Merry Xmas.
Please remember to send Glimmar a Box of Enthusiasm for Xmas like he asked. Santa's being treated for Diabetes this Xmas from all the cookies he ate last year so he won't be getting on to presents until next year.
In any case, I got some more Xmas Presents of mod support for FTB and anyone else using the mods singularly...
Here's a pic of the Industrial Steam Engine in-game, powering a Rock Crusher (You also get a look at the GregTech Rock Cutter)
Hey Glimmar! I was wondering if you will be providing support for the Technic Pack in the foreseeable future? Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Glimmar does not have the time to add mod support, but he has given the go-ahead for users to make mod textures for the pack. On the front page, you can find a mod texture pack download, although this is fairly outdated now (I am planning on updating it soon, but unfortunately my xmas break became a bit more hectic than I thought). In the meantime, you should be able to get basic support from that download and VermillionTwilight's work, which he has been posting over the past 5 pages or so.
For everyone, I do hope to get the mod textures updated soon, but as I said above, things have become a bit hectic for me. I thought I was going to have a fairly relaxing holiday season, but it turns out that I was sorely mistaken and instead I've been driving hither and yon, with little to no computer access for the past two weeks (and the next two weeks look similar). Things should settle down after the first week of January, and I hope to be able to work on it then… but no promises.
Merry Christmas everyone, waiting for the 1.4.6 update from Glimmar, I just wish the rocket did damage instead just being pretty, on the other hand, I can't wait to see how Glimmar will augment the fireworks with steampunkness (if that is a word?).
Merry Christmas everyone, waiting for the 1.4.6 update from Glimmar, I just wish the rocket did damage instead just being pretty, on the other hand, I can't wait to see how Glimmar will augment the fireworks with steampunkness (if that is a word?).
Its a word now! You've used it :P. He will be away for a while so the update may be stalled, and what do you mean? Gentlemen and steampunk engineers alike can celebrate Have you never expressed joy when obtaining a new ship? I think it will work out well, all we need now is champaign to toast to world d- Peaceful flying ^.^'
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Time for me to take another texture dump on this thread. This is the completed full support for the current version of GregTech used on FTB.
Took a while to finish and I haven't tested half the textures, so I might need to change a few to get the machine frame's colors to match. They're different between the machine tiers so they hopefully won't be matched up with a side from a different machine, but you never know. I'll change them if any of them are weirdly mixed between machines if they do anyway.
I've tested the majority of all the item textures, it's just the terrain ones near the bottom I haven't tested. Not even sure what machine they go on, lol.
I am having the white sky problem as well, however. Only at night, and only every few nights, though frequently several nights in a row. It happens with both the 32X and 64X versions and I am using the latest MCpatcher. I've tried it with every combination of sky settings in the patcher. I've tried the lower resolution file you uploaded. I've also tried stopping the rotation of the sky, hoping that perhaps it was rotating around to blank whitness. While the sky stopped rotating and was fine at first, after a few nights, the white came back. Since it is intermittent I can't help but wonder if it is weather related, but I can't seem to fix it.
Please, oh please, look into this issue, as I would hate to have to find another pack!
This is probably a stupid question, and I'm probably just being the incompetent fool that I am, but is this updated to 1.4.6 yet? Hope that didn't sound too rude.
This is probably a stupid question, and I'm probably just being the incompetent fool that I am, but is this updated to 1.4.6 yet? Hope that didn't sound too rude.
No it is not updated to 1.4.6 yet; however, the pack still works fine for 1.4.6 just the fireworks are invisible.
Hello Glimmar,
Great work here. Looks simply amazing. I am a huge steampunk fan. I am an artist and do quite a bit a of steampunk stuff. Light covers, lamps.
Anyways, I was using your pack for a while, running vanilla MC. But now I am running the Feed the beast pack. In short, how do you think this will run with the MOD pack.
