[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [size=xx-large]The Quick Fix Pack for Minecraft[/size] The Quick Fix is a new look on Minecraft. It was originally meant to be only a small touch up of the glass, but has grown into much more. I have mainly taken out what I didn't like and replaced it with new, fresher looking textures. It is still in development, and I will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
Before you ask, this IS safe to download.[/size]
What's Included:[/size]
New terrain!
New items set!
New gui!
New armors!
New Solar Things!
[size=xx-large] ...In With the New![/size]
The pack has more than a few things that are different. Here are some of the Highlights:
Emralds are the new Diamonds!
[size=xx-large]Now green![/size]
Portal Cake! [size=xx-large]This is not a lie![/size]
Pumpkin Spiders! [size=xx-large]The face of death![/size]
Stylin' Cowhide! [size=xx-large]Fight them beasties in some spotted cowhide! [/size]
Eat Nemo!
[size=xx-large]That's right, he won't escape now![/size]
Doors With a View!
[size=xx-large]With a window like these, you'll always know what's going on outside![/size]
Dat Glass!
[size=xx-large]Not eye blinding![/size]
Dat Sand! [size=xx-large]Looks smooth as a baby's bum![/size]
No Spilling Buckets! [size=xx-large]You are not a klutz after all![/size]
And More!
[size=xx-large]Screenies![/size] I know what you came for, for the shots! To see how it looks in-game. Well sir, you will not be disappointed!
[size=xx-large]Download![/size] You did not just look through all that for nothing!
Are those tools redstone?
EDIT: Fail. Didn't look at the pictures that much.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from Cave Johnson »
All right i've been thinking.. when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade, MAKE LIFE TAKE THE LEMONS BACK. GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?
Yes it will
What's new in v1.2.8?
New obsidian!
New Animations!
New chests!
New Bedrock!
New sponges!
New Trees!
New Doors (Optional)!
New Cacti!
new pumpkins!
New Gravel!
New Dispensers!
New flowers!
The Quick Fix is a new look on Minecraft. It was originally meant to be only a small touch up of the glass, but has grown into much more. I have mainly taken out what I didn't like and replaced it with new, fresher looking textures. It is still in development, and I will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
Before you ask, this IS safe to download.[/size]
New terrain!
New items set!
New gui!
New armors!
New Solar Things!
The pack has more than a few things that are different. Here are some of the Highlights:
Emralds are the new Diamonds!
[size=xx-large]Now green![/size]
Portal Cake!
[size=xx-large]This is not a lie![/size]
Pumpkin Spiders!
[size=xx-large]The face of death![/size]
Stylin' Cowhide!
[size=xx-large]Fight them beasties in some spotted cowhide! [/size]
Eat Nemo!
[size=xx-large]That's right, he won't escape now![/size]
Doors With a View!
[size=xx-large]With a window like these, you'll always know what's going on outside![/size]
Dat Glass!
[size=xx-large]Not eye blinding![/size]
Dat Sand!
[size=xx-large]Looks smooth as a baby's bum![/size]
No Spilling Buckets!
[size=xx-large]You are not a klutz after all![/size]
And More!
I know what you came for, for the shots! To see how it looks in-game. Well sir, you will not be disappointed!
You did not just look through all that for nothing!
Mediafire Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?sm4p6eiipp0hf51
Place this in your texturepacks folder of Minecraft!
Comments? Problems? Constructive Criticism?
Feel free to talk!
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
EDIT: Fail. Didn't look at the pictures that much.
Fun forum about lamps
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
You'll need a mod. The red particles are hard-coded into the game.
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
Moon and Sun
Furnace Gui
New Inventory
New Items
New Menu Buttons
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
THE MOST AMAZING REDSTONE GAME: viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=302452
I appreciate any and all feedback.
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
New Wool!
New Flowers & Shrooms!
New Dispensa!
New Ladders!
New Rails!
New Mob Cage!
New Inventory!
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
No Durp
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
New Swords!
And other stuff
Just Download it
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
Place it in your texturepacks folder
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
THE MOST AMAZING REDSTONE GAME: viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=302452
Hey look at that.
Will update later
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
Yes it will
What's new in v1.2.8?
New obsidian!
New Animations!
New chests!
New Bedrock!
New sponges!
New Trees!
New Doors (Optional)!
New Cacti!
new pumpkins!
New Gravel!
New Dispensers!
New flowers!
Will be uploaded by the end of the day!
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!
I will upload after i add more stuff.
The Quick Fix!
Click the creeper!