Hello everyone. As some of you may have noticed, I mysteriously disappeared for the past year, and I apologize for leaving all of you wondering what happened to me. Unfortunately, I have to say that I have abandoned my work on this texture pack. In fact, I am no longer following the development of Minecraft. I am so thankful for all of your dedication since my work first began during the Alpha stages of the game. With that said, I hope you all continue to enjoy this game and the many other texture packs available on this site. If anyone wishes to revive this pack under their own name with updated textures, please feel free to do so. Mixcraft is no longer my project. It belongs to all of you now.
Members who have made large donations: irinawylder, Veeshush, xJuggalo62x
I'm saving up for Adobe Photoshop CS5 so I can create better textures. (but I will NOT illegally download it) If you like Mixcraft and want to help me reach my goal, feel free to donate by following this link!--->
You MUST read the "FAQ" section at the bottom of this post BEFORE asking any questions!! NOTE: These pictures are a bit outdated. I will be taking new ones soon and posting them here.
This new topic system has been created to get all of your criticisms and ideas into the pack!
Basically: You see something you don't like, you suggest it, we discuss it, I make it better.
Topics must be about a single texture, and can be any block, mob, item, painting, etc...
If there is a texture which you believe needs to be revisited, please post a comment below.
Once we see multiple suggestions, the most common one will be declared the new topic.
While a texture is the topic for discussion, it will become my primary focus for that day.
Any possible variants for the texture will be posted here, and we will agree on a final.
By this method, Mixcraft will be constantly improved and will be almost entirely community driven.
I will also accept any of your own concepts, which could be both random images or complete textures.
Q: If I install this texture pack, will it make my game lag? Also, how high is the resolution?
A: The main Mixcraft HD is 32x32 pixels per block, and Mixcraft Basic is 16x16 pixels. Packs usually range from 16x16 to 128x128, and a few are 256x256. So this pack is fairly low resolution. For this reason, your game will probably not lag from using it, unless you already have a very slow computer.
Q: My compass/watch is broken, netherrack looks like water, and bricks are glitched. How do I fix this?
A: You didn't install the HD Texture Patch correctly, the way I said to do it in the instructions. If following the instructions doesn't work, post a comment describing exactly what you did.
Q: With the HD font, the letters overlap eachother and are out of order. How do I fix this?
A: First follow the "How to Uninstall" instructions included in the pack. Now try to reinstall the pack, but this time make sure that when you run the patcher, the "Hi-Res Font" button IS checked. Then click the "Patch" button. (Note: HD fonts do NOT work with the Optimine mod!)
Q: With the HD font, the spacing between each of the letters is doubled. How do I fix this?
A: The HD font file is NOT compatible with ModLoader Version 4 or any earlier versions. You must go download the latest Version of ModLoader and use that one insead. It must be at least Version 5. (Note: HD fonts do NOT work with the Optimine mod!)
Q: I am on a PC running Windows and can't find the "AppData" folder. How do I find it?
A: AppData is a hidden folder. To see it, click the windows icon on the bottom left of your desktop and open the Control Panel. From there, find and open the "folder options" menu. Under the "view" tab, look for the "hidden files and folders" section. Check the box that says "show hidden files and folders" and click "Apply" at the bottom. Go back to your Master Account folder and you should now be able to see the AppData folder.
Q: After running the patch, I now just get a black screen when I start minecraft. How do I fix this?
A: You didn't install the HD Texture Patch correctly, the way I said to do it in the instructions. If following the instructions doesn't work, post a comment describing exactly what you did.
Q: Why are there no clouds in this pack? Did you forget to put in the cloud texture?
A: There are no clouds because the clouds are the only things that CANT be made a higher definition.
I took them out because they just look like giant squares and they block your view at high altitudes.
If you REALLY want to have clouds, go to the Options and Extras folder and install the "Normal Couds".
Q: Will you ever make a pack higher than 32x32 resolution? Maybe 64x64 or 128x128?
A: The short answer is probably not. I was reluctant to even go past the default resolution at first. This is for three reasons: It looks un-natural to minecraft, it often causes lag, and it's a lot more work.
Q: Can you help me over Xbox live, e-mail, AIM, Skype, or any other forms of messaging?