Hey vermillion was wondering if you can update TE for the new ore/ingots he added had to take out that portion of the TP cuz i was having wholes in my world becuz of the non updated ores. Please and very much appreiciated.
Hey vermillion was wondering if you can update TE for the new ore/ingots he added had to take out that portion of the TP cuz i was having wholes in my world becuz of the non updated ores. Please and very much appreiciated.
No can do.
I have no clue what each item/block is. From what I can see from there's only 1 new ore texture, hardly "holes in your world" and a few ingots and dusts, which I have no clue what they are.
Okay, it's a rush job, but it should work and not look too bad. I can't test it myself though and the coloration was done matching the default. Whether or not the actual ore/ingot/dust coloration is accurate in the original is another matter. I'll probably fix it up later when I have a clue what i'm texturing.
Just replace the old ones in the pack.
I just wanna say damn vermillion and for another THANK YOU setting up right now.Been playing with the new textures you uploaded verm and they r looking great!
Managed a little time in front of the PC the past few days, so thought you might like to know my GS 1.4.6 update is nearly done, just finishing off animation on a new HD pumpkin helm/lantern. A new movie needs to be compiled showing new stuff and then I'll upload. Check out some of the changes below:
Glimmar's Steampunk v10 Working Changelog for Minecraft v1.4.6
Added a brand new 64x 'adaptable' pumpkin block. Adaptable in the sense that it should appeal to those who liked my original 'lamp-like' version (but now 64x, animated and greater detail) and (with easy user modification) those who like a more natural pumpkin for horticultural purposes (with a traditional scary candle lit head). Both versions will still work with my old and treasured (to me at least) 'pumpkinblur.png' diving helm hud when worn. Using a combination of ctm, (at ksheep's suggestion...thanks sheep!) and animation (my own idea!). For those wanting the animated lamp-like pumpkin...then you don't need to do anything. If you want the natural coppery pumpkin with scary face, then you simply delete the animated pumpkin '.png' files and drop in some necessary ctm .properties files (instructions in the readme in the 'alternate natural pumpkin' folder in the 'alternative textures' folder in the pack). Couldn't be simpler...I hope!
Edited the CTM carved 'Stone Heads' and 'Rune Stone Slabs' back in with help from The_Fool76. Now using a command line instruction 'give <yourname> 5 1 4' you can award yourself a new wood block, which when placed will magically appear as my random ctm 'Head Stone' block with random carved rune top and bottom slabs. Refined all the stone heads to better fit together and blend with other stone blocks.
Added 4 new carved stone head designs.
Following on from this I added another type of carved stone block intended to be used as carved stone freezes, kind of like Mayan stones, but for use in all those secret sect temples you know you want to build! At present it's just 8 slightly edited carved rune stones, but the intention is to replace these with designs more suitable for exotic carved machines and figures. To award yourself one of these Carved symbol blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 5. Like above it will appear as another oak block in the menu. To avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, I just renamed it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Mayan Stone' and MC 1.4.6 conveniently labels it in the inventory. Best used in 'creative' mode.
Added 6 new 'marble freize' blocks. These are based on classical carvings such as those found on Trajan's Column, but designed in such a way as to work as larger friezes vertically and horizontally when stacked. Meaning the random designs mesh as well as I can make them when placed side by side or stacked one on top of another. To award yourself one of these marble 'frieze' blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 6. Like above it will appear as another oak block in the menu. To avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, I just renamed it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Frieze Stone' and again MC 1.4.6 conveniently labels it in the inventory. As above, best used in 'creative' mode.
All new Half Slab Stone block. I've made it a lot more smoothly marble-like and vertically ctm'd it for use as another column type (see pics on p.492). Works well when combined with the chiseled stone column block or as a decorative border on buildings or capping stone for walls, etc. It also works perfectly well for large domed buildings or as flooring.
