MCEdit is an open source world editor for just about any version of Minecraft. MCEdit was first created to allow players to preserve anything built with several old versions of Minecraft and take them forward into newer versions of the game. It also aims to be forward-compatible with future (or even modified) versions of Minecraft. It has since been improved with brush tools for laying down blocks in different shapes, integration with the Minecraft Server to generate terrain using Minecraft’s own seed algorithms, support for multiplayer worlds, and editors for certain blocks including chests and mob spawners.
To get an idea of what MCEdit can do, just watch this tutorial/walkthrough by a famous mapmaker:
To download the latest MCEdit or report any problems you may have, head over to theofficial site. You can find downloads and other helpful links on the left sidebar, and news about the program's development will be posted regularly. If you want to share MCEdit, please only link to the official site at Don't upload MCEdit to a file sharing site or post links to the direct downloads. If you downloaded MCEdit from a site other than, I do not recommend using it.
MCEdit is continually under development. If you want to help, the simplest thing to do is download one of the "development" builds from the download page and play around with it. Post in this thread or on the issue tracker on GitHub if you find anything wrong. Be sure to include version (and build) numbers or your report won't be very helpful. Click on the Report an Issue link to find out what is needed for a helpful problem report.
A brief Frequently Asked Questions list is maintained on github. If your question isn't answered there, go ahead and post in this thread. If you think it should be included in the FAQ, just say so!
Navigate the world using familiar WASD controls and mouse aiming.
Show the locations of dropped items, game entities including monsters and villagers, hidden ores, plus blocks with TileEntities and other Minecraft internals.
Load saved games from current Minecraft versions, plus the older Classic and Indev versions.
Limited support for Minecraft Pocket Edition saved games
Export blocks and game entities as a .schematic file to be imported by MCEdit or compatible programs.
Automatically fixes wool colors when importing and exporting between Minecraft PC, Classic, and Pocket editions!
Double-click on a chest to change its contents, or double-click on a mob spawner to choose what spawns.
Brush tool “paints” blocks in a round, diamond, or square shape with configurable size. Different brush modes will add new blocks, replace blocks, alter the top layer of the terrain or wear it down to smooth out rough objects.
“Paste” brush allows you to import an object with a single click.
“Flood Fill” brush will change all blocks that form a connected mass.
Clone tool makes a copy of blocks and entities, optionally making multiple clones in a line or scaling the copy up or down.
Clone and Import tools can rotate an object around any axis, or flip it horizontally or vertically.
“Filter” plugins let users add functionality to MCEdit by writing Python code.
Move the world’s spawn point, automatically removing blocks to make sure the spawn point is acceptable to Minecraft.
Move and rotate any player in a single- or multiplayer world.
Expand or contract the world’s size by adding or deleting chunks. Chunks are the basis of Minecraft’s “infinite” saved game format.
Create new worlds or add chunks to existing worlds. The Minecraft Server can be harnessed to create natural terrain that meshes with the world’s existing seed. Flatlands can also be created at any height.
“Analyze” feature counts the block and entity types in a selected area, optionally saving them to a .csv file.
Maintenance commands can delete all blocks, entities, or chunks in a selected region. This is useful for getting a “corrupted” world back into a playable state.
Here's a quick review:
It took a while to download as it was over 8mb, so I looked inside the files and saw there were a lot of files.
After that I decided to run it, as you said, it is really slow, and it almost crashed once.
And also because it is slow, it is also hard to control.
But I think that if you work hard you might be able to speed it up, and improve it.
Once this is done, I think that it might be actually a good program.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Damn you forum only allowing two lines in the signature. - Thank you slimes.
I would love to try the editor, but after selecting any level.dat, the program closes. No error messages either, if that matters. Just letting you know.
I would love to try the editor, but after selecting any level.dat, the program closes. No error messages either, if that matters. Just letting you know.
I'm working on Infinite map support right now! In the meantime, you should be able to open .mclevel files, so feel free to try that out.
I would love to try the editor, but after selecting any level.dat, the program closes. No error messages either, if that matters. Just letting you know.
I'm working on Infinite map support right now! In the meantime, you should be able to open .mclevel files, so feel free to try that out.
Which smaller maps? It can open the old indev .mclevel files, did you mean those?
Those, and server maps that use .mine (creative map files) for the sake of being able to make levels for maps. If it can do that, I'll be surely amazed.
Nice job! I managed to get it to work. I used Omen to convert my *.dat to a *.mclevel
I just viewed my map, I didn't attempt to edit. The map I used was 256 x 256 x 256.
It was on the slow side, about 10-12 fps. I'm running Vista Home Premium with 4 gigs on a Core 2 duo 2.2ghz and a Nvidia 9800GT (512meg texture mem).
I did notice that it was displaying the 1/2 height step blocks as a full block.
One suggestion, the ability to configure the keys would be nice, maybe a text config file of some kind for that.
