This is absolutely awesome in every possible way. I wish this had existed when I created my server's ocean map. It would have been 100x easier and more awesome looking.
The only thing that could make it better is some kind of 3D preview pane. As it stands, it can be hard to visualize just what certain features look like without having to export and load the whole map. It wouldn't have to be something complex, hell it could even be totally unlit and untextured. Just something to view the landscape blocks with.
How do you associate .jar files with java, because i can't use jarfix, and whenever i try java -jar WorldPainter.jar it says " Unable to access jarfile WorldPainter.jar".
How do you associate .jar files with java, because i can't use jarfix, and whenever i try java -jar WorldPainter.jar it says " Unable to access jarfile WorldPainter.jar".
That means that you're not executing the command from inside the directory where WorldPainter.jar is. Try changing the current directory to the directory in which WorldPainter.jar is located first, using the CD command. See for more info (assuming you're on Windows).
The only thing that could make it better is some kind of 3D preview pane. As it stands, it can be hard to visualize just what certain features look like without having to export and load the whole map. It wouldn't have to be something complex, hell it could even be totally unlit and untextured. Just something to view the landscape blocks with.
Yeah, that would be very handy. It would be very complex to make though, so while it may happen I wouldn't count on it any time soon...
UGH. I changed the biome by changing the seed on my map, but It didnt save anything the player had built. And now EVERYTHING IS GONE. 2 weeks of work. UGH. I even backed up my saves but the saves- copy folder was deleted by your program or something. :sad.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif:
UGH. I changed the biome by changing the seed on my map, but It didnt save anything the player had built. And now EVERYTHING IS GONE. 2 weeks of work. UGH.
I'm sorry to hear that! I'm surprised though; if you don't change anything in WorldPainter, the map should be unchanged after merging it. And any chunks that have manual constructs in them should have been marked read-only and be extra protected. Are you sure you did not do anything else besides changing the seed?
Edit: you did do a merge, right? You didn't import an existing map, and then export it as a new map right over your old map, instead of merging it?
I even backed up my saves but the saves- copy folder was deleted by your program or something. :sad.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif:
No, my program does not delete anything. If you backed up your saves folder the backup should still be there, and if it isn't, something else happened to it.
However, WorldPainter itself also makes a backup when you merge a world. It told you where it put it when you did the merge, but if you missed that, there should be a folder called "backups" next to your "saves" folder, which has a backup of the map before the merge.
WorldPainter also makes backups if you export a world over an existing map, so even if you did that by mistake there should be a backup. But in the future, remember that if you imported a world from an existing map, you should merge it, not export it, to bring the changes back into Minecraft.
i got a bug where it started saving my maps as files insead of world files so i had to reinstall, do you know why this happened?
I don't understand what you mean. "Files instead of world files"? World files are files...
Is it possible that you got confused about something? There is no way that WorldPainter suddenly started saving different kinds of files, or that reinstalling it changed anything. If you save a world it is saved as a .world file (always was, always will be), and if you export or merge it it is saved as a level.dat file and a bunch of .mcr files.
But at least everything is working correctly again for you now?
Whenever i use jarfix and then double click the WorldPainter, a black box appears and then goes away in a split second.
Strange. There must be some configuration or installation problem on your computer which is causing an error. It's the first I've heard of jarfix not being able to fix the problem.
You should be able to get the manual command to work though, with the information in my previous post. It's important to either execute the command from the directory where WorldPainter.jar is located, or to specify the full path to WorldPainter.jar. For example, if the file is on your desktop it might be something like:
(You'll have to find out the exact path yourself though.) Even if you specify the correct path, it still might not start (since it doesn't start when you doubleclick it either), but there should at least be an error message explaining why it won't start.
Intresting suggestion I thought of: Selection boxes. This would require two additional buttons (in addition to the selection button) to control the tools.
How it would work: click the selection button. Click two spots on the map to create a selection (or drag and drop). Click the desired tool (selection will remain until the selection button is pressed again). The two additional buttons can be used to up/down, pain/un-paint, etc.
What would be even more spiffy would be a 'lasso' type selection tool. Selecting a crazy shaped area and using the elevation tool could result in some intresting formations.
Strange. There must be some configuration or installation problem on your computer which is causing an error. It's the first I've heard of jarfix not being able to fix the problem.
You should be able to get the manual command to work though, with the information in my previous post. It's important to either execute the command from the directory where WorldPainter.jar is located, or to specify the full path to WorldPainter.jar. For example, if the file is on your desktop it might be something like:
(You'll have to find out the exact path yourself though.) Even if you specify the correct path, it still might not start (since it doesn't start when you doubleclick it either), but there should at least be an error message explaining why it won't start.
OMG That worked thanks :smile.gif: Now i can create my AwesomeSauce islands!
The only thing that could make it better is some kind of 3D preview pane. As it stands, it can be hard to visualize just what certain features look like without having to export and load the whole map. It wouldn't have to be something complex, hell it could even be totally unlit and untextured. Just something to view the landscape blocks with.
This! Amazing program. If only you could change biomes. (I know that's not your fault tho)
I'm running World Painter on Mac and the only problem I've come across is that the paint mountain option doesn't work at all.
