It's not the texture pack, just update your Minecraft with either MCpatcher or Optifine (still in the process of upgrading to 1.1, but getting there).
Looks a little off with those shaders, can't wait until they're updated for this texture pack.
Well there are the new eggs that spawn mobs.
I copied the files in the bump-mapping folder, located at '.Nitrous\mods\com.daxnitro.shaders\alternative shader', but it did nothing different from the default shaders.
On the wiki, it talks about other alternative shaders, like this.
In default is CelShading + HighQualityBlur + CrossProcess DISABLED (final.fsh), Bumpmapping is optimized for 128 tile size (tweakable in gbuffers_terrain.fsh)
Download the compilation here. Tested and optimized with LB Photorealism x128.
I presume this is what you were talking about, but Optifine isn't at 1.1 yet. Would it still even work once Optifine is at V1.1 though??
You need to configure the bumpmapping to the size texture pack you have.
The Alternate Shaders section of the wiki contains many shaders that include bumpmapping, but for instructions on how to properly use it, go to the Bumpmapping section of the wiki. And BTW, there is a 1.1 preview version of Optifine available.
Though I will also note that I'm not liking the files in the alternate shaders folder within the .Nitrous folder. It seems to me that none of them actually have bumpmapping based off the previous code, but Dax may have changed the way his bumpmapping works. I will have to investigate.
And yes, all shaders on that wiki will work for every update, unless there is a major graphics one. The shader installer makes all the necessary changes to keep them backwards compatible.
I literally doubted myself, redownloaded the packs, and checked everything just to give your statement a chance.
When will version compatible with 1.1 come out?
So far I think 1.1 only added 1-2 textures. None of them actually too vital so the 1.0 version of this pack works perfectly fine.
I'm working on it as we speak. =)
I wasn't a big fan of broadswords so that's the reason why I stuck with the typical longsword which are fairly narrow in real life.
I'll see what I can do to get a better texture.
Haha, isn't that the point? =)
If I ever get around to the items, maybe.
Working on this as well. It's quite a long process.
Where are these located? I can't seem to find them. =(
The spawner eggs are located in the creative mode inventory at the bottom.
The texture for them I mean. The eggs always seem to come up invisible.
Also... This.
This actually could be a variety of reasons. I'd first start out with getting a fresh install of Minecraft and then repatching or reinstalling optifine depending on how you got the HD pack running.
Unfortunately, with every update, more things are added into the game. Which means the HD packs get to add more high resolution content which reflects to a higher memory intensive game.
AMD Phenom 9750 Quad Core 2.40ghz
Win 7 (64 bit)
8 Gig Ram
ATI Radeon HD 4850
I'll try with a fresh install and see how it runs. Of course the level I am loading is pretty massive. lol
Haha, a massive level may also affect gameplay. Have you installed 64-bit Java with your system?
Your system specs are far above what is needed to run the pack.
Yep installed it this morning when I read I would need it. I didn't restart my computer though. Maybe I should try that too.
I tried with a fresh install and still was getting about 1-2 FPS, when I turned off the options for fancy graphics I got 3-4 fps lol. I even tried restarting my computer and creating a new level. Still slow. Odd.
That is very odd. Are you running the latest version of Java? I have a very similar computer and I get 40-70 fps. =/
Life is a Learning Curve....
Unfortunately, you're stuck on the bottom...amongst the bones of the stupid.