Pixel Art
Just want to say I greatly admire your dedication to this texture pack, and am excited to see more!
New Update
Pack has been updated to 1.16.5 some changes have been made including updated villager textures and a few other odds and ends across the pack. most of the changes were for better readability across the pack.
I'm also working on 1.17 (snapshots) now that I'm done 1.16 here's hoping 2021 is better than 2020.
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.17 Updated
Pack is fully updated to 1.17 i have some plans for some changes but its got everything you need for now
Edit: small update azalea leaves changed file name at some point so had to fix that.
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.18 Updated
Pack is fully updated to 1.18. minor changes include slight recolor to rail edges. new dead bush and the old small cactus texture could be painful on the eyes in large amounts.
Mostly just minor changes to make thing feel more cohesive and like default Minecraft for easier readability within the pack.
I plan on doing more updates like this later on. once optifine is updated to 1.18 and all those features can be tested.
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.18.1 Updated
-Removed custom biome Colouration for the time being as it is no longer accurate.
-other small fixes
Fun in pack alternates
Emerald and onyx tools. Rename diamond tools to emerald or onyx (name) and get new textures.
Example “Emerald Sword” will give the appearance of a sword made of emerald.
Biggoron sword. Just add “Biggoron “ infront of any sword name in the anvil to get a new sword texture including onyx and emerald
Alternate item Preview
all Alts
How to rename
Other fun alternates are naming mobs.
Chickens can be named: Goose or Mallard. giving them appropriate appearances.
Wolves can be named:
Husky – for a unique appearance.
Dyed - Allows you to change the wolfs whole colour with Dye
As well as: Artic, Plain, Woodland, Coyote, Desert, Tundra, Black. To choose which random variant if you want a particular colour.
I hope you all enjoy the update. it was mostly just a bug fix.
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.19.1 Updated
NEW Link's Awakening DX - BSL Shader Add-on NEW
NEW Painting Picker Add-on Pack NEW
Added a new add-on pack that adds Shader seus/oldPBR material support to every block and some mobs. shader support will be updated to over time to encompass the whole pack
Added a new add-on pack that allows you to manually place every default painting by renaming a painting item to the corresponding name of the painting in game then placing it in a item frame
Most “foliage” textures have been re vamped to not include black outline and bee more readable as what they are EX wheat now looks like wheat instead of vines.
New custom paintings and sculptures/trophies:
Wood colour palettes have been slightly redone.
New log texture for nearly all trees.
New leaf colour for dark oak and birch to add more variety to the world.
Re did door item textures
Removed black outlines from cocoa beans and beet root seeds
Removed black from dirt and all related blocks
Removed black from all diamond textures
All armour recloured for more visual clarity
Compass has been recoloured to represent crafting materials
Added Suspicious stew, how long has this been a thing?
Siamese cat redone
Updated music disc wait to harp of ages
Removed black outlines from resource pack almost entirely
added new paintings
added new custom paintings listed below
Birch leaves now more yellow
dark oak leaves now red, not sure the tree in real life but there are a lot near where I live
Added trophies:
This feature needs optifine to function but allows the placement of "trophies" custom models when certain blocks or items are named a certain thing. then placed in a item frame
White stained glass named: Aether
Diamond block named: windwish
Diamond block named: windfish ceiling
Diamond sword named: Koholint sword Stand
Diamond sword named: master sword Stand
Diamond sword named: noble sword Stand
Added more custom weapons:
Diamond sword named: Koholint sword
Diamond sword named: master sword
Diamond sword named: noble sword
Added custom Paintings: rename painting item to get these
ember tree
gale tree
mystery tree
pegasus tree
scent tree
owl carving
windfish carving
sword get
lost wanderer
ghost house
witchs hut
Custom paintings
All paintings with mirrored and small versions + custom paintings using painting picker add-on, yes i got lazy with the mirrors after a while
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.19.1 Updated
Updated pack with new biome IDs for 1.19 as it shifted nearly al ID's by 1 ruining optifine custom biome colors
added place holder biome colors for mangrove swamp and deep dark as I am currently unable to test, will do another update in future when able to test and tweak new biome colours.
removed download for version 1.19 as new biomes make the world look awful 90% of the time. PLEASE download the new pack to fix this.
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.19.2 Updated
NEW Link's Awakening DX - BSL Shader Add-on NEW
retro textures 🤝 modern shaders
This looks rad as heck, I'm impressed by this. I wanna replicate this art style to update this come your deinspiration.