Added 10 new random ctm 'mosaic' blocks. Based loosely on a kind of Byzantium style of glittering gold mosaic pieces. These are an early stage attempt and will be changed as I'm not happy with the present design. They are included simply because I can't be bothered to remove them from my working GS pack until I have a replacement. My objective is to create something similar to the marble 'frieze' block. A block that produces pleasing random designs when placed in large arrangements, so the design has to be able to flow naturally together at the edges like the gold mosaic pieces already do to some extent, or be completely individual fragments (poorly represented in my first attempt), connected by some repeating design. So still much work to do here. To award yourself one of these Byzantine 'mosaic' blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 7. Like above, it will appear as another oak block in the menu, so to avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, just rename it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Byzantine Mosaic'. Best used in 'creative' mode.
If you'd rather use all the new extra stone, marble and mosaic textures on other blocks, like wool, then I've left the ctm'd Light Grey Wool 'Head Stone' 'drop in pack' in the 'alternative textures' folder in the pack, called 'CTM Random Carved Stone Heads'. You can use this as an example of how to rename the appropriate .png file and it's accompanying '.properties' file. Alternatively check out the info for using ctm in the MC Patcher thread OP.
Refined the ctm chiseled stone columns and removed the separating lines of shading to make them more solid and continuous both horizontally and vertically. I've found this makes it much more useful as long lintels for bridging openings like windows and doors and as continuous decoration in many situations.
Again, with help from The_Fool76, made my new ctm'd Spruce Plank half block work as intended with iron 'bands' correctly placed along the top and bottom sides.
Added my little 'Glimmar's Machine Co.' tag to the Diving Helm 'pumpkinblur.png' file.
Added another villager 'smith4'. A poor automaton who seems to have lost his head. He's wandering around with his bits and pieces (sounds painfull!) in a brass box, trying to find his way to the repair station!
Added a new 64x terrain glass texture. Allowing me of course to add more detail, whilst being careful not to create more pixelation than necessary. To pre-empt anyone asking, at this stage I am not interested in implementing the 'betterglass' feature of MC Patcher, as I much prefer the wider use to which I can put my glass design for structure and creative architecture, whilst still being perfectly adequate as decoratively framed glass.
Added 8 random oak plank ctm textures. Just very subtle tiny differences.
Fixed the old 'minecart' wheels. Didn't realize that Mojang had vertically swapped one of the wheel sets round, so not sure just how long one side has been upside down. I didn't get chance to upgrade the cart to a 64x version, but I fully intend to do so if given the chance.
Fixed all the zombie mobs to the new larger format, so there shouldn't be a problem with Optifine, etc.
Added a brand new 64x size pig mob. Just one design for now, but I hope to have a good variety based on this one breed. I'm not overly fond of lots of different pig breeds in the same scene. I didn't want to be silly and stick a monocle on a pig and say it's steampunk and neither did I want to stylize it when my pack attempts to be realistic within it's theme. It also had to be an off-fleshy colour, so that I could base my new pigzombiemen off it, so again it will look similar to any other domesticated porker. I spent a lot of time trying to get the limbs and head to flow naturally into each other, rather than just looking like tacked together cuboids.
Added 15 brand new pigzombies, or pigmen, as I like to think of them. These all adhere to the new larger .png format Mojang introduced in 1.4.x. I'm sticking to one breed, based loosely on the new pig mob created for this update, but with many types, expressions and accessories. 15 is a reasonable number to start with I think, but I have a template now from which I can fairly easily add more. Like the new pig mob, I spent a lot of time trying to get the limbs and head to flow naturally into each other, within the constraints of Minecraft cuboid form of course.
Pigzombie 15 is an edited version of Baldurran's armoured pigzombie. I upgraded it to fit my new pigmen design.
Fixed the trading gui. There was no way of knowing, before the fix, if you reached a point in trading where the villager would not trade any more of a particular item. In vanilla this was represented by an 'X'. I've re-edited the gui to allow for two red antique 'no sale' signs to drop down when the villager cannot trade. It was a fiddly job in the end, with various parts needing to be moved around...including the animated flickering valve!