A: I used to help people over all of these, however many of you began spamming me with messages.
If you REALLY want my help, just post a comment here! ONLY send me a PM if absolutely necessary.
I love to play Xbox with those who wish to, but if you ask about my textures on Xbox, I will ignore you.
My gamertag is Koolwitak32. Please do not abuse this information. This is ONLY if you wish to play with me.
I mostly play Borderlands co-op, GTA IV multiplayer free mode, and Halo Reach custom games.
Armor - Made by SMP
Boat - Made by Doku
Cart - Made by SMP
Grass Biome - Made by Glimmar
Sun and Moon - Made by DVan
Water animation - Made by Aageon
Both Spider Eyes - Made by Lithiumsound
Magma Cream + Blaze Powder - Lithiumsound
Have you asked permission from all of the creators of the textures? Otherwise, its just stealing
I agree. I'm disturbed by this. I understand that you trying to get the best textures from every texture-pack, but at least ask before adding.
Edit: Fricken' Ninja'
Have you asked permission from all of the creators of the textures? Otherwise, its just stealing
I agree. I'm disturbed by this. I understand that you trying to get the best textures from every texture-pack, but at least ask before adding.
Edit: Fricken' Ninja'
Like I said, I don't want credit for their work
I only take credit for the textures that I made, such as
the glass texture and the diamond and gold tools
However I do apologize if I have offended any of the creators
If they care so much that a member of the community is building a compilation pack of the best textures, then they shouldn't be posting their texture packs to begin with. He built a pack out of a bunch of packs that he thinks looks good. He didn't say "I made this pack, it's the best". He's sharing something, that he could've just privately kept to himself, with others who might agree with his taste in textures but are unable or unwilling to learn how to mix them together or edit them. (i.e. me)
So it's not a big deal. If you're truly disturbed by this, open a window and let the sunlight in. You let ridiculous things disturb you.
Thank you koolwitak, it looks great. I was waiting for the download link; I'm going to try it out now.
If they care so much that a member of the community is building a compilation pack of the best textures, then they shouldn't be posting their texture packs to begin with. He built a pack out of a bunch of packs that he thinks looks good. He didn't say "I made this pack, it's the best". He's sharing something, that he could've just privately kept to himself, with others who might agree with his taste in textures but are unable or unwilling to learn how to mix them together or edit them. (i.e. me)
So it's not a big deal. If you're truly disturbed by this, open a window and let the sunlight in. You let ridiculous things disturb you.
Thank you koolwitak, it looks great. I was waiting for the download link; I'm going to try it out now.
Thank you so much for your support, its nice to have a few people who appreciate what I'm doing
And to anyone who still thinks I'm stealing, I made sure to ask
the creator of the Painterly Pack before using his/her textures
On that note, with this addition of this beautiful pack,
I should be updating Mixcraft very soon with some great new textures
So you dont get jumped all over you should post what you created, if you created anything at all, and please give the original creator credit by letting them get their work out there before you put it into your compilation ( painterly pack as an example was up for about five minutes before you jumped on it )
edit, you took 8 minutes to jump on the guy to get his ideas and textures, slow down and put some thought of your own in maybe?
Good idea, I'm going to edit the original post and state which textures are mine
as well as give credit to every other texture pack I used
I jumped on Painterly Pack only because of how amazing it was
and because I just happen to have refreshed the page when it was posted
As for giving him time, I have no doubt Painterly Pack will be well praised
Although, just to be fair, I will wait a while before updating mine, like you suggested
Hey koolwitak, I suggest Doku's RPG iron door and wood door. Unless you have plans already for the doors. But I always thought his doors were pretty badass. Though I think his is a different resolution, not sure if that matters or not.
Hey koolwitak, I suggest Doku's RPG iron door and wood door. Unless you have plans already for the doors. But I always thought his doors were pretty badass. Though I think his is a different resolution, not sure if that matters or not.
I agree, they are pretty badass, but unfortunately it does matter...
The only reason I dont use high quality textures is it causes the brick-fire and gold-fire glitch
I can shrink the image from 512x512 to 256x256, but the doors may become blurry
I will give it a try and edit this post when I decide what to do
Yeah, resizing the doors made them lose their appeal...
