Every time i try to save an image, i keep getting the error
Cannot create file "{path_to_world}\world\.Unmined\Cache.0\r.4-3.zip". Access is denied
(the .rar file is random, not always the same one.)
I know this is still a preview/dev version of the software, but saving an image should be one of the most basic feature of any map generator program.
Perhaps the problem is caused by unmined loading up the slices into the program in the back, so as a temporary solution: being able to save the image before loading up the whole map in the program.
Great program, can't wait till you support cmd due to the lack of updated programs that can generate overview png maps quickly. So usefull for generating a compilation of images over time that just can't be reasonable done with a lot of the more recent mapers.
No, unless you use the WorldDownloader mod, then load the file that creates up in Unmined.
Unless you have access to the folder where the multiplayer files are located, in which case, you can just point unmined to that folder. Works over the internet as well, although quite slow.
Is there anyway to load multiplier maps into this application?
Here's how you do it.
You install the World Downloader mod, you go onto the server, you turn it on, you turn it off. Then open up Unmined, choose the world with the IP address of the server. Let it load. Now turn on *Active Render* and *Follow player*
Now you can turn world downloader back on and walk around. I suggest that every ten minutes you check your progress on how much you have gathered by turning it off then back on and checking in unmined.
Unlike the other 2D mappers, this makes a pretty map. Good job!
*EDIT: Plus it's really fast!
*EDIT2:Although on windows 7, what looks like an export button seems broken or disabled (gray and unclickable)
Great work so far and i love the easy to use function of this. Couple suggestions or idea's or whatever
button to re-render a open map that is not using the live update so if you change options like, turning off water depth
the ability to add map notes. like a Google pin so that when the map is rendered it it shows the tag "Village One" or whatever you set it to? Be kinda nice so i don't have to go back in and re-edit the new .png or .bmp
the ability to turn off aspects of the render, like render surface only
i really would like to see this updated especially for the custom block support... i like this mapper even better then minutor. it has great potential !
i really would like to see this updated especially for the custom block support... i like this mapper even better then minutor. it has great potential !
Engine in 0.4.x already supports custom blocks and biomes, GUI for easy setup will be released in few days i hope. Unmined 0.4 contains an example configuration set for Trees++, and you can create additional sets for other mods using a simple text editor like notepad.
Engine in 0.4.x already supports custom blocks and biomes, GUI for easy setup will be released in few days i hope. Unmined 0.4 contains an example configuration set for Trees++, and you can create additional sets for other mods using a simple text editor like notepad.
Sounds good. I hope you had a fun summer.
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- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
I did some fiddling around in your XML files but found no example of setting specific block colors in your beta release (0.4.224) with regards to custom block colors.
Custom block coloring is not available yet. Unmined uses these set.* XML files to recognize custom blocks as they are (ground, trees, buildings, etc.). Colors are based on TerrainClasses attribute by default and generated by the terracoloring algorithm. You will able to configure the algorithm and specify custom block colors using another configuration files called color schemes. Changing set.* files requires the entire database to be rebuilt, but color schemes can be switched on the fly.
Hey, about the slice feature. Could you add an option to reverse it? I want to plan something using various altitudes and it would be easier if I only saw blocks above a certain level, to see the shape of the area. Thanks in advance
Or just a second slider showing only above it.
(the .rar file is random, not always the same one.)
I know this is still a preview/dev version of the software, but saving an image should be one of the most basic feature of any map generator program.
Perhaps the problem is caused by unmined loading up the slices into the program in the back, so as a temporary solution: being able to save the image before loading up the whole map in the program.
Also, the option to use custom colors would be cool.
Unless you have access to the folder where the multiplayer files are located, in which case, you can just point unmined to that folder. Works over the internet as well, although quite slow.
My Drags~ Please click on them to keep them from starving
Here's how you do it.
You install the World Downloader mod, you go onto the server, you turn it on, you turn it off. Then open up Unmined, choose the world with the IP address of the server. Let it load. Now turn on *Active Render* and *Follow player*
Now you can turn world downloader back on and walk around. I suggest that every ten minutes you check your progress on how much you have gathered by turning it off then back on and checking in unmined.
*EDIT: Plus it's really fast!
*EDIT2:Although on windows 7, what looks like an export button seems broken or disabled (gray and unclickable)
Windows 7 here, no issues with exporting
Great work so far and i love the easy to use function of this. Couple suggestions or idea's or whatever
It's summer, and I had a lot of work. Now I have more time on Unmined in August, stay tuned.
Engine in 0.4.x already supports custom blocks and biomes, GUI for easy setup will be released in few days i hope. Unmined 0.4 contains an example configuration set for Trees++, and you can create additional sets for other mods using a simple text editor like notepad.
Sounds good. I hope you had a fun summer.
- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
- Dungeon Generator for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
- QuickSAVE-QuickLOAD for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
Custom block coloring is not available yet. Unmined uses these set.* XML files to recognize custom blocks as they are (ground, trees, buildings, etc.). Colors are based on TerrainClasses attribute by default and generated by the terracoloring algorithm. You will able to configure the algorithm and specify custom block colors using another configuration files called color schemes. Changing set.* files requires the entire database to be rebuilt, but color schemes can be switched on the fly.
I like your idea, it will be implemented, thanks