Added new firework particles and re-edited the old arrow trail and damage particles.
Added new antique 'Firework Rocket' item. Might make another more overtly steampunky version out of brass or copper.
Added 'Firework Star' item. A gunpowder ball with glittery coloured star fragments.
Added new 'spellbook' item.
Will be editing out a lot of pics and text from my OP to try and speed the page loading up. A lot of the pics are old and the recent vids I've made more than adequately give a flavour of the pack as a whole.
Not sure how much time we have before everything goes belly up with the MC 1.5 update. I'm guessing there will be many needed changes to the format of the pack with respect to all textures being individual files and also how MC Patcher and Optifine will work with a Minecraft that has HD capabilities already built in.
This is my FAVORITE texture pack! Please make more like this and I will make a youtube video with top 5 with this one on top if you continue making more texture packs! I'm going to recommend it to all my friends!
Wonderful work!
Sent you a PM. Good luck and love the sig.
Many thanks, IxReapzz.
Glimmar does not have the time to add mod support, but he has given the go-ahead for users to make mod textures for the pack. On the front page, you can find a mod texture pack download, although this is fairly outdated now (I am planning on updating it soon, but unfortunately my xmas break became a bit more hectic than I thought). In the meantime, you should be able to get basic support from that download and VermillionTwilight's work, which he has been posting over the past 5 pages or so.
For everyone, I do hope to get the mod textures updated soon, but as I said above, things have become a bit hectic for me. I thought I was going to have a fairly relaxing holiday season, but it turns out that I was sorely mistaken and instead I've been driving hither and yon, with little to no computer access for the past two weeks (and the next two weeks look similar). Things should settle down after the first week of January, and I hope to be able to work on it then… but no promises.
Merry Christmas!
Took a while to finish and I haven't tested half the textures, so I might need to change a few to get the machine frame's colors to match. They're different between the machine tiers so they hopefully won't be matched up with a side from a different machine, but you never know. I'll change them if any of them are weirdly mixed between machines if they do anyway.
I've tested the majority of all the item textures, it's just the terrain ones near the bottom I haven't tested. Not even sure what machine they go on, lol.
I am having the white sky problem as well, however. Only at night, and only every few nights, though frequently several nights in a row. It happens with both the 32X and 64X versions and I am using the latest MCpatcher. I've tried it with every combination of sky settings in the patcher. I've tried the lower resolution file you uploaded. I've also tried stopping the rotation of the sky, hoping that perhaps it was rotating around to blank whitness. While the sky stopped rotating and was fine at first, after a few nights, the white came back. Since it is intermittent I can't help but wonder if it is weather related, but I can't seem to fix it.
Please, oh please, look into this issue, as I would hate to have to find another pack!
No it is not updated to 1.4.6 yet; however, the pack still works fine for 1.4.6 just the fireworks are invisible.
I tried that too. Didn't make any difference.
Great work here. Looks simply amazing. I am a huge steampunk fan. I am an artist and do quite a bit a of steampunk stuff. Light covers, lamps.
Anyways, I was using your pack for a while, running vanilla MC. But now I am running the Feed the beast pack. In short, how do you think this will run with the MOD pack.
Thanks Yall.
You can find the individual textures for FTB support over the last... 15 or so pages.
No can do.
I have no clue what each item/block is. From what I can see from there's only 1 new ore texture, hardly "holes in your world" and a few ingots and dusts, which I have no clue what they are.
Okay, it's a rush job, but it should work and not look too bad. I can't test it myself though and the coloration was done matching the default. Whether or not the actual ore/ingot/dust coloration is accurate in the original is another matter. I'll probably fix it up later when I have a clue what i'm texturing.
Just replace the old ones in the pack.
