Pixel Art
A resource pack based on Links Awakening DX for the game boy color, some textures are taken from the Oracle games as well. the newest update for the pack removes most if not all hard black outlines for a more natural look for the wild update.
pack is compatible and recommended for all Optifine features.
Link's Awakening DX - 1.21.4
Link's Awakening DX - BSL Shader Add-on 1.21
The pack now has shader support for the SEUS/old PBR material option particularly tuned for BSL
NEW placeable paintings and Plushies addon, requires a data and resource pack to use.
Just use the Stonecutter and choose whatever painting you would like, including extras. and get a niffty preview
Some other items have custom display models too. use them in item frames to display.
Added Seasonal add-ons that change the feel of the game to the given season.
Year Round
1.18 Screen shots with BSL shader add on
BSL shader - addon pack disabled
BSL shader - addon pack enabled
BSL shader - addon pack enabled
Night time path with BSL shader - addon pack enabled
Storage room with BSL shader - addon pack enabled
Drip Leaves
Glow Squids
And a bunch of other things
1.12 screen shots
glazed terracotta
new crafting recipe book
llamas and stuff
lake front property
a calm evening on the roof
my own little villa
the neighbours corporation
a haunting arena
the cold wanderer
new blocks that have been 3D'd before
new blocks that have been 3D'd after
main preview 3D'd before
main preview 3D'd after
new and modified wood
randomized crafting tables
new meat textures. old one are still available
new carved stone brick CTM support
muddy water in desert
all new and touched up paintings. more available in alternate textures
fashionable attire. fit for a hero
DataPack | Resource Pack 1.20.2 plabables
FALL 1.19 | WINTER 1.19 | SPRING 1.19 | SUMMER 1.19 | YEAR ROUND 1.19
1.20.6 V2
Shader Add-on 1.20.6
shader addon 1.19
1.8 V3
1.8.1 V2
1.8.1 V1
1.7.4 V1
1.6.2 V1
last 1.3
1.3.2& 1.4 & 0.3.3PE
more CTM
1.3 CTM stuff
1.2 V4 12W22A
1.2 V3 12w08a
1.2.4 V1
1.2 V2
1.1 V2
1.1 V1
1.0.0 V2
1.0.0 no mods V1
1.0.0 with mods V1
beta no mods 1.9 v4
beta with mods 1.9 v4
beta 1.9 v3
beta 1.9 v2 - with mods
beta 1.9 v1 - no mods
beta 1.9 v1 - with mods
beta 1.9 v1 - no mods
beta 1.8 v2 - with mods
beta 1.8 v2 - no mods
beta 1.8 v1 - with mods
beta 1.8 v1 - no mods
beta 1.7.3 with mods V2 the Aether:
beta 1.7.3 no mods V2:
beta 1.7.3- no mods:
beta 1.7.3- with mods:
beta 1.7.2- no mods:
beta 1.7.2- with mods now with more wood:
beta 1.7.2- with mods:
beta 1.7.2:
beta 1.7
CDR's PTC HD Infinity [128x Texture Pack]
How to find the minecraft.jar file
Modifying the minecraft.jar file
One Stop Mod Shop
what would you recommend for a new red stone texture?
(edit) next download will include a alternate textures file that will include, all the already included alternates, 4 different redstone wire textures. it will also include a slightly modified map. and the texture for combined textures mod (formally known as better glass, and chest)
i have been considering doing that only problem even if i make everything b/w the sky will still be blue. but i could try what would you rather just black and whit or black and green monotone
(edit) well black and white looks bad because the sky, pine, and spruce leaf are still colored and so is the image on map
still want a black and white and or monochrome one
it will be as soon as i can get home i updated all the files yesterday i just have to test them and then upload but im stuck at a family event right now. its killing me not being able to play or work on textures
i have a question. are there any mods that any of you want me to make this pack compatible with let me know by putting a link to it up here. ill download the mod and see if its worth my time and not to complex to do.
no mods does not have the files for alternate mods to save on space, but with mods has all the files for randomobs so until it gets update it has lost of alternate mob files
:newest beta 1.7.3- with mods:
new ore texture for red stone and gold
3 choices for wood and iron doors in 2 different color palettes.
everything made of wood has a new pallet for somethings unnoticeable (wooden planks) for others it a huge change(everything else). that includes all the tools ad well. but the old door, chests, crafting table, torches, record played, and everything else are still available in the alternate texture folder
and other stuff i do not remember.
links awakening DX beta 1.7.3 with mods V2 the Aether
links awakening DX beta 1.7.3 no mods V2
ill look into that thanks i was wondering if something like this existed