This mod installer is a unix shell script that runs in termnal and does a lot of the hard work for you, just run and the script and follow the instructions. The code i used for the extraction of the jar code was done with the help of Risugami at the rest was done by me.
EDIT: Also for some reason it does not save the permisions so just drag "Install Minecraft" in to Terminal (/Applications/Utilities) and press return then it will run.
read -p "Please close Minecraft then press any key to continue...
" -n1 -s; cd ~; mkdir mctmp; cd mctmp; jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar; read -p "Drag mods into mctmp in home folder then press any key to continue...
" -n1 -s; rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.*; jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./; cd ..; rm -rf mctmp; echo "Mods installed :D"
LOL fail. This is mac only, you pc users with all your "OMG IZ IT A VIRUZ" panic can go somewhere else.
Virus-Free OS FTW!
I already have an app that does this, won't be downloading. It has 3 buttons, First one makes a backup of your .jar; Second one makes the mctmp folder on the desktop; third one recompiles it.
App is Minecraft Jar Tool, would post link but i can't find it.
EDIT: Also for some reason it does not save the permisions so just drag "Install Minecraft" in to Terminal (/Applications/Utilities) and press return then it will run.
or if you are a computer safety freak here is the the code to run in Terminal:
I made this map! Please check it out! It's a really awesome map that took me over a year to make! :3
LOL fail. This is mac only, you pc users with all your "OMG IZ IT A VIRUZ" panic can go somewhere else.
Virus-Free OS FTW!
I already have an app that does this, won't be downloading. It has 3 buttons, First one makes a backup of your .jar; Second one makes the mctmp folder on the desktop; third one recompiles it.
App is Minecraft Jar Tool, would post link but i can't find it.