AMIDST ProjectFormerly Minecraft Stronghold Finder Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking
AMIDST is designed to help enhance the process of finding structures, biomes, and players in minecraft.
By accessing your minecraft files, it's able to draw the biomes of the world out and show where points of interest are likely to be.
What AMIDST can do.
- Find Strongholds
- Find Villages
- Find Witch huts
- Find Temples
- Find Player Spawn
- Map Biomes
- Move Players
- Save an image of the map
- Load map data from different versions of Minecraft.
What AMIDST can't do.
- Show modifications to the world.
- Give information on individual blocks.
READ ME [INFO] 57Digital appears to have made an iOS verison of this! (iTunes link) [BUG] Spawn points, villages, temples, and witch huts may be slightly less accurate than normal. [BUG] Moving your player on the map WILL put you into the sky. It is unclear on how to fix this issue. [INFO] AMIDST uses Google Analytics to anonymously gather general statistics. [INFO] AMIDST attempts to check for updates each launch. [INFO] AMIDST is now completely open-source. Check it out on GitHub.
Please report all bugs with as much detail as possible to the issue tracker.
Feel free to also make a post, or send me an email at: [email protected]
Please note: I am unable to create Mac builds for the moment. I suggest using the Linux version as a Mac user. The current link may be broken.
Previous Changes:
Since there were quite a few, I've grouped them a bit. (Hopefully I don't miss any) Major Changes:
- AMIDST is now under GPL v3
- Completely reworked the profile selector.
- Added automatic seed histories. If AMIDST detects a "history.txt" file next to it, it will write a time stamp followed by the seed for each seed you enter.
- Added smooth fragment fading. (This may be disabled in the options menu) Enabling this will cause all fragments to fade in when loaded.
- Most crashes now create a "crash dialog" containing a log that can easily be pasted.
- A licenses window has been added to the help menu. This will contain all relevant license information for AMIDST and its libraries.
- Added option to set the default world type to any of the world types or "prompt each time".
- Switching maps no longer eats up extra memory. (This will be a huge improvement in memory/processing performance when loading new maps)
- Rendering speeds have been vastly improved.
- Fixed issue where files would not be properly closed.
Minor Changes/Fixes:
- Hidden files/folders now show when opening a world from a file/folder.
- Added 1.7.4 to official version list.
- A new option is availible in the Options menu called "Show Debug Info". Enabling this will add a small panel to the map viewer containing debug information on fragments.
- Library loading now follows OS rules correctly. (This should fix a number of errors with loading)
- AMIDST now returns "4" on crashes. This will change at a later date to include various error codes.
- Mac OS X users should no longer experience the "corrupted" issue.
Command Line Support:
- Added a "-mcpath " flag for users to specify the path to their .minecraft directory.
- Added "-log " flag. Using this flag will cause AMIDST to write all log output to the specified file. AMIDST should create a file if it does not exist.
- Added "-history " to specify where AMIDST should write seed history to. If AMIDST cannot find a file at the path you've specified, it will attempt to make one.
Biome Color Profiles:
Overview: This was something that was added in 3.5, but I've improved on a bit for 3.6. Color profiles let you set what color each biome shows up as. To activate them, simply create a folder named "biome" next to AMIDST. After launching AMIDST again, a new file should appear in that folder called "default.js". It will contain the default options for a color profile. You may edit this directly, or create new color profiles within the folder (following the same design as default.js). Any subdirectories will show up as sub-menus. (There is also support for shortcuts, as mentioned in this post)
- Added support for biome nicknames. (Example: [ "Ice Plains", { "alias":"Really cold place", "r":255, "g":255, "b":255 } ] )
- Duplicate biome colors are now supported.
- default.json is not much cleaner.
- Biome profiles no longer cause an empty profile list when there's a syntax error.
- A new menu option for reloading your list of biome color profiles has been added.
- Fixed issue where some Mac OS X users would not have their window refresh.
- Fixed loading from amplified worlds.
- Fixed the map jumping around when a menu was opened.
- Selecting the default profile will now attempt to load 1.7.2.
- Adjusted the organization of some menus.
- Added 1.7.2 to official version list.
- AMIDST will now only load the libraries specified by the selected version.
- Added support for biome color profiles. An explanation of this will later be added to the wiki. Until then, please use check the latest forums posts or ask around.
- Basic wiki page added to BitBucket here.