It was a really good suggestion though
I'm actually looking for a good obsidian... any suggestions?
I just registered the forums to say thank you to the creator of this texture compilation. Really the best of the worlds.
I just want to make the best selling point of this texture pack for me:
- Animated water and lava.
So many good texture packs have screwed up water and lava and I just can't play Minecraft that way. This texture pack retain it and add some amazing stuff.
Thanks a lot. (Also, thanks for the original creators of each individual texture).
I just registered the forums to say thank you to the creator of this texture compilation. Really the best of the worlds.
I just want to make the best selling point of this texture pack for me:
- Animated water and lava.
So many good texture packs have screwed up water and lava and I just can't play Minecraft that way. This texture pack retain it and add some amazing stuff.
Thanks a lot. (Also, thanks for the original creators of each individual texture).
Thank you, it really means a lot that you registered just to thank me
If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them (even if its something small)
Also make sure to check in every once in a while for future updates!
- Added a new "no clouds" option (in its own folder)
- Better cactus bottom texture
- Better wood bottom texture
- Fixed the sapling texture a bit
I also made small changes to each of the following:
- Stone and iron tools, arrows, bowls, meat, buckets, reeds,
eggs, apples, seeds, bread, both flowers, both mushrooms
NOTE: The smaller changes are less noticable, but trust me, they look better
As I have said before, PLEASE make suggestions! (or constructive criticism)
The more you guys comment, the better I know what I should change
Okay, so I've put everything inside my .Minecraft folder. But the texture is the same as normal.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from Pianosaurus »
Ok, so:
[*:2jk3cryi]It's called "lava" when above the ground.
[*:2jk3cryi]It's called "magma" when in the ground.
[*:2jk3cryi]When it flows off the bottom of the ground, it's called... ?
Okay, so I've put everything inside my .Minecraft folder. But the texture is the same as normal.
You dont put them in the .minecraft folder
From there, you have to open "bin" and then open "minecraft.jar" with the program "winRAR"
Then put the pictures in their corresponding folders
IMPORTANT!! ---> items.png does not go in the "items" folder, it goes in the "gui" folder
---> terrain.png does not go in the "terrain" folder, it goes in the main "minecraft.jar" folder
Hello everyone. As some of you may have noticed, I mysteriously disappeared for the past year, and I apologize for leaving all of you wondering what happened to me. Unfortunately, I have to say that I have abandoned my work on this texture pack. In fact, I am no longer following the development of Minecraft. I am so thankful for all of your dedication since my work first began during the Alpha stages of the game. With that said, I hope you all continue to enjoy this game and the many other texture packs available on this site. If anyone wishes to revive this pack under their own name with updated textures, please feel free to do so. Mixcraft is no longer my project. It belongs to all of you now.
Thank you for everything.
Members who have made large donations: irinawylder, Veeshush, xJuggalo62x
I'm saving up for Adobe Photoshop CS5 so I can create better textures. (but I will NOT illegally download it) If you like Mixcraft and want to help me reach my goal, feel free to donate by following this link!--->
You MUST read the "FAQ" section at the bottom of this post BEFORE asking any questions!!
NOTE: These pictures are a bit outdated. I will be taking new ones soon and posting them here.
Mixcraft Trailer - Made by WiredEyeTV (Caseboy)
Mixcraft Version 47 Pack ---> http://adf.ly/9H5C7
(mirror: only use if mediafire is down) ----> http://adf.ly/9H5EK
Alternate Textures (4/29) ---> http://adf.ly/1zI5I
(mirror: only use if mediafire is down) ----> http://adf.ly/22sDi
Version 47 INFO ---> http://www.minecraft.../page__st__3897
Most Recent HD Patch ---> http://www.minecraft...f=1021&t=252531
Written Instructions ---> Included in the download
Video Instructions - Made by WiredEyeTV (Caseboy)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: If I install this texture pack, will it make my game lag? Also, how high is the resolution?
A: The main Mixcraft HD is 32x32 pixels per block, and Mixcraft Basic is 16x16 pixels. Packs usually range from 16x16 to 128x128, and a few are 256x256. So this pack is fairly low resolution. For this reason, your game will probably not lag from using it, unless you already have a very slow computer.
