Here it is, a cross-platform GUI for Tectonicus, the best Minecraft map renderer!
Minetographer is a Minecraft deep map renderer powered by OrangyTang's Tectonicus. It allows you to make highly detailed maps of your Minecraft worlds that are viewable using HTML. This makes it easy to create and load maps onto a web server to be viewed anywhere. Minetographer also prioritizes tasks according to system load to make the rendering process even faster and more stable.
Map generator screen: Minetographer will automatically list all your Minecraft worlds. Select one, choose your options and press Render Map to start the rendering process.
When the render is complete, Minetographer will open your map automatically. The generated map will look like the map seen below.
Day render:
Night render:
Cave render:
Custom texture pack render:
System Requirements:
XP, Vista, Windows 7
Java 1.6.0_25+
Mac OS X:
OS X 10.5.8+
Java 1.6
NOTE: Java 1.7 Beta for Mac is not supported!
In This Version:
- Title displays only version and not distribution.
- Render the Ender dimension. (Testing)
- Support for new 1.0 block types.
- Added option to update the map without a complete re-render.
- App settings is now in XML format instead of MDat format.
- Blog posts no longer trail way off the screen.
- No longer saves config files multiple times during startup.
- Settings panel has more intuitive user interface.
- Minor visual improvements.
Note: The plugin system is very minimal at this point. More classes will be added to the plugin libraries as need arises.
Plugin Example:
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Jacob Tyo
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are the property of Jacob Tyo. and cannot be modified or distributed
* without the permission of the owner.
import com.tyoinspired.minetographer.Application;
import com.tyoinspired.minetographer.adt.Plugin;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
* Description goes here.
* @author Jacob Tyo
* @version 11/6/2011
public class MinetographerPlugin implements Plugin {
public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "My First Plugin";
public static final String PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0";
public static final String PLUGIN_DEVELOPER = "Jacob Tyo";
private Application application;
* Entry point for the plugin. This method is called when Minetographer attempts
* to load the class.
* @param a Application class for interfacing with Minetographer.
public void run(Application a) {
* Initialize local variables.
private void init(Application a) {
application = a;
* Define the function of the plugin.
private void make() {
application.getPluginMenu().add(new JMenuItem("About " + getName()));
application.getPluginMenu().getItem(0).addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
System.out.println("Name: " + getName());
System.out.println("Version: " + getVersion());
System.out.println("Developer: " + getDeveloper());
* Returns the name of the plugin from PLUGIN_NAME.
* This method is required to return a valid String or the plugin will not load.
public String getName() {
* Returns the version of the plugin from PLUGIN_VERSION.
* This method is required to return a valid String or the plugin will not load.
public String getVersion() {
* Returns the name of the developer from PLUGIN_DEVELOPER.
* This method is required to return a valid String or the plugin will not load.
public String getDeveloper() {
Tectonicus is created and owned by OrangyTang. To see more about Tectonicus, visit its forum page here. If you like this software, you can donate to the Tectonicus project. I am only responsible for the GUI and other related software. He is responsible for the rendering engine that powers Minetographer. Minetographer is available under version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid world dir! No level.dat found in C:\Users\******\Documents\MineServerV3\world\level.dat
at tectonicus.World.<init>(
at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(
Does this only work with SP maps? This is what I get whenever I try to use it on an SMP map.
Thank you all for the feedback so far. I have taken your issues into consideration and will try to push an update later today, if not tomorrow. In the mean time, here's a sheep!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid world dir! No level.dat found in C:\Users\******\Documents\MineServerV3\world\level.dat
at tectonicus.World.<init>(
at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(
Does this only work with SP maps? This is what I get whenever I try to use it on an SMP map.
Null pointer exception in 0.6.6 when loading the world on OSX 10.6.5:
Application readyException in thread "Thread-6" j at GeneralClasses.GetFolderSize.getFileSize(
i've used it now a few times, i'm beginning to get some weird artifacts in the map, like whole sections not generating or generation on the tiles above, giving a mirrored look. not sure? and it happens usually when it locks up. no amount of time unfreezes it, and almost always results in the artifacts.
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Quote from jon99977 »
I got all my friends to play minecraft.
Which means I got 0 people to play.
Quote from Vilborg »
MY friends actually realize that real life has better graphics than any game, and that gameplay is infinitely better. Thus they all play Minecraft.