- Mac OS X version now launches with extra memory.
3.4 - Added support for 13w39a/b
- AMIDST now loads all libraries contained in the .minecraft/libraries folder.
- Greatly reduced the file size for AMIDST.
- Increased performance for filling in image data.
- Slightly reduce memory usage for structure generation.
- Added official support for 13w37b.
- Reduced memory usage from grid layer.
- Increased performance for drawing biome layer.
- Added FPS counter.
- Improved detection of multiplayer maps.
- Major performance improvements for zoomed out maps.
- Added spawn location icon.
- Added option to toggle framerate panel in the menus.
- Added official support for 13w38a/1.6.4.
- (Default) now selects 1.6.4
Outdated Versions
If you are interested in the old Minecraft Stronghold Finder, all the old information can be found here:
Minecraft Stronghold [/media]
Downloads & VersionsNo point in reading this if you don't download it!
Version 1.4.1 <---- Download if you have 1.9-pre 5 or 4
Download EXE or JAR The EXE version now works!
-Updated for 1.9-pre4!
-Fixed a bug where it sometimes wouldn't work.
Older Versions: Version 0.4.2 <---- Download if you have 1.8.1
Download ad free (JAR)(EXE)
Download through (JAR)(EXE)
Version 1.3.1 <---- Download if you have 1.9-pre 3
Download EXE or JAR
-Should work with 1.9-pre 3. Officially.
Version 1.2 <---- Download if you have 1.9-pre 1 or 2
Download EXE or JAR
-Fixed several memory leaks that forced the program to stop working after awhile.
-Made a few things use way less memory.
-Fixed a bug that would prevent any villages/markers from being accurate when a X/Z offset was used.
-Supports searching for nether-structures.
-Automatically saves your preferences.
-Changed icon for strongholds so they're more noticeable.
-Added zoom in/out button to the map.
-Mouse wheel also zooms in/out on the map.
-Changed the title to reflect the current version ;P
-Added a biome map.
-Added searching for villages.
-New UI
-More options
-List of stuff.
-I dunno, I spent way too many hours working on this, and now I'm tired.
Version 0.5 Download through
( version will be available within a day or two-- I just wanted to test something, I hope no one hates me for it D: )
-NOW WORKS WITH 1.9! Besides that, it's the same-old
-Now is incredibly accurate! You should just be able to dig down. However, in rare cases you'll end up between the walls, just dig to the side or something.
-Added support for the "invalid biome" issue. So it'll at least tell you that there's no stronghold there.
-A reminder from the last version (Which was only out a day) seeds like "poppycock" will now be properly read!
-Added support for non-number seeds. (i.e. if your seed was "watermelon" it was now correctly convert to a number as it would in minecraft) WARNING: Don't accidentally have a space in your seed number! It will mess things up!
Version 0.2 Download
-Changed labels of stronghold 2/3 so they actually display the right numbers.
-Greatly changed the formula for finding the second and third stronghold. This should be MUCH more accurate for both of those.
-Added my name to the top!
Version 0.1 Download
-I've only tested the first stronghold coordinates, the other two will probably NOT be accurate.
-Occasionally the coordinate won't be accurate. (It's pretty rare)
Original topic is here. Additionally, the download to AMIDST v2.1 can be found here:
Version 2.1 ---- Works with 1.8.1, all 1.9-pre, 1.0, 1.1, 12w03a - 12w08a, 1.2.4-1.2.5, 12w19a - 12w27a, 1.3-pre, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2.
( Ad free ) Windows [Exe]
( Ad free ) Mac OS X [App] ( Ad free ) Linux [Jar]
( Ad free ) Windows with AV issues. [7z]
I dont understod how to use the program. I got 6 numbers, what they are?
Hah, forgot to change the labels for 2 and 3. xD (This is also skidoodle)
Anyway, the first row is what you want, just ignore the rest for now. I'm still trying to figure out why they don't work.
you try making it then and within a few hours after the update comes out aswell
yeh i didnt think you could
it works good enough for me and everyone else so why do you have to complain
What, does he not have the right to complain because it's not working for him? It may be working for everybody else, but it's not working for him. He's not judging the skills of the programmer, anyway. He never said he was a better programmer.
Anyways, it's a nifty little tool, but it doesn't work very well for me. Have yet to find one.