Q: My compass/watch is broken, netherrack looks like water, and bricks are glitched. How do I fix this?
A: You didn't install the HD Texture Patch correctly, the way I said to do it in the instructions. If following the instructions doesn't work, post a comment describing exactly what you did.
Q: With the HD font, the letters overlap eachother and are out of order. How do I fix this?
A: First follow the "How to Uninstall" instructions included in the pack. Now try to reinstall the pack, but this time make sure that when you run the patcher, the "Hi-Res Font" button IS checked. Then click the "Patch" button. (Note: HD fonts do NOT work with the Optimine mod!)
Q: With the HD font, the spacing between each of the letters is doubled. How do I fix this?
A: The HD font file is NOT compatible with ModLoader Version 4 or any earlier versions. You must go download the latest Version of ModLoader and use that one insead. It must be at least Version 5. (Note: HD fonts do NOT work with the Optimine mod!)
Q: I am on a PC running Windows and can't find the "AppData" folder. How do I find it?
A: AppData is a hidden folder. To see it, click the windows icon on the bottom left of your desktop and open the Control Panel. From there, find and open the "folder options" menu. Under the "view" tab, look for the "hidden files and folders" section. Check the box that says "show hidden files and folders" and click "Apply" at the bottom. Go back to your Master Account folder and you should now be able to see the AppData folder.
Q: After running the patch, I now just get a black screen when I start minecraft. How do I fix this?
A: You didn't install the HD Texture Patch correctly, the way I said to do it in the instructions. If following the instructions doesn't work, post a comment describing exactly what you did.
Q: Why are there no clouds in this pack? Did you forget to put in the cloud texture?
A: There are no clouds because the clouds are the only things that CANT be made a higher definition.
I took them out because they just look like giant squares and they block your view at high altitudes.
If you REALLY want to have clouds, go to the Options and Extras folder and install the "Normal Couds".
Q: Will you ever make a pack higher than 32x32 resolution? Maybe 64x64 or 128x128?
A: The short answer is probably not. I was reluctant to even go past the default resolution at first. This is for three reasons: It looks un-natural to minecraft, it often causes lag, and it's a lot more work.
Q: Can you help me over Xbox live, e-mail, AIM, Skype, or any other forms of messaging?
A: I used to help people over all of these, however many of you began spamming me with messages.
If you REALLY want my help, just post a comment here! ONLY send me a PM if absolutely necessary.
I love to play Xbox with those who wish to, but if you ask about my textures on Xbox, I will ignore you.
My gamertag is Koolwitak32. Please do not abuse this information. This is ONLY if you wish to play with me.
I mostly play Borderlands co-op, GTA IV multiplayer free mode, and Halo Reach custom games.
Armor - Made by SMP
Boat - Made by Doku
Cart - Made by SMP
Grass Biome - Made by Glimmar
Sun and Moon - Made by DVan
Water animation - Made by Aageon
Both Spider Eyes - Made by Lithiumsound
Magma Cream + Blaze Powder - Lithiumsound
Everything else - Made by me, Koolwitak
Direct Links (Please only use these if you need to)
Mixcraft Version 47 Pack ---> http://www.mediafire...kgb7d351tdzlg15
Alternate Textures (4/29) ---> http://www.mediafire...j2x1xv6zy1jf152
The download link to the full pack as of 9/4/10 has now been posted in the original post!!
(scroll up to top)
Looks great! So you like the pack?
I'm thinking of using the cactus texture from Dokus's RPG Pack... anyone else think I should?
(Sorry, the pictures got blurry when I blew them up)
Current Mixcraft cactus texture:
Dokus's RPG cactus texture:
I like the sort of emerald green color from mine, but the RPG cactus looks more realistic...
What do you guys think? If enough people agree I will change it
Thanks for the input, I think I might keep mine...
I'm also planning on changing the water texture, possibly making it a bit less blue and a little more like real water
The boat texture has now been changed to the new boat from Dokus's RPG Texture Pack
I think it looks great, what do you guys think?
They provide download links to the packs in their topics...
How can I be stealing something that is being offered to me?