Managed a little time in front of the PC the past few days, so thought you might like to know my GS 1.4.6 update is nearly done, just finishing off animation on a new HD pumpkin helm/lantern. A new movie needs to be compiled showing new stuff and then I'll upload. Check out some of the changes below:
Glimmar's Steampunk v10 Working Changelog for Minecraft v1.4.6
Added a brand new 64x 'adaptable' pumpkin block. Adaptable in the sense that it should appeal to those who liked my original 'lamp-like' version (but now 64x, animated and greater detail) and (with easy user modification) those who like a more natural pumpkin for horticultural purposes (with a traditional scary candle lit head). Both versions will still work with my old and treasured (to me at least) 'pumpkinblur.png' diving helm hud when worn. Using a combination of ctm, (at ksheep's suggestion...thanks sheep!) and animation (my own idea!). For those wanting the animated lamp-like pumpkin...then you don't need to do anything. If you want the natural coppery pumpkin with scary face, then you simply delete the animated pumpkin '.png' files and drop in some necessary ctm .properties files (instructions in the readme in the 'alternate natural pumpkin' folder in the 'alternative textures' folder in the pack). Couldn't be simpler...I hope!
Edited the CTM carved 'Stone Heads' and 'Rune Stone Slabs' back in with help from The_Fool76. Now using a command line instruction 'give <yourname> 5 1 4' you can award yourself a new wood block, which when placed will magically appear as my random ctm 'Head Stone' block with random carved rune top and bottom slabs. Refined all the stone heads to better fit together and blend with other stone blocks.
Added 4 new carved stone head designs.
Following on from this I added another type of carved stone block intended to be used as carved stone freezes, kind of like Mayan stones, but for use in all those secret sect temples you know you want to build! At present it's just 8 slightly edited carved rune stones, but the intention is to replace these with designs more suitable for exotic carved machines and figures. To award yourself one of these Carved symbol blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 5. Like above it will appear as another oak block in the menu. To avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, I just renamed it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Mayan Stone' and MC 1.4.6 conveniently labels it in the inventory. Best used in 'creative' mode.
Added 6 new 'marble freize' blocks. These are based on classical carvings such as those found on Trajan's Column, but designed in such a way as to work as larger friezes vertically and horizontally when stacked. Meaning the random designs mesh as well as I can make them when placed side by side or stacked one on top of another. To award yourself one of these marble 'frieze' blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 6. Like above it will appear as another oak block in the menu. To avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, I just renamed it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Frieze Stone' and again MC 1.4.6 conveniently labels it in the inventory. As above, best used in 'creative' mode.
All new Half Slab Stone block. I've made it a lot more smoothly marble-like and vertically ctm'd it for use as another column type (see pics on p.492). Works well when combined with the chiseled stone column block or as a decorative border on buildings or capping stone for walls, etc. It also works perfectly well for large domed buildings or as flooring.
Added 10 new random ctm 'mosaic' blocks. Based loosely on a kind of Byzantium style of glittering gold mosaic pieces. These are an early stage attempt and will be changed as I'm not happy with the present design. They are included simply because I can't be bothered to remove them from my working GS pack until I have a replacement. My objective is to create something similar to the marble 'frieze' block. A block that produces pleasing random designs when placed in large arrangements, so the design has to be able to flow naturally together at the edges like the gold mosaic pieces already do to some extent, or be completely individual fragments (poorly represented in my first attempt), connected by some repeating design. So still much work to do here. To award yourself one of these Byzantine 'mosaic' blocks, type the command line instruction: 'give <yourname> 5 1 7. Like above, it will appear as another oak block in the menu, so to avoid confusion with an ordinary oak block, just rename it on the anvil to something meaningful like 'Byzantine Mosaic'. Best used in 'creative' mode.