Not a Large issue since the first two Strongholds were within 25 blocks or so of the first 2. but number three is nowhere to be found. Just letting ya know that Number 3 can still be way off mark.
This is an INSANELY usefull little program mate. Thanks for programming it.
Not a Large issue since the first two Strongholds were within 25 blocks or so of the first 2. but number three is nowhere to be found. Just letting ya know that Number 3 can still be way off mark.
This is an INSANELY usefull little program mate. Thanks for programming it.
Yeah, it was pretty much a "best guess" kinda thing with the second two. Without importing almost all the minecraft code I doubt I could accurately predict where they are. But I'll try to look into changing the code for the third one.
On a side note, on one of the maps, I actually found the third one close to where it said, but the whole stonghold was only about two rooms large.
Aye I was thinking this as well. Perhaps there may be an issue with the actual generation of the third stronghold. And Your program is actually VERY close to where it SHOULD be, but the game simply is not genning it.
This I find very likely given the fact that the game doesnt even load snow biomes anymore, so yeah. I am leaning towards it being an issue with the game actually Generating the third Stronghold correctly, Not your program not finding it.
Aye I was thinking this as well. Perhaps there may be an issue with the actual generation of the third stronghold. And Your program is actually VERY close to where it SHOULD be, but the game simply is not genning it.
This I find very likely given the fact that the game doesnt even load snow biomes anymore, so yeah. I am leaning towards it being an issue with the game actually Generating the third Stronghold correctly, Not your program not finding it.
As a side note, strongholds appear to have specific biomes they can/can't spawn in.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Your program works good enough for me to find all three strongholds in my map (7988829313288462737) with Minutor. :cool.gif:
Of course they were in regions I hadn't explored before ...
Your programm: -274, -675
My World: -252, -700
Your programm: 898, 162
My World: 916, 180
Your programm: -463, 716
My World: -492, 691
The coordinates I've given belong to the highest point of each stronghold, usually a spiral staircase.
Thanks a bunch, I really can't imagine how you figured it out in that short a time.
I just used it to find one of the strongholds in a new world, and it was spot on. My coordinates were x: 664, z: -794 and my seed was -7564432966213283149 (it was randomly generated). Awesome tool, that's for sure!
NOTICE: This version of Amidst is out of date, and no longer being maintained. A newer version of this program can be found here:
AMIDST Project Formerly Minecraft Stronghold Finder
Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking
AMIDST is designed to help enhance the process of finding structures, biomes, and players in minecraft.
By accessing your minecraft files, it's able to draw the biomes of the world out and show where points of interest are likely to be.
What AMIDST can do.
- Find Strongholds
- Find Villages
- Find Witch huts
- Find Temples
- Find Player Spawn
- Map Biomes
- Move Players
- Save an image of the map
- Load map data from different versions of Minecraft.
What AMIDST can't do.
- Show modifications to the world.
- Give information on individual blocks.
[INFO] 57Digital appears to have made an iOS verison of this! (iTunes link)
[BUG] Spawn points, villages, temples, and witch huts may be slightly less accurate than normal.
[BUG] Moving your player on the map WILL put you into the sky. It is unclear on how to fix this issue.
[INFO] AMIDST uses Google Analytics to anonymously gather general statistics.
[INFO] AMIDST attempts to check for updates each launch.
[INFO] AMIDST is now completely open-source. Check it out on GitHub.
Please report all bugs with as much detail as possible to the issue tracker.
Feel free to also make a post, or send me an email at: [email protected]
AMIDST v3.7 Supports 1.2.4 - 1.7.4
( Ad free | ) Windows [Exe]
( Ad free | ) Mac OS X [App]
( Ad free | ) Linux [Jar]
Please note: I am unable to create Mac builds for the moment. I suggest using the Linux version as a Mac user. The current link may be broken.
Previous Changes:
Since there were quite a few, I've grouped them a bit. (Hopefully I don't miss any)
Major Changes:
- AMIDST is now under GPL v3
- Completely reworked the profile selector.
- Added automatic seed histories. If AMIDST detects a "history.txt" file next to it, it will write a time stamp followed by the seed for each seed you enter.
- Added smooth fragment fading. (This may be disabled in the options menu) Enabling this will cause all fragments to fade in when loaded.
- Most crashes now create a "crash dialog" containing a log that can easily be pasted.
- A licenses window has been added to the help menu. This will contain all relevant license information for AMIDST and its libraries.
