MTS is the fastest map renderer currently available for Minecraft, capable of rendering huge worlds in minutes or less. It also caches the world as it goes, so the more times you use it on the same world, the faster it gets. Please try it out!
You need Windows and the .net 4 runtime which is available here Download Here
Images are exported to png into the folder of the .jar. Heightmap can be found as <world number>-heightmap.png and terrain as <world number>-terrain.png
if you get a crash or instability, please post a bug on the bug tracker / post here about it.
Source code for the .net version is available under the MS-PL on the Project homepage
Changes in 1.5
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Upload to web feature
[*:301ee6ao]Supports new save format
[*:301ee6ao]Improved cache
Changes in 1.2
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Spectrograph mode, incredibly useful for finding minerals
[*:301ee6ao]vastly improved cache, uses about 1/10th of the space now.
[*:301ee6ao]Changing light level no longer clears the cache
Changes in 1.1
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Cave mode
[*:301ee6ao]render from folder (which means you can render smp saves now)
[*:301ee6ao]Update notification
[*:301ee6ao]Scrolling now works correctly
Changes in 1.0.3
[*:301ee6ao] List worlds that exist in a dropdown rather than in the options dialog.
[*:301ee6ao] Display rendering stats in the window title instead of a popup.
[*:301ee6ao] Added a 'save' button to save the map instead of an auto popup when rendering completes.
[*:301ee6ao] Added jpeg output support.
[*:301ee6ao] Added 'render from folder' feature to render worlds not in the default saves directory.
[*:301ee6ao] Hide the progress bar when not rendering to save space.
Changes in 1.0.2
[*:301ee6ao] Re-written in .net
[*:301ee6ao] Increased speed
[*:301ee6ao] Added lighting to oblique mode
[*:301ee6ao] Added cache to increase the second render of a slightly modified world
Changes in 0.2.2
[*:301ee6ao]Packed executable that sets up the heap space correctly
Changes in 0.2.1
[*:301ee6ao]Added oblique mode
[*:301ee6ao]Changed render icon
[*:301ee6ao]Snow support
Changes in 0.2:
[*:301ee6ao]Re-worked threading of the main user interface, keeping it usable whilst processing
[*:301ee6ao]Improved main user interface so that everything is in the menus
[*:301ee6ao]Draggable preview window
[*:301ee6ao]Improved performance
[*:301ee6ao]Most cross platform issues have been resolved
But there are some serious speed problems. It's awesome that it is multi-threaded, but it is drastically slower than cartographer. I do like how your oblique renders look though.
A few more features, (cave mode/ore breakdown), a speed boost, and I'd switch to this full-time.
0:00 - Start rendering a height, terrain, and oblique map World 2, a 55MB map, or 19,368 chunks.
0:00 - Goes fairly quickly from chunk 1-15,000
0:04 - Starts to slow down at 15,000
0:04 - Chugs along at like 25-50 chunks a second from 15,000-17,000
0:06 - Goes up at like 5-10 a second from 17,000-18,000
0:07 - Goes up at around 1-5 a second from 18,000-18,500
0:08 - Goes up at about 1 a second from 18,500-18,976
0:09 - Freezes.
I didn't get the the std.err.txt and std.out.txt of this one. I'm fairly sure it's the same error as below, but if you really want it, I'll do it again.
I'd like to point out that your shell script does not work.
-bash: /Users/************/Downloads/Minecraft/MTS-0.2.2/ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
But other than that this is awesome. I can finally get a map of my worlds. AND it knows where to look for my maps, something a certain other map generator has failed to fix *cough*jcartograph*cough*
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'm having basically the same problem as Swampfox. I sent you a PM with the info last night, Dred_furst. I am definitely using 0.2.2 (I just downloaded it again and tried again with the same error). I can send you my World3 if that would help, let me know.
I just tried rendering the terrain and heightmap, and those completed successfully. So yeah, it's only the oblique render that's running out of memory.
I'd like to point out that your shell script does not work.
-bash: /Users/************/Downloads/Minecraft/MTS-0.2.2/ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
But other than that this is awesome. I can finally get a map of my worlds. AND it knows where to look for my maps, something a certain other map generator has failed to fix *cough*jcartograph*cough*
All you have to do is convert it from DOS line endings to Unix.
I fixed this by running: fromdos
Quote from robodoggy »
Is it possible that you could release only the code that reads the level file. I haven't seen code for that around yet, and I'm really interested.
Yeah there needs to be more documentation on this, perhaps added to the wiki.
Its particularly confusing how chunk coordinates work and how they all fit together.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Quote from JamesK89 »
Quote from Z31 »
I'd like to point out that your shell script does not work.
-bash: /Users/************/Downloads/Minecraft/MTS-0.2.2/ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
But other than that this is awesome. I can finally get a map of my worlds. AND it knows where to look for my maps, something a certain other map generator has failed to fix *cough*jcartograph*cough*
All you have to do is convert it from DOS line endings to Unix.
I fixed this by running: fromdos
If you don't have fromdos, you can use vim (or probably any number of other text editors). In vim, just open it up and type ":set ff=unix" and then save.
If you don't have fromdos, you can use vim (or probably any number of other text editors). In vim, just open it up and type ":set ff=unix" and then save.
I just changed it to
set ff=unix
java -jar ~/Downloads/Minecraft/MTS/minecraftImager.jar -Xms128m -Xmx1024m
of course, I'll have to change it if I ever move it.
Since for some reason Cartographer seems to not like windows 7, I'm glad that you decided to put in the time to make one that works , and is multiplatform.
I have to ask though, is it possible to implement a zoom feature?
Even if there isn't, I'm glad I found a program that I can actually use to see my maps. Thank you for this. Keep up the good work.
