This is a Japanese Ukiyo-e style 128x128 texture pack based on the PS2/Wii video game Okami.
While this pack is nearly 100% complete, it's still a work in progress, hence the "Beta" status.
Please click any of the buttons below to download your preferred resolution of the current version:
Links Last Updated on December 6, 2012
You can run the HD textures without patching, but some of the blocks may appear to be on fire, while other blocks may look a little funky. On another note, HD Fonts won't be installed and forests will look like someone tried to destroy the area with pesticide.
Thankfully, Kahr's MCPatcher HD fixes this problem. The button below will take you to the download along with the installation tutorial on his thread. Another alternative is the Optifine HD Patcher which not only fixes HD textures, but tweaks your Minecraft to run faster!
This is a 5 hour timelapse of leather armor being created for this texture pack. Unfortunately, I found out in the process that combining motion tracking to the cursor and speeding the video up 60 fold results in a lot of shaking. Nevertheless, if you are interested in Photoshop/Digital art/Making your own texture pack, you may like waching this.
Soundmod Currently Out-of-Date
Devout beads and Cherry bombs not sounding anything reminiscent of Okami is quite a letdown for this texture pack...if only there was a way to modif—Introducing the Okami Soundmod! Easy Installer included!
Thank you Crazyputje for the custom modification class files! Be sure to check out his Sound Mod Enabler.
Okami Soundmod Installation Instructions and Notes
•Easy Install is Windows only (it's pretty self-explanatory). See download link below if your on a Mac.
•Close Minecraft before running the installer
•Be sure MC Patcher has patched Minecraft before you run the installer.
•Changes TNT noise to Okami Cherry bomb in-game SFX
•Replaces twangy bow noises with energy charges and explosive bullet SFX
•Portal noise is changed to the creepy music you hear when you enter "Cursed zones"
•Experience pickup is replaced with Okami praise SFX
•Egg, Snowball and throwable items SFX changed (By default the game is hard-coded to play bow.ogg with a different pitch and distortion)
•Depending on how fast your system is, Minecraft may need a couple more seconds than usual to load the SFX into memory when Minecraft boots. In most cases the change is unnoticeable.
•Running this application may trigger a false-positive from some anti-virus software, namely Norton Internet Security.
•If you have Norton Internet Security 2012, right-click Okami Soundmod.exe and select Norton Internet Security>Norton File Insight>Click Trust Now>Click Check Trust Now>Close.
•If your on a Mac or the Soundmod doesn't work on your copy of Windows, then you may download the source files here and perform a manual install instead. Source file download. Simply extract the class files and move them into the minecraft.jar and extract the audio files (.oggs) and move all of them but portal.ogg into .minecraft\resources\newsound\random. Move portal.ogg to .minecraft\resources\newsound\portal.
•Leave a comment if you have issues with the installer or need further help installing the mod
If you like this texture pack, be sure to leave a comment, suggest ideas and give rep, Thanks!
Recent Updates and Thoughts
Newest Updates as of 8/1/12: Skybox Support! Distant mountains, changes from black at day-time to blue at night-time Leather armor Added! Tell me what you think of it in the comments (Samurai looking stuff is reserved for Chain-Diamond Armors, I meshed together Skyrim and Anime clothing styles to get look) New speckled grass. Subtle but significant update, thanks to CTM Bamboo Shoot Added! (Jungle Tree Sapling) Bamboo wood and leaves texture added (Jungle wood and leaves) Bamboo wood tiling adjusted for thick trees, thanks to CTM Wood tops changed for each type of tree, thanks to CTM Emerald Ore and Block Added Removed rope binds from Ore Blocks Fixed a very subtle Mycelium tiling error Bookshelves now have custom top texture thanks to CTM (multiple bookshelves don't tile well) Furnaces and Dispensers have custom bottom and top textures respectively, thanks to CTM Tweaked Iron Bars to fill more space and tile better Glowstone now looks like paper lanterns, CTM contributed to this as well Peaches now hang off jungle trees (Cocoa Beans) Tripwire and String added Circle Stone Bricks now look like "Hard" rocks from Okami Pine Planks changed to a nice Catalina Blue Bamboo (Jungle) Planks changed to Bamboo texture Sakura (Birch) Planks changed to a Burnt Red Umber and support CTM. Make Torii Gates! Netherbrick changed to a Chambray. Suitable for making terracotta roofs. Smooth Sandstone added, with CTM contribution Decorative Sandstone Added, with CTM contribution Enderchest Added. Black and Red baby. All GUI interface updated to 1.3.1 A few more items updated to fit texture pack theme Added humorous comments to terrain.png. Notifies users the texture pack is out-of-date
Currently working on: Armor Ugh forgot stars in New update Glass CTM
What I'm probably actually doing: College Art Projects
Concerns: No paintings (I could throw in screenshots, but that seems too cheap to me. I'd rather make my own art.) No official Amaterasu wolf skin (Yes, I know it's a sin. For some reason I just haven't gotten around to it) No other mob textures No mod support (If I ever have this texture 100% vanilla compatible, I'll work on this) Achievements menu isn't updated No still water animation No custom portal animation Bow drawback isn't animated (Working on complex animation, just looking at the work makes me anxious) Should modify lang folder (because "Rotten Flesh" doesn't exactly match up with a Demon Fang icon) Should make Minecart and Boat textures
Screenshots Click the previews to see them at full resolution.