- Added option to set the default world type to any of the world types or "prompt each time".
- Switching maps no longer eats up extra memory. (This will be a huge improvement in memory/processing performance when loading new maps)
- Rendering speeds have been vastly improved.
- Fixed issue where files would not be properly closed.
Minor Changes/Fixes:
- Hidden files/folders now show when opening a world from a file/folder.
- Added 1.7.4 to official version list.
- A new option is availible in the Options menu called "Show Debug Info". Enabling this will add a small panel to the map viewer containing debug information on fragments.
- Library loading now follows OS rules correctly. (This should fix a number of errors with loading)
- AMIDST now returns "4" on crashes. This will change at a later date to include various error codes.
- Mac OS X users should no longer experience the "corrupted" issue.
Command Line Support:
- Added a "-mcpath " flag for users to specify the path to their .minecraft directory.
- Added "-log " flag. Using this flag will cause AMIDST to write all log output to the specified file. AMIDST should create a file if it does not exist.
- Added "-history " to specify where AMIDST should write seed history to. If AMIDST cannot find a file at the path you've specified, it will attempt to make one.
Biome Color Profiles:
Overview: This was something that was added in 3.5, but I've improved on a bit for 3.6. Color profiles let you set what color each biome shows up as. To activate them, simply create a folder named "biome" next to AMIDST. After launching AMIDST again, a new file should appear in that folder called "default.js". It will contain the default options for a color profile. You may edit this directly, or create new color profiles within the folder (following the same design as default.js). Any subdirectories will show up as sub-menus. (There is also support for shortcuts, as mentioned in this post)
- Added support for biome nicknames. (Example: [ "Ice Plains", { "alias":"Really cold place", "r":255, "g":255, "b":255 } ] )
- Duplicate biome colors are now supported.
- default.json is not much cleaner.
- Biome profiles no longer cause an empty profile list when there's a syntax error.
- A new menu option for reloading your list of biome color profiles has been added.
- Fixed issue where some Mac OS X users would not have their window refresh.
- Fixed loading from amplified worlds.
- Fixed the map jumping around when a menu was opened.
- Selecting the default profile will now attempt to load 1.7.2.
- Adjusted the organization of some menus.
- Added 1.7.2 to official version list.
- AMIDST will now only load the libraries specified by the selected version.
- Added support for biome color profiles. An explanation of this will later be added to the wiki. Until then, please use check the latest forums posts or ask around.
- Basic wiki page added to BitBucket here.
- Mac OS X version now launches with extra memory.
- Added support for 13w39a/b
- AMIDST now loads all libraries contained in the .minecraft/libraries folder.
- Greatly reduced the file size for AMIDST.
- Increased performance for filling in image data.
- Slightly reduce memory usage for structure generation.
- Added official support for 13w37b.
- Reduced memory usage from grid layer.
- Increased performance for drawing biome layer.
- Added FPS counter.
- Improved detection of multiplayer maps.
- Major performance improvements for zoomed out maps.
- Added spawn location icon.
- Added option to toggle framerate panel in the menus.
- Added official support for 13w38a/1.6.4.
- (Default) now selects 1.6.4
Older versions

All versions of AMIDST 3+ are available for download at:
Special thanks
A big thanks to the people over at for their very generous support.
Supporting the project
Aside from using, there are a few ways you can help improve AMIDST.
Check out the GitHub page. Bug submissions, feature suggestions, and any improvements to the source code are always welcome.
Due to requests, I have now added a donation link back in.
A video tutorial on v3.0 will be up eventually. Until then, here are some screenshots:
License information can be found at
Outdated Versions
If you are interested in the old Minecraft Stronghold Finder, all the old information can be found here:
Downloads & Versions No point in reading this if you don't download it!
Version 1.4.1 <---- Download if you have 1.9-pre 5 or 4
Download EXE or JAR
The EXE version now works!
-Updated for 1.9-pre4!
-Fixed a bug where it sometimes wouldn't work.
Older Versions:
Version 0.4.2 <---- Download if you have 1.8.1
Download ad free (JAR) (EXE)
Download through (JAR) (EXE)
Download EXE or JAR
-Should work with 1.9-pre 3. Officially.
Version 1.2 <---- Download if you have 1.9-pre 1 or 2
Download EXE or JAR
-Fixed several memory leaks that forced the program to stop working after awhile.
-Made a few things use way less memory.
