Pixel Art
1.5 13w04a, new format and new blocks
enjoy and have fun
i do have preview pics of older updates. they are just under spoiler tabs and i have shown previews as i worked on updates in the past just not in the main post. i have some time off coming up and i am planning on doing a full update and reworking the original post. maybe even make a banner thing to... not sure yet. even with time "off" still gonna be busy.
i will really try to get a update out this weekend but i make no promises
The texture pack uses the new format which means in is not compatible with pre 13w02a AKA 1.4.7 and older.
quartz blocks and item textures.
New comparator, hopper, daylight sensor, activator rail, and whatever else new Redstone stuff there is.
trapped chest, which is almost identical on the outside from the default but has a nice red lining on the inside.
New compass and clock alternates and defaults.
block of Redstone texture. An animation is in the works.
Icons for the hopper, nether brick, netherquartz, and tnt minecart.
New top/bottom faces for dispenser and dropper.
New animations for pretty much everything redstone related.
All redstone related textures in a powered state now have a throbbing animation.
Probably a bunch of other stuff that I have not kept track of
Well the way the pack is structured is change I suppose.
The majority of animation are now included in a format that lets the default game use them. Though CTM and animation based off those texture are still in there old spot. And probably need to have their properties files re written to work with the new format whenever mc patcher gets updated.
The Redstone repeater have been completely redesigned so that the comparator and repeater could look the same but still different and be identifiable. Truth be told I’ve been wanting a complete redesign for a long time.
The beacon animated texture had been flipped so that it spins in the same direction as the beacon. Because honestly I just did not think it through
Glow stone dust recloured to match the glow stone block.
One of the particles has been changed form a fairy to just a generic blob.
Nether quarts pillar has had a change since last preview build.
Smooth sand stone pillar has been modified to look, well just a bit different.
i have all of the previous versions of the pack available in the original post, this update is for all of the 1.5 texture changes which is supposed to come out this week.
Edit correction the chiseled is from the fairy fountain. but the regular one (which si the one i do not like) is from one of the oracle games
so many dang textures for horses. But I'm getting there, here is a preview
i have been working on a update on my off time but now that the semester is over i can get back to the pack and do a full update to the weekly snapshots. Hopefully on a weekly basis but i make no promises. I'm currently trying to get all of the horse related textures done but they are very complicated and time consuming. I am done with the base textures and currently working on the armour. Here are some preview pictures to hold every one over hopefully. Once i have everything for the current snapshot done i will put out a update.
Here is a picture of all the horses. Since they all have the base textures done. But are subject to change just like all the other current textures.
here are a few pictures of horse with attachments. Aka armour saddles and chests. I am trying to make the horse armour look as much like the player armour as i can
this is a donkey wearing a saddle and chest. the diamond armour can be seen in the background as well.
i tired to make the one breed of horse look as much like Epona from ocarina of time as a could while staying in the colour pallet and aesthetics of link's awakening / the oracle games.
i have revamped the old saddle for pigs to use the new colour scheme. Which i should have done when i re-did a lot of the older textures. Also little booties and a leather helmet. Because battle pigs
and finally the new blocks and item textures. Shown in the picture is hardened clay, hay bales, carpet, and all the new items. As shown not all the item textures are done but im getting there.
i also re did the last stage/ harvested wheat textures so they were a lighter and more muted colour. Primarily so the hay bales could use the same colour palette and not be do dark and gross looking.
i think the new hardened clay works good for building.
I tried to make this horse different from the rest so i made him into a ender horse. There are 5 main horse skins. The ender horse, Epona, donkey mule. Then the basic texture. The basic one is used for all other horse skins but with its palette changed to match the default.
I am not sure if this was in the last released build or not but i re did the armour fixing any errors as well as redoing the helmets so you can actually see player faces because whats the point of having a skin if the face gets covered. It removes visual identification. That and solid face plates is not practical
Leather (unchanged just here for completeness)
thank you it is always nice to know people like what I'm doing.
:EDIT: make that disc 11. i never remember which one it is by name the old broken one.
fire related enchantments have effects
when you see them in motion its pretty cool
with this being a full update it is also going back to the system of all 3 versions being in one zip file that needs to be extracted. then the versions you want to use go in the resource pack folder. also sorry for the download size
Added: horses, horse armour, lead, nametag, charcoal, coal block, hardened clay, donkey, mule, horse saddle.
new enchantment effects because I hate the default one due to its lack of customization.
While using mc patcher the horse spawn egg like others is using more accurate colours.
The record 11 ( the weird non music one) now plays the ballad of the wind fish, copy right to Nintendo and stuff like that.
The mycelium particle colours are now the colour of mycelium.
Now using the new resource pack format. Not like I had a choice.
mycelium has been "neeferd" I know that some people did not like the mycelium being animated because it could be painful to look at when a full mushroom biome is found. so the texture now has 2 textures one that it already had and one without the flowers or animation. They randomly switch just like the sand on a roughly 1/17 of the time so it is still there but not really as frequent as to avoid eye strain.
The birch leaves have had their biome colouration customized so it’s more of a yellow colour than regular oak leaves.
Wheat has been retextured to be more of a desaturated easy on the eyes brown which looked good for the hay bale texture.
Pig saddle now includes little booties and a hood, why? Because I felt like it. The saddle texture was also recoloured to fit with the packs colour pallet better.
The dyes have had the display colour changed to reflect the actual colour of the wool. Not sure why I did not do this sooner but hey it’s done now.
Ice regains its transparency since apparently I got rid of that at one point, Sorry about that. How did I not notice?
And probably some minor tweaks here and there.
yes i have but it would mess with people who are used to the sound effects of minecraft and there are not enough sound effect in links awakening to replace all the sounds in minecraft without extreme repetitiveness.
i figure replacing the one record was a good start.
but yeah the sounds for links awakening are for things that are not even sound effects for in minecraft (jumping sword swinging) but other than that there are no enemy sound effect in links awakening which there are a ton of in minecraft. i just does not line up right. i have considered pulling sounds from other zelda games but would ruin the point of it being a Links awakening (with a few oracle textures )resource pack.
so in short probably not
my secondary monitor and the monitor in my laptop , hell the whole damn thing are starting to go so just a warning that the new textures for flowers and stuff might be a little funky since my one monitor is all desaturated and bright and my other one is like SUPER YELLOW. so I've been trying to do a best guess as of how to make the textures but well to me at least (could be monitors) look kinda wonky. so here is what i got in some preview pics let me know what ya guys think
ok so here is like everything
OK and more specifics here is a comparison between the old and new hardened clay. as much as i like the old clay as a naturally forming block in mass it looks well dumb so i re did it to look better but now i feel it does not have that POP that other texture have. also i have recoloured the tall grass and old flowers to look better in bulk as well.
also new packed ice. looks really crystallized i find.
and finally the newly redesigned tall grass in bulk i find it much nicer on the eyes as much as i liked the thick black outline but plains biome were very hard on the eyes.
i might make a sound pack as a separate thing in the future BUT I am just starting my final year of college so time is spares.