The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Sorry I haven't been on recently. Things have been kind of crazy here and I decided to stay up all night with a few buddies. I'm regretting it, lol.
Thank you so much sushimaster for stepping in and trying to help peopl. Much appreciated. I hope your problem is resolved, elmfuzzy.
Quote from acesnipe »
This seems very nice and all. Yet, one problem I am having is that when I place blocks they still seem to be blocks? Do you have any fix for this yet? If you fix this I will be happy to give u a quarter :3
Lol, I don't think I'll ever earn that quarter. =(
Quote from Cuddl3s »
downloaded this. installed with the mc patcher. loaded game up and loaded my survival world up. and guess what all my base is wiped. my massive farm. big ass underground mob trap and above ground trap. my glass temple inside a massive overhang is gone. le ****ing sigh.
A texture pack wouldn't have anything to do with wiping a world clean. If you did a clean install of the pack, you may have accidentally deleted your save files. Other than that, I really can't help you and trust me I understand the pain of losing hours of work.
Quote from snaiperskaya »
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I blame ADD for my inability to read through all of the posts here to check.
I started using your 256 pack, and I really like these textures (except maybe the pig, but more on that later). I was skeptical and had previously been no braver than using the Quandary pack, which truly isn't much more than a refresh of default.
The problem I'm having is at the edges of blocks, there seem to be gaps of light:
-bunch of critique, pictures, and admiration-
I'm glad you fixed the line of light issue, I had that before updating my graphics card as well.
The grass will be fixed in the next update. Apparently it (or I) didn't save my biome when it was 100% complete. The actually color is suppose to be a deep green for a "tundra" biome. My apologies and it will be fixed soon. Unfortunately, the side of the grass isn't part of the biome and thus I gave it a neutral green, which fit the best. =\
The pig.... Yea. I used bumpmafts animals for the time being while I talk to a friend to see if he's interested. So far we might be looking at some better animals. Although, supersampling misa's isn't a bad idea.
Quote from Rasmus4J »
The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Getting the best of both worlds is hard. I've tried and will keep trying to make the grain go away without ruining the quality of the picture. I know, for some, it just takes getting used to and I run my rendering distance on normal, not only because I like the fog (I'm weird), but it also puts a slight opacity on distant objects which prevents some grain effects.
I think that's pretty much all of the critique/issues for now. Thanks for the support everyone and I love most of these comments. XD
The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Good find. It seems the water wasn't compatible with it?
It might have something to do with the opacity, I'll probably have to change it to something greater than 50% to have the program think something is still there.
Still will probably kill the whole grain effect. ^^
I've tried to install your mod, but your mod just love to crash at started up, even when I've did the HD texture fix, it crashes on start up all the freaking time. What am I doing wrong? Also your first post is really not that organized.
I've tried to install your mod, but your mod just love to crash at started up, even when I've did the HD texture fix, it crashes on start up all the freaking time. What am I doing wrong? Also your first post is really not that organized.
Yea, I'm a bit scatter brained at times. I'll try and clean that up.
What version are you running and what are some of your computer specs?
this pack (256 version) is causing my game to crash. (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x52dfd92b, pid=7696, tid=6260)
im using the current version of minecraft and your pack. After patching with mcpatcher, the test run works, but when i try and run the game via the .exe, it won't go past the mojang splash screen.
system specs:
win 7 x64 (i am using the x86 version of java however...)
8GB ram
edit- i also tried a clean installation of minecraft with no luck.
this pack (256 version) is causing my game to crash. (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x52dfd92b, pid=7696, tid=6260)
im using the current version of minecraft and your pack. After patching with mcpatcher, the test run works, but when i try and run the game via the .exe, it won't go past the mojang splash screen.
system specs:
win 7 x64 (i am using the x86 version of java however...)
8GB ram
edit- i also tried a clean installation of minecraft with no luck.
Are you trying to install through the texture pack folder, or a direct install into the .jar. For some reason many people aren't able to run the game with the pack in the texture pack folder.
Quote from Hayarotle »
Does this pack support lilypads from wildgrass mod?