-Fixed a bug that would prevent any villages/markers from being accurate when a X/Z offset was used.
Version 1.1
Download EXE or JAR
-Supports searching for nether-structures.
-Automatically saves your preferences.
-Changed icon for strongholds so they're more noticeable.
-Added zoom in/out button to the map.
-Mouse wheel also zooms in/out on the map.
-Changed the title to reflect the current version ;P
Version 1.0-beta
Download EXE or JAR
-Added a biome map.
-Added searching for villages.
-New UI
-More options
-List of stuff.
-I dunno, I spent way too many hours working on this, and now I'm tired.
Version 0.5
Download through
( version will be available within a day or two-- I just wanted to test something, I hope no one hates me for it D: )
-NOW WORKS WITH 1.9! Besides that, it's the same-old
Version 0.4.2 (and 0.4.1)
Download ad free
Download through
-(0.4.2) Fixed a UI bug that would make this application useless in Mac OS X.
-(0.4.1) Negative numbers now work! (Sorry about that!)
Version 0.4
Download ad free
Download through
-Now is incredibly accurate! You should just be able to dig down. However, in rare cases you'll end up between the walls, just dig to the side or something.
-Added support for the "invalid biome" issue. So it'll at least tell you that there's no stronghold there.
-A reminder from the last version (Which was only out a day) seeds like "poppycock" will now be properly read!
Version 0.3
Download ad free
Download through
-Added support for non-number seeds. (i.e. if your seed was "watermelon" it was now correctly convert to a number as it would in minecraft) WARNING: Don't accidentally have a space in your seed number! It will mess things up!
Version 0.2
-Changed labels of stronghold 2/3 so they actually display the right numbers.
-Greatly changed the formula for finding the second and third stronghold. This should be MUCH more accurate for both of those.
-Added my name to the top!
Version 0.1
-I've only tested the first stronghold coordinates, the other two will probably NOT be accurate.
-Occasionally the coordinate won't be accurate. (It's pretty rare)
Original topic is here. Additionally, the download to AMIDST v2.1 can be found here:
( Ad free ) Windows [Exe]
( Ad free ) Mac OS X [App] ( Ad free ) Linux [Jar]
( Ad free ) Windows with AV issues. [7z]
Hah, forgot to change the labels for 2 and 3. xD (This is also skidoodle)
Anyway, the first row is what you want, just ignore the rest for now. I'm still trying to figure out why they don't work.
My stronghold: 779,-27
God job man
My seed is 4815162342
My coords are supposedly: 840,568
Nothin'. Sorry :S
I only found 2 dungeons =/
810,494 and 906,598
What, does he not have the right to complain because it's not working for him? It may be working for everybody else, but it's not working for him. He's not judging the skills of the programmer, anyway. He never said he was a better programmer.
Anyways, it's a nifty little tool, but it doesn't work very well for me. Have yet to find one.
worked on first try!
you are EPIC!!!
i wont need them anymore!
Check out the original thread linked in the OP.
Try out the new release! :biggrin.gif:
(This is Skidoodle until my main account isn't considered "new")
The 3rd dungeon coords Do not work for my seed.
Not a Large issue since the first two Strongholds were within 25 blocks or so of the first 2. but number three is nowhere to be found. Just letting ya know that Number 3 can still be way off mark.
This is an INSANELY usefull little program mate. Thanks for programming it.
Make sure there are no extra spaces, decimals, or words! :biggrin.gif:
That should solve the problem.
Yeah, it was pretty much a "best guess" kinda thing with the second two. Without importing almost all the minecraft code I doubt I could accurately predict where they are. But I'll try to look into changing the code for the third one.
On a side note, on one of the maps, I actually found the third one close to where it said, but the whole stonghold was only about two rooms large.
A bug perhaps?
This I find very likely given the fact that the game doesnt even load snow biomes anymore, so yeah. I am leaning towards it being an issue with the game actually Generating the third Stronghold correctly, Not your program not finding it.
As a side note, strongholds appear to have specific biomes they can/can't spawn in.
Of course they were in regions I hadn't explored before ...
Your programm: -274, -675
My World: -252, -700
Your programm: 898, 162
My World: 916, 180
Your programm: -463, 716
My World: -492, 691
The coordinates I've given belong to the highest point of each stronghold, usually a spiral staircase.
Thanks a bunch, I really can't imagine how you figured it out in that short a time.