It may have been a transient failure at Mediafire. I was just stuck in an endless "authorize download" loop, but a couple of days later it worked fine.
Unfortunately I'm having performance issues with Minecraft 1.10.2 on Windows 10 at the moment, despite a by no means modest machine (six 3.2GHz cores, 16GB of RAM, GTX980Ti), and despite my love of LB Photorealism I can't use it because I'm getting single-digit FPS with any x256 pack installed.
I'm already using 64-bit Java, latest release (all-64-bit system), and I have 8GB RAM allocated already (out of 16GB installed). Release 1.10.2-forge-1.10.2-, Java options -Xmx8G -Xms1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M. I had great performance on Win7 Pro. Upgraded to Win10 Pro and Minecraft performance went straight to hell, and has been intermittently OK and terrible ever since. And I'm running on SSD, too...
I wonder what Scuttles is working on right now?
scuttles one thing I don't really like is the textures for the cyan stained clay its grey why is that just curious?
SavageStyles has done a pretty good 256x 1.8.1 update. There's a lot of fans who just don't want to let this pack die.
There's a slight issue with the 1.9 version where the spruce door only has half a texture...
That Mediafire download page seems to be broken.
It may have been a transient failure at Mediafire. I was just stuck in an endless "authorize download" loop, but a couple of days later it worked fine.
Unfortunately I'm having performance issues with Minecraft 1.10.2 on Windows 10 at the moment, despite a by no means modest machine (six 3.2GHz cores, 16GB of RAM, GTX980Ti), and despite my love of LB Photorealism I can't use it because I'm getting single-digit FPS with any x256 pack installed.
I'm already using 64-bit Java, latest release (all-64-bit system), and I have 8GB RAM allocated already (out of 16GB installed). Release 1.10.2-forge-1.10.2-, Java options -Xmx8G -Xms1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M. I had great performance on Win7 Pro. Upgraded to Win10 Pro and Minecraft performance went straight to hell, and has been intermittently OK and terrible ever since. And I'm running on SSD, too...
Sometimes I think Win10 just hates Minecraft.
I downloaded the new pack and none of the three work for me. They are coming up all blocky and white? Running 1.10.2
Any thoughts?
Well you could just delete the lang file in the pack....
I am playing MC in German.
Can I use your textures in a pack mixed with other texture packs?