That's looking really great! Send me a download link to add when it's finished. ^^
Thanks guys. Much appreciated.
I'll download it and give it a whirl.
Unfortunately, just the opposite. You sacrifice performance for eye candy.
Exactly! I can't wait for Adventure mode in 1.7. Isn't it supposed going to be released this week?
I'm going with Blizzard's iron door texture on the previous page so the iron and wooden doors will be replaced in the next update. Also, wood textures will be replaced as well.
Can't wait. Loving the terrain.png. It seems like you enjoy the RPG aspect.
Are you selecting it in the texture pack area in the main menu of the game?
LOL I wish.
It's not coming out this month.
He said after 'summer vacations'.
Not sure what that's about.
Maybe it'll be out around my birthday next month >:biggrin.gif:
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3KillaBytes Minecraft Server Map (Tectonicus)
IP: minecraft.sundergaming.com:25565
Phantom's Survival Server [3KBCraft]
Turned out very nice indeed! I don't know of any apps to help you with the compression issue, though. 1080p is going to be massive pretty much whatever you do. xD
That's... Outstanding. =(
We'll see if they can surprise us at E3 with something we didn't see coming.
If you have 4gb of RAM be sure that you are running on 64bit Java as that shouldn't crash at all playing this game. =)
I already have them finished. :tongue.gif:
I've got quite a few alternates ready and hopefully this weekend will be another update.
Computer specs?
Specifications. How much RAM? What type of operating system do you have. 64bit or 32bit? Those are pretty much the more important ones that help use troubleshoot some problems.
Probably will need that.
It's 64bit Java and since you have a 64bit computer you're running in mixed mode with 32bit Java. This causes many problems and increases your chances of crashing.
Also, 3gb of RAM may be a bit tight with the x256 so if that runs slow, try the x128.
Quite welcome. I hope it works. =)
Hm, I wouldn't recommend 64-bit with 3GB of RAM.
Also, please don't double post.
Put it all in one post, and if you forgot something there is an edit button.
Helps to keep the forum tidy. :3
Random Minecraft Seed Generator
3KillaBytes Minecraft Server Map (Tectonicus)
IP: minecraft.sundergaming.com:25565
Phantom's Survival Server [3KBCraft]
Phantom Holds the truth. All you need is for him to release it.
The door texture courtesy of Blizzard. I fixed up the many graphical mistakes in it and tinted it to be flush with the wood. This picture makes it look darker probably because it is in the shade, lol
When I try to install 64bit java it says its not compatible with my current operating system?
Probably because you have a 32-bit OS.
I recommend, if possible, assuming you do have 4GB of RAM, to upgrade.
Windows 7 x64 is great.
Linux is best for more advanced users though.
I like.
Is that a new Wood Door?
What does the iron door look like in-game?
Or is THAT the iron door? Colored as wood?
Can't wait for next update :biggrin.gif:
And remember about the font! :tongue.gif:
Random Minecraft Seed Generator
3KillaBytes Minecraft Server Map (Tectonicus)
IP: minecraft.sundergaming.com:25565
Phantom's Survival Server [3KBCraft]
Next update will increase the FPS pretty noticeably for some people. Even has cake
That is the wooden door texture. The iron door texture used a similar frame, but had the iron blocks used as a base.
ETA? :tongue.gif:
Random Minecraft Seed Generator
3KillaBytes Minecraft Server Map (Tectonicus)
IP: minecraft.sundergaming.com:25565
Phantom's Survival Server [3KBCraft]
How does the next update increase FPS?
Better compression or something similar, I would think.
Random Minecraft Seed Generator
3KillaBytes Minecraft Server Map (Tectonicus)
IP: minecraft.sundergaming.com:25565
Phantom's Survival Server [3KBCraft]
yea in my experiance using mods such as Optifog and Optimine have compatibility issues with the hd patcher i beleive. restore the old .jar file before any mods and your problem should be resolved.
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