If you'd rather use all the new extra stone, marble and mosaic textures on other blocks, like wool, then I've left the ctm'd Light Grey Wool 'Head Stone' 'drop in pack' in the 'alternative textures' folder in the pack, called 'CTM Random Carved Stone Heads'. You can use this as an example of how to rename the appropriate .png file and it's accompanying '.properties' file. Alternatively check out the info for using ctm in the MC Patcher thread OP.
Refined the ctm chiseled stone columns and removed the separating lines of shading to make them more solid and continuous both horizontally and vertically. I've found this makes it much more useful as long lintels for bridging openings like windows and doors and as continuous decoration in many situations.
Again, with help from The_Fool76, made my new ctm'd Spruce Plank half block work as intended with iron 'bands' correctly placed along the top and bottom sides.
Added my little 'Glimmar's Machine Co.' tag to the Diving Helm 'pumpkinblur.png' file.
Added another villager 'smith4'. A poor automaton who seems to have lost his head. He's wandering around with his bits and pieces (sounds painfull!) in a brass box, trying to find his way to the repair station!
Added a new 64x terrain glass texture. Allowing me of course to add more detail, whilst being careful not to create more pixelation than necessary. To pre-empt anyone asking, at this stage I am not interested in implementing the 'betterglass' feature of MC Patcher, as I much prefer the wider use to which I can put my glass design for structure and creative architecture, whilst still being perfectly adequate as decoratively framed glass.
Added 8 random oak plank ctm textures. Just very subtle tiny differences.
Fixed the old 'minecart' wheels. Didn't realize that Mojang had vertically swapped one of the wheel sets round, so not sure just how long one side has been upside down. I didn't get chance to upgrade the cart to a 64x version, but I fully intend to do so if given the chance.
Fixed all the zombie mobs to the new larger format, so there shouldn't be a problem with Optifine, etc.
Added a brand new 64x size pig mob. Just one design for now, but I hope to have a good variety based on this one breed. I'm not overly fond of lots of different pig breeds in the same scene. I didn't want to be silly and stick a monocle on a pig and say it's steampunk and neither did I want to stylize it when my pack attempts to be realistic within it's theme. It also had to be an off-fleshy colour, so that I could base my new pigzombiemen off it, so again it will look similar to any other domesticated porker. I spent a lot of time trying to get the limbs and head to flow naturally into each other, rather than just looking like tacked together cuboids.
Added 15 brand new pigzombies, or pigmen, as I like to think of them. These all adhere to the new larger .png format Mojang introduced in 1.4.x. I'm sticking to one breed, based loosely on the new pig mob created for this update, but with many types, expressions and accessories. 15 is a reasonable number to start with I think, but I have a template now from which I can fairly easily add more. Like the new pig mob, I spent a lot of time trying to get the limbs and head to flow naturally into each other, within the constraints of Minecraft cuboid form of course.
Pigzombie 15 is an edited version of Baldurran's armoured pigzombie. I upgraded it to fit my new pigmen design.
Fixed the trading gui. There was no way of knowing, before the fix, if you reached a point in trading where the villager would not trade any more of a particular item. In vanilla this was represented by an 'X'. I've re-edited the gui to allow for two red antique 'no sale' signs to drop down when the villager cannot trade. It was a fiddly job in the end, with various parts needing to be moved around...including the animated flickering valve!
Added new firework particles and re-edited the old arrow trail and damage particles.
Added new antique 'Firework Rocket' item. Might make another more overtly steampunky version out of brass or copper.
Added 'Firework Star' item. A gunpowder ball with glittery coloured star fragments.
Added new 'spellbook' item.
Will be editing out a lot of pics and text from my OP to try and speed the page loading up. A lot of the pics are old and the recent vids I've made more than adequately give a flavour of the pack as a whole.
Not sure how much time we have before everything goes belly up with the MC 1.5 update. I'm guessing there will be many needed changes to the format of the pack with respect to all textures being individual files and also how MC Patcher and Optifine will work with a Minecraft that has HD capabilities already built in.