I'm also not asking for praise or trying to sell them as my own
This texture pack is, by definition, a compilation of all the greatest creators
And to be fair, many of the textures were made by me, so the pack as a whole is unique
I agree. I'm disturbed by this. I understand that you trying to get the best textures from every texture-pack, but at least ask before adding.
Edit: Fricken' Ninja'
Like I said, I don't want credit for their work
I only take credit for the textures that I made, such as
the glass texture and the diamond and gold tools
However I do apologize if I have offended any of the creators
So it's not a big deal. If you're truly disturbed by this, open a window and let the sunlight in. You let ridiculous things disturb you.
Thank you koolwitak, it looks great. I was waiting for the download link; I'm going to try it out now.
Thank you so much for your support, its nice to have a few people who appreciate what I'm doing
And to anyone who still thinks I'm stealing, I made sure to ask
the creator of the Painterly Pack before using his/her textures
On that note, with this addition of this beautiful pack,
I should be updating Mixcraft very soon with some great new textures
Good idea, I'm going to edit the original post and state which textures are mine
as well as give credit to every other texture pack I used
I jumped on Painterly Pack only because of how amazing it was
and because I just happen to have refreshed the page when it was posted
As for giving him time, I have no doubt Painterly Pack will be well praised
Although, just to be fair, I will wait a while before updating mine, like you suggested
I agree, they are pretty badass, but unfortunately it does matter...
The only reason I dont use high quality textures is it causes the brick-fire and gold-fire glitch
I can shrink the image from 512x512 to 256x256, but the doors may become blurry
I will give it a try and edit this post when I decide what to do
Yeah, resizing the doors made them lose their appeal...
It was a really good suggestion though
I'm actually looking for a good obsidian... any suggestions?
- New TNT texture
- Updated sapling texture
- New cloud texture
- Better workbench background texture
- Darker leather icon
- New saddle icon
- Better chicken texture
I just want to make the best selling point of this texture pack for me:
- Animated water and lava.
So many good texture packs have screwed up water and lava and I just can't play Minecraft that way. This texture pack retain it and add some amazing stuff.
Thanks a lot. (Also, thanks for the original creators of each individual texture).
Thank you, it really means a lot that you registered just to thank me
If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them (even if its something small)
Also make sure to check in every once in a while for future updates!
- Added a new "no clouds" option (in its own folder)
- Better cactus bottom texture
- Better wood bottom texture
- Fixed the sapling texture a bit
I also made small changes to each of the following:
- Stone and iron tools, arrows, bowls, meat, buckets, reeds,
eggs, apples, seeds, bread, both flowers, both mushrooms
NOTE: The smaller changes are less noticable, but trust me, they look better
As I have said before, PLEASE make suggestions! (or constructive criticism)
The more you guys comment, the better I know what I should change
(Make sure Minecraft is NOT running while trying to install this pack!!)
Go into: Drive C > Documents and Settings > Users > Master Account > Appdata > Roaming > .minecraft > bin
Open the folder "Minecraft.jar" with the program "winRAR" ---> http://www.win-rar.com/download.html
Open "Mixcraft"
Drag the pictures from the folders in my pack to their corresponding folders in Minecraft.jar
(Make sure you are copying JUST the pictures, not the entire folder)
A message will come up when you try to replace one of the pictures, just click OK
When you are finished, start Minecraft
terrain.png goes in the main folder, with all the random lettered files,
(terrain.png does NOT go in the folder "terrain")
items.png goes in the folder "gui"
(items.png does NOT go in the folder "item")
All the animal textures go in the folder "mob"
Clouds, dirt, particles, and water also go in Minecraft.jar (the main folder) along with terrain.png
Sun and moon go in the folder "terrain"
Appdata is a hidden folder
To see it, go to: Control Panel > folder options > view > show hidden files and folders (check the box)
Then click "apply"
Then check the Master Account folder again, it should be there
You dont put them in the .minecraft folder
From there, you have to open "bin" and then open "minecraft.jar" with the program "winRAR"
Then put the pictures in their corresponding folders
IMPORTANT!! ---> items.png does not go in the "items" folder, it goes in the "gui" folder
---> terrain.png does not go in the "terrain" folder, it goes in the main "minecraft.jar" folder