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Failed to find ARB pixel format 1 0
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPbufferPeerInfo.nCreate(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPbufferPeerInfo.<init>(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createPbuffer(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Pbuffer.createPbuffer(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Pbuffer.<init>(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Pbuffer.<init>(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Pbuffer.<init>(
at tectonicus.TileRenderer.<init>(
at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main(
I got the same ARB error with antialiasing set to 4 but it went away when I set it to 0. Unfortunately, once it starts rendering the individual the process seems to stall a couple hundred pieces in and the entire interface becomes unresponsive, requiring a trip to the task manager to kill it. This seems to be the case whether I'm running it on my primary 25 MB world or a brand new 1.X MB world.
I'm running:
Win7 64 bit
32 bit Java
EVGA NVidia GTX 470
Actually, here's the printout from within Minetographer:
OS Name: Windows 7
OS Architecture: x86
OS Version: 6.1
Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java version: 1.6.0_23
Awt toolkit:
Headless?: null
Seems like an awesome implementation and I can't wait to get it working!
Null pointer exception in 0.6.6 when loading the world on OSX 10.6.5:
Application readyException in thread "Thread-6" j at GeneralClasses.GetFolderSize.getFileSize(
Thanks for the report, this will be repaired in 0.6.7.
i've used it now a few times, i'm beginning to get some weird artifacts in the map, like whole sections not generating or generation on the tiles above, giving a mirrored look. not sure? and it happens usually when it locks up. no amount of time unfreezes it, and almost always results in the artifacts.
These artifacts are part of bugs in the rendering engine. The engine is updated with almost every released of Minetographer, so these should be resolved soon.
Here it is, a cross-platform GUI for Tectonicus, the best Minecraft map renderer!
Minetographer is a Minecraft deep map renderer powered by OrangyTang's Tectonicus. It allows you to make highly detailed maps of your Minecraft worlds that are viewable using HTML. This makes it easy to create and load maps onto a web server to be viewed anywhere. Minetographer also prioritizes tasks according to system load to make the rendering process even faster and more stable.
Map generator screen:
Minetographer will automatically list all your Minecraft worlds. Select one, choose your options and press Render Map to start the rendering process.
When the render is complete, Minetographer will open your map automatically. The generated map will look like the map seen below.
Day render:
Night render:
Cave render:
Custom texture pack render:
System Requirements:
XP, Vista, Windows 7
Java 1.6.0_25+
Mac OS X:
OS X 10.5.8+
Java 1.6
NOTE: Java 1.7 Beta for Mac is not supported!
Java 1.6.0_25+
Download Version (0.7.7):
Mac OS X - Download!
Windows - Download!
Linux - Download!
In This Version:
- Title displays only version and not distribution.
- Render the Ender dimension. (Testing)
- Support for new 1.0 block types.
- Added option to update the map without a complete re-render.
- App settings is now in XML format instead of MDat format.
- Blog posts no longer trail way off the screen.
- No longer saves config files multiple times during startup.
- Settings panel has more intuitive user interface.
- Minor visual improvements.
Release Notes: View...
Running Minetographer in Manual Mode:
Writing Plugins for Minetographer:
To write a custom plugin for Minetographer you must download and import the plugin libraries provided in the link below.
Browse Plugin Javadocs: Browse...
Note: The plugin system is very minimal at this point. More classes will be added to the plugin libraries as need arises.
Plugin Example:
Tectonicus is created and owned by OrangyTang. To see more about Tectonicus, visit its forum page here. If you like this software, you can donate to the Tectonicus project. I am only responsible for the GUI and other related software. He is responsible for the rendering engine that powers Minetographer.
Minetographer is available under version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
finally something that works on a damn mac!!! omg! rendering now, might be awhile xD 400 out of 3600...i'll post the results!
I'm rendering right now, so far, I haven't had any problems with it, besides 'number of samples before anti aliasing'..
had to change it to 0.
its on tile 390/6236
Nice, it took like 2 hours to render though. I blame the computer.
Awesome detail. ... 162719.png
Does this only work with SP maps? This is what I get whenever I try to use it on an SMP map.
i have OSX 1.6.5, works like a charm for meh!
EDIT: I have the same issue.
GRR!!!!! Seems epic... but with bugs.
I'm running:
Win7 64 bit
32 bit Java
EVGA NVidia GTX 470
Actually, here's the printout from within Minetographer:
OS Name: Windows 7
OS Architecture: x86
OS Version: 6.1
Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java version: 1.6.0_23
Awt toolkit:
Headless?: null
Seems like an awesome implementation and I can't wait to get it working!
Thanks for the report, this will be repaired in 0.6.7.
These artifacts are part of bugs in the rendering engine. The engine is updated with almost every released of Minetographer, so these should be resolved soon.
The largest map I have tested is about 10Mb and that takes about an hour. Expect that at 30Mb map will take aprox. 3 hours.
Hang tight! :biggrin.gif: