Hey Guys! This is not meant to be anything special at all! This is just a simple proof-of-concept and some people wanted this to download and take offline. Anyone could've coded this. It is a simple launcher for Notch's Ludum Dare Entry 'MiniCraft'. This program can take Screenshots, and play the game, very simple features, and it works as a launcher. This can also be played offline, and taken to school and etc.
I'll Update the Text Later. But I can code more for this launcher if requested. I've already added Screenshots and a Simple Pause Feature. This is not at all my best work XD. Just a test.
-Just wanted to say that this was taken with the screenshot feature :tongue.gif:
Anyway, Here is the download link. Hope you enjoy it, and don't rage on me. Though, if you do... :tongue.gif: OK :biggrin.gif:!
I'll Work on Save Games. May have to learn java for that, but I think it may be possible. I'll also try to add in Notch's Other Ludum Dare Games. :smile.gif:
I can probably add Save Features today. But Only for Maps... I don't know how to save the Inventory, or Blocks Removed, or anything besides the Generated Map.
*custom skins?
*placing blocks?
*somehow integrate prelude to the chambered?
*better torches
*more monsters (thus more noms, or bed to make a save-point
* super weapon: notched pickaxe, unless you take an arrow to the knee of course... please don't hit me.
I know that most of these are for the most part unrealistic at this point, but nonetheless i have poured my heart out as to where i want this little gem and instant classic to go. great launcher too of course.
I'll Update the Text Later. But I can code more for this launcher if requested. I've already added Screenshots and a Simple Pause Feature. This is not at all my best work XD. Just a test.
-Just wanted to say that this was taken with the screenshot feature :tongue.gif:
Anyway, Here is the download link. Hope you enjoy it, and don't rage on me. Though, if you do... :tongue.gif: OK :biggrin.gif:!
[Windows Only Launcher]
Comes with Screenshot Taker, and Reset Button.
Just the game by itself.
I plan on adding more to this, but I need feedback and requests from you guys :smile.gif:
I will soon add Saves :tongue.gif:
maybe homo?is it possible to do some kind of save game thingys?
I'll figure it out.
Almost forgot your diamonds!
Also, does this mean that Minicraft can be moded?
Is there a way you could add a save feature?
edit: also another suggestion.
Maybe be able to maximize the screen so you're not limited to such a small section.
Woo! looking forward to it.
*custom skins?
*placing blocks?
*somehow integrate prelude to the chambered?
*better torches
*more monsters (thus more noms, or bed to make a save-point
* super weapon: notched pickaxe, unless you take an arrow to the knee of course... please don't hit me.
I know that most of these are for the most part unrealistic at this point, but nonetheless i have poured my heart out as to where i want this little gem and instant classic to go. great launcher too of course.
and you get 100 diamonds : :Diamond::Diamond: :