The x128 terrain and items are available here so you guys don't have to re-download a 21MB zip every time I make a change. The images shown below are horrible quality web-optimized previews, please click them to open the full resolution image in your window.
If you would like to support this texture pack, you may post this script into your signature:
I give props, the cell shading artistic style looks very nice. Just wondering if it's possible for all the textures to have outlines like the blades of grass. Anyway, good job.
You know, there's another person on this forum who's also making a Japanese texture pack. Maybe the two of you could do a collab or something? Link to the thread in my sig.
Also, are you going to maybe try and do custom animated textures with the HD Texture Patcher? The fancy fire in the Nether screenshot would look even better animated. I'm not sure if this is out of your scope or not, but it's something to consider.
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"Urist McWackoMcGoose cancels Mod Minecraft: Discovered Dwarf Fortress"
Ancient sig archive:
Paper Minecraft: Legend of the Music Discs... is on hiatus until I get a new high-end gaming laptop! Episode 2-4: watch?v=Lk4TjTnUJYU
You know, there's another person on this forum who's also making a Japanese texture pack. Maybe the two of you could do a collab or something? Link to the thread in my sig.
Also, are you going to maybe try and do custom animated textures with the HD Texture Patcher? The fancy fire in the Nether screenshot would look even better animated. I'm not sure if this is out of your scope or not, but it's something to consider.
If I check off the "Animated Fire option" with xaus HD texture fix it replaces the fire I designed with the crappy original fire.
I'm not sure if there is specific file that I need to edit to control the fire the fire or if xaus fix is supposed to automatically animate it like the water and lava.
I will definitely check out what Nox is doing, although his ideas might be a bit different than mine.
I actually love this texture pack- how it looks so far.
I want to point out that you might want to edit the particles bit in the graphics as well.. so torches can have that mini fire effect as well.. though you're probably going to edit the GUI too anyways? Can't wait!
Posting for tacking purposes. Also looks nice will probably bounce between this and soulscribes one. Though I do have one minor issue, the tree leaves, at least in the pic you have, I think they could be a bit brighter, not florescent mind you just a tad brighter.
I really like the look of the blades of grass and the four leaf clovers, they have that comic book styling with the outlining. I'd love to see everything have the same look.
Posting for tacking purposes. Also looks nice will probably bounce between this and soulscribes one. Though I do have one minor issue, the tree leaves, at least in the pic you have, I think they could be a bit brighter, not florescent mind you just a tad brighter.
I think the pink trees need a bit less black in them....but aside from that this is 11/10 material. Dammit, now I might have to replace my autumn based painterly pack..... XD
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Enjoy written Let's Plays? My blog for them is right here:
Will there be new paintings? (A painting of Ammy would make my day!)
Will the mobs get cel-shadified too?
Are you doing anything special with redstone/torches? (maybe ink-trails for redstone?)
Will bacon be turned into riceballs/oranges?
What kind of record player are you making?
What does Glass look like?
What are you doing for steel doors? (maybe a door with some kind of seal on it?)
Yes, I am very excited to see how this all turns out. :biggrin.gif: It looks amazing so far.
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Enjoy written Let's Plays? My blog for them is right here:
This is a Japanese Ukiyo-e style 128x128 texture pack based on the PS2/Wii video game Okami.
While this pack is nearly 100% complete, it's still a work in progress, hence the "Beta" status.
Please click any of the buttons below to download your preferred resolution of the current version:
Links Last Updated on December 6, 2012
You can run the HD textures without patching, but some of the blocks may appear to be on fire, while other blocks may look a little funky. On another note, HD Fonts won't be installed and forests will look like someone tried to destroy the area with pesticide.
Thankfully, Kahr's MCPatcher HD fixes this problem. The button below will take you to the download along with the installation tutorial on his thread. Another alternative is the Optifine HD Patcher which not only fixes HD textures, but tweaks your Minecraft to run faster!
This is a 5 hour timelapse of leather armor being created for this texture pack. Unfortunately, I found out in the process that combining motion tracking to the cursor and speeding the video up 60 fold results in a lot of shaking. Nevertheless, if you are interested in Photoshop/Digital art/Making your own texture pack, you may like waching this.
Soundmod Currently Out-of-Date
Devout beads and Cherry bombs not sounding anything reminiscent of Okami is quite a letdown for this texture pack...if only there was a way to modif—Introducing the Okami Soundmod! Easy Installer included!
Thank you Crazyputje for the custom modification class files! Be sure to check out his Sound Mod Enabler.
Okami Soundmod Installation Instructions and Notes
•Close Minecraft before running the installer
•Be sure MC Patcher has patched Minecraft before you run the installer.
•Changes TNT noise to Okami Cherry bomb in-game SFX
•Replaces twangy bow noises with energy charges and explosive bullet SFX
•Portal noise is changed to the creepy music you hear when you enter "Cursed zones"
•Experience pickup is replaced with Okami praise SFX
•Egg, Snowball and throwable items SFX changed (By default the game is hard-coded to play bow.ogg with a different pitch and distortion)
•Depending on how fast your system is, Minecraft may need a couple more seconds than usual to load the SFX into memory when Minecraft boots. In most cases the change is unnoticeable.
•Running this application may trigger a false-positive from some anti-virus software, namely Norton Internet Security.
•If you have Norton Internet Security 2012, right-click Okami Soundmod.exe and select Norton Internet Security>Norton File Insight>Click Trust Now>Click Check Trust Now>Close.
•If your on a Mac or the Soundmod doesn't work on your copy of Windows, then you may download the source files here and perform a manual install instead. Source file download. Simply extract the class files and move them into the minecraft.jar and extract the audio files (.oggs) and move all of them but portal.ogg into .minecraft\resources\newsound\random. Move portal.ogg to .minecraft\resources\newsound\portal.
•Leave a comment if you have issues with the installer or need further help installing the mod
Recent Updates and Thoughts
Newest Updates as of 8/1/12:
Currently working on:
What I'm probably actually doing:
Screenshots Click the previews to see them at full resolution.
The x128 terrain and items are available here so you guys don't have to re-download a 21MB zip every time I make a change. The images shown below are horrible quality web-optimized previews, please click them to open the full resolution image in your window.
If you would like to support this texture pack, you may post this script into your signature:
You know, there's another person on this forum who's also making a Japanese texture pack. Maybe the two of you could do a collab or something? Link to the thread in my sig.
Also, are you going to maybe try and do custom animated textures with the HD Texture Patcher? The fancy fire in the Nether screenshot would look even better animated. I'm not sure if this is out of your scope or not, but it's something to consider.
"Urist McWackoMcGoose cancels Mod Minecraft: Discovered Dwarf Fortress"
Ancient sig archive:
Paper Minecraft: Legend of the Music Discs... is on hiatus until I get a new high-end gaming laptop! Episode 2-4: watch?v=Lk4TjTnUJYU

If I check off the "Animated Fire option" with xaus HD texture fix it replaces the fire I designed with the crappy original fire.
I'm not sure if there is specific file that I need to edit to control the fire the fire or if xaus fix is supposed to automatically animate it like the water and lava.
I will definitely check out what Nox is doing, although his ideas might be a bit different than mine.
"Urist McWackoMcGoose cancels Mod Minecraft: Discovered Dwarf Fortress"
Ancient sig archive:
Paper Minecraft: Legend of the Music Discs... is on hiatus until I get a new high-end gaming laptop! Episode 2-4: watch?v=Lk4TjTnUJYU

I want to point out that you might want to edit the particles bit in the graphics as well.. so torches can have that mini fire effect as well.. though you're probably going to edit the GUI too anyways? Can't wait!
This is about as pink as they get in regular areas perhaps even more in jungle:
This pink
They then slowly turn from pink, to yellow, to this shade of green in tundras...
This green
I agree, it will be updated.
0_0 Amazing.
I think the pink trees need a bit less black in them....but aside from that this is 11/10 material. Dammit, now I might have to replace my autumn based painterly pack..... XD
The BEST......
Good Texture i Liked
Will there be new paintings? (A painting of Ammy would make my day!)
Will the mobs get cel-shadified too?
Are you doing anything special with redstone/torches? (maybe ink-trails for redstone?)
Will bacon be turned into riceballs/oranges?
What kind of record player are you making?
What does Glass look like?
What are you doing for steel doors? (maybe a door with some kind of seal on it?)
Yes, I am very excited to see how this all turns out. :biggrin.gif: It looks amazing so far.