Not yet. It will work, but the lily pads will be transparent/default textures.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Quote from jefe323 »
this pack (256 version) is causing my game to crash. (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x52dfd92b, pid=7696, tid=6260)
im using the current version of minecraft and your pack. After patching with mcpatcher, the test run works, but when i try and run the game via the .exe, it won't go past the mojang splash screen.
system specs:
win 7 x64 (i am using the x86 version of java however...)
8GB ram
edit- i also tried a clean installation of minecraft with no luck.
Your computer sounds basically identical to mine. Try Java x64. I have this working on mine without issue. If it's crashing at or after the splash screen then you've more or less "cleared" the typical Black Screen. I started using x64 (never tried this mod when I was using x86), and minecraft now uses nearly half a gig more of ram (previously capped out at 800-850MB, and I had plenty of RAM to spare). Moreover, ~2-300MB of that was after I Started using this pack. Definitely consider memory limitations as a potential problem. You have the RAM, why not use it, right?
Like was just said, upgrade to 64-bit java if you using a 64-bit OS. Almost every time this will solve crash and black screen issues. I run a 64b OS on most of my rigs and a 32b OS on my laptop. For each computer, crashes were resolved by upgrading to 64b Java. For my laptop running a 32b OS, it will always crash when viewing distance is on Far but never crash when on Normal or lower.
There seems to be a memory issue with 32b Java and dealing with the large amount of data in chunk loading at the greatest viewing distance. A few people have had this resolved by using command line options to force Java to allocate more memory but in some cases it caused some pretty serious problems. I strongly recommend upgrading to 64 Java if you can, otherwise just set your viewing distance to Normal or lower.
Hey, this 256 work doesn't mean your abandoning the 128 does it (no more updates)? The 256 is alright, but I prefer the 128. Frankly, I like the tools better, among other things.
Hey, this 256 work doesn't mean your abandoning the 128 does it (no more updates)? The 256 is alright, but I prefer the 128. Frankly, I like the tools better, among other things.
Not to worry, since the 256x256 has creeped out of beta, I'm working on perfecting both version. They are radically different to the point that they are almost different packs entirely. The new 128x128 will have the biome overhaul as well among other changes.
The 256 version is undergoing a massive item update. Most of them are just supersamples/digitally enhanced version of the 128 pack.
I'm also working on a 64x64 version (mostly for my wife), but I will post a download link with the next week.
Huge amounts of work to do still, just hold tight. :wink.gif:
The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Good find. It seems the water wasn't compatible with it?
It might have something to do with the opacity, I'll probably have to change it to something greater than 50% to have the program think something is still there.
Still will probably kill the whole grain effect. ^^
That mod makes the 256x pack look absolutely stunning. I had reverted back to the 128x because of how grainy the higher res was, but as soon as there's compatibility I'm definitely switching!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Quote from Scuttles »
Quote from Pjstaab »
Quote from Rasmus4J »
The detail level is almost TOO high in this pack (I know, it sounds wierd),
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Good find. It seems the water wasn't compatible with it?
It might have something to do with the opacity, I'll probably have to change it to something greater than 50% to have the program think something is still there.
Still will probably kill the whole grain effect. ^^
The mod does completely eliminate the graininess, but you're right in that it doesn't work with the water. Water just doesn't show up. It looks weird, but everything else looks a lot better, so I might live with it for now.
Lava's fine, though. One thing I will point out, that I just noticed, the animation for flowing lava seems really fast. Lava is typically super thick, so it's very slow, which works for the very slow spread speed the game uses. Is it possible to slow the animation down a bit or do you not really have control over that? I mean, the looks of it are perfect, it just runs a bit fast is all.
That mod makes the 256x pack look absolutely stunning. I had reverted back to the 128x because of how grainy the higher res was, but as soon as there's compatibility I'm definitely switching!
Will do. :wink.gif:
Like I said earlier, it's probably something to do with the base transparency for my water is 40% which in a distance check probably registers nothing being there.
Quote from Oysterbarron »
I think it escaped you again lol two words. white clay lol.
It has not this time. XD
Almost all of the items are finished and ready for release.
I also finished unique wool last night. Get ready to punch the hell out of sheep.
Quote from snaiperskaya »
The mod does completely eliminate the graininess, but you're right in that it doesn't work with the water. Water just doesn't show up. It looks weird, but everything else looks a lot better, so I might live with it for now.
