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[16x][1.9.x] XSSheep's Sheep pack! v2.1 - Partially updated! - see p117
Poll: What would you like to see done next?
Ended May 15, 2014
Sorry! Forgot to mention it, the open helmets are actually in the latest release!
I decided I liked them better anyway so just kept them in there :smile.gif:
I'll adjust the leather armour tomorrow as well. (might change the whole helmet. Looks kinda dumb :tongue.gif:)
Comparatively... no. Though I admit I do like their customization options. What I'm most likely to do is pick my pack options, get the terrain.png and then cut whatever few tiles I do like into this pack. So far, the only 16x texture on my terrain.png that isn't yours is the NorseCraft rose bush - because I'm almost certain that cactus is not native to Japan.
I'll grab your latest update and see what you've done!
Oh cool, and I cant wait to see how the leather helmet turns out.
Here is my favorite texture pack:
Check out something awesome!:
Yea, the customizer is awesome... I still have plans for mine, but I have to think them through rather well now that I will have 3 variants of the same pack... :|
Also, the painterly creator is a machine. Making all of those textures must've taken years!
Well I've had a bit of practice with armour now from my other pack so I think I could make it quite well!
I will dull the netherrack a bit too :smile.gif: It's a bit... vivid at the moment...
I love that painting!
I wanna put it outside my window so whenever I wake up I scare the bajeezus outta myself! :biggrin.gif:
Woot, awesome! :biggrin.gif:
You've just converted from... the dark side... (yea, not really :tongue.gif:)
EDIT: Just realized, 20 pages!
Thanks for the support everyone! :smile.gif:
:biggrin.gif: thanks!
Pixeludi is an amazing pack. Too bad it hasn't been updated for 1.5 :sad.gif:
I'm glad you like the pack though!
Alright everyone, I have an idea for a thread I might possibly be making soon. As some of you might know, I have a huge mansion on my latest world. (would include up to date pics but I'm not on my desktop) I think that when I finish it, I will get other people to help me decorate it by releasing the save, having people build inside the mansion (or outside as gardens) and then posting pictures of what they've done! I would then take the best bits from everyones personal edits and put them into my mansion.
What do you people think of this idea? I think it could work quite well! It could be quite fun as well if other people release their save files too!
I'm up for that - sounds like fun!
I've been looking over your latest pack and I have to say I really like the ores - the high contrast is very helpful. Though personally, I've always been fond of the rust-colored iron ore (like you had in your old alternates) because that's the color it would actually be in raw form, and because it's a bit easier to notice in stone.
The other thing I really enjoy in your pack is the "irrigated" soil texture. I think you are the only one I've ever seen who actually makes the furrows look like they have water in them! I love it!
I don't doubt it, you already made everything else look really cool.
Here is my favorite texture pack:
Check out something awesome!:
Awesome! As soon as the mansion is done then i'll make a thread! I'll pop a link in here for those who are interested.
Well now that I have the ores basically finalized (I'm pretty happy with them at the moment! :biggrin.gif:) I can make some alternates such as an alternate coloured iron!
I can't believe it took me so long to actually make the tilled soil textures! It was probably the second last thing I finished on the whole terrain sheet...
Same thing I did on Stankepack one ever noticed it til I did finally make them too. " aint dark enough" or something.
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to...."
Hahaha! xD
I guess they're just one of those things!
I'm gonna check out your pack now and tell you what I think!
If you don't know what that is it's the image you see when you put a pumpkin on your head.
I agree Sheep! I'm trying to promote it in my server as well! I think it is by far the best texture pack I've ever used... ever! :biggrin.gif:
I'll shall try it out
But there's only one thing that bugs me. ONLY ONE THING. The wooden planks. I'm not saying i hate them, but I'm also not saying i love them. They just seem plain. They're just 3 lines going across and dots on them. Maybe just spice them up a bit. Though, Just my opinion.
Other than that, I really love everything else. I Love the new cactus look in 1.4. What i really love is the new hearts, with the gold around them. Very Nice. And the corners of the chests and workbenches. Another nice touch of gold.
Sun looks better than ever.
SO basically, all in all, 1.4 has the be the best version I have ever seen of XSSheep pack.
Edit: Dang I knew I forgot something.
Maybe change the look of wolves too? I don't know if you changed them or not. They look like how they were when they first came out. Maybe add a different fur coat on them? Maybe darkish?
Another Edit: Yea just thought of another thing to say.
Ok, So i think the wooden planks look fine, when from a distance away. But when you get close to again, they look plain.
Hope this is helpful or anything.
Didn't see this before...I'd love to!
I've been on a building kick lately (more than texturing it seems :biggrin.gif:). So...maybe I'll do some cool stuff to it...WITH TNT HAHAHA!!....
erm....srry. Tryin to keep that inner child of mine at bay
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to...."
Now that makes me proud! :biggrin.gif:
I can't believe people have made it the official pack of their servers! That's just awesome!!!
(love that last line too :tongue.gif: Glimmar's Steampunk is my favourite 32x32 pack, Gestank's Mythos comes in second)
Hmmm, I actually forgot about doing that! xD
What do you guys think I should do? Awesome HUD type thing, night vision, or a normal pumpkin blur? (in creeper style :tongue.gif:)
Awesome, I'll check it out! :biggrin.gif:
Awwww, you guysssss... :tongue.gif:
Seriously though, thank you!
Awesome! Tell me what you think of it later!
Yay, icons love! :biggrin.gif:
I really like the gold that I added as well. I changed the hearts and the armour first and then about 30 mins before I uploaded the pack, I decided "why not?" and added gold in the terrain.png as well!
As for the wood, if you open up my zipped texture pack folder, you will find a .png called 'alternates' on this png are about 15 different wood blocks that you could copy and paste onto the terrain.png to have them show up in your game.
I'm sure at least on of them would take your fancy! (I hope :tongue.gif:)
I also haven't changed any of the mobs yet! (apart from the zombie) I plan on doing that now though, now that I'm a lot happier with how the terrain is. I really like how it turned out in 1.4 and I also feel that it's the best the pack has been so far! :biggrin.gif:
TNT! <3
I really need to get a mob trap going or SOMETHING just so I can have more TNT :tongue.gif:
I use it as soon as I get it...
Also, for the mansion, I'm just putting down wood for the floor downstairs and then doing the final finishing touches on the roof, then... COMPLETION!!!
It's actually massive... Way bigger than I thought it would be, but it's awesome. :biggrin.gif:
I'm also re-texturing the bed!
I'm gonna release this as version 1.4.5 when it's done because it's more of a small update.