I see a certain discrepancy between your post, and the one immediately before it... :wink.gif:
It would be very surprising if just one tool did not work, just for you. The best way to use the mountain tool is:
Select the circular brush and the linear falloff
Increase the brush size to a decent size, something like 150 pixels (the brush size is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window as "radius")
Click where you want the mountain to be and keep the mouse button down and the mouse cursor in the same place. The mountain will keep growing while you keep the mouse button down, until the summit reaches the maximum height of 127.
If you want to create a mountain range instead of a single peak, start with a single peak, and then, while still holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse cursor away slowly. This will create a mountain ridge. If you drag away faster, the height of the summit will decrease faster (it's hard to explain, just experiment with different speeds of dragging the mouse).
To create a mountain range, create multiple branching mountain ridges. Whenever you click with the mountain tool the new mountain's summit starts at the height of the terrain where you clicked, so you can easily branch off new ridges from existing ones by clicking at the summit of the ridge and immediately start dragging away.
This technique will leave little peaks scattered along all the ridges. If you don't like the look of those, you can quickly pass over the ridges with the smooth tool (with a small diameter brush).
The normal terrain height of 63 does not give you much room to create imposing mountains. Try creating a new world with the terrain height at 16 (and the water level at 20), this will allow you to create much higher mountains (relative to the surrounding terrain).
If you really can't get the mountain tool to work even with these instructions, let me know!
This is AWSOME! Can't wait for updates with more advanced options, but I like using this to make islands , mountains and volcanoes, which is extreamly hard on MCEdit. Diamonds for you
Any news on whats going to be on the next release? Or any planned date for it?
Nope. I don't have a plan, so it will be as much a surprise for me as for you... :wink.gif:
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
The only thing that could make it better is some kind of 3D preview pane. As it stands, it can be hard to visualize just what certain features look like without having to export and load the whole map. It wouldn't have to be something complex, hell it could even be totally unlit and untextured. Just something to view the landscape blocks with.
That means that you're not executing the command from inside the directory where WorldPainter.jar is. Try changing the current directory to the directory in which WorldPainter.jar is located first, using the CD command. See for more info (assuming you're on Windows).
Why can't you use jarfix?
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
Yeah, that would be very handy. It would be very complex to make though, so while it may happen I wouldn't count on it any time soon...
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
I'm sorry to hear that! I'm surprised though; if you don't change anything in WorldPainter, the map should be unchanged after merging it. And any chunks that have manual constructs in them should have been marked read-only and be extra protected. Are you sure you did not do anything else besides changing the seed?
Edit: you did do a merge, right? You didn't import an existing map, and then export it as a new map right over your old map, instead of merging it?
No, my program does not delete anything. If you backed up your saves folder the backup should still be there, and if it isn't, something else happened to it.
However, WorldPainter itself also makes a backup when you merge a world. It told you where it put it when you did the merge, but if you missed that, there should be a folder called "backups" next to your "saves" folder, which has a backup of the map before the merge.
WorldPainter also makes backups if you export a world over an existing map, so even if you did that by mistake there should be a backup. But in the future, remember that if you imported a world from an existing map, you should merge it, not export it, to bring the changes back into Minecraft.
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
I don't understand what you mean. "Files instead of world files"? World files are files...
Is it possible that you got confused about something? There is no way that WorldPainter suddenly started saving different kinds of files, or that reinstalling it changed anything. If you save a world it is saved as a .world file (always was, always will be), and if you export or merge it it is saved as a level.dat file and a bunch of .mcr files.
But at least everything is working correctly again for you now?
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
Strange. There must be some configuration or installation problem on your computer which is causing an error. It's the first I've heard of jarfix not being able to fix the problem.
You should be able to get the manual command to work though, with the information in my previous post. It's important to either execute the command from the directory where WorldPainter.jar is located, or to specify the full path to WorldPainter.jar. For example, if the file is on your desktop it might be something like:
java -Xmx1G -jar C:\Users\TOOMUCHSUGARUGHH\Desktop\WorldPainter.jar
(You'll have to find out the exact path yourself though.) Even if you specify the correct path, it still might not start (since it doesn't start when you doubleclick it either), but there should at least be an error message explaining why it won't start.
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.
How it would work: click the selection button. Click two spots on the map to create a selection (or drag and drop). Click the desired tool (selection will remain until the selection button is pressed again). The two additional buttons can be used to up/down, pain/un-paint, etc.
What would be even more spiffy would be a 'lasso' type selection tool. Selecting a crazy shaped area and using the elevation tool could result in some intresting formations.
OMG That worked thanks :smile.gif: Now i can create my AwesomeSauce islands!
This! Amazing program. If only you could change biomes. (I know that's not your fault tho)
I see a certain discrepancy between your post, and the one immediately before it... :wink.gif:
It would be very surprising if just one tool did not work, just for you. The best way to use the mountain tool is:
To create a mountain range, create multiple branching mountain ridges. Whenever you click with the mountain tool the new mountain's summit starts at the height of the terrain where you clicked, so you can easily branch off new ridges from existing ones by clicking at the summit of the ridge and immediately start dragging away.
This technique will leave little peaks scattered along all the ridges. If you don't like the look of those, you can quickly pass over the ridges with the smooth tool (with a small diameter brush).
The normal terrain height of 63 does not give you much room to create imposing mountains. Try creating a new world with the terrain height at 16 (and the water level at 20), this will allow you to create much higher mountains (relative to the surrounding terrain).
If you really can't get the mountain tool to work even with these instructions, let me know!
I created WorldPainter. For support, please visit the WorldPainter subreddit.