I find "w,a,s,d" to be awkward, I prefer the arrow keys.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."
Nice job! I managed to get it to work. I used Omen to convert my *.dat to a *.mclevel
I just viewed my map, I didn't attempt to edit. The map I used was 256 x 256 x 256.
It was on the slow side, about 10-12 fps. I'm running Vista Home Premium with 4 gigs on a Core 2 duo 2.2ghz and a Nvidia 9800GT (512meg texture mem).
I did notice that it was displaying the 1/2 height step blocks as a full block.
One suggestion, the ability to configure the keys would be nice, maybe a text config file of some kind for that.
I find "w,a,s,d" to be awkward, I prefer the arrow keys.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll have a config file in the next release or so. After that, I'm going to work on improving performance from now on.
In the meantime, I've posted a new version with a couple of new features. Check it out, and don't forget to report bugs!
It starts to load the level but as soon as the 3d render starts to show something It crashes and I get this in the cmd prompt:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "OpenGL\GLUT\special.pyo", line 120, in safeCall
File "", line 1409, in idle
File "", line 870, in doWork
File "", line 1030, in calcFaces
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable
GLUT Idle callback <bound method MCEdit.idle of <__main__.MCEdit instance at
2D2ECB0>> with (),{} failed: returning None 'int' object is unsubscriptable
One thing I want to add to the lists of problems, is that when loading older maps (such as creative ones), all maps that feature the old half block will crash infdev. Although the half steps now in infdev wont crash the game, the outdated half blocks from previous saves will still crash the game if they are loaded into it. Is there someway you could add a tool that changes the old half steps and half blocks to be the new half steps and blocks? ( )
MCEdit is an open source world editor for just about any version of Minecraft. MCEdit was first created to allow players to preserve anything built with several old versions of Minecraft and take them forward into newer versions of the game. It also aims to be forward-compatible with future (or even modified) versions of Minecraft. It has since been improved with brush tools for laying down blocks in different shapes, integration with the Minecraft Server to generate terrain using Minecraft’s own seed algorithms, support for multiplayer worlds, and editors for certain blocks including chests and mob spawners.
To get an idea of what MCEdit can do, just watch this tutorial/walkthrough by a famous mapmaker:
To download the latest MCEdit or report any problems you may have, head over to the official site. You can find downloads and other helpful links on the left sidebar, and news about the program's development will be posted regularly. If you want to share MCEdit, please only link to the official site at Don't upload MCEdit to a file sharing site or post links to the direct downloads. If you downloaded MCEdit from a site other than, I do not recommend using it.
MCEdit is continually under development. If you want to help, the simplest thing to do is download one of the "development" builds from the download page and play around with it. Post in this thread or on the issue tracker on GitHub if you find anything wrong. Be sure to include version (and build) numbers or your report won't be very helpful. Click on the Report an Issue link to find out what is needed for a helpful problem report.
A brief Frequently Asked Questions list is maintained on github. If your question isn't answered there, go ahead and post in this thread. If you think it should be included in the FAQ, just say so!
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
Damn you forum only allowing two lines in the signature.
- Thank you slimes.
It took a while to download as it was over 8mb, so I looked inside the files and saw there were a lot of files.
After that I decided to run it, as you said, it is really slow, and it almost crashed once.
And also because it is slow, it is also hard to control.
But I think that if you work hard you might be able to speed it up, and improve it.
Once this is done, I think that it might be actually a good program.
Damn you forum only allowing two lines in the signature.
- Thank you slimes.
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
I'm working on Infinite map support right now! In the meantime, you should be able to open .mclevel files, so feel free to try that out.
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
Ah, okay. :smile.gif:
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
Which smaller maps? It can open the old indev .mclevel files, did you mean those?
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
Those, and server maps that use .mine (creative map files) for the sake of being able to make levels for maps. If it can do that, I'll be surely amazed.
I just viewed my map, I didn't attempt to edit. The map I used was 256 x 256 x 256.
It was on the slow side, about 10-12 fps. I'm running Vista Home Premium with 4 gigs on a Core 2 duo 2.2ghz and a Nvidia 9800GT (512meg texture mem).
I did notice that it was displaying the 1/2 height step blocks as a full block.
One suggestion, the ability to configure the keys would be nice, maybe a text config file of some kind for that.
I find "w,a,s,d" to be awkward, I prefer the arrow keys.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll have a config file in the next release or so. After that, I'm going to work on improving performance from now on.
In the meantime, I've posted a new version with a couple of new features. Check it out, and don't forget to report bugs!
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
And I was just trying to load a flatrock level.
You should keep an archive of previous versions, please.
I just have to say that it would be a lot easier to edit if there were transparency with the regular blocks.
Just saying.
It starts to load the level but as soon as the 3d render starts to show something It crashes and I get this in the cmd prompt: