Soartex does not contain content or images from any other source, it was made from scratch
If you use Soartex in a mix pack, please restrict it to personal use. Distribution is not permitted.
Rehosting of Soartex is not permitted outside of links made by myself.
Although I do not reply to all the posts, your post always becomes my support.
To Japanese people
This place is an English forum. Please post in English.
If you support soartex, please do not write soartex to 2channel.
Please do not use soartex to Nico Nico Douga.
They always make me unpleasant.
Thank you.
Minecraft: Untitled by Jellyfishm
I use adfly so please click the SKIP AD button in the upper-right after 5 seconds.
If you are going to send this texture pack to someone be sure to send the adfly link.
Iron Bars, Melon, Cobweb, and rain were added. v1.2.0(Beta1.8.1&1.9)
Stone and ore were changed. Stone Brick (Cracked, Mossy) were added. v1.1.6_01(Beta1.8.1)
The texture bug of the tall grass in Water Shader mod was fixed. v1.1.6(Beta1.8.1)
Tall Grass, Dead Bush, Fern, Chest, and Glass Pane were added. v1.1.0(Beta1.7.3)
Modification of v1.0.9 addition portion. v1.0.9(Beta1.7.3)
Piston, Sticky Piston, Pine sapling, and Birch sapling were added. v1.0.5(Beta1.7.3)
Powered Rail, Detector Rail, and Trapdoor were added.
some small modifications.
Soartex is customizable using add-on textures.
This does not work withInternet Explorer.
Do you have an add-on texture that is not on the list?
In that case, please add your texture to Template.png, describe the details of change, and contact me.
(Please do not add the picture of other texture packs!)
Changed part
Cobblestone + Mossy cobble
The created picture(The file name of a picture is set to "by_maker .png." )
What stimulates my motivation
Please post comments in this thread.
Please notify me if you find someone plagiarising my pack.
-Donation- (This is linked to my website)
-Online storage invitation- Dropbox (to both 250MB bonus. Maximum 10GB)
(soartex is periodically back up by Dropbox during creation)Finished thank you! SugarSync (to both 500MB bonus.) ZumoDrive (to both 256MB bonus. Maximum 7GB)
=Copyright=-About a mix pack-
I do not permit Soartex for use in a mix pack.
It is because conversing in English requires time and effort.
It will, however, be tolerated if there is little plagiarism.
Mixing "soartex incomplete portion" with other texture pack is never permitted.
They will be removed due to copyright infringement.
-Permitted mix pack-
? by peonftw (sign,torch)
DecisiveCraft by xsolar66 (Glowstone)
cobble stone is due to be changed in the future. I do not like the present appearance.
I would like to also take glass with few lattices into consideration.
I am interested in an item and character texture change. If energy continues, it may be made someday.
Very nice pack. I love how the brownish theme you went with. It gives your pack an awesome look.
Stone should be a bit more defined as it looks too smooth though.
Ok your texture pack made me sign up here. I really like it so much that I have switched to it. One thing so far that I have noticed that I would work on, is the sandstone. Keep the sand the way it is, I love it. Just work on the sandstone some. It seems a little out of place. Also i like the cobberstone, but the regular stone i think needs a little work. Like the colors, just it needs something, something to better hide the different ores in it. The different ores are clearly able to see which isn't a bad thing, just I think they need to be hid a bit better. I like it personally when it's where i'm like oh it's iron or what not, not well I can clearly see it's iron.
Amazing work, I really love this pack, it's probably the 3rd best, after Misa's, and Dante's 64 packs.
way better than those two in my opinion.
i actually think the plain stone is beutiful, i love natural stone smooth, but thats probably because i use betterlight. it makes everything look smooth and caves become very beautiful.
i was thinking that the sand was a bit too plain though. i can see there is some detail on it, but its so barely noticeable.
The work of soartex was stopped from last month.
Since a motivation does not return yet, soartex 1.2.5 is instead made eternally free.
You mix soartex, can create a continuation and can distribute.
And, a customizer is continued and it can release to the public freely.
The plan of my Minecraft is undecided.
soartex Customizer
If you support soartex, please do not write soartex to 2channel.
Please do not use soartex to Nico Nico Douga.
They always make me unpleasant.
Thank you.
Minecraft: Untitled by Jellyfishm
I use adfly so please click the SKIP AD button in the upper-right after 5 seconds.
If you are going to send this texture pack to someone be sure to send the adfly link.
Old versions
soartex 1.2.0 (Beta1.8.1&1.9) :
soartex 1.1.6_01 (Beta1.8.1) :
soartex 1.1.1 (Beta1.8) :
soartex 1.1.0 (Beta1.7.3) :
soartex 1.0.5 (Beta1.7.3) :
Iron Bars, Melon, Cobweb, and rain were added.
Stone and ore were changed. Stone Brick (Cracked, Mossy) were added.
The texture bug of the tall grass in Water Shader mod was fixed.
Tall Grass, Dead Bush, Fern, Chest, and Glass Pane were added.
Modification of v1.0.9 addition portion.
Piston, Sticky Piston, Pine sapling, and Birch sapling were added.
Powered Rail, Detector Rail, and Trapdoor were added.
some small modifications.
Soartex is customizable using add-on textures.
This does not work with Internet Explorer.
Do you have an add-on texture that is not on the list?
(Please do not add the picture of other texture packs!)
Changed part
What stimulates my motivation
-Online storage invitation-
Dropbox (to both 250MB bonus. Maximum 10GB)Finished thank you!(soartex is periodically back up by Dropbox during creation)
SugarSync (to both 500MB bonus.)
ZumoDrive (to both 256MB bonus. Maximum 7GB)
-Support banner-
Connected Textures Mod v1.3! (Not fully tested) by JamieH93
IndustrialCraft v8.55 " target="" data-ensure-absolute> IndustrialCraft textures for soartex users "](Not update)
[64x]IndustrialCraft textures for soartex usersby warbaque=Add-ons=
You can release an add-on in this thread.
Brown clay by Ramses2020
Powered rails by xXMisterTVXx
Trap doors by Unknown50862b
Pistons by Alexander Kazurov
Pistons by ArusHear
Skin by Alexander Kazurov
by ohmganesha
ctm.png for CTM by Baldruus
=Copyright=-About a mix pack-
I do not permit Soartex for use in a mix pack.
It is because conversing in English requires time and effort.
It will, however, be tolerated if there is little plagiarism.
Mixing "soartex incomplete portion" with other texture pack is never permitted.
They will be removed due to copyright infringement.
-Permitted mix pack-
? by peonftw (sign,torch)
DecisiveCraft by xsolar66 (Glowstone)
-Unauthorized mix pack-
applepack textureIt was coped with. Texture&num=30&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=3eC&tbo=1&rlz=1R1GGLL_ja___JP390&output=search&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ei=ssk3ToSADuGfmQXc482ZAg&ved=0CAkQpwUoAg&biw=1680&bih=887
MineCraa4kHDMixIt was coped with.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1680&bih=887#q=MineCraa4kHDMix&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&tbo=1&rlz=1R1GGLL_ja___JP390&prmdo=1&prmd=ivns&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ei=uMw3Tv-oIJHzmAXm3r2zAg&ved=0CAsQpwUoAg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=b1f2da363eba176a&biw=1680&bih=887
I have been looking for a good texture pack ever since I started playing Minecraft.
And this, I love it.
Great job =D
cobble stone is due to be changed in the future. I do not like the present appearance.
I would like to also take glass with few lattices into consideration.
I am interested in an item and character texture change. If energy continues, it may be made someday.
Stone should be a bit more defined as it looks too smooth though.
I especially like your reeds and wheat, best hi-res take I've seen on them. ... ck-64-x-64
Congrats :tongue.gif:
I agree with the other comments, that the natural stone needs to be less plain.
I have not used wildgrass yet. If ver1.0 finishes, I try and examine it.
A stone has a plan to be corrected slightly.
Thank you!
私の日本語はとてもわるい, でも... 君のアートは... 良いです!
Thank you, MrFong. To be sure, I am a Japanese. And your Japanese is very intelligible. :biggrin.gif:
i LOVE it!
way better than those two in my opinion.
i actually think the plain stone is beutiful, i love natural stone smooth, but thats probably because i use betterlight. it makes everything look smooth and caves become very beautiful.
i was thinking that the sand was a bit too plain though. i can see there is some detail on it, but its so barely noticeable.