Just a heads up, custom colors doesn't work with this week's snapshot (12w22a).
That will probably be fixed when the MCpatcher for that snapshot comes out. I hope so anyway, because the texture pack I'm making depends a lot on changing lighting, fog and sky colors to set up a unique atmosphere. It'll be "just another remix pack" without custom colors
That will probably be fixed when the MCpatcher for that snapshot comes out. I hope so anyway, because the texture pack I'm making depends a lot on changing lighting, fog and sky colors to set up a unique atmosphere. It'll be "just another remix pack" without custom colors
Yeah, I was letting him know, as sometimes, it doesn't require updating, in the cast of the past few snapshots.
I'm working on support for the 12w22a snapshot. Looks like one of the render methods takes an additional argument, which shouldn't be too hard to handle.
I would also like to support CTM method=vertical in the next update. It's an easy copy-and-paste of the horizontal method, but it would help if someone could point me to a texture pack that uses it so I can confirm I have the tile mapping set up the same way as what is already out there. Just one or two examples would be fine.
Someone please help me. I can't tick all of the options in MCPatcher 2.3.6_03 (Minecraft 1.2.5) except for Better Grass and Random Mobs. Here what's in the Log:
6 available mods:
[ NO] HD Textures 1.3 - Provides support for texture packs of size 32x32 and higher.
no classes matched FontRenderer
[ NO] HD Font 1.3 - Provides support for higher resolution fonts.
no classes matched FontRenderer
[YES] Better Grass 1.0 - Improves the look of the sides of grass blocks. Inspired by MrMessiah's mod.
[YES] Random Mobs 1.1 - Randomize mob skins if texture pack supports it. Based on Balthichou's mod.
[ NO] Custom Colors 1.4 - Gives texture packs control over hardcoded colors in the game.
no classes matched EntityRenderer
no classes matched FontRenderer
[ NO] Connected Textures 1.2 - Connects adjacent blocks of the same type.
no classes matched Tessellator
Am I the only one that was almost attacked by a virus through the ad.fly link?
You're the very small percentage that had it happen.
It does happen to people, but it's a very low number and is through no fault of ad.fly themselves.
As soon as they know about a malicious ad they remove the service that provided it.
Basically it's as much risk as ANY other website that shows ads.
Don't worry about it
So long as your Internet Security is updated you'll be fine.
MC patcher works with the latest snapshot from what I see. The only issue is that the texture with the new creative mode screen doesnt line up, but you can remove the image file from the texture pack for the screen and just use the default and its fine.
I still do not see download links where it says they should be. I tried looking at this topic on three diffrent browsers now and see NO links! >.< But with the other topics I see links. I'm so confused.
I'm working on support for the 12w22a snapshot. Looks like one of the render methods takes an additional argument, which shouldn't be too hard to handle.
I would also like to support CTM method=vertical in the next update. It's an easy copy-and-paste of the horizontal method, but it would help if someone could point me to a texture pack that uses it so I can confirm I have the tile mapping set up the same way as what is already out there. Just one or two examples would be fine.
MC patcher works with the latest snapshot from what I see. The only issue is that the texture with the new creative mode screen doesnt line up, but you can remove the image file from the texture pack for the screen and just use the default and its fine.
Custom Colors is also broke as per my output that I hid above in spoiler tags. If the author is working on it though then it will be all good.
As soon as I use a 32x32 texture pack, MC crashes and doesn't start up again. THrough the test minecraft option i get this error (cut out the rest of it since its pretty huge)
Don't know if it helps, but I set the max RAM usage to 6 gigs of ram, and 2 gigs at the start (-Xincgc -Xms2048m -Xmx6144m)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Number of remaining buffer elements is 1024, must be at least 4096
at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.throwBufferSizeException(BufferChecks.java:143)
at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(BufferChecks.java:158)
at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.checkBuffer(BufferChecks.java:163)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glTexSubImage2D(GL11.java:2908)
at aaw.a(RenderEngine.java:532)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(Minecraft.java:1535)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:819)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:747)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Does any one have an Idea?
Please refer to my previous post one page back. Most likely one of your mods isn't fully compatible with the way MCPatcher's HD fix works. The only mods that have this problem (that I'm aware of) at the moment are RedPower2's Machine module and Computer Craft.
My security scan keeps saying that this program is not downloaded often and not signed my the author and could harm my computer and wouldn't let me download. Please help me find a solution for this problem.
That will probably be fixed when the MCpatcher for that snapshot comes out. I hope so anyway, because the texture pack I'm making depends a lot on changing lighting, fog and sky colors to set up a unique atmosphere. It'll be "just another remix pack" without custom colors
Yeah, I was letting him know, as sometimes, it doesn't require updating, in the cast of the past few snapshots.
I would also like to support CTM method=vertical in the next update. It's an easy copy-and-paste of the horizontal method, but it would help if someone could point me to a texture pack that uses it so I can confirm I have the tile mapping set up the same way as what is already out there. Just one or two examples would be fine.
Custom Colors is not working
If you turn around right now, you will see me behind you, eating a porkchop, holding a torch
New creative inventory is messed up
6 available mods:
[ NO] HD Textures 1.3 - Provides support for texture packs of size 32x32 and higher.
no classes matched FontRenderer
[ NO] HD Font 1.3 - Provides support for higher resolution fonts.
no classes matched FontRenderer
[YES] Better Grass 1.0 - Improves the look of the sides of grass blocks. Inspired by MrMessiah's mod.
[YES] Random Mobs 1.1 - Randomize mob skins if texture pack supports it. Based on Balthichou's mod.
[ NO] Custom Colors 1.4 - Gives texture packs control over hardcoded colors in the game.
no classes matched EntityRenderer
no classes matched FontRenderer
[ NO] Connected Textures 1.2 - Connects adjacent blocks of the same type.
no classes matched Tessellator
Can someone help me, please?
You're the very small percentage that had it happen.
It does happen to people, but it's a very low number and is through no fault of ad.fly themselves.
As soon as they know about a malicious ad they remove the service that provided it.
Basically it's as much risk as ANY other website that shows ads.
Don't worry about it
So long as your Internet Security is updated you'll be fine.
Safe travels on the internet my friend.
error code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dklh708xal09fzk/Capture.JPG
Thanks kepal5
Custom DoKuCraft for FyreUK Creative Pack supports vertical textures for sugarcane: http://www.mediafire.com/?7hjk03bjd77by1g
Custom Colors is also broke as per my output that I hid above in spoiler tags. If the author is working on it though then it will be all good.
Thanks! That gave me exactly what I needed.
An API change I made a while back required a change to some of the patcher-based mods. The newest version of Minecraft Capes should fix the problem.
Please refer to my previous post one page back. Most likely one of your mods isn't fully compatible with the way MCPatcher's HD fix works. The only mods that have this problem (that I'm aware of) at the moment are RedPower2's Machine module and Computer Craft.