I find it better than cartographer by the fact it actually works for me. Although my 135 MB map freezes it up. XD
+1 although it's having trouble generating maps for my 13MB map.
I am currently running it on my 135 MB map, it is almost on 19,000 out of 53,675 chucks.
EDIT: Hm... it ran out of memory, and in the std.err.txt there were a lot of "Unknown tile 83" and "Unknown tile 82" and Unknown tile 81"
This program is the only one I could find that works on lunix. I had to move the server data into my ~/.minecraft folder but it worked great afterwards.
Additional render modes!
Spectrograph mode:
Heightmap mode:
Cave mode:
You need Windows and the .net 4 runtime which is available here
Download Here
Images are exported to png into the folder of the .jar. Heightmap can be found as <world number>-heightmap.png and terrain as <world number>-terrain.png
Here's a huge image showing an entire world.
if you get a crash or instability, please post a bug on the bug tracker / post here about it.
Source code for the .net version is available under the MS-PL on the Project homepage
Changes in 1.5
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Upload to web feature
[*:301ee6ao]Supports new save format
[*:301ee6ao]Improved cache
Changes in 1.2
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Spectrograph mode, incredibly useful for finding minerals
[*:301ee6ao]vastly improved cache, uses about 1/10th of the space now.
[*:301ee6ao]Changing light level no longer clears the cache
Changes in 1.1
[*:301ee6ao]Improved user interface
[*:301ee6ao]Cave mode
[*:301ee6ao]render from folder (which means you can render smp saves now)
[*:301ee6ao]Update notification
[*:301ee6ao]Scrolling now works correctly
Changes in 1.0.3
[*:301ee6ao] List worlds that exist in a dropdown rather than in the options dialog.
[*:301ee6ao] Display rendering stats in the window title instead of a popup.
[*:301ee6ao] Added a 'save' button to save the map instead of an auto popup when rendering completes.
[*:301ee6ao] Added jpeg output support.
[*:301ee6ao] Added 'render from folder' feature to render worlds not in the default saves directory.
[*:301ee6ao] Hide the progress bar when not rendering to save space.
Changes in 1.0.2
[*:301ee6ao] Re-written in .net
[*:301ee6ao] Increased speed
[*:301ee6ao] Added lighting to oblique mode
[*:301ee6ao] Added cache to increase the second render of a slightly modified world
Changes in 0.2.2
[*:301ee6ao]Packed executable that sets up the heap space correctly
Changes in 0.2.1
[*:301ee6ao]Added oblique mode
[*:301ee6ao]Changed render icon
[*:301ee6ao]Snow support
Changes in 0.2:
[*:301ee6ao]Re-worked threading of the main user interface, keeping it usable whilst processing
[*:301ee6ao]Improved main user interface so that everything is in the menus
[*:301ee6ao]Draggable preview window
[*:301ee6ao]Improved performance
[*:301ee6ao]Most cross platform issues have been resolved
(Deprecated Unsupported) Java version Download Here
[*:iezirunp] Added oblique mode
[*:iezirunp] Changed an icon
[*:iezirunp] Snow support
For your program, It looks a lot like Cartograph but it can work on Linux (and mac). This'll be cool for those who can't run Cartograph.
But there are some serious speed problems. It's awesome that it is multi-threaded, but it is drastically slower than cartographer. I do like how your oblique renders look though.
A few more features, (cave mode/ore breakdown), a speed boost, and I'd switch to this full-time.
0:00 - Start rendering a height, terrain, and oblique map World 2, a 55MB map, or 19,368 chunks.
0:00 - Goes fairly quickly from chunk 1-15,000
0:04 - Starts to slow down at 15,000
0:04 - Chugs along at like 25-50 chunks a second from 15,000-17,000
0:06 - Goes up at like 5-10 a second from 17,000-18,000
0:07 - Goes up at around 1-5 a second from 18,000-18,500
0:08 - Goes up at about 1 a second from 18,500-18,976
0:09 - Freezes.
I didn't get the the std.err.txt and std.out.txt of this one. I'm fairly sure it's the same error as below, but if you really want it, I'll do it again.
If I render the oblique by itself, it gets to 19,368/19,368, but freezes.
I'm no java expert but it looks like...
it's running out of memory.
If I render the height by itself, it works just fine.
If I render the terrain by itself, it works just fine.
I hope this stuff is of some help?
My map is too big? :biggrin.gif:
But other than that this is awesome. I can finally get a map of my worlds. AND it knows where to look for my maps, something a certain other map generator has failed to fix *cough*jcartograph*cough*
I just tried rendering the terrain and heightmap, and those completed successfully. So yeah, it's only the oblique render that's running out of memory.
All you have to do is convert it from DOS line endings to Unix.
I fixed this by running: fromdos
Yeah there needs to be more documentation on this, perhaps added to the wiki.
Its particularly confusing how chunk coordinates work and how they all fit together.
If you don't have fromdos, you can use vim (or probably any number of other text editors). In vim, just open it up and type ":set ff=unix" and then save.
I just changed it to
of course, I'll have to change it if I ever move it.
+1 although it's having trouble generating maps for my 13MB map.
I have to ask though, is it possible to implement a zoom feature?
Even if there isn't, I'm glad I found a program that I can actually use to see my maps. Thank you for this. Keep up the good work.
I am currently running it on my 135 MB map, it is almost on 19,000 out of 53,675 chucks.
EDIT: Hm... it ran out of memory, and in the std.err.txt there were a lot of "Unknown tile 83" and "Unknown tile 82" and Unknown tile 81"
I'm getting the exact same thing. Urgh.
I love you.
P.S. Marry me.