Caveats I have is that there's some misspelling in the text, and hardcore is not indicated. Great work!
Doubt I'll stop updating anytime soon. I've been working on this pack since before the nether existed.
updated the pack to Java version 1.19.3 find download in main post.
Updated vex texture to new format
1.20 - Subject to change, only partial support.
updated coloration of all bamboo stalk and bamboo item to match new palette for bamboo blocks, including scaffolding
Added new bamboo blocks and items
added Chiseled book shelves
updated all packs to Java version 1.19.4 find download in main post.
Updated Llama texture slightly
minor tweaks to multiple armor textures to make them work better with trims.
made quartz use the same shape as diamond and amethyst, not sure why I made it the shape I did all those years ago. like it’s a crystal not a random clump of mineral. maybe I had talc on the brain.
removed 3D planks from warped and crimson doors due to Z fighting.
adjusted color of brick to better match other clay items in preparation for more clay items
minor UI revamp
removed custom color maps again at they appear to be broken again with 1.19 made them into a separate seasonal pack called year round.
when using optifine added a fox variant name: “Tunic” works on foxes and snow foxes
new Easter egg paintings that can be used by naming a painting in the anvil the list is, Baba is art*, Claires hike, Dark Bramble* gold mirror, twilight* ruin seeker, ruin seeker flat. Paintings with * are multi part and need numbers for the parts 1, 2, 3, 4.
made shears match iron colours, will probably get a new texture at some point
new texture/model for hopper
1.20 - Subject to change, only partial support.
added cherry wood.
added sniffer
added decorative pots
added other 1.20 textures that are available in 1.19.4 experimental.
Main pack has been updated to 1.20. side packs will be updated at a later date.
all 1.20 textures have been added to the pack please let me know if anything is missing. looking forward to playing this update.
I plan on working an the add-on packs in a few weeks
Pack has been updated to be compatible with Minecraft 1.20.2 as it uses a new format for GUI files and a new format for the pack itself
Updated Link's Awakening DX - 1.20.2 Updated
The main pack has been update to work with 1.20.5
none of the optifine dependent packs have been update yet. Seasons / Shaders. they are on my agenda once optifine and shaders are working and I have more time.
Major changes include all new copper textures to better reflect the default one and work better with the Trial chambers coming in 1.21
new Mob armadillo and new wolf variants and armor added
most if not all 1.21 new additions are also included.
Paintings have been updated slightly by removing black outlines.
New Copper
Updated Paintings
New Wolves
Main pack has been updated to version 1.20.6, including all snapshot textures up to this point
shader pack has also been updated to match main pack
Below are preview images of the new copper blocks, Tuff blocks, and other trial chamber related blocks with BSL shader support
The main pack and the shader Add-on have both been updated to 1.21.
This means all that both packs fully support Minecraft Java version 1.21
With this update I am deploying a new combo of data and resource pack. these packs allow you to use the stonecutter to get any painting in survival, including some bonus ones. some of the bonus ones are based of other games that I enjoy. the pack also allows you to create custom display models of a few different blocks. mostly it is plushies of characters such as the default Minecraft skins. I plan on adding more in the future but for the first release I only included a few. the main goal of this pack is to try and get some of the old optifine bonus features usable in vanilla survival.
NEW Paintings and Plushies Add-on NEW
NEW DataPack | Resource Pack NEW
Some other items have custom display models too. use them in item frames to display.
the Main pack has been update to include all 1.21.2 contents, I have also updated the Placeables add on Datapack and Resource Pack. to be compatible with 1.21.2
One of the biggest changes with this update was a update to grass and foliage colours to allow the pale forest to be pale. my old grass and foliage had colors to them that made them more vibrant but made the pale garden look very bad.
The new bundles have been added and the tool tip texture has been update to match the pack
The new experimental pale garden ahs had textures made. they are subject to change as I decied on how I want things to look but this is what I have so far for compatibility.
With the data pack for Placeable paintings and plushies I have made changes to how the plushies work. they are no longer made with carved pumpkins but are instead made with white wool and carpet to be more accessible. they are still made on the stone cutter. the wool plushies are large and the carpet ones are small. they are still equip able to the head slot.
the Main pack has been fully updated to 1.21.4
the placeables addon both the resource pack and data pack. I had to completely rework the data pack due to the new data structures in 1.20.4 apologies if you used it and will need to remake displays
The shader pack support will come in the coming weeks provided I have time.