Lava's fine, though. One thing I will point out, that I just noticed, the animation for flowing lava seems really fast. Lava is typically super thick, so it's very slow, which works for the very slow spread speed the game uses. Is it possible to slow the animation down a bit or do you not really have control over that? I mean, the looks of it are perfect, it just runs a bit fast is all.
Most certainly will try to fix that water issue. The graininess has been a big turn off for alot of people and with that mod, it just is too beautiful.
this pack (256 version) is causing my game to crash. (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x52dfd92b, pid=7696, tid=6260)
im using the current version of minecraft and your pack. After patching with mcpatcher, the test run works, but when i try and run the game via the .exe, it won't go past the mojang splash screen.
system specs:
win 7 x64 (i am using the x86 version of java however...)
8GB ram
edit- i also tried a clean installation of minecraft with no luck.
Your computer sounds basically identical to mine. Try Java x64. I have this working on mine without issue. If it's crashing at or after the splash screen then you've more or less "cleared" the typical Black Screen. I started using x64 (never tried this mod when I was using x86), and minecraft now uses nearly half a gig more of ram (previously capped out at 800-850MB, and I had plenty of RAM to spare). Moreover, ~2-300MB of that was after I Started using this pack. Definitely consider memory limitations as a potential problem. You have the RAM, why not use it, right?
My fiance is having the exact same problem now. He said it was working fine last night and now this morning he can't get past the Mojang screen without freezing then closing itself. My computer is running it fine and I even tried copying my file exactly to a USB drive and copying it to his computer but still no results. Also tried re-installing Java and nothing. Also, read about the 64 bit Java thing but when I go to the manual dowload page it doesn't differentiat between which is which (doesn't say 64 or 32 bit or anything, just different file sizes). If you could help me out that would be great :smile.gif:
Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 2
2.1GHz Processor, 3BG RAM
32-bit operating system
My fiance is having the exact same problem now. He said it was working fine last night and now this morning he can't get past the Mojang screen without freezing then closing itself. My computer is running it fine and I even tried copying my file exactly to a USB drive and copying it to his computer but still no results. Also tried re-installing Java and nothing. Also, read about the 64 bit Java thing but when I go to the manual dowload page it doesn't differentiat between which is which (doesn't say 64 or 32 bit or anything, just different file sizes). If you could help me out that would be great :smile.gif:
Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 2
2.1GHz Processor, 3BG RAM
32-bit operating system
Won't make much of a difference because you have a 32-bit OS (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong) so you can't install the 64-bit Java on that specific system.
Hmmm... What version of this pack are you running, 128x128 or 256x256? Also, which method of installation you used might be helpful. [What I mean by this is direct install, the patcher, or the texture pack folder.
I'll be updating the 256x256 today and hopefully the 128x128.
But when looking at it, everything (almost) becomes grainy, and hard for the eye :/
That's my opinion... It looks good up close, not doubt, and a great job!
But I think (emphasis on the I), it's too detailed, as it becomes rather grainy, when not being up-close.
Thank you so much sushimaster for stepping in and trying to help peopl. Much appreciated. I hope your problem is resolved, elmfuzzy.
Lol, I don't think I'll ever earn that quarter. =(
A texture pack wouldn't have anything to do with wiping a world clean. If you did a clean install of the pack, you may have accidentally deleted your save files. Other than that, I really can't help you and trust me I understand the pain of losing hours of work.
I'm glad you fixed the line of light issue, I had that before updating my graphics card as well.
The grass will be fixed in the next update. Apparently it (or I) didn't save my biome when it was 100% complete. The actually color is suppose to be a deep green for a "tundra" biome. My apologies and it will be fixed soon. Unfortunately, the side of the grass isn't part of the biome and thus I gave it a neutral green, which fit the best. =\
The pig.... Yea. I used bumpmafts animals for the time being while I talk to a friend to see if he's interested. So far we might be looking at some better animals. Although, supersampling misa's isn't a bad idea.
Getting the best of both worlds is hard. I've tried and will keep trying to make the grain go away without ruining the quality of the picture. I know, for some, it just takes getting used to and I run my rendering distance on normal, not only because I like the fog (I'm weird), but it also puts a slight opacity on distant objects which prevents some grain effects.
