes as I imagine the material to be crystals of water reflecting light.
Created custom 3d meshes for certain blocks as having flat panes for some items is annoying such as iron bars mine cart rails, doors and ladders.
Recreated the old sunflower mesh since the new default one sucks.
Created model for cake.
Created model for fire. Similar to default but with more active faces.
Created a model for all variants of Redstone dust.
New Redstone dust colouration through MCPatcher to better match blocks.
New crafting table variants using blockstates. Including the new one with new tools on the side and the classic one showing up rarely.
Added textures for new Redstone.
Added randomized glyph textures to carved sandstone in 1.8
Added the new doors for 1.8 with custom models.
Added custom textures for the different fences.
Added / modified the models of all flower pots, including a better bottom texture and dirt alignment. Cactus is 3d.
New custom textures for all fences.
New custom map colour pallet to better represent the world around you.
Finally got around to making horse marking. Old blank files are still available in alternate textures. Some alternate textures also have coloured saddles. Zombie and skeleton horse are finally textured.
Redid animations for all blocks that are linked to Redstone to be smoother and consume less space
Daylight sensor better represents new quartz textures
Redid webs because like likes in mineshaft is dumb
Fixed random mobs for spiders and spider eyes. Biome dependency now works.
Removed redundant wolf textures went from to 64 independent textures to 16
Redid quartz texture to look more like default Minecraft quartz and all around better for slabs and stairs
New chiselled stone brick using the same texture as new quartz pillar top, but it has full CTM support
Redid all animations that had lengthened frame. They now call from the config file to tell them how long a frame should last/ doing so slightly boosts performance and decreases file size.
Changed the colouration of rails to be more realistic and well just look nice with the 3drails.
Reworked biome colouration to the new format for MCPatcher users. Biome are now more accurately coloured. This includes some more water colour variants such as muddy water in deserts. Leaf colouration is now both tree dependent and biome dependent giving each tree a recognizable colour scheme no matter the biome thought some change more than others
A couple of general colouration tweaks to a few blocks and mobs to make them use the proper pallet. Not really noticeable to the user.
New crafting table that looks more like the vanilla crafting table. Old version is in alternate textures as well as a second "clean" alternative. Feel free to mix and match textures since they all use the same base.
All new paintings old paintings in alternate textures and well as new variants. Feel free to mix and match
Removed zombie variant that appeared to be wearing armour already since now zombies can wear armour
Default skeleton replaced with variant that better represents bone item texture. Old default skin added to randomobs list.
Modified the sign texture to be slightly more legible while still keeping the design. Old version can be found in alternate textures.
Replaced map texture with the one from adventure version
Recolored leather to better reflect crafted items
Redid most meat based items to look more like the real life counter parts. Why because the old food items (pork chop beef etc.) were based of heart from Zelda way back when those item or item types restored health point (like a heart) instead of food points. The old variants will still be available for those who are used to them
Sight adjustment to the diamond item texture to make it look more like a solid item and not just a ripped texture. Meaning I got rid of the random blue pixels outside of the item and replaced a few with the black outline
New fire animation that is easier on the eyes
Removed the adventure version of resource pack.
Altered a few textures to remove the black lines, wood planks (acacia, Dark Oak), stone slab.
Changed the beacons beam to be white so its colour can be changed in 1.8 properly. Old one is still in alternate textures
Modified the texture for iron block to remove black lines to better resemble iron doors.
New grass randomized textures.
New colouration on flower pot.
New model for the anvil with new side textures.
New trap door variants which include 3dmodels for each in 1.8. wood trap door texture by default not changed but its orientation matches better when on a horizontal surface.
Slight alterations to horse textures
New Redstone dust texture. Slight modification of old texture but it rotates better now, it’s symmetrical.
And possibly some stuff I missed.
Link's Awakening DX 1.8.1 V1