Pixel Art
yogbox ehh ill look into it. i have been watching a lot of there videos lately actually
Quite honestly I didn't think the YogBox would be any big deal until I downloaded it. It still has the same feel of Minecraft, but with all the nice tweaks and features of mods, and they all work wonderfully together. It's definitely a lovely compilation, it'd be great in LoZ 16bit textures :happy.gif:
i have not worked on it in a while ive been so busy with other stuff
thank you i actually owned the origanal black and white one and played/play it on my gameboy pocket
edit the charging ow looks funny but it works. and there will be alternate texture for watermelons either a water melon or a banana bunch default will be bananas since it can use unedited textures. and since im using banana for melon slices and not bred bread is now a honey comb
edit media fire might have been down or your modem could have been over laoded
huh mc patcher still works...working on new menu screen and stuff now new donwload will probably be up tomorrow with alternate chest and 2 different menus. all of the wolf textures for randomobs, I'm saying this now the alternate endermen textures when randomobs is update for that will probably be something simple like the outline of there cloths
(EDIT):I'm waiting until the actual release of 1.9 to upload since if its anything like 1.8 there will be more texture in the actual version. but i do have most if not all the textures for 1.9 pre-release done but i will tinker with them a bit more when i have time to get them just right.
old I'm only 19 myself. but yeah i guess that was quite a while ago. i actual only got my gameboy from my brother when he bought a advance and i never played the game until then....but i fell in love I'm only on my 28th play through now. yes i keep a tally
12 of those times was on my gameboy pocket until the screen died. then i got a emulator and started playing the DX version. then a friend introduced me to minecraft. then well you can see what happened.