I think that's pretty much all of the critique/issues for now. Thanks for the support everyone and I love most of these comments. XD
Minecraft doesn't mipmap so check this out viewtopic.php?f=25&t=128995
Good find. It seems the water wasn't compatible with it?
It might have something to do with the opacity, I'll probably have to change it to something greater than 50% to have the program think something is still there.
Still will probably kill the whole grain effect. ^^
Yea, I'm a bit scatter brained at times. I'll try and clean that up.
What version are you running and what are some of your computer specs?
im using the current version of minecraft and your pack. After patching with mcpatcher, the test run works, but when i try and run the game via the .exe, it won't go past the mojang splash screen.
system specs:
win 7 x64 (i am using the x86 version of java however...)
8GB ram
edit- i also tried a clean installation of minecraft with no luck.
Are you trying to install through the texture pack folder, or a direct install into the .jar. For some reason many people aren't able to run the game with the pack in the texture pack folder.
Not yet. It will work, but the lily pads will be transparent/default textures.
Your computer sounds basically identical to mine. Try Java x64. I have this working on mine without issue. If it's crashing at or after the splash screen then you've more or less "cleared" the typical Black Screen. I started using x64 (never tried this mod when I was using x86), and minecraft now uses nearly half a gig more of ram (previously capped out at 800-850MB, and I had plenty of RAM to spare). Moreover, ~2-300MB of that was after I Started using this pack. Definitely consider memory limitations as a potential problem. You have the RAM, why not use it, right?
For convenience, since auto-detect won't give you x64 under normal circumstances:
There seems to be a memory issue with 32b Java and dealing with the large amount of data in chunk loading at the greatest viewing distance. A few people have had this resolved by using command line options to force Java to allocate more memory but in some cases it caused some pretty serious problems. I strongly recommend upgrading to 64 Java if you can, otherwise just set your viewing distance to Normal or lower.
Not to worry, since the 256x256 has creeped out of beta, I'm working on perfecting both version. They are radically different to the point that they are almost different packs entirely. The new 128x128 will have the biome overhaul as well among other changes.
The 256 version is undergoing a massive item update. Most of them are just supersamples/digitally enhanced version of the 128 pack.
I'm also working on a 64x64 version (mostly for my wife), but I will post a download link with the next week.
Huge amounts of work to do still, just hold tight. :wink.gif:
for you!
That mod makes the 256x pack look absolutely stunning. I had reverted back to the 128x because of how grainy the higher res was, but as soon as there's compatibility I'm definitely switching!
The mod does completely eliminate the graininess, but you're right in that it doesn't work with the water. Water just doesn't show up. It looks weird, but everything else looks a lot better, so I might live with it for now.
Lava's fine, though. One thing I will point out, that I just noticed, the animation for flowing lava seems really fast. Lava is typically super thick, so it's very slow, which works for the very slow spread speed the game uses. Is it possible to slow the animation down a bit or do you not really have control over that? I mean, the looks of it are perfect, it just runs a bit fast is all.
Will do. :wink.gif:
Like I said earlier, it's probably something to do with the base transparency for my water is 40% which in a distance check probably registers nothing being there.
It has not this time. XD
Almost all of the items are finished and ready for release.
I also finished unique wool last night. Get ready to punch the hell out of sheep.
Most certainly will try to fix that water issue. The graininess has been a big turn off for alot of people and with that mod, it just is too beautiful.
My fiance is having the exact same problem now. He said it was working fine last night and now this morning he can't get past the Mojang screen without freezing then closing itself. My computer is running it fine and I even tried copying my file exactly to a USB drive and copying it to his computer but still no results. Also tried re-installing Java and nothing. Also, read about the 64 bit Java thing but when I go to the manual dowload page it doesn't differentiat between which is which (doesn't say 64 or 32 bit or anything, just different file sizes). If you could help me out that would be great :smile.gif:
Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 2
2.1GHz Processor, 3BG RAM
32-bit operating system
Won't make much of a difference because you have a 32-bit OS (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong) so you can't install the 64-bit Java on that specific system.
Hmmm... What version of this pack are you running, 128x128 or 256x256? Also, which method of installation you used might be helpful. [What I mean by this is direct install, the patcher, or the texture pack folder.
I'll be updating the 256x256 today and hopefully the 128x128.